Down the Hole

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Down the Hole Page 15

by Sally Six

  “Boys, get your pillows and blankets and take them downstairs into the living room. Leroy will get them and take them to the van. Then come back up and get 2 or 3 of your favorite toys. Okay boys?”

  “Yes Daddy.” Two little boys said together. They headed to their beds for their things.

  Matt picked up both the boys backpacks and the duffel, in the hallway. He yelled at Lily to get her pillow and blankets and bring them downstairs with whatever else she had ready.

  All he heard was a, “Yeah Dad.”

  “Cash,” he called. “Do you have our things packed along with winter stuff too, honey?” He took the first load down to the living room.

  Leroy was back in the house for another load and Matt stopped him. He told him to go up to his room and what to pack of his things as fast as he could, plus grab his blankets and pillow and bring them down too. Leroy went up the staircase as fast as he could and went to his room to pack. “No way are we going to be out of here in under an hour.” Matt thought to himself. “We should have packed and left last night.”

  Matt then grabbed what he could and hauled it out to the van. He noticed Leroy was doing a great job of packing the back of the van. He also noticed that the little boy’s backpacks were on the floor in front of the seats that they would be in. That was great thinking. He looked around when he was packing what he brought out. No one seemed to be stirring yet in the homes around them. Just maybe they could get out of here yet without any problems from the neighbors or anyone else.

  As he turned back to the house, he saw Lily coming out with her arms filled with her things. He went over and helped take some of them from her and told her to put her backpack by her seat. He packed her other things as she went back in for more. He ran back to the house. It was only 30 feet from the driveway to the house, but at this time if felt like a mile.

  Cass still had not come down with any of his or her things. So he ran up the stairs to get her to hustle. He found her standing in front of her closet. He noticed his duffel was on the bed and seemed to be full, but her suitcase was only half full.

  “Did you get my winter things too, Cass?”

  She turned. “Yes, I got your winter stuff packed but not your hunting gear I thought you could do that. But I just can’t decide what I want to wear for traveling.”

  Matt walked over to her suitcase and saw only nice clothes in it as if she was going on vacation or something,

  “Cass, I told you we may have a rough time and to pack right away. We have to be on the road as soon as possible.”

  “Oh Matt, I have to have things that I will feel nice and comfortable in while we travel”

  He then walked over to her suit case and dumped it out. He picked her under clothes back up and put them in. Then he went over to her dresser and pulled more under clothes out, socks, jeans, shirts and long sleeve shirts.

  “Matt, what do you think you are doing?” She wailed.

  “You are going to need good sturdy clothes, Cass. You will not need nice dress clothes. You can put in one nice outfit but that’s it.” He was saying this as he continued to pack and headed to closet where she was standing. He took her by the shoulders. Put her over to the side so he could get in the closet to grab his hunting gear that was already in a duffel all ready to go along with their coats and a few other warm things. He bent down for her boots and two pair of tennis shoes. She was as mad as a wet hen. He could see that, but he wasn’t going to stop to argue about anything right now. He also picked up some good leather shoes that she had and also his shoes. He threw these on the bed, fastened the suitcase and put it and his duffel on the floor by his hunting duffel. He then put the pillows in the middle of the bedding and just wrapped it all up blankets, shoes, boots, coats and other items. He then threw a duffel over each shoulder, picked up Cass’s suitcase and headed down stairs with it all.

  “I’ll be right back for the other blankets and such.”

  As he went out of the bedroom door, he said. “Cass if there is anything else you want, you best get it now cause were leaving in 15 minutes.”

  He turned as he went out the door in time to see tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Leroy was just coming back in from another loading trip. Matt asked Leroy. “Leroy, where are Lily and the boys?”

  “Lily took the boys into the kitchen to find them something to eat.” Leroy told his dad.

  “Good they most likely needed to eat. I left a box of cereal sitting on the counter for this morning. Keep at it Leroy we’re almost done.” Matt went into the kitchen to find the boys and Lily eating the cereal he had left out. He picked up the cooler that he had brought up from the basement last night and opened the refrigerator. It was still cool inside. He put lunch meat, cheese, miracle whip, mustard and other things in as well as some frozen foods to keep it cool. He had already packed some things last night like the bread, peanut butter and jelly, flatware and other things that they could use to eat. He already had the boxed up pots and pans in the van, matches and so on. He had them sitting by the dining room door all ready to go into the van. He had wanted them last so he knew where they were and they could get at them quickly.

  He had only left out four bowls and spoons. They could take turns using them if that was needed. He sure wasn’t feeling very hungry at this point. He was just too darned worried. He picked up the cooler and went out to the dining room and picked up one of the two boxes that he had ready to go for their meals for the next couple of days. The water bottles and containers were already in the van. The living room only had one more box in it. He saw out the door that Leroy was on his way back to the house. He noticed Leroy had strapped the other 44 on his hips. “Good boy,” he thought. “He is going to have to grow up mighty darn fast now.”

  Matt spoke to his son as Leroy came in and Matt was going out.

  “Leroy, we’re about ready to go. You go grab something to eat and I will go up and get your mother. She isn’t dealing well with all this at all.”

