Viking Jarl

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Viking Jarl Page 2

by Griff Hosker

  I took it from her, “I intend to surprise my Ulfheonar when I have my new helmet made.”

  “And I cannot keep a secret?”

  I kissed her, “Of course you can. And now I must prepare for the feast.”

  She laughed, “I forgot, this is your first time giving your approval to the marriages.”

  “Not everything about being a jarl appeals to me you know?”

  “Do not sulk, it is not attractive.”

  I went to the room we shared. She was right, of course but I did not relish sitting in my finery all day watching a succession of young warriors and their maidens parading by while I said the same thing. I would be just as happy to do them all together but Erika had been shocked when I had suggested it. She knew how much it meant to the maidens. I did not say that, to the men it meant someone to bed and produce young warriors. I had learned long ago to keep such comments to myself.

  The ceremony began at noon. The slaves we still retained, under the supervision of Scanlan, who acted as my Steward, took out my chair and that of Erika. There was a natural raised mound which overlooked the beach and we would hold the marriages there. When all was ready Scanlan came for us.

  “The people are ready Jarl Garth.” He had a proud smile on his face. As we left he followed Arturus and Seara who carried Kara. As we emerged from the hall my people all cheered and shouted, “Dragon heart!” over and over. I felt Erika squeeze my arm. It was the first time I had really seen the love my people had for me and it made me quite humble. I had begun life as a slave and now I was a mighty lord and the heir of Prince Butar.

  Chapter 2

  The two weeks after midsummer were busy ones for me. We would begin raiding soon and that meant preparing ships for the raid. As jarl it was my responsibility to ensure that all would be ready for the voyage. I had two drekar, ‘Wolf’ and ‘Bear’. Neither were huge ships but their crews were the best that we had on the island and, warrior for warrior, could defeat any warband we surprised. My drekar, ‘Wolf’ was crewed by Ulfheonar and those who were training to be the wolves of the sea. The other was captained by Rolf and he had other, equally worthy, warriors on board. I could have taken another three drekar but I was mindful of what had happened when we had taken every warrior once before; raiders had destroyed our homes and enslaved our people. I would not risk that again. I even had warriors I could leave to defend my town while I was raiding. There were many reasons for me to be richer and none of them involved a love of money.

  This would the last time that Erik Short Toe would be sailing as my ship’s boy. He would join Snorri to be trained as a warrior. His replacement and the boy who would accompany us was Cnut Sweynson. Sweyn had been one of the first Ulfheonar but now he led Prince Butar’s warriors. I was honoured that his son wished to be trained by me. We had her out of the water to check the seams and I smiled as I saw Erik giving poor Cnut a hard time. It was the way with boys but Erik, like Snorri before him had been a most valuable member of the crew. Oft times it had been just the two boys who had guarded the boat when we had raided and they had never let me down.

  I was about to go and speak with them when I heard the horn from the watch tower on the hill. It meant there might be danger. We had all learned to react as though it was danger. I turned and walked quickly back to the stockaded settlement. We had built a wall but, if it was a serious threat, then we could all be in the hill top fort before raiders could disgorge their warriors. Dargh, the captain of my hill top garrison, rode down from the tower on one of the hill ponies we kept there for just such a purpose. It did not look comfortable but it was quick.

  He gave a half bow, “Jarl, there are two drekar approaching.”

  “Do we know them?”

  He shook his head, “But they are approaching slowly and I can see no mail.”

  I knew what he meant; a raider would come in quickly with every man armed and ready to leap ashore. The fact that it was early afternoon had already allayed my fears but even so I would have my warriors ready to fight. “Thank you, Dargh. Have the garrison stand to and keep a watch to the west too.”

  Scanlan had my mail ready. Erika was calmly feeding the baby. “Trouble?”

  “Two drekar but they are coming so slowly that it should be safe.”

  She looked up smiling, “Unless it is a trap and they have sent men across the island while we watch the ships.”

  She had a clever mind but the thought had passed through my head already. “Dargh is watching.”

