Mason (Trinity Academy Book 2)

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Mason (Trinity Academy Book 2) Page 18

by Michelle Heard

  I relax enough to ease back until I can look at Mason again. His eyes lock on mine. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are in the moonlight?”

  I let out a burst of air, not able to laugh right now.

  Mason presses his forehead to mine, then whispers, “Do you trust me?”

  I don’t hesitate to answer, “Yes.”

  “I’m going to move forward, but I’ll stop once the water touches my arms. Are you okay with that?”

  I take a couple of deep breaths before I nod. I keep my eyes locked on his, and when the water begins to slowly climb up my lower back, Mason says, “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  I nod, and emotion mixes with the anxiety making tears rush to my eyes.

  “Thank you for never backing down when I gave you shit.”

  The water reaches my waist, and a wave of intense panic makes it hard to breathe.

  Mason takes a deep breath, and I feel his chest press against mine. When he lets it out, his voice is incredibly calm as he says, “Breathe in with me.”

  When I feel his chest expand again, I suck in a desperate breath of air. I keep doing it until my breathing slows down.

  A look of pride softens his features. “You did it, Kingsley.”

  “I did?”

  He nods, then turns us around and wades his way back to the edge. He sits me down on the side and reaching for my face, he frames it with his hands.

  “I’m so fucking proud of you.”

  I take hold of his forearms and smile against his mouth as he kisses me.

  Chapter 30


  Walking out of the building, I head in the direction of the café to find Kingsley after she texted that she was grabbing some hot chocolate.

  We got back early this morning, and with all the excitement of getting her back in the water, I forgot to ask her whether she’ll come to the airport with us to welcome Lee-ann and her family.

  Glancing to my left, I see West come out of his dorm and when his eyes land on me, I let out a heavy breath.

  I have to stop this shit between us. We can’t go on like this forever.

  “Mason,” he calls out as he jogs across the road. “I haven’t seen you in a while. Have you been pulling weeds at Jennifer's grave?”

  My first reaction is to let the rage take over, but I look back to the café, and when I see Kinglsey walking toward me, I push the destructive emotions down.

  You have to put an end to it now, Mason.

  The last time you got into a fight with West, Kingsley got hurt.

  “Did you hear me?” West asks as he comes up behind me, but I ignore him, keeping my eyes locked on the light of my life.

  I’m on the cusp of starting a new life.

  There’s no place for the anger and bitterness.

  “Mason!” West shouts when I still don’t respond to him.

  Kingsley reaches me and taking hold of my hand, she links our fingers, her grip tight.

  “Don’t worry,” I reassure her when I see the concern in her eyes. “He’s not worth the time.”

  “Oh, that’s rich,” West chuckles, coming to a standstill right by us.

  Kingsley looks at West. “You have to stop this.”

  He smirks at her, happy about the reaction he’s getting from her.

  I lock eyes with West. “It’s sad, Dayton. What we’ve been doing for the past five years, is just so unbelievably sad. I’m done living my life like this. Go see a therapist and deal with your shit. Stop baiting me, hoping I’ll beat you up so it will ease your guilt.”

  “I wasn’t aware you majored in Psych 101,” he sneers, but I don’t miss the flash of agony and guilt in his eyes. “I don’t feel guilty,” he spits out. “She was the one spinning everywhere over the fucking road and causing chaos. Everyone on that road was lucky, she was the only one who died.”

  Kingsley steps closer to me and just knowing she’s by my side, helps me to keep the deep-rooted rage from exploding like an erupting volcano.

  I take a breath and knowing it’s time to start honoring my sister, instead of tainting her memory with guilt and anger, I say, “I’m going to let my sister rest in peace.”

  West lets out an anxious chuckle when he sees that baiting me isn’t getting his desired result any longer. “So, you’re going to give up? Is that what you’re saying.” He takes a step closer to me, which has Kingsley reacting and moving in front of me. His eyes drop to her. “Are you his bodyguard now?”

  Before Kingsley can answer, I say, “I’m done with you, Dayton. You’re nothing but empty noise.”

  Pulling at Kingsley’s hand, I begin to walk back to our building.

  “You’re really going to let me get away with murdering Jennifer? Some fucking brother, you are,” he shouts after me.

  “Let me have a sip of that,” I say to Kingsley doing my best to ignore West.

  She quickly hands me the beverage, and I take a gulp of the warm liquid before I hand it back to her, then I pull a face. “Damn, Hunt. Did you add extra sugar in there?”

  “Only five.” She grins. “What? Did you think I was just a naturally sweet person?”

