Celestial Seductions: The Complete Series: An MM Gay Paranormal Mpreg Romance Collection

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Celestial Seductions: The Complete Series: An MM Gay Paranormal Mpreg Romance Collection Page 8

by Odin Nightshade

  The feeling of him inside was almost unbearable. Hunter breathed out sharply, feeling filled and pleasured in a way he would never have believed possible. Usually, he would have been the active partner, finding that gave him more pleasure, but now...the feeling of this man deep inside him was almost too good to bear.

  He pressed back again, and let him fill him further, crying out as he slid out and drove back, the delicious sensation of pressure and fullness making him almost crazy with longing.

  He gasped, sure he was speaking nonsense and unable to stop himself, as the man pulled out and drove back in again, pulled out and drove back, filling him and pressing deeper and deeper, driving him to extremes of desire.

  The pressure was building now, mounting, the heat inside his body building and growing and reaching a peak of intensity that was almost too great to bear. Hunter pressed back, and pushed against the driving, pressing, insistent rhythm that was pounding into him, shaking as the pressure built and built and built inside him. Suddenly, Hunter felt a warm hand wrap around his throbbing member, a firm yet gentle grip that seemed to encompass him from base to tip. With barely any motion Orion’s hand seemed to send an incomprehensible vibration through Hunter’s rock-hard shaft, straight to his brain. Was it possible to explode from an over-abundance of pleasure? If so, Hunter was dangerously close.

  He screamed out as he came, the waves of climax breaking over him and carrying all further senses away.

  Behind him, his partner came as well, crying out in a way that spoke of a pleasure so great it was agony.

  After a long time simply lying beside one another, hands stroking each other’s sweat-slick bodies, they kissed.

  “I...” Hunter began, feeling dazed. He lifted himself onto one elbow and leaned over his partner, who lay back on the bed, spent, smilingly.

  “What?” Orion asked, and lazily half-sat to kiss him again. The kiss was slow and passionate.

  Hunter stroked his hair, lengthening the strokes so that his touch traced all the way down to the man's heavily-muscled lower back and up again.

  “Nothing.” He smiled, and Orion reached up and stroked his hair in a gesture that made him want to melt. It was so simple, but carried a wealth of care he had never believed was possible, at least not directed at him.

  They lay beside each other for quite some time, half-asleep, sated with desire and drowsed with passion. Orion kissed his shoulder, tracing a lazy hand down his side. Hunter returned the kiss, and stroked the hair at the back of his neck, gently.

  Their arms wound around each other tightly, pressing close to each other as they did so. They lay like that for quite a while. Hunter could feel his heartbeat in his chest, slow, regular, insistent. The feeling was so familiar and so lovely at once that it moved him almost to tears.

  He kissed Orion again, and felt his kiss returned. He closed his eyes.

  He opened them to his own bedroom, the light shining in through the blinds, the room half-dark, bright at the far end with the uncovered windows that led to the hallway.

  Hunter slowly stirred, feeling his toes move, then his legs, and finally his upper body. He was, indeed, here, in his bedroom, in his apartment— home. And he was alone.

  “Orion?” Hunter called, feeling silly but not caring.

  He reached behind him in the bed, sure he would find him there, and yet also sure he had not been there at all.

  “It was a dream.” he told himself, sitting up. It felt so real: his body ached and glowed and throbbed, as if he had really done all he had thought of. But he could not have. It was a dream. He was here, in his bed, at home. And he was the only one in his bed. It was a dream.

  Hunter felt something inside him break. The dream was so beautiful, so true, so wonderful! How could it have been only a dream? And how would he find Orion? And, having had this dream, how could he walk away?

  Hunter slid out of bed, showered and dressed, feeling a little confused and entirely miserable. How could he live like this?

  He dragged himself into the kitchen and opened the cupboards. He made breakfast, knowing that he simply had to eat. He felt absolutely ravenous, and had little desire for anything else but food.