  Arturus had come from his room with his seax and helmet. Erika shook her head, “You can stay here and protect your little sister, young man. Your father can deal with this.”

  I saw the disappointment on his face but he knew better than to argue with his mother. I turned to Scanlan, “Just in case it is guests you better have Maewe get some food ready.”

  I then strode towards the beach. My warriors were already there. Haaken and Cnut were organising the Ulfheonar while Rolf was dealing with the rest. Poor Rolf had the harder task for these were not just my raiding warriors there but part time warriors like Bjorn the smith and Olaf the miller. They could all fight but they had a certain pecking order which had nothing to do with their martial abilities.

  We watched the drekar as they approached: they were big ships with twenty oars on each side. They were wide enough to accommodate large crews and could have sixty to eighty men on board. I did not think they had that many as they were riding high in the water but this was an important warrior who was coming calling. The two ships lowered their sail about a hundred paces from the harbour. Three warriors came to the prow, without helmets and held out their hands palm uppermost; the sign for peace. I took off my helmet and waved them in. They rowed them, expertly, to the harbour and tied them up. Our drekar were still around the headland having their hulls scraped.

  “Haaken and Cnut come with me. Rolf, wait here with the rest. “

  The leader who stepped from the first drekar was an enormous man. He had a fine suit of mail but the two things which stood out where his leggings which appeared to have been made from the skin of some animal. It was long fur. When he smiled I saw that all of his teeth had been filed horizontally. It was most disconcerting. I knew why he did it; it would intimidate other warriors when he fought them.

  He strode up to me and threw his arms around me in a bear hug. It was not necessarily the appropriate thing to do but I was unsure of the protocol. His breath smelled of rancid fish and ale.

  “I am Ragnar Hairy-Breeches and you must be the one they call Dragon Heart.”

  I disengaged myself, “I am Jarl Garth the Dragon Heart. Welcome to Hrams-a. Would you and your warriors care to break bread with us?”

  “Aye and some ale would not go amiss.”

  Scanlan had been standing close enough to hear although the one they called Hairy-Breeches had shouted so loudly that I am sure they could have heard him in Hibernia. As we turned I saw Scanlan racing away to warn both my wife and the servants of the arrival of guests.

  As we walked he put one of his huge hands on my shoulder. The other hand he waved expansively across the island. “I have heard much about you and your island from across the seas in our lands to the east. You have done well to conquer such a place.”

  “I do not rule here; my step father Prince Butar commands the people.”

  He laughed, a deep rolling laugh, “You are amusing. He rules in name but everyone knows the warrior who controls this land is Jarl Dragon Heart. The Hibernians and the Saxons frighten their children with tales of you and your wolves who will creep from the sea and steal them away.” He could see I was going to object and he stopped and held up his hand, “I only tell you what people tell me.” He became serious, “It is the reason I have sought you out. I need warriors such as you.”

  We had reached my hall and he looked up at its fine lines and its length. It was as long as the longest longboat. “A fine hall; did I hear that your first village was destroyed?”

�Aye, but those who did it are all now dead.” I looked him in the eye as I spoke. “I do not forgive hurts easily.”

  “And that is how it should be.”

  He waited, politely to be invited into my hall. “Pray enter, Ragnar Hairy-Breeches.”

  “Thank you.” He turned to his men, “Just Carl and Harold come in with me. The rest can wait in the sun. It is a pleasant day.”

  That was the first insight I had into this warlord. He treated his men as retainers. I would have ensured that my men were equally looked after.

  Erika had dressed, quickly and was seated at the head of the table. Scanlan bowed as we entered. The table was laden with food and drink. None of it was food for a feast; the notice had been too short. It was food to fill the silence between words. He saw Erika and dropped to his knee. “I had heard of this beauty and thought the words were an exaggeration. They did not do you justice. You are a picture.”

  Erika was not taken in by the effusive flattery. “Thank you Ragnar Hairy-Breeches. Had we known of your imminent arrival then we could have made a feast and a welcome to match your reputation.”

