Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 21

by Maxwell Avoi

  I smiled and then laughed. “No, Albert, you’re not hurting me. In fact it was the opposite. It felt very very good. Did you like it?”

  He nodded. “Then go ahead. I’m all yours, champ.” I pulled my shoulders back again and he started playing with the girls in earnest, kneading and hefting them, gently stroking my nipples and then pinching them very lightly at my suggestion. I could tell that I was going to have to be the aggressor in this little interlude, and I was fine with that. I was getting more and more aroused by him with every passing heartbeat.

  Eventually I put my hands on his, guiding him away from me, and I stood up. He was still taller than me even when he was sitting down, and I marveled at the magnificent sight of him. I bent over and pulled my skirt down, and then my panties. I kicked them to the side and spread my arms, presenting myself to him entirely naked. He didn’t just stare like the other guys…he drank me in, as if I was an oasis and he’d been thirsty all his life. A look like that will bring fire to a girl’s nethers.

  I said, “Okay, champ, it’s your turn.”

  “Oh, uh.” He stood without further elaboration and fumbled at his shorts, eventually recovering the brainpower needed to pull them down and off. When he straightened up, I suddenly realized why they had seemed so strained. Albert’s cock was in proportion to the rest of him, and it stretched forward as if trying to get to me. He shifted and blushed again, actually looking embarrassed, and he half-covered himself with one giant paw.

  I had to take action or risk losing my shot at him. Sure, I could fuck Tate or even Joe, but this guy was the one I wanted even if it was only because he just happened to be the one in front of me. I said, “Albert, it’s magnificent.”

  He blinked. “Huh? It’s not too…too big?”

  I smiled. “Most guys I know would kill for a cock like that, champ. Now sit down and let me start to show you how much fun we’re going to have together.”

  “Just…just sit?” he said. I nodded, and he did so.

  “There,” I said. I went to him and opened one of the condoms. He was huge but I knew that the rubber would stretch. I unrolled it down his length, rubbing at him with my fingertips and then ending with a kiss on the tip before standing up again. He gaped at me in pure awe.

  I threw one perfect leg over him so that I ended up straddling his lap and facing him. His cock was a hard, hot presence between the two of us, and he gasped a bit when my slick pussy slid down the outside. I thought I might go crazy if I didn’t have it inside me soon but he needed a little more encouragement.

  I lifted up and kissed him, my heavy breasts pressed flat against his hairy chest. I felt as though every hair was plain to my wildly sensitive nipples. Then we lost ourselves in kissing. I sensed the quiet longing in him, the delicate hope that I wouldn’t pull away in disgust, that this wasn’t a trick. There was no way that I could take money for this.

  He was hesitant at first, becoming a little more confident as I continued to kiss. Soon our tongues were dueling, his nervous and mine insistent, and I felt his massive arms come around to encircle me. His hands stroked up and down my skin, setting off ripples of heat and fire, and I gasped into his mouth, making pleased noises. I got louder when he hesitantly cupped my ass, kneading at me and pulling me closer to him. I whispered, “It’s all yours tonight, Albert.”

  His answering groan was enough signal for me: Albert was as ready for his first time as he was going to get. I had long since passed the point of no return, and I knew that I was going to go off like a rocket. Still kissing, I reached down and grasped his giant cock, situating him so that he was pointed at the right spot, and I gently lowered my hips onto him.

  I moaned again as he stretched me. I was no virgin, not in any sense, but he was so big that I was tight around him. I could feel each vein and bump on his cock, alien and wonderful as it slid in, precisely what my body and I desired. Albert’s eyes were wide. “So…so tight,” he whispered, his breath hitching with each word.

  “So big!” I said back, my own breath unsteady. There was no way that I was going to fit the entire thing in but I was determined to get as much of him inside me as I could. “Oh Albert, it’s so great…so great! I won’t…I won’t be long this time, and…but we can keep! Yes! We can keep going!”

