The Billionaire's Secretly Fake Bride (MANHATTAN BACHELORS Book 3)

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The Billionaire's Secretly Fake Bride (MANHATTAN BACHELORS Book 3) Page 15

by Susan Westwood

  “Thank you, Cami.” She said to her future sister in law. She still felt a little sad about it, but she was cheered by the way that Camille had positioned it. As far as anyone knew, she would be a part of the family, and all of the people who were coming to the wedding were coming to celebrate that and welcome her to it.

  “You know, I wanted to tell you, Regina, I’m really impressed with you for working so hard like you have, to make ends meet and go to college, especially while you’re working, so that you could make something of yourself. That takes real courage and guts, and I admire that so much. I love it. I’m so proud that you’re going to be my sister-in-law. I think Ryder has never had a better lady on his arm, and I know that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him.” Camille beamed brightly at Regina.

  Regina felt her heart swell. No matter that the wedding wasn’t real, it was a wonderful benefit to have Camille there as a sister, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it while she could. “Thank you, Cami. It’s been a real challenge for me, but it’s so important to me to graduate and really try to make the most out of myself that I can. It’s nice to have that recognized.”

  Camille grinned. “Of course! I’m also really excited to have a sister finally! I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to have one!” She hugged Regina and then excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. When she was out of earshot, Marie turned to look at Regina and saw a disappointed expression on her face.

  “What is it? What’s wrong, Regina?” Marie asked, giving her a sympathetic look.

  Regina shook her head gently. “This is a sham wedding! Cami is so sweet, and I like her so much. I feel bad. I’m lying to her, and she doesn’t deserve that. Not at all. She’s going to be so devastated when we get divorced.”

  Marie gazed at her thoughtfully. “Maybe not. I mean, look at this, it might be a sham wedding, but it’s not so bad. I think you’ve got a new friend in Cami, and she’s wonderful. That’s a good thing, even if it is based originally out of a fake engagement. The friendship that you two are building is real. That’s not fake. Her affection for you isn’t fake, and yours for her isn’t either.

  The most important thing to remember is that this is just a job that you’re doing for the money, and when it’s all over, who knows, you might wind up being friends with Camille after the divorce as well. That would be the best of both worlds. You get the money and the friend, and things are good.”

  Regina nodded and gave her best friend a smile. “You’re the best. That’s a really good point, and I hope you’re right. I mean, it’s going to be an amicable divorce anyway, so hopefully when we end it on a good note, she’ll want to keep the friendship and there won’t be any hard feelings.” She reached over and gave Marie a hug. “Thank you so much. You’re an amazing friend, and I really appreciate you keeping this secret for me.”

  “My lips are zipped.” Marie winked at her and pretended to zip her lips closed and throw away an invisible key.

  Ryder and Taylor were out for drinks at just about the same time that the ladies were out dress shopping. Taylor was fascinated with the entire scheme, hoping that it would work, and simultaneously curious to see if it would implode. He took great pride in the fact that the idea was originally his, and that it had been working so far. He felt like a relationship and family problem resolution genius.

  “How is the wedding planning going?” He raised an eyebrow and looked at his best friend with an impish grin.

  Ryder shrugged. “I guess we have a wedding planner handling most of it. Thank god. I don’t really want much to do with making it happen. My biggest goal is to get down the aisle and get married so that I can get my inheritance. I don’t really have an opinion about what color the flowers are or what the cake tastes like along the way.”

  Taylor laughed at him. “Are you guys doing any of it or leaving it to the planner?”

  “Well, we’re doing as little as possible. Regina is out shopping for part of it, and Cami is helping her with it. Cami’s really excited about it and she wants to be a part of whatever planning and putting together that she can be.” He smiled at the thought of it. “They’ve really hit it off, Regina and Cami. I like that. It makes this whole thing easier.”

  “I’m glad to hear that at least someone in the family is happy about it. What’s Carter got to say about it?” He asked looking pointedly at Ryder.

  Ryder rolled his eyes and groaned a little. “He is furious about it. He didn’t say anything when I proposed to her at the Carrington Literacy fundraiser, but he had plenty to say the next morning. He told me off about it, and I told him that I really don’t care. That’s where it is now. I’m getting married, like he ordered me to, and there’s not really anything else that he can say about it. That’s it.”

  Taylor shook his head. “I don’t envy you the family drama, that’s for sure.”

  “You know, the thing that really gets me about it is that he doesn’t really care whether or not I love her or she loves me, or if she’s the right girl for me. No, he doesn’t care about any of that. What he cares most about is that she was a cocktail waitress, and more than that, he cares about the family name and the money. That’s it. He doesn’t care about anything else.” Ryder picked up his glass of bourbon and tipped it back, sipping at it.

  “Do you think he’s going to get over it?” Taylor asked, eyeing his friend curiously.