  I quickly looked at Erika. What reputation was that? I had never heard of him. Ragnar did not appear to be fazed by that and he smiled, “Thank you but I hope that when your husband and I have finished then both of us will have reputations which the whole world will know.”

  “Pray sit. You have me intrigued.” I did love my wife. She had this ability to control without appearing to. When we were seated she waved a hand and Scanlan’s servants flooded in to pour ale and to see to individual needs.

  “Will your famed Ulfheonar not be joining us?”

  “They will be busy preparing for our own voyage.”

  I had definitely said something which he was not expecting. He flashed an irritated look at the one called Harold. Harold just shrugged. “So you are raiding then?”

  “Possibly but it is the season.”

  “Aye it is. In that case I will come directly to the point and then perhaps you will have a better idea of where you will be raiding,” he paused and then laughed, “with me!”

  I had already guessed that and I just nodded and smiled. “Where will you be raiding, Jarl?” My wife asked the question and I saw that Ragnar was surprised.

  He looked from my wife to me and back. “Why to the land of the Saxons of course.” I think he decided there and then to focus his attention on me. He had expected me to say yes to his offer immediately. “There are many reasons why I chose you, Dragon Heart. Apart from your reputation I heard that you had raided the land around the Dee and the place the Saxons call Caestre.”

  I nodded as I chewed the lamb bone. “Prince Butar led a raid there a while ago and we found it quite rewarding.”

  He laughed, “I can believe that. It will now be even more rewarding for there are more Saxons who live close by.”

  “Which will mean you will have more warriors to contend with.”

  I had only just met him but already I had his measure. He was full of his own self importance but he was a clever man. He knew that more people meant more warriors and he would need my help. “And your warriors are known to be the best this side of Norway.”

  “I had a thought to raid the Cymri.”

  That genuinely surprised both him and his men. “The Cymri? They are a wild and poor people. You will get nothing there. There are just two monasteries and they are guarded by forts. No, you would make more by raiding with me.”

  I wiped my hands on the piece of cloth Scanlan had placed there and I swallowed some of the beer to wash down the lamb. “Why? Would you give me the same amount of plunder as I would take myself?”

  “Well, no. You would take a share. I would have two boats and you one, a smaller one. Your share would be a fifth.”

  “So I would make more by raiding myself.”

  His eyes narrowed in what I took to be irritation. “With just one boat and a handful of men you could not hope to reap the rewards that we shall.”

  “But monasteries are poorly guarded. I think I will raid these two monasteries.”

  “What? St Asaph and Bangor?” I nodded- I now had their names and would soon know their location. “I told you they are close to that infernal mountain of theirs and protected by two forts”

  I held up my beaker and Scanlan refilled it. My wife smiled at me, “You say you have heard of my husband and his exploits. Did you hear how he went with less than ten men into the fort and monastery at Hexham and captured the treasure of Rheged?”

  He waved a deprecating hand, “I heard that rumour but dismissed it. It was patently not true. Hexham is far from the sea. I have the same problem people make up stories about me that aren’t true.”

  Erika’s voice could be sharp when she wished and she wished it then. “But it is true and we have the crowns of Rheged to prove it.”

  He had not expected that answer, “Then you should join with me. Why together we could conquer the land of the Angles.”

  “I have no desire to rule anyone so I will leave conquest to you. I have to decline your offer. My men and I prefer to work for ourselves. No offence meant. I only ever served another jarl once and I was left with some of my men in the land of the Angles. I swore an oath then never to follow another jarl. You would not have me break my word.”

  He shook his head, “No, I would ask no man to do that but with your sword and your warriors….”

  “I will tell you this, Ragnar Hairy-Breeches. There is another estuary just ten or twenty miles north of the Dee; the Maeresea. There are few settlements there and your ships can be anchored in safety. It would be easy for you and your men to travel across land and avoid their watch towers.” I gave a slight bow. “Take that advice instead of this young body.”