  I rolled my hips as I talked, his giant cock moving inside me, and I could tell by the way his eyes rolled back that I had mere seconds. The stretching turned to pleasure, which joined with the already-existing heat, and just like the other times I came right along with him. I held onto him and cried out helplessly as my world cracked apart and drenched me with molten ecstasy, and he gave a deep groan as he did his best to fill me.

  When it was over and he was softening inside me, he whispered, “Sorry.”

  I patted his cheek. “For what, champ?”

  “Sorry I…didn’t last long, I never…”

  I smiled and silenced him with a kiss. “It felt amazing, Albert. And don’t worry. I’m here for you when you get, you know, recharged.”

  He blushed as my kiss went to work on him. He said, “Um…then, um, I hope you have more condoms soon.”

  I felt him stirring inside me, and my eyes widened in mock surprise. “Already?”

  He looked away, shame-faced. “It’s part of…I mean, it’s always been like that when I…it’s not like that for everyone?”

  I turned his face back toward mine. “No. I think you’ve just become my new favorite, Albert.”

  He smiled as he hardened inside me and soon we were rocking together again. This time we took longer, long enough for me to be driven to climax twice before he released inside me with a deep groan.

  We played together for hours, me taking the lead and showing him how to take me from behind, from the front, everywhere. My favorite moment was when he pinned up up against the wall, his hands cupping my ass to support me and my legs wrapped around him as he pounded into me, both of us crying out in wanton pleasure.

  I don’t know how many times we did it that night, but I do know that my marvelously responsive body never stopped giving up climax after climax. As long as he was able to go again, so was I, and Albert was able to keep going for a long time. He gradually gained confidence, becoming more secure about touching me and urging me into one position or another. I didn’t care; I was getting precisely what the curse wanted and it was rewarding me with the most incredible bliss I’d ever felt. Was I a woman being fucked by a man? Sure I was. I couldn’t do a damn thing to stop myself, though, and I didn’t try very hard.

  Eventually we wound down, of course. Not even Albert, massive and unusual as he was, could keep that level of activity up all night. He finally fell asleep around one in the morning and though part of me wanted to stay there with him I knew that I’d be changing back soon.

  I got up and dressed again. I picked up the folded cash from the floor and tucked it into Albert’s hand before quietly leaving. I felt sore and sated in a way that I’d never felt before in this hyper-feminine body, utterly at peace and without even the slightest hint of arousal.

  I got to the car before the change hit me, wracking me with helpless spasms until I was back to normal again. The events of the last few hours finally all caved in on me and I barely had the strength to send Joe a text before falling asleep. I woke up sometime later, long enough to drag myself to my bed and collapse, and then I didn’t know anything else until my alarm woke me the next morning.

  I didn’t meet Joe’s eyes as I got my books together. He said, “Hey, it’s not like I don’t understand.”

  I blushed. “It’s just embarrassing. Straight guy all my life and then suddenly so, you know. That.”

  “It’s a curse. You can’t help it.”

  “I can help it. I’m going to find out how to break this if it’s the last thing I do.”

  He sighed and said, “Well, good luck.”

  I threw myself into research when I wasn’t writing papers for class. The days went by in a blur, punctuated by irregular m
eals and naps where I woke up with my face down in a book. I haunted online forums, asking questions that I hoped had answers, and finally I found some possibilities.

  The day before Joe’s next change, I sat down with him and showed him the fruits of my research. We went over it a couple of times and then he sat back and rubbed his eyes. “So you think it’ll cancel out?”

  “That’s how it looks to me. There’s a sort of resonance, and if two people who have the same resonance are together to sate the curse, then it looks like the curse will short circuit.”

  “Are you sure this isn’t just a trick to get Carol into your bed again?”

  “No, dude, really! I could go over it again, show you-“

  He waved his hand. “No, bad joke, sorry. If you really think it might work, then I’ll stay here tomorrow. But if it doesn’t work, can we just drop it? I can teach you how to cope, how to live with the curse and all, okay?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t promise to drop it. There has to be a way to stop this. But I promise to listen to you and learn how to deal. That’s the best I can do.”