  Leroy just nodded at his dad. He picked up the last box in the living room, turned around and went out to the van. Leroy put the box in the back of the van, closed the doors and headed back in to eat.

  Matt went in and picked up the last box in the dining room. Grabbed his 30.06 from beside the sofa and took them out to the van putting them both between the front captain’s chairs.

  When Matt got back inside, he headed up the stairs to see what Cass was up to. She should have been downstairs by this time, but she had been no help at all getting them ready to go. He hoped she would snap out of it soon. When he got to their bedroom, he found her sitting on the bed with the photo albums crying.

  She looked up when she heard him come in. “I can’t leave these Matt.”

  “You don’t have to Cass. We will find room for them somewhere in the van. Come on now we have to get on the road.”

  He took her by the hand and she stood up from the bed. He led her down stairs and out to the van where he had her get in behind his seat rather than in the other front seat. She didn’t even seem to notice where she was. He stashed the photo albums the best he could under the seat behind her where Lily would be sitting and headed back in the house after the kids. He gathered them up and stuck the bowls and spoons in a plastic bag. He told Leroy just to bring his along and eat on the way. As they were headed out, he looked around one last time to make sure they had everything he thought they would need.

  “Take the kids out Leroy and Lily and strap then in. I will be right with you.”

  He ran around doing a last check in each room and the basement. Then he went out to the van. It was 7:15 AM. They were only 15 minutes behind, not too bad. He climbed in the driver’s seat, started the van up and backed out of the driveway. He then noticed a couple of his neighbors open the front doors of their houses. Some he knew had no idea what had happened. Were they ever in for a rude awakening.

  He drove to the end of his street and pulled left around the corner. They had to go through tow
n to get out of Strasburg and head west on the freeway. One part of town was one that he didn’t relish going through, but maybe it was early enough the scum and gangs weren’t up yet.

  He had gone half a block down the main road when he heard honking behind him. He looked in his side mirror and saw a 1965 blue Chevy 3 ton truck pulling up fast behind him. He frowned and said to Leroy who was riding shotgun. “Be ready for anything Leroy.”

  Leroy looked at his dad with a very worried expression on his face.

  The little boys were starting to yell. “Who is it Dad? Who is it?”

  “Boys I don’t know, but I need you to be very quiet. All of you back there kind of lie down on the seats the best that you can. Do that for me now.”

  Cass started to get indignant. “I am not doing that Matt. The kids can but I will not.”

  He yelled. “Cass you will lay down and that is an order not a suggestion. Do you hear me? This may be trouble, maybe even shooting with life or death for any of us. DO IT!”

  She was getting really mad at him until he said that. Then she got real white in the face and laid down the best she could with the boys. From what must be a loud speaker, they heard. “Matt… Matt Graham, stop would you?”

  Matt stopped right there in the road. There was no sense in pulling over to the side of the road. It wasn’t like there was anything else on the road. He opened his van door and stepped out.

  “Matt, Matt you can’t leave us.” He heard Cass say.

  “Leroy, you keep sharp I will be right back.”

  Matt then moved to the back of his van as the truck pulled up and stopped right beside him. Leroy wasn’t taking any chances. He pulled the pistol out of the holster with his finger off the trigger for now. He scanned the street and houses around him. Matt had his 44 in his hand, but put it away when he saw Gary Lopez lean over.

  “Matt am I glad I caught you. I was afraid you had pulled out last night. When I saw you pull out of your street, I sure was relived.”

  “What made you come Gary? I thought you were sticking with your store.”

  “Well you said I was welcome Matt. Then looters hit my store last night. I fought them off, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that forever. I didn’t think a cat parts store would get hit but they may have thought I had money. So after things calmed down, I spent the rest of the night packing up what I could and headed to your place.”

  “Here take this radio Matt. We will talk as we drive. I know from the look on your face you have more questions.”

  Matt stepped up on the truck step and took the radio, moved quickly back to his van and started back down the road. Matt looked over at Leroy and saw how scared he was. “Leroy, take a deep breath and holster the gun for now. That was Gary Lopez and I guess he is coming with us. Everything is alright. Sorry about that. Get up everyone. Everything is fine. That’s a friend.”

  Gary had pulled in behind Matt’s van as Matt got on down the road.

  Luckily it was early enough and they got out of town without incident. It was hard going weaving in and out of stalled cars and trucks. That didn’t ease up any as they got on the freeway either.

  “Manic to Spitfire, come in. Hey their good buddy.”

  Matt picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke to Gary. “Spitfire huh. Well I guess. What do you need Manic?”

  Gary answered. “You have any questions Spitfire? We will do that now if you do and get it out of the way.”

  Matt said into the walkie-talkie. “I figured we best do all that if and when we stop for the night to save the charge on these things.”

  “Yeah you’re right,” said Gary. “That is best as I don’t have an extra set. I have the charger hooked into my truck here so we won’t have anything while these charge. Save this charge for emergencies. Talk to you later. Manic over and out.”