  Immediately after the meal hit his stomach, he felt cramped and nauseous. He sat, his stomach heaving. He had noticed that he felt a little nauseous after meals recently, but had ruled it out. An ulcer? Not uncommon, with stress from work. He should be more careful. He ignored the churning, cramping pain, standing and dragging himself to the bathroom to brush his teeth, shave, brush his hair.

  It was Saturday, so no need for him to go into work. No need, in fact to be awake at this time at all, Hunter thought. He didn't stop to contemplate it.

  “I should go for a walk.” He told himself, strictly. “Clear my head.”

  He paid little attention to everything he saw, not really noticing that he felt ill, or that the weather was lovely, or that, for once, there was little congestion in the traffic. He noticed only that he had felt so wonderful, his heart soaring, and now, suddenly, he felt so lost.

  “Orion…” He said softly to himself, looking around the bustling, hissing streets of traffic, grey and gold and full of life and motion. “Orion...” he repeated the name, like a personal mantra.

  His heart ached with longing, and his mind would not rest. All he wanted was to see him again. And he knew it was the one thing he could not have. His world was darker for it, and he felt terribly, terribly alone.

  Desultory and miserable, feeling ill and tired and not really even noticing his pain, Hunter walked slowly back to his apartment, the morning coming coldly and distantly to life around him.

  A week passed, slowly. On Friday, Hunter sat in his office, exhausted, pale and drawn. He had managed to do almost nothing that day, and most of the week's work lay in piles around him on the desk. He had tried his best, and was grateful for the fact that his team liked him, covering most of his duties as he felt too incapacitated to keep up with the work.

  It was not so much the tiredness that was bothering Hunter. Or the restlessness, or the nausea. It was the distraction, the inability to concentrate, to think further than his dream experience. He felt tired, restless, ill and sick with longing. All he wanted was to see Orion again. He had been back to the club every night so far, with no luck. Where was he? He was feeling frantic.

  Hunter looked down at his watch. Five-thirty. He sighed. All the work sat, untouched, on his desk.

  It was his constant thoughts, too, which bothered him the most. He felt so much, and felt so angry. He hated himself for feeling so deeply! As he sat at his desk, he let his mind run over his thoughts on the subject. It was all self-anger and reproach.

  I fool myself that you understand me. That you are the listener in my own heart, the one I talk to even when I rail to myself. I know that is not possible, that it is foolish. I cannot love someone as much as that. All that is vanity, I tell myself. And yet, when I am alone in the darkness it is your face I see. When I think of love, it is the feeling I feel when you sleep beside me. It is my yardstick for everything. And yet I know this must be childishness, for it is not possible for my heart to be outside me and in the chest of another. It is not possible that just the mention of you should send fire through me, that colors are brighter and tastes intense when I think of you and know you think well of me. It must be my foolishness.

  This was madness, Hunter thought. But, as it was, he could not change it. And he could not do anything about work, either. Nothing he could do about it now, he sighed. Not in this state. He may as well leave.

  “Evening, Mrs. Wyatt.” He called to the secretary on the way down the stairs.

  “Evening, Mr. Cavendish.” She called back, looking up at him as he passed. He looked exhausted, she had noticed that earlier. Tired, ill and generally run-down. His usual trim figure looked blurred, and his face was heavy with lack of sleep. Poor man, she thought to herself as he walked past. How could he have ended up in such a bad state, so quickly?

  Exhausted and miserable, Hunter walked out of the building and down the street to his apartment. It was autumn, and the streets were already dark. Feeling reckless and dejected, Hunter walked without looking where he was going, his feet walking unhindered by his mind, which thought through all the sadness that overwhelmed him. And the worry. His health was appalling, he was having strange dreams, and he was obsessed with a man he had seen twice. All those things were so unlike Hunter, he could barely understand what was happening to him. The most pressing worry, though, for him, was whether he would see him again. Orion... His heart never ceased calling for him, even when he slept. Orion... Orion…


  Hunter heard the voice before he saw the shadowed form. He walked to the alley as if his feet were possessed, racing over the cobbles like a madman to reach the place he had seen the form.

