Down the Hole

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Down the Hole Page 19

by Sally Six

  The young kids were out in the backyard playing on an old swing set when the group came out of the trees. You wouldn’t have thought the world had gone to heck in a hand basket at all. Kids most always make things seem normal when they’re playing.

  Matt was pulling the van into a large double door shop/garage. Leroy was holding the door open. He went inside to help his dad begin to unload their things.

  Louis said to Gary. “Gary you take your truck up to the barn. Gale you take your jeep over to that shed over there to the left of the garage Matt has pulled into and drive behind it. You will find a door you can open and drive the jeep into the shed. Then you can start to unpack and bring to the house some of the things you will need for now. I will have Ma show you where you will be sleeping after that.”

  The trio went to their vehicles, started them and took them where Granddad Louis had told them. They started to go through their things to see just what they would need for now.

  Gary was in the back of his truck going through his gear when he heard a door shut at his right. He stopped and looked out and saw Granddad Louis coming over to the truck.

  “Wow boy, you have this thing packed well. What all do you have in here anyway?”

  Gary smiled. “Hopefully lots of things that we all will be able to use. I have extra car and truck parts, batteries, wiring, tools, rifles, a pistol or three, ammunition, equipment to do reloads, a couple compound bows and 100’s of metal tipped arrows, tarps of all sizes, fishing equipment, water purification tablets, two large Berkeley filters, 4 small backpacks, four Coleman stoves, duel fuel lanterns, fuel, cases of MRE’s, a few cases of other freeze dried foods, foods, shortening, boots, coats, wool clothing, cold weather sleeping bags, tents, how to books and more.”

  “Sounds like you have a store with you Gary.” Laughed Granddad, “Here let me give you a hand getting some of this stuff out of the truck. I have a nice dry place for you to put some of this stuff upstairs here in the barn. There are also a few holes in the ground with empty barrels yet just waiting for things to be put in them.”

  They were taking so long up at the barn that Matt’s curiosity got the best of him. He grabbed Leroy when they were finished with their stuff and went up to the barn to see just what was going on. He found Grandpa helped Gary take some of the things out of the truck. Even Mat was amazed at how well Gray had packed that truck and how much he had gotten into it. The barrels were already out and were sitting by the back left door to be taken to the fuel shed. Gary was coming down the steps that went upstairs where gramps had two rooms of different storage items and extra things for the barn and animals.

  The other side was hay and straw storage piled to the ceiling. With a loft over one side of the barn where extra hay was also stored. There was a pulley system in the middle of the barn and a big door that opened to swing the hay in to put in the hay loft.

  “I thought we were doing only some of this today Gramps. You said to just get what we needed for the day or so.”

  “I know I did. When I saw what he had on this truck, I thought it best to get some of it off and stowed away as soon as possible”.

  Gary joined in by this time with. “When we have most of this off in a day or two I want to make sure that I put at least a week or two’s worth of food and water back on or whatever else I think we would need if for some reason we all had to high tail it out of here. I also know this truck may be too big for such a getaway. I guess we’ll see.”

  After another 30 minutes of working, they were done with what Gary wanted to take off the truck for now. They headed to the house. Gary had a pack and on the porch were the things that Matt and Leroy were taking into the house for their family.

  Cass was just coming in the front door herding the children to be washed up for lunch. “Oh wonderful, a change of clothes. You kids go eat your lunch now. It’s already on the dining room table.”

  After Lily, Lex and Les were seated and had started to eat, she asked Lily to keep an eye on the boys. “I will be back shortly. Behave yourselves.” She told the two youngest as she headed for Matt and the clothes.

  “Matt your timing is just great. I am really in need of a shower badly. We get the bedroom here on the main floor next to Grandpas and Grandma’s. Just follow me.”

  Matt just smiled and followed his wife to where she led. Leroy was coming back in with the other children’s backpacks. He noticed his dad had put Lily’s down by the living room sofa as he walked by it.

  “I’ll show you where to stow the boys and your things Leroy.” Grandpa said to Leroy. “You too Gary, come on”

  When they got upstairs, there were four bedrooms. Gramps was rubbing his chin thinking about something. He looked at Gary and Leroy. “Gary would you mind sharing a room with Leroy here. I don’t think it would be real nice for him to be sleeping or trying to with those two little boys.”

  Gary stood there thinking about it for a minute and then said. “Sure why not. I can’t imagine being in the same room with those two little rug rats.”

  “All right, then it’s you and Leroy here in the first door to the right. Gale and Tracy are already in their room there in the middle. Then the two curtain climbers over there will be on the left by the bathroom.”

  After all the backpacks and cases were put into the rooms, the adults all decided it was time for lunch for them as well. Cass was done with her shower by that time. A bit later Gale and Tracy came down all freshly showered and changed and Gale said. “I feel human again.”

  In the afternoon, Lily went out to collect the eggs with her Great Grandma and learned which chickens were her granny’s favorites.

  If it hadn’t been for the predicament, one would have never known the world was in turmoil at this time on the farm. Everyone was getting settled in and were all ready for a good night’s sleep at the end of a very stressful trip.