  The first couple of hours went quietly and without much incident, but after that it began to liven up. They had seen a head or two pop up in a car stalled on the freeway, but now people were milling around like they were waiting to be rescued. In the van they could hear people hollering for them to stop and take them where they needed to go. Once in a while someone would try to get in front of the van. Matt would rev the engine to speed up. He would bring up his pistol and have Leroy do the same.

  The people’s eyes would get huge. They would begin to back pedal, but there were a few who would get mad, step back and bang on the van as it passed. One or two ran back to their cars and pulled out guns then took pot shots at the van and truck. Luckily, no one was hit nor anything vital.

  There were places in the towns that they had to go through that the best thing was to have Gary take the lead. He had an extra heavy duty bumper on his truck. They had to push many a car over enough for them to get through. So they just had Gary stay in the lead after that.

  They had to stop a time or two at a rest stop for the kids and for themselves. There were a few people at some of them. Matt and Gary got out of their vehicles and they took everyone to the restroom by armed escort. Everyone stayed away from them and would hop into their cars locking the doors. The truckers just stood by their trucks. Some were armed, but they never tried to accost the group.

  They finally passed out of the state of Ohio. That state under their belts.

  Matt had let Leroy take a three-hour nap and Cass agreed to keep a look out for anything strange. She seemed to be doing better and not flaking out on him. Matt had put in his last can of gas an hour ago. He sure hoped Gary had enough for both of them to get where they were going.

  Matt picked up the radio. “Spitfire to Manic, over good buddy.”

  “Manic here, Spitfire. What’s up?”

  “Manic, I hate to bring this up, but I am out of any extra gas. You have any that I can borrow?”

  Matt could hear Gary snicker over that one.

  “I wondered when you were going to bring up that small fact Spitfire. What had you planned on doing without me?”

  Matt said to Gary. “I have a hose and was planning on siphoning gas out of some stalled cars along the way if I needed, over.”

  “Spitfire that’s a darn good idea, but I don’t think a real safe one. It would have been better then walking that’s for sure. Don’t worry good buddy. I have that covered for now. We will do that too if and when the necessity comes down the road for that. I have plenty of gas for both of us, over.”

  “Spitfire to Manic. That’s very good news Manic. More than I can express at this time, over and out.”

  “Over and out,” said Manic with a grin on his face.

  A few hours later, they were at another rest stop and doing their same group restroom run. There were only two other cars at this one and five people. Needless to say they kept their distance. Matt and Gary did notice the vending machines had been smashed. The things taken from them were candy bars, chips, nuts, pop, sports drinks and water. Who could blame them? They were 35 miles from the nearest town and these people were waiting for everything to come back on or be rescued. Never knowing neither was going to happen. At least, this was another old fashion type rest stop with more like fancy outhouses.

  For good looks and a novelty, a hand pump was sitting back a ways where water could be pumped if a person knew how which Matt did. A bucket sat next to the pump with some water in it. It was scummy so no one had drunk it, thank goodness. The other people were watching him as he picked up the bucket and started to pour this over the rings around the pump half way up. This was called priming the pump. After three good pumps, the water started to flow out of the spigot.

  Matt called out loudly. “Everyone bring over your water containers and we will fill them back up.”

  His family along with Gary brought over anything they could fill. Behind them was now standing the people from the other cars. That brought a smile to Matt’s face and then they smiled back. One or two had tears streaming down their faces. They hadn’t seen water look so good before.

  Before he shut down the water he told the
m. “Now always keep this bucket full of water to prime the pump. If you don’t have water to prime it, you won’t be getting any water in the future. Another thing if you haven’t guessed by now, no one is coming to rescue you. We are now in a nuclear war. That brought a few gasps. Leroy was walking back to his dad to see what was going on.

  “This is my son, Leroy. Follow him over to the van you see in the parking lot and I will be right there.”

  The group of people were still shocked. They didn’t know why they were following this man’s orders, but he seemed to know what he was doing.

  Matt sat the refilled bucket down by the side of the pump and went over to Gary who was standing by his truck keeping guard.

  “Gary, I had these folks there come over. Do you think we can give them enough food to hold them for say three days? At least enough until they can think of what they’re going to do or to get somewhere besides being out here in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Why are you asking me, Matt?”

  “I am asking you because we’re in this together. We will sink or swim together. So I also need your agreement and input.”

  Gary looked down at the pavement for a few seconds and then back up at Matt.

  “If that’s how it is, I’m in. Yes, a few days’ worth of food won’t kill us. We need to stay human too.”

  Matt slapped Gary on the back. “Great, good to hear it. Come on.”

  Matt and Gary went over to the five people and told them what they were going to do for them. The rest would be up to them on what they did. This would give them a chance at least.

  Gary and Matt had parked the trucks away from the other cars. Gary had parked his truck with the back away from the highway so no one could see into the back when he opened it. When they got back to their vehicles, Gary opened the big back door on the truck. It rolled up without much noise. He hopped into the back of the truck and rummaged around finding what they would need. Matt meantime did the same at his van. They gave them some canned foods and they sent them on their way. They had kept them on the side so they never saw into the back of the truck. Now it was time to gas up.


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