Protected By Him (The Greek Brothers Book 4)

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Protected By Him (The Greek Brothers Book 4) Page 16

by Amanda Horton

  “You’re not paying attention to anything I just said,” Kassi complained, breaking into Stephanie’s fantasy about the weeks and months to come.

  Stephanie shrugged, “Sorry. Have we been here long enough that we could sneak off and no one would be terribly offended?”

  Kassi laughed, drawing looks from others close by. “I can’t believe you. Are you in such a hurry to start your honeymoon?”

  Stephanie blushed, unable to take her eyes off of the elegant man making his way toward her. “Never mind, I have my answer.”

  She walked toward Ries, meeting him halfway and giving herself over to the kiss he gave her. “Let’s go,” he grabbed her hand, raised his voice and gained everyone’s attention. “Thank you all for coming. We’ll see you all in the future. Enjoy yourselves.”

  Leo and Alexi gave him knowing looks when he swept Stephanie up in his arms and carried her through the crowd and out to the driveway. Chris was waiting there with the limo and opened the door for them.

  Stephanie slid over on the leather seat, making room for Ries. A bottle of champagne awaited them, and Ries popped the cork and then poured them both a glass.

  “To us,” he touched his glass to hers.

  “Se mas.” Stephanie smirked when Ries raised a brow at her use of his language. “Nicolai has been helping me learn, as have all of the security guards and the Moustakas women.”

  Ries nodded and then set his glass and hers in the holders. He pulled her onto his lap, rucking her dress up until it was gathered around her upper thighs and she was straddling his lap. “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

  “About a thousand times, but I could hear it a thousand more,” she replied.

  “S' agapó.”

  Ries reached over and rolled down the connecting window an inch. “Chris, how long do we have before we arrive?”

  “Ten minutes is all,” Chris replied quietly.

  “Thanks,” Ries rolled the restaurant back up and then told her, “I don’t want to rush this. We’re going to wait and do this right.”

  Stephanie nodded and then kissed him, pressing the apex of her thighs down on his hardness. “I want you,” she whispered.

  Ries groaned, gave her a hard kiss, and then lifted her off his lap and placed her on the opposing seat. “Here, drink your champagne and hold that thought.”

  Stephanie grinned at him, already imaging the wild night they were going to have.


  “We’re here,” Chris announced via the intercom a few minutes later. Stephanie couldn’t wait to see where Ries had brought her. He’d been very secretive about his plans but had assured her that she wouldn’t be disappointed.

  Chris opened the door and Ries stepped out first, reaching inside for her and pulling her out to stand beside him.

  Stephanie was instantly in love with the azure seas, white sand beaches, and white pillars leading down into a freshwater pool. Pine trees and palm trees share the space, with lush gardens filled to overflowing with flowers that comprised the entire rainbow.

  “Oh, Ries. It’s beautiful.”

  “I thought you might like this place. Let’s take a walk,” he suggested, nodding to Chris who dropped back along with one other guard. Stephanie was becoming used to having at least one, more often than not two, guards tailing her at all times. What once felt like a prison now felt like part of her newfound privilege.

  Ries led her down a set of stairs and Stephanie could see the small cabana set up on the beach. She looked and was surprised to find that they were entirely alone here. “Why aren’t other guests out enjoying this place?”

  “Because there are no other guests,” Ries informed her. “I’ve rented out the entire resort for the next few days. I wanted a chance to just be with you. No distractions. No worries about the media or being spied upon. Just you and me.”

  “And ten of your most trustworthy guards,” she added.

  Ries looked at her and then gave her a sad smile, “I wish I could make them disappear, but I can’t risk it.”

  Stephanie smiled, “I was only making a comment. A bad one it seems. I understand their presence and I’m okay with it. I promise.”



  Ries took her hand and led her rest of the way to the cabana where Stephanie was surprised to see a king-sized bed, with billowing white curtains on each of the four posters, a pile of colorful pillows piled at the top. A small table and cooler laden with all sorts of beers and wines sat in the corner.

  “Did you ask for all of this?” she asked him quietly.

  “I asked for the general idea. They have certainly outdone themselves.”

  Ries led her to the center of the cabana, and then poured them both a glass of wine. “Mrs. Kafatos.”

  Stephanie grinned, “I could get used to that.”

  “Good. Now, are you ready to get out of that amazing gown?” Ries asked, setting his glass down and turning her to face away from him.

  Her wedding dress had been approved by all of the Moustakas women and Nicolai. He’d had a smirk on his face when they’d started talking about the honeymoon and he was sure his brother would have ‘a good time’ getting Stephanie out of her dress.

  Stephanie felt Ries’ hands at the nape of her neck as he began to undo the tiny seed pearl buttons that spanned the entirety of her spine. With each button he released, her breath hitched at the feel of his fingers on her bare skin.

  Ries was making good progress, but Stephanie was about to go insane with wanting his hands on her person. “Ries, just cut it off already,” she pleaded with him.

  “Patience, Stephanie. Patience.”