  “There’s nothing sweet about you,” I grumble.

  “Mason!” West yells. “Don’t fucking walk away from me!”

  As we enter our dorm, Kingsley looks up at me with pride shining from her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I nod and press the button for the elevator. “I still want to kill him, but I meant everything I said. The accident wasn’t anyone’s fault, and West needs to move on. It’s time to leave the past where it belongs instead of dragging it along with me. He has to deal with his own guilt.”

  “It must’ve been hard hearing him say all those things.” Kingsley brings our joint hands to her mouth and presses a kiss to the back of mine. “But I’m really proud of how you handled it.”

  We step into the elevator, and I lean down, pressing a kiss to Kingsley’s mouth. “I’m sorry you got hurt because of me last time we had a fight.”

  “Hey, I got you to give me first aid. Not every girl can say that,” she teases.

  “Hunt, you’re the only girl who can say that.”

  When we get to Van Nuys Airport, I park behind Lake. Turning off the engine, I look to where Dad is standing with Mr. Reyes, Mr. Cutler, and Julian.

  “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here?” Kingsley asks, and she begins to chew at her bottom lip.

  I reach over and free her lip from between her teeth. “I’m sure. Come, let me formally introduce you to my father.”

  I get out and walk around the back of the car, and opening the door for Kingsley, I reach my hand out to her.

  She takes hold of me and climbing out, her eyes instantly dart in my father’s direction.

  I link our fingers and shut the door, then begin to head toward the group.

  “He already likes you, so you have nothing to worry about,” I murmur as we get close.

  “Excuse me, Warren,” Dad says when he sees us. A smile forms on his face, and he takes a couple of steps in our direction. “This must be Kingsley.” Dad offers his hand to her, his eyes quickly sweeping over her.

  Kingsley shakes his hand. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, sir.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” Dad keeps smiling at her, then he says, “Dynamite comes in small packages. Looking at you, the saying must be true.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Kingsley’s neck flushes red, and it has me grinning.

  Looking at Dad, I ask, “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Park Je-ha is no easy man to deal with, but I believe we’re ready.”

  “We’ll wait over by the cars until they land,” Falcon says after he and Layla greeted Julian and Mr. Reyes.

  “We’ll join you.” Patting Dad’s shoulder, I say, “Good luck.”

  “Thanks, son.” He turns back to the others but then stops. “You should bring Kingsley for dinner.”

  “Next Sunday?” I ask.

sp; “Perfect.”

  When we get back to the cars, I lean against my Bugatti. Turning Kingsley around, so she’s facing the landing strip, I pull her back so she can lean against me. I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on top of her head.

  After a couple of minutes, she asks, “Are you nervous about meeting her?”

  “Not as nervous as Lake,” I murmur and glancing to where Lake is standing next to his father, I can’t keep the worry for my friend from growing in my heart.

  “Does CRC really need this deal?” Kingsley asks.

  Earlier I explained to her that Mr. Park will be investing a substantial amount which will help CRC reach a whole new level on the global front.

  “If we want to expand, then yes we do.”

  “I hope she’s good to Lake,” she whispers.

  “She better be,” I grumble.

  The private jet begins its descent, and when it touches down, Lake walks to where we are all waiting.

  “I look okay, right?” he asks.

  “Lake, she’s so lucky to have you,” Layla says. “You look as handsome as ever.”

  “You’ve got this, buddy. We’re right behind you,” Falcon encourages him.

  “One look at you, and she’ll be swept off her feet,” Kingsley adds.

  When Lake looks at me, I point to my car. “It’s not too late to leave.”

  “Thanks, Mace,” he grumbles, then he grins at me probably thinking I was joking. “Did you hear that noise on the way here?” he asks.

  Lake came in my car, so I could drive his Koenigsegg Regera. The past two days he’s been complaining about hearing a whistling sound every time he speeds up.

  “I didn’t hear shit, but I’ll drive her back to the Academy to make sure.”

  “I’ll leave it be if you don’t hear the sound by the time we get back.” He walks over to Julian, who is waiting with our fathers.

  Letting go of Kingsley, I stand up straight and adjust my suit jacket.

  “It’s showtime,” I whisper.

  “Good luck.” Kingsley presses a kiss to my cheek and waits with Layla, while Falcon and I go to join the rest of the group where they’re waiting.

  Minutes later, two guards exit the plane first, followed by people who look like the administrative staff.

  When another man begins to descend the stairs, Lake and Mr. Reyes begin to move forward. My eyes glue themselves to the exit door of the plane as I wait for Lee-ann to appear.

