A Dark Collection

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A Dark Collection Page 2

by Emma V. Leech

  “Gods, yes,” Laen replied, crossing the room and holding out an empty glass. “This time tomorrow it will be all over.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Corin chuckled, patting his shoulder. “How is Aleish? She must be happy with the turnout. It looks like a crush already from what I can see.”

  “It is,” he grumbled. “And don’t ask me. Damn woman is up to something.”

  “Oh?” Corin said with as much nonchalance as he could muster. If Laen had noticed her behaviour already it didn’t bode well for his chances of getting through the evening alive. “What makes you say that?” His eyes fell to a nerve that was ticking in Laen’s jaw and his heart sank another notch.

  “Have you not seen her yet?” Laen demanded.

  Corin shook his head.

  The nerve leapt a little quicker. “Gods, how she has the effrontery to wear it I don’t know. I would have locked her in her bloody room if I had seen it sooner but she was already greeting the guests and she damn well knew I couldn’t make a scene but ... But ... Gods!”

  “Seen what, exactly?”

  “That bloody dress ... it’s ... It’s indecent!” Laen yelled before swallowing most of his drink in one gulp.

  “Oh, gods preserve me,” Corin muttered and topped up his glass again.

  Laen’s eyes narrowed at him. “What was that?”

  “Uh? Oh ... you’re conservative in your views, Laen. I’m sure it’s not so bad as you think.”

  Laen returned a dark look which suggested he remained unconvinced. Corin smiled at him, shrugging, and wondered silently if he should start making plans for his own funeral arrangements.

  “Well I suppose we can’t stay here all night.” Laen emptied his glass and set it down.

  “A card game!” Corin suggested, sounding a trifle panicked. “We could arrange a card game, a good excuse for staying here.”

  Laen frowned. “As much as the idea appeals, Aleish would kill me. Perhaps a bit later ... but,” he glared at Corin suspiciously. “What is wrong with you? You’re as nervous as a virgin in a room full of whores. You’re normally chomping at the bit to get out there.”

  For a moment he considered telling Laen the truth and throwing himself on his mercy, but then Aleish would be in all sorts of trouble and he could not in all conscience do something so ungentlemanly. Instead he looked offended. “I’m ... just feeling a bit hung over still, I suppose.”

  Laen scrutinised him with a frown, clearly unconvinced. “I’ve seen you party for nights on end with barely an hour’s sleep with no visible effect. I don’t buy it.”

  Corin turned away from Laen’s sharp gaze and shrugged. “Oh, well ... I was younger then,” he said weakly.

  There was a snort of amusement. “That was two months ago!”

  “Was it? It seems longer.”

  “Oh, come on,” Laen said, sounding immensely irritated. “We had best go and do the pretty with the great and the good or she’ll kill us both. Let’s get it over with.”

  Their entry into the ballroom had the usual effect. Every female eye was drawn longingly in their direction while the men cast their eyes around, wildly searching for their daughters, wives or female companions. Mothers with their eyes on the prize instructed their daughters to pinch their cheeks and push themselves forward and those ladies who had been fortunate enough to have already enjoyed their company sighed wistfully and with aching hearts.

  Corin scanned the crowd but for once his eyes did not linger to see who took his fancy, but searched for Aleish in the hope that he could avoid her.

  “So you came then.”

  He nearly jumped out of his skin as her voice rang in his ear, so close her breath warmed his neck.

  “Aleish!” he said, fixing a smile on his face. “How delightful to see you. Of course I came, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  She stood back and looked at him critically, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. “A little jumpy tonight aren’t you, darling? Is there something on your mind perhaps?” His eyes fell to her mouth, which quirked into a smile, and the little pink tongue that wet her lips did nothing to ease his misgivings. “Come, let me get you a drink,” she said, grasping his hand and pulling, but he stood stubbornly still.

  “Thank you but I’m fine.”

  Her eyebrows rose to her hairline in astonishment. “You’re refusing a drink?” She demanded and then went off into peals of laughter. “Oh, gods! You think I’m trying to get you drunk!” Her eyes glittered with amusement and Corin’s indignant expression only made things worse.

