Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 34

by Maxwell Avoi

  “It was . You wouldn’t even believe it. But thank you guys for coming in, like I said, I was getting kind of bored here all by myself,” I said. I sounded like a total airhead but that was okay.

  Wulf raised an eyebrow and grinned at me, glancing down at my boobs and the way that my nipples were trying to poke holes in the robe. “Yeah? Well how can we entertain you, anyway?”

  It turned out that Peanut’s nickname came from the size of his cock, but it wasn’t tiny. It was huge, bigger than any one that I’d seen before and so wide that he totally stretched me out. I asked why they called him Peanut and Wulf said it was something called “irony.” I thought I’d heard the word before but I couldn’t remember what it meant. It wasn’t important anyway, not as important as trying to deep-throat Peanut’s cock while Wulf pounded my pussy from behind. We all had such a great time, and it all felt so good! I just came and came and came, screaming and moaning all the time. I lost count of how many times!

  It was really late when we finished and they left. I was lying there on my bed, the covers all wound around me, wearing absolutely nothing but a smile and all the squishy juices that had come out of us. I felt so awesome as I fell asleep, and not bored even a little bit!

  I woke up feeling much less hungover than I had the day before but it still took me a little while to understand where I was and why I was naked. I groaned at the memory of Wulf and Peanut, both of them enthusiastically pounding into my female body while I had screamed and wailed in even more enthusiastic pleasure. It felt like a dream, terrible and wonderful at once, though from the smell of things and the way that the bedclothes were strewn about I knew that it had all happened just the way I remembered.

  I lay there wondering what I was going to do. I didn’t feel like I had the energy or the will to do much of anything unless it involved lying down in front of oncoming traffic.

  But no, I was sure that I had plenty to live for. I wasn’t sure what it was but I was sure it was out there somewhere. I got up, sore all over as if I’d been beaten during a particularly strenuous workout. I supposed in a way that I had. I found my duffle bag and dressed, groaning slightly when I had to move more than a couple of inches. Finally I was dressed and the all-important little sheet with the measurements was clutched in my hand. I wasn’t about to lose those; that would have meant more time as super-bimbo. I headed to the front desk and dropped off the key. The clerk gave me a glare from under bushy eyebrows and said, “Lotsa noise complaints from your room. Next time take your party somewhere else.”

  “Will do,” I croaked, earning a deeper glare. I left, wending my way to the car and then to school. I was glad that all my classes were on the ground floor of their various buildings, and the pain from my battered muscles kept me focused enough that I was able to halfway pay attention in class. I found that I had missed one homework paper but I couldn’t bring myself to care too much. I didn’t want to offer the excuse of, “Sorry, I was too busy letting a couple of probable drug dealers fuck the shit out of me last night.” I felt that it wouldn’t bring the kind of non-judgemental sympathy that I would have preferred. I just kept silent instead.

  After work I went to the library and its computer lab, where I set about turning the measurements I’d taken into useable information about clothing sizes. When I finally had a good idea of what would fit my bimbo form (I decided to call her Lauren for quick reference) I got into the car and headed to that Mecca of cheap crap, Wal-Mart.

  Not only was I not questioned about my purchase choices, no one seemed to care at all that I was in the women’s section or buying women’s clothing. The checker didn’t even blink. I didn’t buy anything very elaborate, though fitting Lauren’s hips turned out to be more of a challenge than I thought. Fortunately the nights were warm this time of year, so I was able to buy some shorts that were stretchy enough to take care of any potential problems in sizes.

  When I got home it was a major project to drag myself up the stairs. I was reminded of the night when I’d carried my new shampoo and soap up them, well before this utter insanity had taken over my life.

  Lenny was on the couch playing a game next to a tall, slim girl I hadn’t seen before. She looked familiar but I couldn’t place her. They looked up at me when I entered. Lenny just nodded and went back to what he was doing, but the girl said, “Hey, you sick fuck. What’ve you been up to?”