  As the weeks, months and years went on riots were progressively getting worse as the days went by on the outside world. Many gangs had started fighting and killing worse than ever before. They were trying to see who would be dominant for their little corners of the world. A few police forces tried to hang on but it was impossible. They were out gunned and out manned.

  Gary and Gale married and built a home a half mile from the farm house and now have six children

  As the time rolled on, they only had five attacks and they were taken care of quickly. Grandpa lived on another ten years and Grandma thirteen. They had passed on as much knowledge as they could in that time. The children grew up and Lily went to live on the next farm over. Leroy went on walk about and brought his bride home and they are living in a home built a quarter mile from the back barn. A former Marine swept Tracy off her feet and they settled down not far from the farm. Families didn’t like to be separated too far from one another anymore. Safety in numbers and family was too important to lose contact with. In another generation a few hardy souls got the roaming bug, but this was still a very dangerous world. Most of them came home quickly or were never seen again.

  Chapter 14


  Beulah and Brian,

  Brian awoke stiff, sore and couldn’t figure out at first why he was on the couch. It was cold in the house. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, looked around and saw his mom asleep in one of the living room chairs. It came back to him then. He also figured that it also meant his dad had not come home at all. He had noticed his dad was acting strange lately. Well stranger than usual anyway even when he did happen to get to spend some time with him which sure wasn’t much anymore. They used to go to ball games on the weekends when he wasn’t playing or had practice. As the weeks and months went by, even that piddled to nothing. Brian was still counting on his dad coming home. They needed him now more than ever. Brian didn’t know if he could do this all on his own. He got up as quietly as he could and headed for the bathroom. It was automatic to flush as the water was still running. But that was probably what was still in the system. “
Wonderful,but I wonder for how much longer.”

  Man I forgot something. He went quickly to the garage. He was looking for bigger containers of some kind. Then “duh,” he thought. “I should also fill the bathtub in the main bathroom. We can use that water to flush the toilet when the water finally stops running.” So back he went to the bathroom and started to fill the tub. He wanted it as full as he could get it. He still wanted more water so he ran to the bathroom upstairs and started filling that tub also.

  He heard movement as he was going down the stairs. He assumed his mom must have gotten up. He was right. It was his mom and she was just coming out of the hallway.

  “Did you hear your dad come in last night Brian?”

  “No Mom. He didn’t come home or he would have woke us I would have thought.”

  Beulah looked at him strange. “Why would he wake us? He may have come home and then already gone into work this morning. He was just probably trying to be kind and let us sleep.”

  Brian didn’t know what to say at first as he was trying to think of what to say to his mom. She was just not getting it or something.

  “Oh by the way,” Beulah said. “Somehow the tub got full of water. Do you know how that happened? Did you do that? Good thing I found it as it’s letting out now.”

  “Oh no Mom, you can’t do that. We may need that water. Who knows when it will cut off?”

  He was headed back to the bathroom to put the stopper down and get the tub full again.

  His mom followed him to the bathroom. “Why in the world are you filling the bathtub Brian? What in the world would possess you to do this?”

  “Mom think about it. Did you forget what happened yesterday?” He was refilling the tub and had to speak up as he talked to her.

  Beulah just stood there in the frame of the bathroom door with a perplexed look on her face. Then it must have come to her. She started to cry then.

  “Your father hasn’t been here has he? Lee never came home at all last night. For some reason he has left us all alone or something has happened to him.”

  She turned and started down the hallway towards the living room. Brian could hardly understand what she was saying. She was sobbing so hard. He turned the tap off and headed to see if he could console his mother.

  * * *

  On the other side of town in a very cheap filthy apartment, Lee was still in a drunken stupor. The woman lying beside him was still passed out cold. They were both in a manner of undress. He just couldn’t seem to keep warm. He was cold even through the haze in his brain due to the drugs and booze. Lee finally opened his eyes. He couldn’t stop shivering. “Where am I?” He thought. Then he saw his girlfriend laying on the floor beside the couch and smiled.

  This beat his dull wife and this was his new beginning. Glenda was everything his wife wasn’t. She had red hair, a good build, young and ready for a good time. Why in the world was it so cold? He got up from the couch and swerved his way to the bathroom. He flipped the light switch but nothing happened. Dumb broad. She must not have paid the electric bill. That must be why it’s so cold in here. He would have to teach her a lesson, no more Mr. nice guy. He walked back to the living room and stood beside Glenda.

  “Glenda, get up.” He bumped her with his right foot. When she didn’t wake up, he kicked her a little harder. “Glenda wake up.”

  He was getting angry now. He had a horrible hangover and she needed to get up and take care of him. He kicked even harder. This time she gave a grunt.

  “Glenda get the heck up. It’s cold in here. I need some aspirin and food.”

  “Oh man,” she said as she groaned on the floor. “I feel like crap. What a night.”

  She opened her eyes and then quickly shut them again saying. “It’s still light out. I don’t wanna get up yet. Why is it so cold in here?”

  “You must not have paid the electric bill. That’s why it’s so cold in here.”

  She opened her eyes little by little and saw Lee standing over her.