  “It had crossed my mind!” he said tersely before shushing her. “Do be quiet, Laen will hear you.”

  She stepped closer to him and her hands slid beneath his jacket. He could feel her fingers through the fine fabric of his shirt as they trailed across his chest. “Oh but I don’t want you drunk, darling, truly I don’t. I want you to be at your very best.” She looked up at him through thick eyelashes and pouted. “I want you very much,” she said in a low, breathy voice.

  Corin felt his own breath catch as desire flamed in his blood and he tried hard to keep in his mind the picture of his family’s tomb with his name engraved above and his own body within.

  Quite unaware of his morbid thoughts, Aleish stood back again so he could look her over. “Do you like my dress?” she demanded with a devilish grin. She did a twirl for him and Corin could see why Laen had been so scandalised. It seemed to be made of gossamer. Pale, silvery white, it glittered, iridescent in the light, and was so fine it clung to her body as close as her own skin. He could see the slight indentation of her navel, the outline of her nipples and the soft curves of her behind as the material caressed her lovingly. There was clearly nothing beneath it.

  His mouth was suddenly dry.

  “Exquisite,” he said, stuffing his hands resolutely in his pockets to stop himself from touching her. “Though you’ve nearly given your brother an apoplexy as I’m sure you are aware.”

  “Oh, fiddle.” She huffed. “Laen is such a bore.” She looked at him coquettishly. “Well then, are you going to dance with me first or shall we leave now?”

  “Now?” Corin gaped at her. “Aleish, you cannot be serious!”

  Her face fell and she pouted at him. “Oh very well,” she grumbled. “I suppose we should stay a little while or people will notice. An hour then. No more.”

  “An hour?” Corin hissed at her. “Aleish, really, my dear, I must protest ...”

  “Oh, impatient are you?” She teased him, stepping closer.

  “What? No!” He took a step back in alarm and shook his head. “This is not happening, Aleish. Not now, not tonight, not ever!” he said, deciding there was really no point in demurring, he may as well stamp his authority here and now. He watched in dismay as she looked back at him with hurt in her eyes.

  She stepped forward, hesitant now, and put her hand on his chest. “You ... You really don’t want me?” He swore inwardly, feeling like an utter bastard as she looked up at him, her eyes glittering with tears, full of reproach and disappointment as her bottom lip trembled.

  “Yes I want you, of course I want you, you little fool!” he said trying to keep his voice low so they weren’t overheard. “I’d be insane not to.”

  She grinned at him, all trace of tears miraculously vanished in an instance. “Excellent. In that case I’ll meet you in the garden in half an hour.” And with that she turned on her heel and left him alone.

  “Well of all the ... Aleish, you little wretch!” he cursed and went off to find a drink, wondering just how much he’d have to down to make himself incapacitated. It had never happened before so he doubted he’d have time to find out.

  Chapter 3

  Forty minutes later and Corin had a headache. He could see Aleish glaring at him as she crossed the ballroom. Hastily making his excuses to the young women who crowded around him with adoration in their eyes, he searched the room for Laen ... or anyone who might be able to keep Aleish at bay. The girls compla
ined and tugged at his arm, trying to induce him to stay, but Aleish was bearing down on him and without another word he yanked his arm free and fled. Muttering curses about the absurdity of his situation he moved as swiftly as he could through the throng but was hindered at every turn by people who wanted to speak with him. As politely as he could he made his excuses and by the time he reached the edge of the ballroom he turned and breathed a sigh of relief. There was no sign of Aleish in the crowd. He considered returning to Laen’s study to hide but dismissed it as being the first place she would look. Lost in thought he did not at first notice the timid presence by his side. He felt the touch of a hand against his, and looked down into a pair of wide brown eyes.

  “Sienna, darling,” he said with a smile, raising her hand to his lips and kissing her. He watched her carefully as his lips met her skin, noting the look in her eyes. “You crept up on me, naughty girl. I didn’t see you.”