  Ryder shrugged. “Well, to be honest, I don’t really care if he does. I only care about getting the inheritance and being able to be in Cami’s and my brothers’ lives. I’ll tell Carter that there’s a prenup and then the old man won’t have anything to worry about.”

  “I guess not. The money and the family will be protected from any legal backlash from the divorce, so it’ll be alright. He’ll calm down. I bet he’s just pissed off that you did it to begin with, and that you chose a strip club cocktail waitress rather than a high society girl.” Taylor chuckled softly and gave his head a shake.

  They both sat in silence for a long moment and the jukebox played in the background, smothering the quiet conversations that were being spoken around the bar. Taylor looked back at Ryder a few moments later, and he lifted an eyebrow.

  “As your best man, I feel that it’s my duty to check in with you about the pre-wedding responsibilities. Would you like me to throw you a bachelor party?” He asked with piqued interest.

  Ryder shook his head. “No, not really. I mean, what would we do anyway? Get drunk and go see naked women. We do that already.”

  Taylor frowned a little. “Are you sure? Are you alright?” Doubt shrouded his face.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Ryder said thoughtfully. “I’m just… I’m really focused on Regina right now. I guess it’s bothering me a little… I can’t stop thinking about her. Like, at all. She’s constantly on my mind, and I want her. She just keeps pushing me away. I’ve never had a girl push me away before. Not one, not ever. They flock to me. You know that.

  But this one… she’s not even playing hard to get. She’s focused on the business we’re doing and that’s it. No play. No fun. No sex. I can’t stop thinking about it, and the more I try not to think about it, the more I do think about it, and the more I want her. I haven’t looked at another woman in weeks. It’s bizarre.”

  Taylor stared at him and cocked his head to one side. “Brother, I’m telling you now, you better be careful. That’s dangerous ground you’re treading there. I don’t think anything good can come of it. You better try to set your mind on another woman, or several other women. Don’t get hung up on this one.”

  “I’m not.” Ryder said, looking back at Taylor. “I know what I’m doing. I’m just trying to get her to open up to me, and she won’t. She has this wall up, and I keep trying to find a way around it, and it’s tricky. I’m in new territory. I haven’t ever had to work this hard to get a girl in my bed before, and it’s really becoming a challenge to me. I want to meet it. I want her. I want her bad. I’ll get her, you can bet on t
hat, but it’s just taking a while and it’s difficult figuring out how to make it happen. She’s different. She is more different than any woman I’ve ever known, and I’ve known a lot of women.”

  Taylor laughed a little and pointed his finger at his friend. “I hope you do get her, she’s a hottie, but in the meantime, you better watch what you’re doing and keep your head as clear as you can. Don’t go falling for her.”

  “I’m not going to fall for her. There’s no way. I’ve never been in love and I’m never going to be. She’s not going to change that,” Ryder stated flatly, looking back at Taylor. “Don’t you worry. I’ve got this under control.”

  Even as he said it, he wondered just how much under control he had it.


  The wedding day arrived and Regina awoke in a big, beautiful bedroom at the Carrington mansion. She and Marie had stayed at the mansion the night before the wedding at Cami’s request, so that they would be able to get ready for the wedding and not have the stress of traveling to the house from the city.

  As Regina slid out of the big, elevated bed, she realized that Camille had been right. She couldn’t have imagined facing the day that she had ahead of her with an added drive in from the city. Instead, she was slightly more relaxed and already being pampered beyond her wildest dreams.

  There was a hot bubble bath waiting for her filled with miles of bubbles and exotic oils, and set in the corner of the big bedroom was a breakfast buffet with everything she had told the estate staff that she liked. Cami came in a few minutes after Regina woke up. She was cheerfully bright and smiling. She went right to the buffet and pulled a bottle of champagne out of a silver ice bucket there, popping it open and pouring it into a pitcher of orange juice.

  She filled three crystal champagne flutes with the blend and walked over to the bubble bath where Regina was buried up to her chin in silky bubbles. Only her hands were poked out of the sea of frothy whiteness.

  Camille handed the flute to her and she took it with a smile. “Mimosa. Breakfast of champions and brides,” she said with a wink and a lilt to her voice. “Breakfast is all set when you’re ready, too. I’m going to get Marie from her room.”

  She disappeared and Regina closed her eyes and sipped her Mimosa, loving the taste of it as she soaked in the hot water and luxurious bubbles. She thought to herself that she could definitely get used to living like she was that morning, though she was sure that it wasn’t even close to the daily routine for the Carringtons.

  Cami returned with Marie a few minutes later and Regina reluctantly got out of her bubble bath and into a thick, soft robe. Together they went to the table set near the breakfast buffet that waited for them, and they all sat and ate together, drinking mimosas and talking about the day ahead with intermittent giggles and wide smiles.

  With a curious look, Cami gave Regina a hopeful smile. “Are you nervous at all? You don’t look it.”