  I blinked at her. “Brody?”

  She shrugged and nodded. “Lenny told me that he was tired of me not believing you, and that I should try the shampoo to see what you were talking about. Nothing like that slut you were the other night, though. What was all that about?”

  Brody was right; she looked like herself, just a feminized version of herself. I said, “It’s just…it got out of hand, that’s all.”

  She snorted. “No shit. Lenny’s been trying to get into my pants since I changed, and he’s not any closer than he was this time yesterday.”

  “Yeah, well, Owen’s going to take part in a wet t-shirt contest, so apparently he has to be that slut,” said Lenny. He sounded irritated. I wasn’t totally sure why.

  Brody raised an eyebrow. “No kidding? What the hell for?”

  I raised one right back at her. “Thousand bucks.”

  She looked dubious. “Nice, but that’s kind of a long way to go for a thousand bucks, you know?”

  I shook my head. “I just let it get out of hand. It won’t happen again, don’t worry. And besides, I lost my job, so I gotta find some way to make some money.”

  “Whoa, Ricardo fired you?”

  I nodded and explained the delivery situation. When I was done even Lenny seemed a little less upset. He said, “Well that sucks. I still think there are better ways to make the money, though.”

  I shrugged. “You think of one, you let me know, okay?”

  Brody gave me a grin that looked surprisingly appealing on her new face. “Want us to come along with you? Moral support?”

  “It is in a strip club. That Ecstasy place, the one a few blocks down,” said Lenny, suddenly interested.

  I rolled my eyes. “You guys do what you want. I’m taking my own car.”

  I turned and went back to my room, pretty well exhausted. I was tired enough from my escapades of the last two days that the fact of Brody’s newfound femininity didn’t bother me too much. I figured she’d either be okay or she wouldn’t, and either way it would serve her right. Despite my fatigue, I lay in bed for a long time just staring at the ceiling before falling into a restless sleep; it felt unfair that I slept better as a bimbo than as my true self.

  The day dawned and I was a nervous wreck. I thought about skipping class but I knew that I wouldn’t do anything but pace around in the apartment until I went insane. At least school would give me a chance to think about something else, even if I didn’t take the opportunity.

  Sure enough, sitting through class was the easy part. Paying attention was impossible. I couldn’t think of anything but prancing around onstage with those enormous tits, showing off to the world. The thought of it make me feel faintly sick but I knew that Lauren would love it. I also tried not to think about what her proclivities might drive me to either before or after the contest itself. I would have to be on alert the whole time and concentrate on staying in my clothes. I had a sudden sympathy for Doctor Jekyll; outside of the particulars, our situations were pretty similar.

  Finally the time came to hit the shower. I was determined to do this in spite of everything; my dwindling bank account made sure of that. That afternoon I got into the shower and did my level best to put an inch of lather on myself before even attempting the shampoo part. Once the suds were cascading down my body and the tingles had turned to a white-hot level, I just held onto the faucet and let them do their worst. I felt myself changing this time, something that was usually hidden by the tingles, and I reflected that I might have gone overboard. By the time I reached to turn the water back on, though, the tingles were already abating. After a moment’
s hesitation I just stayed where I was, letting the tingles fade to nothing before I rinsed off.

  The feel of the water flowing down my skin was so good that I moaned a little. My voice was even higher-pitched, almost girlish, and the sound of it made me happy. I rinsed off and looked down, feeling like a little kid on Christmas morning as I saw what I had. My breasts had been huge the last two incarnations, but this time they were gigantic, easily a cup size larger than before. The hair that fell down them in wet rivulets was light blonde, almost white. I had to see what the rest of me looked like.