  As Hunter rushed to the mouth of the alley, the thought occurred to him that he was endangering himself. What if he was hallucinating? Going mad? He could be following a dangerous criminal down this alley, in the act of searching for the man he thought he saw. He stopped.

  Panting, his own breath was the only sound. The alley was dark, soundless and almost-empty. Why had he come here after all? Hunter shivered. Something touched his shoulder. He whipped ‘round.

  A pair of deep, dark eyes looked back into his own.


  In the deep, dark muffled alleyway, the two men kissed. Their bodies pressed together and their hands stroked each other and their lips gently brushed each other, tasting, touching, holding. All in joy. They could not stop smiling as they walked the narrow street back to Hunter's apartment two blocks down.

  Hunter walked up the stairs to his apartment. He did not notice. All he knew, all he thought about, was the man beside him.

  “Here we are.” He said, shyly, standing back in the door of his apartment, to let him in.

  “It's nice.”

  Hunter jumped, delighted. “Is it? I mean...” He shook his head, grinning foolishly. “It is. Thank you.”

  He turned to face his visitor, and they kissed, slowly, warm mouths meeting with a deep intensity.

  Hunter stroked his hands down Orion's back, feeling the hard, lean muscle, exploring it with his fingertips. He felt a similar touch on his skin, and gasped.

  They walked through to the bedroom, finding their way by feel through the darkened house. The urgency to reach the bed was almost too great.

  In the bedroom, they wrapped their arms round one another and fell onto the bed together. Hunter felt his hands tugging the man's clothing over his head, felt his mouth searching for his, his legs pressing hard against him.

  His own groin was on fire, the ache and swelling almost too much for him to bear. As he undressed himself, Orion gently undoing his shirt as Hunter unzipped his own trousers, he found he was shivering. Naked, they pressed their bodies together, and the feeling of Orion's skin—warm, firm and even—against his own was almost impossible to bear, it was so good.

  Hunter swallowed, choking on words. He had no words for how he felt.

  He half-sat, stroking his hands down Orion's body. He could hardly believe that he was here, in his arms, right here where he had longed for him so often.

  “I...” Hunter began, and then leaned to kiss Orion firmly on the mouth. “Never mind.” he smiled. “I don't have the words.”

  Orion smiled. In the darkness his eyes were impossible to discern as anything other than pools of gentleness and tenderness. Hunter leaned down and kissed him.

  Orion reached up and ran a hand down his hair, stroking him. Hunter felt something inside him melt at the gentle, wonderful feeling. He sighed.

  They kissed again, and the kiss was deep and warm and insistent. Hunter felt a tongue gently probing his mouth, and he returned it, gently licking the mouth that explored his. The twining of their tongues was such a delicious feeling that it made Hunter gasp aloud.

  He lay down beside Orion on the bed, and their bodies met. Hunter felt a hand stroke him gently and he turned, pressing back against the body which curved around to meet his.

  They lay like that for a while. Hunter reached back to explore the warm, muscled body that surrounded his own, even as Orion, behind him, stroked his skin. They pressed together, and Hunter smiled to feel the arousal of the man pressing against him.

  Hunter pressed back, gently putting pressure on the hardness digging into his back. When the other man gasped, he smiled. It was a pleasure of immense proportions to know that he gave pleasure to this partner.

  Turning around and repositioning himself on the bed, Hunter leaned in and took Orion in his mouth. His tongue moved deftly up and down the shaft while his hands explored what lay beneath.

  Orion groaned loudly, slowly moving into a mirrored position to return the gesture. Soon, both men were pleasuring one another with their warm, wet mouths.

  The oral lovemaking continued until both were near the brink, then Orion pulled back before the climax could be achieved. With eyes closed, Hunter felt himself gently turned and the man behind him half-lifted himself. Hunter closed his eyes and felt the man gently, so gently, prepare to enter him.

  He slid inside him slowly, and Hunter gasped out with delight. The pressure filling him was so absolute, so good, that he was rendered incoherent and could only gasp, with complete abandon, as he was entered.

  Behind him, Orion pulled out and, groaning, entered again. This time, he pressed harder, penetrated even further. Hunter cried out. The pressure felt so good, it was almost painful.