  He nodded. “All right, that’s fine. So, tomorrow night.”

  I nodded back. “And it has to be done, um, bareback.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Men. Fine.”

  I got through the next day a minute at a time. I don’t know how often I checked the clock, watching it inch its way through the hours, but there were a couple of times that I was sure I was going to go insane while I waited. I was mostly looking forward to breaking the curse, though I had to admit that having sex with Carol again was going to be a nice bonus.

  Time passed, as it usually does, and eventually we were both sitting in the living room and waiting for the sun to go down. Once it did and the moon came up, we waited for the transformation to sweep over Joe. Finally he became Carol again and we sat looking at each other.

  She broke the silence first. “Well, here we are. Are you ready?”

  “Well…yeah, I think so. I just…you don’t sound very enthusiastic.”

  “Hey, you know how it is. It’ll take a little while for me to get in the mood, you know?”

  “Oh, right. Should I help with that?”

  Her eyes lit up a little and I saw that impish smile again. “I wish you would.”

  I undressed her slowly. It was more difficult than the first time, more difficult than making love as Deanna. I couldn’t look at her face without seeing Joe as well, which put a crimp in things. I also felt a certain pressure to perform. This was supposed to be the cure, after all.

  Fortunately, Joe was in full Carol mode and was soon eager to get to bed. It wasn’t long before she was gloriously naked, wearing only one sock but too excited to remove it. I closed my eyes and immersed myself in her, touching and caressing every inch of her until my own body had forgotten about Joe and knew only Carol. She was hot by that time, panting and slick, and eventually it was easy to slide into her.

  She clenched around me, bare skin to bare skin, and I groaned softly. I thrust into her and she bucked to meet me. Her face was wild and reckless, smiling with that devilish glint as she met me. I loved watching her dissolve into pleasure as I got closer and closer, knowing that we were going to climax at the same time. The knowledge made me hold back as long as I could to force her as high as she could get but eventually the feel of her incredible body beneath mine set me off, and I roared when I emptied myself into her. She screamed at the same time, on and on as the orgasm carried us further and further. It didn’t die down, instead getting stronger and stronger, and I felt something in her drinking me in as I came and came and came. The pleasure doubled and redoubled, holding us helpless in its grip until it eventually smothered us and drove us down into dark bliss.

  I woke up feeling wonderful, smiling around my familiar room. I was naked, wrapped in blankets and deliciously relaxed, glowing with the knowledge that my research had borne fruit. I had broken the curse, along with Joe, and now both of us would be free! I felt amazing, and even horny again. The sensation made me laugh, giving me the first clue of something wrong when the sound came out differently than usual.

  Joe was asleep next to me, also naked, his body sprawled out and unashamed of his nakedness. I still felt horny even though I knew something was wrong, and my desire was drawn to him. I lifted one hand and saw that it was slim and white, with delicate bones and sculpted fingers. I lifted the blankets wrapped around me and beheld a huge pair of breasts pooled on my chest. Further exploration led me to understand that I was all woman.

  “Joe,” I whispered, still staring at my breasts. “Joe!”

  I heard him grunt something and then he rolled over against me, one arm coming out to rest on my massive tits. He tensed up and pulled away. “Deanna?”

  Of course I was, and I showed no signs of turning back to normal. I dove into my research to try to find out what had gone wrong but everything was so vague that it was possible to come up with a hundred different reasons. That first day, Joe worked with me, digging through the papers, and by the time lunch rolled around I was so horny that I couldn’t think straight.

  Joe reluctantly took me to bed. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to sleep with a woman as hot as I was; he just didn’t want to have the curse reverse itself and leave him stuck in Carol’s body. Fortunately for him nothing like that happened. Instead I had my usual two or three screaming orgasms and was sated, but I remained female in spite of it all.