  “You never do,” she said, colour rising to her cheeks.

  He shook his head and kept hold of her hand, smiling as the blush to her cheeks grew deeper. “Oh but that is simply not true.”

  She bit her lip, obviously nervous, and whispered to him so quietly he was forced to bend his head towards her. “Do you ... still want to meet me?”

  He chuckled and lifted her chin. “Of course, darling, if you would like to, but you said you were too afraid.” He looked at her steadily. “I don’t want any regrets on your part, darling.”

  She shook her head, her gold earrings dancing with the movement and he could see a determined glint in her eyes. “M-my brother was there that night and he’s such a spoil sport. He watches me like a hawk.”

  “Ah, I see and your brother is not here now?” he said, an amused smile at his lips.

  She shook her head again.

  He looked around casually to see if they were being observed or if there was any sign of Aleish. “Are you quite sure you want to, darling?”

  Warm fingers curled around his and squeezed. “Quite sure,” she said, sounding breathless. “I’ve thought of nothing else for weeks.”

  He smiled at her honesty and then sighed. “Oh, Sienna, the truth is tonight is more than a little tricky.” He watched her face fall and felt guilty for disappointing her. She had been flirting with him for months, getting a little braver each time they met, but he had stayed away from her, unsure that she really knew what she was getting into. She’d had plenty of time to consider the idea now though, and perhaps keeping out of sight for a while wasn’t such a bad idea. He pondered the idea for a moment. “You know the statue of Nerthus in the garden?”

  She nodded eagerly.

  “Very well, meet me there in ten minutes. Don’t keep me waiting, mind,” he warned with a smile.

  “Oh, I won’t!”

  He gave her fingers a squeeze and nodded, leaving her alone and exiting the ballroom onto the balcony. He took a breath as the crisp, cool night air filled his lungs. The clear night sky glimmered with stars and he wondered if Laen had found a companion to make the evening more tolerable. He was about to take the steps down into the garden when a soft voice behind him made him turn.

  “Corin?”An elegant woman in deep red velvet was lingering in the shadows, her face barely visible in the moonlight though her jewels glittered as bright as her eyes. Corin swore inwardly and pasted a smile to his face. “Hello, my dear.” There was a sob and the woman ran from the shadows, flinging herself against him.

  “I knew you’d come out here sooner or later and ... And I just had to see you.” She slid her arms round his neck, pulling his head down for a kiss and he obliged her, angling her body back into the shadows so no one could see. Her kiss was hungry, demanding, and he pulled away from her, removing her hands from his neck and pushing her gently away. He let her go, but she moved back to him and rested her head on his shoulder as her hand trailed down his chest. She undid one shirt button and slid her hand under the fine linen.

  He sighed and shook his head. “Evangeline, you really shouldn’t. You know your husband suspects. He’ll be watching you.”

  “I know, I know but ... oh, I need to see you again, please, darling? Won’t you meet me. We could go to the stables again, no one will see.”

  Corin grimaced and shook his head. “No, darling, it took forever to get the straw from your hair and I really don’t think it wise. You know your husband is a hot head and I’m really not in the mood for some idiotic duel. You should return to him before he wonders where you are.”

  “Oh!” She flung away from him and pouted. “You don’t give a damn about me do you?”

  “Come come now, my dear.” Corin gave a wicked chuckle and shook his head “You act as though I was your first affair and I am guilty of taking your virtue when we both know it is very far from the truth. You knew what you were about and I never led you to believe it was anything more than it was, so do not look so injured.”

  Her lip trembled and Corin sighed and pulled her farther into the shadows, putting his arms about her again.

  “I know,” she said quietly. “I knew what I was doing and I knew what you were offering but ... oh but I can’t bear it. I need you. I need to see you again. Please, darling, just once more and I promise I won’t make a fuss. I’ll let you go quietly.”

  He tilted her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes. They shone a deep bronze in the shadows and he saw her wet her lips, eager to be kissed again, to lose herself in the magic only he could provide.