  Getting out of the shower was a feat; I would have to practice walking before trying to go onstage. It was hard to see much of me in the mirror because I was even shorter. My face was a lot like the last time, but now my lips were plumped out even more. They weren’t silly-looking, though; they were perfect, beautiful cocksucking lips that I couldn’t wait to try out with a real-

  I shut my blazing blue eyes and forced myself to calm down, though the aftermath of my ideas about cocksucking remained; my body was hot and tingly at the thought of wrapping my lips around some guy’s cock and sucking, sucking-

  I stopped myself again. This was going to be really hard. I focused on drying myself off, even though the signals from my rock-hard nips were hard to ignore. My waist was smaller and my hips were wider, and my ass had turned into something just totally other. Even though I was shorter, my legs looked longer than before, and they looked even better than they had last time. I looked like the focus of a wet dream, like every porn star rolled into one, like a thousand levels of hotness just waiting to fuck the hell out of-

  “Good Lord ,” I muttered, giggling slightly at the sound of my own voice. I sounded like such a bimbo! But that was okay, because I needed to win this contest.

  The contest! I had to get dressed, which was kinda bleh, but since I was driving and had to wear a t-shirt for the contest anyway I figured that I might as well put something on. I found the clothes I’d bought earlier and got them on after a little work. I thought my sizes had changed, making the clothes too small for me now, but they stretched and looked pretty awesome when I finally got them on. The white fabric of my t-shirt looked especially great with the way that my boobs stretched it out. I looked like I was going to tear through the shirt! I decided not to bother with a bra. What was the point?

  I got into the car and drove to the club, excited that I was finally going to get a chance to go out in public as Lauren. No, Lauri! This body definitely needed to be on display. I drove carefully, doing my best to keep focused on the road and not the way that the steering wheel pressed against my boobies. It was hard but I totally did it.

  I jiggled into the club, staring around at all the cool people and things there. The bouncer was a girl! She was like seven feet tall and looked really strong but you could totally tell that she was a girl by her chest and the way that she was still really pretty. She looked me over and let me in without a word, and I looked around. The club was a lot nicer than other ones that I’d been in, clean and classy instead of murky. I saw a sign that said something about the t-shirt contest, so I headed that way!

  The guy at the table…well, I had seen cute guys, and I had seen hot guys, but he was something completely different. He had the whole package, from the muscles to the easy smile to the face that looked like it had been built just for me, but there was something else. There was this sort of energy that came from him, energy that went right to my nipples and my groin and told them, “Time to party!” I had never felt such instant attraction to anyone, and I knew then that I had to fuck him. A lot.

  “Hi there,” he said. His voice alone almost made me come, sending shivers all through my hot body. He said, “Welcome to Absolute Ecstasy. I’m TD.”

  “Hi! I’m Lauri!” I chirped. I struggled to stay in control but my bimbo nature was coming through loud and clear in the way that I spoke and the way that I stood. I was almost drooling and it was just getting worse with each second.

  He grinned like he knew what I was thinking, “Are you here to sign up for the contest?” He looked me over, giving me a lazy inspection that made me feel naked, which was awesome. I loved being naked.

  “Uh huh! Think I have a chance?” I said, putting my shoulders back and pushing my boobies out for him. Somewhere, a seam snapped.

  “I’d give you the prize right now but I don’t think that’d be fair,” he said, his grin wider. He looked like he was a wolf who’d found something good to eat. I totally wanted him to eat me, too.

  I giggled. “It’s okay! Later, huh? We can do all kinds of prizes if you’re still around.”

  “Oh, I’ll be around. I’m the head bartender.”

  “Oh, yay!” I said, clapping my hands. The distant thought that alcohol would make it even harder to stay in control was almost drowned out by the flood of hormones and desire that filled me.

  “Well, I’ll just sign you up here as Lauri, then. Looks like your shirt’s about right. Can you show us some dance moves when the time comes?”

  “Dance moves?” I was surprised. The flyer hadn’t said anything about that!

  He shrugged. “Some girls like to do a few dance moves to show off when they get up there. You don’t have to. I’m sure you can win on just your looks alone.” He winked at me and I actually felt my pussy clench a little.