  A middle-aged woman exits after the man and only then does Lee-ann follow. Her face is expressionless as she pauses in the opening, her eyes on the back of her father.

  Her poise is unyielding as she climbs down the stairs, and she ignores the hand a guard offers to help her down the last couple of steps.

  She stops a couple of feet behind her father, her eyes downcast.

  “She’s like ice,” I whisper to Falcon.

  “Maybe she’s nervous.”

  Mr. Reyes shakes hands with Mr. Park, and says, “It’s an honor having you visit us again, Chairman Park. Welcome.”

  When one of the administrative staff begins to translate the greeting, my eyes widen. “They can’t speak English?”

  “How did the two of you communicate,” Falcon asks.

  “Lee’s fluent,” Lake grumbles. “Now, shut up and smile.”

  After all the men are done being introduced, Mr. Park says something in Korean, which has Lee-ann moving forward.

  She stops a couple of feet in front of Lake and folding her hands over her stomach, she bows, her posture still stiff as fuck.

  “Good afternoon,” her eyes meet Lake’s for the first time, “I will do my best as your future wife, Mr. Cutler.”

  Holy fuck.

  There’s so much wrong with this picture I don’t even know where to begin to make sense of it.

  Driving back to the Academy, I’m stuck in my head as I replay the afternoon’s events, while my eyes are on my car in front of me, which Lake is driving.

  He didn’t even get a moment alone with Lee-ann. She stuck to her father’s side like glue.

  “Are you worried?” Kingsley asks.

  “I am. That’s not what I expected,” I admit.

  “Lake seems okay with how things went,” she mentions.

  “That’s his specialty. The more he worries, the more he smiles and jokes.”

  A couple of miles from the campus, my phone rings. Seeing Lake’s name, I put it on speaker, “What’s up?”

  “I’m hungry. I’m going to stop for pizza. You want me to bring you some?”

  “Anything with pineapple on it,” Kingsley says which has me shuddering because fruit does not belong on pizza.

  “And you, Mace?” he asks.

  “Anything that doesn’t have fruit on it,” I joke, shooting Kingsley a grin. “Oh, and by the way, I still don’t hear the sound. Are you sure your windows weren’t open when you heard it?”

  “Yeah, that’s probably it. Thanks for checking it out.”

  The call ends, and at the next intersection, Lake turns left. I glance at the back of my Bugatti before I speed up to close the gap left between Falcon and me.

  OJAI, California – Vehicle accident kills one and hospitalizes one other.

  The community of Ojai which has long been known as a haven for artists has been brutally shaken by the traumatic events which took place outside the prestigious Trinity Academy.

  Ojai is a vibrant place with unique, natural beauty, nestled in the mountains just 12 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean and is the smallest city in Ventura County.

  Emergency services responded to a vehicle accident outside the gates of the college late this afternoon.

  A student of the Academy was killed on impact. The state of the other student is still unknown.

  To be continued in Lake’s book,

  coming September 16th.

  Trinity Academy


  Novel #1 ~ Falcon Reyes & Layla Shepard


  Novel #2 ~ Mason Chargill & Kingsley Hunt


  Novel #3 ~ Lake Cutler & Lee-ann Park

  Enemies To Lovers


  Novel #1 ~ Carter Hayes & Della Truman


  Novel #2 ~ Logan West & Mia Daniels


  Novel #3 ~ Jaxson West & Leigh Baxter


  Novel #4 ~ Marcus Reed & Willow Brooks


  Novel #5 ~ Rhett Daniels & Evie Cole

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  About the author

  Michelle Heard is a Bestselling Romance Author who loves creating stories her readers can get lost in. She loves an alpha hero who is not afraid to fight for his woman.

  Want to be up to date with what’s happening in Michelle’s world? Sign up to receive the latest news on her alpha hero releases →

  If you enjoyed this book or any book, please consider leaving a review. It’s appreciated by authors.


  Sheldon, you’re my rainbow. Thank you for all the color you add to my life.

  To my beta readers, Kelly, Elaine, Sarah, and Sherrie - Thank you for being the godparents of my paper-baby.

  Sheena and Allyson - Thank you for listening to me ramble, for reading and rereading every book, and for helping me to create. I’d be lost without you.

  Candi Kane PR – You are amazing. Thank you for handling the PR for this series with such expertise.

  Wander & Forest – Thank you for giving Mason the perfect look.

  A special thank you to every blogger and reader who took the time to take part in the cover reveal and release day.

  Love ya all tons ;)


  Michelle Heard, Mason (Trinity Academy Book 2)




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