  “Why? You’ve already made us wait three days.”

  “Anticipation is good for the soul.”

  “My soul is just fine. Get my dress off so that I can return the favor.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Ries told her, placing an opened-mouth kiss on her spine before she felt a tug and then entire dress loosened at once. Stephanie took a deep breath, and then gasped when Ries slid his hands around her torso, cupping her breasts at the same time he bit down on the tendon that connected her neck and shoulders.

  “That feels good,” she murmured to him, closing her eyes and dropping her head back to lean against his shoulder. “Make love to me?”

  “With pleasure.” Ries made short work of removing the remainder of her clothing and then he started in on his own. Stephanie had turned toward the bed and was now sitting in the middle of the mattress, posing as coyly as she could and watching him undress with hungry eyes.

  “See something you want?” he asked as he kicked his boxers off.

  “I see something I need.”

  Ries crawled up on the mattress, settling himself between her thighs and holding her head between his hands while he kissed the breath out of her. He used teeth, tongue, lips, and hands to stir the passion in her to a frenzy. Only then did he join their bodies together, entering her without the aid of a condom for the very first time.

  It was like heaven, feeling her wet heat against his bare skin.

  “So, you know how we talked about having kids?” Ries asked, holding himself deep inside of her.

  “Yes?” Stephanie answered him, pausing as he moved experimentally within her. “You’re not wearing a condom.”

  “No. Is that okay?” Ries asked her, holding himself still even though it was killing him to do so.

  Stephanie’s answer was in the relaxation of her body and the smile that curved her lips upward. “I can’t think of anything better. I love children.”

  Ries kissed her and then began to move within her. Stephanie arched her back and her moans of delight spurred him onward. He loved her, he adored and worshipped her with his body, and when they experienced the ultimate passion together, Ries felt like a god.

  Much later, Stephanie lay in his arms, idly playing her fingers across his chest. “Can I ask you something?”

hing,” he kissed her head.

  “We’re still in danger, right?”

  “Yes, but not like before. Why?”

  “Can you promise me that you won’t ever keep me in the dark again?”

  Ries rolled her to her back and met her eyes, “I will never lie to you, or keep things from you again. Well, except for presents and surprises. But when it comes to things that directly affect you, I will never keep you in the dark again. I promise you that.

  “There’s a big world out there that hates me and my brothers simply because we have wealth. They don’t know us, and don’t want to get to know us. They simply want to make us pay for what we have, and they don’t. It’s not fair, but nothing in life is fair.

  “There are always going to be threats against our family. It is just something that goes with all of those zeroes at the bank. You will always need a bodyguard with you, as will our children.”

  “I can handle that. I just want to know what’s going on. I promise to follow your lead.”

  “That’s all I can ask for. Now, about those children…” Ries rolled himself on top of her and reached down, pressing her thighs apart and making room for himself. He wanted her again, and when she put up no resistance, going so far as to arch her hips up to meet his body, he knew the same fire burned within her.

  Chapter 27

  Several weeks later…

  Stephanie breathed in the salty air. She was sure she would never know more happiness than she knew now. Ries and she had been married for several weeks now, and her life was nearly perfect.

  After a beautiful honeymoon, Ries had taken her home to Cyprus and she’d seen all of the places he’d told her about in the stories of his childhood.

  Ries had even suggested taking her back to the States so that she could do the same thing, but Stephanie had refused, saying her home was now wherever he was. Stephanie knew he’d only been trying to do something nice for her, and she thanked him nicely but declined his offer.

  “What are you thinking about?” Ries asked as he joined her, sliding onto the reclining bench behind her and pulling her back against his chest.

  “How lucky I am,” she told him. “That sunset is amazing. Look at all of the colors.”

  “There’s nothing like a Grecian sunset.”

  “Or a Grecian husband,” she turned in his arms and kissed him. “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself.” He settled back against the pillows and they watched the sunset together.

  Stephanie felt so cherished. Since returning from their honeymoon, Ries had been a devoted husband, an active participant in the family business, and he’d even tried to involve himself to some extent in the local community.

  As for Stephanie, he treated her like a queen. He’d made sure she never had to worry about cooking or cleaning or doing the laundry by hiring more than adequate help. It had been refreshing to be waited on, but she was now getting bored. She needed something to do.

  “You’re thinking again,” he murmured. “Do I need to distract you?”

  Stephanie chuckled, “You’re constantly distracting me.”

  “I’m good at it,” he told her. Ries pulled her up and over his thigh, lying her down on her back and then raising himself up on an elbow at her side. “Besides, you kind of like my form of distraction.”

  “I can’t argue with that,” she told him.

  “Good. There’s something else I’m hoping you won’t argue with me about. I want to open an art museum – the Kafatos Art Museum, to be precise.”

  Stephanie’s eyes grew wide. She knew how much opening a museum would cost. “Have you talked to your brothers about this?”

  “I have and they are all in agreement with me. We want to preserve our cultural heritage. And we think you should be the curator.”