  “Oh, you’re so sweet,” I said. “Remember to come find me after the contest is over, okay? We can have some fun!” The words were out before I could stop them but it was okay. I totally meant it.

  “You got it. See you then.” He gave me a smile that seemed to pull me in, a hundred times stronger than before. I leaned closer, wanting to kiss him, wanting him to tear my clothes off and take me right there on the table in front of everyone. I felt like every single part of my awesome body was being pulled toward him. Then he winked again and I blinked, snapping out of it. One hand was already tugging at a nipple, and I let it drop. I gave him another smile and edged away from the table, caught between being totally horny and a little scared. If whatever that had been had gone on much longer I would have fucked him right there.

  It didn’t sound like a bad thing but it might have been embarrassing. I was kind of a screamer, after all. It might even have meant that I wouldn’t get to be in the contest!

  I sat at a table on my own for a while before a couple of guys came over to meet me. They seemed pretty nice and they bought me some drinks which was even nicer. I could feel my control slipping away but I didn’t care. I just had to keep reminding myself that I was going up on stage that evening. Otherwise I would totally have blown them there in the club, and then more!

  When the call came for the contest I stood up and had to catch my balance. I felt a little dizzy from the booze and I still wasn’t used to carrying all the boobs and hips and stuff. I gave the guys at my table big kisses and boobie hugs before I headed for the stage. I was right in the middle of the pack, and I was glad. It meant that I could watch some of the other girls dance or whatever before I got there.

  There were a lot of girls at the contest. I guess they all wanted the first place prize. Thanks to the shampoo and the soap, none of them were as hot as I was! We waited until the lights went down low, and then a spotlight came up on the center stage. A woman stood there, wearing a business suit that had been changed so that her cleavage showed and her legs were on display. I gaped at her. I was hot, hotter than anyone else in the contest, but she made me look like an old shoe. I felt the same way that I’d felt when I had talked to TD, which was weird because when I was in Lauri form I had never felt any attraction to girls before. I sure felt it toward her, though! I wanted to fuck her really badly.

  She lifted a microphone to her perfect lips and said, “Welcome to Absolute Ecstasy!” Her voice was just as hot as her body, just as sexy, and made me want to fuck her just as much as the rest of her. It was the most awesome thing I’d ever heard.

  “I’m Miss Stacy, and I run this place,” she said. She l
ooked totally relaxed and in charge. “Tonight we’re going to have our first annual wet t-shirt contest, amateurs only. I don’t think I’d do very well stacked up against these beauties, do you?” She pouted a little and the audience roared. She was sexier than anyone else in the room. Probably more than if you added ten people together! Maybe not TD. But anyway.

  She went on. “Thanks, guys. Now let’s get this party started!” She gestured toward the sound booth and some music started up. It was hard-driving with a really strong beat, and I started to tap my foot. There was something about it that made me want to move around. It helped that I was so horny. That made me want to move even more. Maybe I would dance after all!

  I watched the girls as they came onstage and moved around a little to the music. They weren’t very good dancers, but that was okay. Each one got sprayed before she hit the stage to show her stuff, and I got more and more turned on as I watched. I bounced up and down, my boobies bouncing along with me, and when my turn came I just about ran onto the stage!

  The spray was cold and made me squeal, but that was good ‘cause it made my nipples stand up even more! I pranced out into the spotlight, spread my arms, and shook my shoulders. The audience went crazy when my boobies started thrashing around! I thought about doing a couple of dance moves but I figured I hadn’t practiced so I would probably just mess things up. I went with a few more shakes and then bowed deep so they could see how my boobs hung down. I turned away from the audience to bow again, giving them a great view of my amazing ass and hips in those tight shorts of mine. Then I blew some kisses with both hands and went offstage.

  No one else got close to the noise that the audience had made for me. I pranced back onstage blowing kisses left and right when Miss Stacy announced that I was the winner. She held my hand up and said, “First annual Absolute Ecstasy wet t-shirt contest winner, folks! Give her a big hand!”


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