  As he drew back and entered for a third time, Hunter recoiled and pushed back, making even more pressure, increasing the delicious, delightful sensations that slowly filled him.

  They were moving together then, fast, pressing and pushing and plunging.

  Hunter felt himself start to lose control, his feet burning, his body shaking. He could hear himself groan with the effort of delaying his own climax, and he pressed back, and back and back, building and riding and questing the wave.

  Suddenly, inexplicably, the wave of feeling grew into a crescendo around him. Hunter screamed as he felt the flood of fire rise up from inside him, washing straight through him and lifting him out of his own body and mind, carrying him away.

  He collapsed onto the bed, and heard the man behind him, a second later, breathing out heavily. He pulled back and pushed in again, shuddering and pulsing with his climaxing self.

  Orion too collapsed, his arms around him. They lay together for some time, the sweat cooling on their skin as they slept, lightly, held together.

  After a time unmeasured, Hunter felt fingers gently tracing his form, making smooth, gentle lines from his hair down his brow, around, down his back; a slow, soft, mesmeric touch that was clearly not meant to wake him.

  Hunter rolled back and kissed the man behind him, his body still alive with the joy of his closeness.

  “Good morning.” Orion smiled at him. Hunter could see the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, a gentle touch that made him look even more beautiful.

  “Good morning.” Hunter smiled. Was it really morning already? They must have made love for hours. No time could be long enough with this man, he thought, smiling. Whole days could vanish in his lovemaking. He shivered at the thought, delight rushing through his body like a wave.

  Orion stroked his hair and they kissed again.

  “I should go.” Orion said, looking sad.

  “Go?” Hunter was incredulous. “No.” He held his wrist, feeling an inexplicably sudden blind panic overtaking him. “No.” He said again, louder. “I can't leave you. Not now. Not ever, but especially not now.” He tightened his grip, knowing he made no sense, but yet insistent on saying it. He had to keep Orion with him, now he had found him! He could not let him go. Impossible to do.

  “I will not be gone long.” Orion smiled. “I will return to you.”

  “When?” Hunter knew he was being plaintive, but did not care.
/>   “Soon.” Orion kissed him, and Hunter's lips slid over his in sweetness and longing.

  “Soon?” he asked, wanting to know the meaning of it.

  “Soon.” Orion promised. “No, I can't say what soon means.” he smiled, gentle humor in his tone. He kissed Hunter again with a tenderness he would never have believed possible in anyone else.

  Hunter leaned into the kiss. He rolled onto his back and sat up, reaching for the bedside lamp.

  He turned it on, looking with wonder at the form revealed. Orion was every bit as beautiful as he knew he was, as he had been, as he was in dreams.

  He leaned forward and kissed him. When he looked up, the eyes that looked down at him tenderly were a pale and striking violet.

  “Your eyes are purple.” Hunter murmured, his voice drowsy and full of wonder.

  Orion chucked. “Yes, they are.”



  “I always thought they just looked like that. I mean...”

  “Well, technically they do just look like that.” Orion teased gently, kissing him as he did so. “Only yes, as you mean, they do look like that all the time.”

  Hunter kissed him. “They are so beautiful.”

  Orion looked down at him, solemn. Unbelievably, he looked like he might cry. “Thank you for saying it.”

  “What?” Hunter was incredulous. “You must know how beautiful you are.”

  “I didn't.” Orion swallowed. “I mean...No one's ever said that before.” He said, simply. “It never seemed to matter to anyone.”

  After a moment, when he had recovered from the shock, Hunter spoke.

  “Well, that's just insane.” Hunter said, crossly. He could not believe anyone could mistreat such a beautiful being. He paused. “I don't know what happened to you before, I mean, I don't know who those people were, but they were crazy.” He said, slowly. “You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.” He said, solemnly. “So there.”

  Orion, moved, leaned in and kissed him. Their lips stayed locked together for quite some time. Gently, they moved apart and lay beside each other, both lost in their own surprised thoughts.


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