  “At this moment I don’t remember anything. Oh gads, I think I’m gonna be sick.” She got up and ran for the bathroom.

  He could hear her gagging and then the toilet flushing and the water running in the sink. She then came staggering out. She didn’t look as great like this as her makeup was smeared and there was vomit on her chest.

  “Look down Glenda. You forgot to clean up your chest.”

  She looked down. “Oh my.” She turned back around to go back into the bathroom.

  Lee went back into the living room and sat down on the couch. He put his head in his hands. Boy did they tie one on last night. He was celebrating his new found freedom. But now he wondered if it was worth it. “Nope I am not going to look back.” He thought to himself. “Onward I go.” Lee had taken all their money out of savings, so he wouldn’t even have to worry about working for a while. There was money for anything that he wanted for a few months. Then he would find some kind of job. A job that would just keep him and Glenda in the things they wanted. Then he noticed something. It was very quiet. Where was all the noise? There should be cars honking, cop sirens, construction work going on you name it. He got up and looked out of the window. Nothing out there seemed to be moving. He saw a few people standing around or walking, but not a car, truck or bus was moving. That’s when Glenda came up beside him. She put her slender arms around him and handed him a glass of bourbon.

  “A little hair of the dog that bit you honey.” She said with a grin.

  He took the glass from her hand. She finished encircling his waist as he downed the bourbon in one gulp which made him feel better almost immediately.

  He turned around as she backed away. Now that she was cleaned up and had her makeup back on he realized why he had dropped his wife for her. She was giggling as she too picked up a drink and downed it.

  She snuggled up to Lee. “How about we go find a party? I know just where one is.”

  He nodded and gave her a kiss. They dressed and headed out to a friend’s house. They got into Lee’s car. He stuck in the key and turned it, nothing.

  “Why in the world doesn’t the car start?” He said to Glenda. “Looks like my car has the same problem the other cars do.”

  Glenda was sitting right beside him and was snuggling up to him again.

  “Lee let’s not worry about the car for now. The party is only a couple of blocks away anyway. We can walk there.”

  “Okay, I guess I will look into what’s wrong the car later.” He opened the door and held the door open as she slid out of the car.

  They headed for the party. It was an ongoing never stop party of booze, drugs and sex. I am really living the high life now thought Lee. It was three days before he came out of his next drunk with a few drugs mixed into the works. He was filthy and boy did he stink. So did everyone around him. There must have been at least 10 other people in the room laying around with vomit everywhere. One guy that was white as a sheet had to be dead. No one is that white. He started to gag at the smells. He was looking around for Glenda when he spotted her. She was across the room naked and laying beneath a man. Well so much for her he thought. Looks like I need to find myself another woman. I need to get back to the apartment. He stumbled over several people getting to the door. He staggered out of the apartment and managed to make it down the stairs. As he opened the main door to the apartment building, things outside seemed really out of hand. People were running every which way and he could hear guns going off.

  “What the….?” Lee thought but didn’t get to finish the sentence as a bunch of young men were rounding a corner on a run a half block from him in the direction Lee wanted to go. They all had pistols and rifles and were firing them at another group that was turning around and firing back at them. “Has the world gone crazy?” He ducked back inside the apartment building. But not before a gang member saw movement at the door and shot in the direction of the closing door. The bullet went thought the window and hit Lee right in the back of the head as he leaned aga
inst the door. He never knew what hit him and was dead before he hit the hallway floor.

  * * *

  Brian and Beulah were never to know what became of Lee. He just never came home. The water had gone off on the third day after the bombs hit. They struggled along as best they could. Beulah was still hoping and praying that Lee would come home. After a week, Brian heard shots from the house next door and looked out to see Mr. Zimmer stumble out his front door with blood all over his chest. He fell on the sidewalk in front of his house. Beulah heard it to from the living room and came running over to the window where Brian stood.

  “What’s going on?” She said in a panic. “Oh no!” She gasped and was beginning to unlock the door.

  Brian put his hand on hers. “No Mom you can’t go out there.”

  “But Mr. Zimmer is hurt. We have to go.”

  “No way mom. He isn’t just hurt. Someone just shot him.”

  They saw movement on the other side of the house. It was the neighbors on the other side of them, Mr. and Mrs. Stapp, and their two teenage sons. They had backpacks on their backs and were running as fast as Mrs. Stapp could go.

  “I haven’t seen anyone else yet Mom, but I think whoever shot him are still in Mr. Zimmer’s house.”

  “They?” Like she just didn’t comprehend what he was getting at.

  That’s when they heard the screaming begin. Beulah put her hands on her ears. She was about to scream when Brian quickly put his hands over his mother’s mouth to muffle her scream.

  “Mom you can’t do that. Whoever is over there will hear you. We have to get some of our things and get to the basement as fast as we can.”

  “We have to save Mrs. Zimmer. We just have to.” She was saying to Brian.

  “There’s no way that we can save Mrs. Zimmer from whoever is over there in their house Mom. There’s just no way. Now let’s get what we will need for a day or two and get to the furnace room. We have to hope and pray they don’t find us, okay.”


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