  He stood. “I hoped to persuade you but I can see that you have an old head on those young shoulders. The next time I hear a story of Dragon Heart I will be more inclined to believe it.”

  As his ship sailed away Erika whispered in my ear. “You did well to sail that course my husband. Had you deviated then you might have had to fight him and his warriors.”

  “I know. I offered him that information so that he could save face but Dargh will need to be vigilant while we are away. Ragnar Hairy-Breeches may be tempted by our little island.”

  I now knew where we would raid. He had given me enough information to enable me to pinpoint their location within a few miles. It also suited me for it meant we were close to the golden island. What I had not told Hairy-Breeches was that the island was a huge granary. I could keep my people in flour for the whole winter. After I had escorted Erika back to the hall I saw Bjorn hurrying over. He rarely rushed and I knew that it would be important. His smile went from ear to ear.

  “My lord, they are finished.”

  “What are?”

  “Your new helmet and your wolf arm rings.”

  I confess that I too was excited. I had had one fitting for the helmet and then it was a rough iron thing. I had deliberately kept away from the blacksmith’s. I wanted to see the finished article. Bjorn made small talk as he led me across to his fiery furnaces. “Who was that my lord?”

  “Ragnar Hairy-Breeches. He wanted me to serve under him.”

  Bjorn snorted, “The impudence of it. Everyone knows you have the sword touched by the gods. What does he have?”

  I smiled as I said, “Hairy breeches?”

  We both laughed and Aiden and the smiths all looked up as we walked in; wondering what the joke was. They all bowed and I could see the look of excitement on Aiden’s face. He kept glancing up at the greybeard Torin who also looked extremely pleased with himself.

  “First, my lord, the helmet!”

  Like a conjuror he whipped the cloth from the helmet. Even though I had had much say in the design, Bjorn Bagsecgson had outdone himself and his mighty father. It was jet black with a mask for the eyes. He had cunningly worked the eyes so that, inlaid with silver, they swept upwards and it did look wol
f like. Aiden had also produced a thing of beauty with his silver work. I could see that Bjorn must have cast it with the indentations but Aiden had filled them with silver that was so delicate it looked like the fine work on the lace collar of Kara’s dress. The lines swept around it, accentuating the sweep of the eyes and the silver above looked like eyebrows.

  “Turn it my lord!”

  As I did so I saw the black mail which hung from loops firmly fitted into the edge of the helmet.


  “Now try it on my lord. We have made a leather insert to protect your head. With the leather cap fitted the helmet slipped on well and was a good tight fit. It was then I realised that he had put holes for my ears. It was important, in battle, to hear as well as see. I took it off again to inspect it. I saw the helmet came out slightly and had a slight edge to it. The effect was of a couched wolf’s ears. “Well done Bjorn!”

  I saw him blush with pride as I put it back on.

  “I took the liberty, my lord of fetching your wolf cloak so that I could fit the hooks. Aiden, attach it.”

  I could not see what the young smith was doing but eventually he came to the front and said, “Done, my lord.”

  I swung my head but nothing moved. “How have you done this?”

  “We put hooks on your mail too so that the weight is spread. I am afraid, my lord, that you will always need someone to help you dress and undress from your mail.”

  “I’ll do it my lord!”

  Aiden’s small voice piped up making us all laugh. “We will see. Now take it from me please.”

  Once it was removed I looked at it again. It was all that I had hoped. The last part, the beetle juice would have to wait until we went on a raid. I wrapped the cloak around the helmet to hide it from prying eyes. I saw that Aiden was almost bursting with excitement. Bjorn nodded and he raced to the back of the workshop. He took a small wooden chest from under a workbench and reverently brought it to us. He held it out and Torin slowly opened it. He removed one of the arm rings. It was beautiful. There were tiny twists of gold which had been turned until they formed one solid band. On its own it was a fine gift but it was the clasp which made it truly breathtaking. It was a wolf leaping and the detailing was superb. You could make out all of the wolf’s features even though it was no bigger than my thumb. It was a work of art.


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