  “Me?!” Stephanie was aghast.

  Ries nodded, “It was a unanimous decision. Now, don’t start making plans yet. There is the little matter of finding the right plot of land for it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.” Stephanie’s brain was still processing this information.

  “I know we will. I want you to help me look, and I want to dedicate it to the memory of my mother. She was a huge patron of the arts and would be very happy to see her name used thusly.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” It still did not quite seem real to her.

  “Thank you. So, what did you do today?”

  Stephanie actually laughed at this mundane question, following such a tremendous announcement. “You’re looking at it. I was just sitting here thinking about the future.”

  “Did you come to any conclusions?” Ries asked.

  “Yes. I want to become the mother to the first Kafatos heir.”

  “That’s an ambitious goal.” Ries smiled conspiratorially at her and then brushed his hands down over her dress. “You think you’re up to the task?”

  “Not without some help. I thought maybe we could take advantage of the fact that you’re here and we have this entire beach to ourselves.”

  Ries smiled at her and then tipped her chin up, “I think we should take advantage of that fact, don’t you?” He punctuated each word with a kiss, devouring her mouth with hungry kisses, kissing his way across her cheeks and then moving back to her mouth.

  Stephanie unbuttoned his shirt and then brushed the sides open, moaning when she encountered the warmth of his flesh.

  He closed his eyes as she ran her hands up and down his packs, and when she leaned up and sucked one of his nipples into her mouth, he almost came in his pants like a schoolboy.

  He was on a razor’s edge today and needed her. Now.

  Ries rolled from the bed, nodding at her and remaining attire. “Take the rest of your clothing off.”

  He did the same, sliding his boxer shorts off and rejoining her on the bed. He used his hands to skim up and down her sides, finally moving them between her thighs and making room for himself between them. “This is my favorite place in the world.”

  Stephanie chuckled, “You should probably keep that to yourself.”

  Ries murmured, pulling her close to his body before releasing her and pushing himself back up to rest on his knees between her spread thighs. He used his hands and small touches to drive her crazy, not stopping until she was writhing upon the bed and had clasped her hands to stop their constant movement.


  “Tell me. What do you need, Stephanie?”

  “You. Just you.” Stephanie was near begging and when Ries didn’t act fast enough, she pushed up, rolling him over to his back and straddling his thighs.

  She skimmed her hands down his sides, leaning forward to once again suck one nipple into her mouth. She grinned at him when he groaned and tightened his hands on her hips.

  “Take me inside you,” he murmured, lifting her up and helping her slide down on his length.

  Stephanie closed her eyes at the exquisite pressure and then Ries rolled them, changing their positions and Stephanie could only smile at his prowess.

  When he captured her hands and pinned them above her head, she didn’t get upset this time. She’d discovered that she enjoyed this side of him.

  Ries laved, suckled, and placed small nipping bites at her breasts until she was panting and could no longer lay still. “What do you need?”

  “I need you to move,” she told him. Her hands sculpted his shoulders and her legs lifted, wrapping her thighs around his waist and driving him even further into her wet heat. “Please…move.”

  Ries slowly withdrew from her entrance and then just as slowly moved back inside. “Let’s make a baby.”

  “We might need to practice more than once,” Stephanie told him, ending on a moan when he buried himself deep inside of her.

  “Well…if you insist,” Ries whispered next to her ear. He pushed up, changing the angle of his penetration, grinning when her voice changed once again.

  Stephanie felt her body begin to tighten around him and
she gasped in pleasure with each thrust. “Ries, I love you,” she called out at the same time he threw his head back and arched his neck.

  “I second that,” Ries told her, out of breath. Together, they complimented one another, working together to find the pleasure that could only be found between soul mates.

  It wasn’t just a meeting of two bodies, but a blending of two spirits and two people who were completely devoted to one another.

  It was the epitome of “making love” and neither one of them cared if they had to repeat the exercise a thousand times before they felt they had gotten it right.

  Neither of them would mind.


  Several weeks later…

  Nicolai Kafatos sat in front of his computer screen in his private office, reading and then re-reading the report his security team had put together. As the middle brother, the mundane and behind-the-scenes work seemed to always fall to him.

  Damon wanted to be out front and, for years, that had been his place amongst the three of them. Ries had always wanted to get attention – by any means necessary; but since marrying Stephanie, he’d settled down and was quickly becoming an integral part of the family business. Behind the scenes, for the most part. which left Nicolai holding the books and sweeping up the details.

  Nicolai had always been the level-headed brother. Since finding out about the threat in his and his brothers’ lives, Nicolai had been working tirelessly to keep them all safe. That seemed to get harder with each passing week. He normally preferred working behind the scenes, but once the media had gotten wind of Ries’ and Stephanie’s wedding, it had been a feeding frenzy. With both Damon and Ries staying hidden, that left Nicolai to deal with the reporters and gossipmongers, looking for an inside scoop to boost their ratings and secure them a better paycheck. It was tiring and the reporters continued to ask questions for which he didn’t have any answers.


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