  “I will have your word, Evangeline, you know I cannot bear a scene.”

  She nodded, happy to agree to anything for another taste of him.

  “Tomorrow then, come to the house after noon. You can get away?”

  “Yes. Yes of course.”

  “Very well, a demain,” he said, a smile playing over his lips as she lifted her face towards him. He kissed her, pulling her close against him before releasing her and leaving her breathless as he carried on into the gardens. Sienna was waiting for him by the statue of Nerthus and her face lit up as she saw him arrive.

  “I was afraid you’d changed your mind,” she said, utterly guileless, and he smiled at her, shaking his head.

  “As if I could leave such a sweet little lamb out here alone ... in the dark,” he whispered, moving to stand behind her. “You’ll get eaten by the wolves.”

  She blushed and couldn’t hold his eye as he tilted her head to look at him. He bent and kissed her neck. “But then that is what you are hoping for ... isn’t it?” She leaned back against him as his arms went around her waist and he felt her sigh, though she didn’t answer the question. He slid his hands over the heavy satin of her dress and his mind wandered for a moment to the delicate material he had seen on Aleish’s robe this evening. He wondered if he would be able to feel the heat of her skin under the fine fabric before dragging his mind back to Sienna and reprimanding himself. It was really very bad form to think of one woman whilst dallying with another. “Come then, little lamb.” He chuckled, taking her hand and pulling her out of the garden and into the darkness of the woodland. “Your wolf grows impatient.”

  He led her down a well-trodden path and then veered left, well-acquainted with every hidden corner. In the dim light cast by the waning moon an opening appeared in the trees. With a negligent wave of his hand Corin sent his magic into the earth and Sienna watched, entranced as the ground softened and covered over with thick green moss studded with tiny white flowers. They shone, opalescent in the cool darkness like earth-bound stars.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, enchanted, and then looked at him with fear in her eyes. “B-but this is the Prince Laen’s land, Dark Fae territory ... how can you change things here?”

  Corin shrugged. “Laen allows me certain liberties,” he said, unwilling to elaborate. It wasn’t strictly true, but the only other explanation was something he did not wish to consider too deeply, let alone discuss with anyone else. That the voices in his head were an endless echo to his own thoughts was something he w
ould keep to himself. That the life contained in the ground beneath his feet strained as though to follow him, as though to cleave to him, even to surrender to him ... Was something he did not want to consider. He would not acknowledge it. Not ever. He would run for the rest of his days if needs be.

  He sat down and crooked his finger at Sienna, who moved to sit beside him. He shook his head and made her stand with her feet either side of his legs. His hands disappeared under the drapes of her skirt and he reached up to hook his fingers around her underwear, drawing them down in one swift movement. She squealed and then giggled as she stepped out of them and he threw the silky scrap beside him on the moss before pulling her down to him. As she lowered her body his hands slid up her legs, gathering her skirts around her waist as she sat. He heard her sharp intake of breath at the suddenly intimate contact and lost no time in pulling her head down and kissing her. He was soft at first, gentle, coaxing her to meet him and he found he had a more than willing pupil. He felt smooth fingers touching his skin, delicate and tentative as they traced the contours of his face; firmer and bolder by the time they had reached his chest and begun to undo the fastenings of his shirt. He reached between them to undo his belt and trousers and then grasped her hips, pulling her hard against him and smiling against her mouth at the surprised noise she made as pleasure and desire shivered over her skin. He didn’t move to enter her, but guided her to rub against him, so she could take her own pleasure in him. He encouraged her as she began to move of her own accord, knowing that with each taste he gave her she would want more, need more. His experienced fingers made short work of the fastenings of her dress and he pulled at the shoulders, drawing the heavy satin down her arms until it met the swathes of her skirts. Her shivering desire was heightened by the night air against her bare skin and as the warmth of his mouth found her breast she moaned as the contrast seemed to dissolve her bones. Her body was suddenly heavy, a needy thing as she pulled his head closer and he moved his attention to her other breast.


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