  That’s how I found out, three months ago, that magic existed. I’ve been Deanna ever since then, stuck in this outrageously hot body with my unstoppable libido. It hasn’t been easy to adjust, especially since Deke Siegal is simply gone and Deanna Sykes doesn’t have any sort of background information, but Joe’s stuck by me the whole time.

  Perhaps even better, so has Albert. I visited him again and ended up staying two nights with him and during that time I told him a little bit about my troubles. He doesn’t know the whole story, but he’s been helping me get ahold of a new identity. When we celebrated my birthday he told me that he loved me.

  I didn’t respond the way he wanted me to, but I find myself watching him more and more, enjoying his sweetness and honesty, and I can’t say that the attraction I feel is entirely due to sex. Who knows? If I have to be this way, I could do worse than to end up with someone who adores me. He’s a wonderful guy, and I have to give him credit for being able to keep up with me in the sack.

  When I was twenty I found out that magic existed. When I was twenty-one, I found out that there’s more than one kind of magic.

  Halloween Ecstasy

  The few who lived in the apartments attached to the strip club called Absolute Ecstasy had no need for alarm clocks. Every day around noon, a series of pleasure-driven screams told them that it was time to get up and start the day.

  The mistress of the house was Miss Stacy, owner and operator as well as the source for the name of the club. She was also the source of the screams.

  Two days before Halloween, Stacy was on her hands and knees before another one of the club’s employees, TD. TD (short for Total Delight) Held her spectacular hips and fucked her like it was his job, slamming into her again and again as they worked together to find that mutual pleasure. Stacy moaned and wailed beneath him, her body wracked with waves of delight as she rolled her hips back into him. He reached out and pulled on her mane of rich, black hair as he rode her even harder, trying to plumb the depths of her, and Stacy’s frantic cries redoubled.

  Finally the heartfelt screams that were her only option returned as the supernova burst inside of her once more. TD thrust deep, his entire body clenching as he filled her with a massive gush, and the two of them shuddered in mutual ecstasy as they came and came.

  He pulled out and rolled onto his back next to her when it was over. She let herself fall sideways until she was spooned against him, her spectacular body pressed against his. TD’s arm came around and rested beneath hers as he idly played with one of her enormo
us breasts. Miss Stacy looked as if she’d been designed by a committee of horny fourteen-year-olds, and reacted to sex in the same way. TD was her male reflection, both of them just this side of ridiculously proportioned. Their bodies cooled, though she occasionally made a cooing noise as something he did to her nipple sent another wave of tingles through her.

  “I’m so tired of this,” she said, her voice somewhere between resignation and boredom. It was perfectly pitched to reach past a straight man’s waking mind and seize the brain stem by the balls; men had shot their loads in their pants at the sound of a whispered word from Stacy.

  “You’re not going to go into a Madeline Khan bit, are you?” TD’s voice was the same as hers, though the masculine model. She shivered again.

  “You know what I mean. I mean all this , you know?” She gestured at herself and then the room, vaguely taking in everything around them.

  “We do okay.”

  “I know we do okay , but come on. We’re stuck in a rut. You know it, I know it, Bree knows it. I miss…I miss being normal . Having a day to myself, to do what I want.”

  TD nodded, the motion sending more tingles through her as his hair brushed her neck. Stacy sighed, her breast filling his hand. “I just wish I could take a break from all this, just for a day. From…from having to wake up to sex and having a quickie just to get through the day, and then whatever it takes to get to sleep at night, and then all the dreams.”

  TD nodded again. “You don’t have to tell me how it is. I understand.”

  Stacy turned in his arms until they were face to face. She could feel his erection against her leg, and she felt herself automatically move her hips until he was able to slide into her. As always, it was glorious and fulfilling in a way that nothing else had been since the day that they’d escaped from the creature that had changed her. She started to roll her hips, slowly. Her body moved without conscious thought as she spoke. “At least you’re still a man. I don’t even have that much.”


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