  Regina shrugged a little and shared a quick glance with Marie before she turned her gaze back to Camille. “I’m a little nervous, but I’m focusing on the most important aspect of the day, and that’s helping to stem of the anxiety.”

  Marie smiled at her and they both knew that she meant that she was focusing on the money that she was going to be paid for the job that she had taken on, and that was the most important aspect of the day. The job. She was hired to be a fake bride and that’s what she was going to be.

  It was a nice perk that she and the groom had become friends, but that was only a perk. She did feel a little nervous about being found out, and about getting into trouble for doing what she was doing; lying to them all and accepting money to marry into the Carrington family, but she had taken it on, and nervous or not, she was determined to go through with it.

  Regina mused for a moment and spoke quietly. “I wonder if Ryder is nervous.”

  Cami giggled a little and poured all of them a little more of their mimosa cocktail. “Yes, he is. I stopped in on him and the boys to see how they’re doing, and they’re good, except Ryder looked like he might be a little sick, and when I left he was pouring himself a bourbon. He’ll be fine, but he’s nervous too. You two will be just fine. I know it. I have no doubt about it. You fit into this family like a hand in a glove.” Grinning at them both, she popped a small bite of fresh fruit into her mouth and sipped her drink.

  It felt like a dream to Regina that she was even there in the massive home, almost a palace, basking in the finery all around her and being treated like she was royalty on the red carpet to her throne. It was completely out of place in her life, and it was so different that she couldn’t get over the sensation that it was a dream and that she was going to wake up at any moment. She willed herself to make the dream last as long as she could. She loved it. She loved everything about it.

  Marie did her hair for her, styling it up in big red curls around her head and tucking baby’s breath and tiny cobalt blue roses with small diamond studs into it. She wore the diamond earrings and necklace that Ryder had given her. Her gown was satin and hugged her form with a sweetheart neckline and a mermaid tail bottom. She looked like a silver screen star from the forties, glamorous and stunningly beautiful. Even she was amazed at how she looked.

  “I’ve never seen you look so beautiful.” Marie told her with an ear to ear grin as she went to her and hugged her warmly. She whispered into her ear, “No matter what you’re doing this for, you look like the bride of my dreams.”

  “Thank you so much.” Regina said gratefully. It was encouraging to her to hear that at least she looked the part, even if she didn’t quite feel it.

  Cami hugged her and kissed her cheek. “My brother could not have found a more beautiful, wonderful bride to bring into our family. I’m so happy for you both. I know it’s been a fast romance, but fast doesn’t matter when it’s right, and I know with everything in me that this is right. I’m so happy for you both.”

  Regina felt her heart pinch a little at Cami’s words. It stung that she was deceiving such a sweet and loving woman, who was thrilled to believe that she was actually gaining a sister. Regina tried to push it from her mind and keep herself focused on the job and the wedding. Be the bride, she told herself, be the bride that you were hired to be, and don’t let emotions or morality or idealism get into your way and stop you.

  Marie picked up their flowers and handed one bouquet to Cami and the bridal bouquet to Regina.

  Her bouquet was made of white roses and small cobalt blue rosebuds with white and dark blue ribbons wrapped closely around the stems. Both Marie and Cami wore dark blue gowns, and both of them looked gorgeous in the cobalt shade. Cami’s fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes stood out, while Marie’s darker skin glowed like light brown sugar and honey in an exotic blend.

  They stood together, side by side, and gazed into the mirror before them for a long moment before Marie looked over at both of them. “Well, we’re as ready as we’re going to be. I’ll just run and check on the guys and see if it’s time to start this wedding!”

  Cami bit at her lower lip as she eyed Regina and then she reached into a small satin bag that was sitting on the bench where she had been getting ready. She pulled out a long thin box and handed it to Regina as she hugged her and let her go.

  “I wanted to give you this when we were alone. I know you’ll be getting lots of gifts over the coming week, and I just wanted to give you this one now, before it really gets crazy around here. I’m so glad that you’re here, and I know we’re going to have a lifelong friendship. Welcome to the family, sister.” She smiled and wiped a fingertip at her eye, clearing away a loose tear that was about to fall.

  Regina felt her heart begin to ache again, and she wanted to shake her head and tell Camille no, she wanted to give the box back, unopened, and tell her that she couldn’t accept it, but that would have given her away and spoiled the sweet moment.

  Instead, she took the box and forced a huge smile on her face when she opened it and discovered a silver and diamond
tennis bracelet. She blinked at it a few times and then looked up at Camille. “This is incredible. I’ve never had anything like it before. Thank you so much.”

  Camille reached her hands to the box and deftly removed the bracelet, delicately placing it around Regina’s wrist. “I think this counts as something old and something new, because it was my mother’s, so that’s old, and it’s a gift to you, so that makes it new to you.”

  Regina shook her head then. “It’s your mother’s? I can’t take it, Cami. I can’t do that. I’m sorry, I appreciate it, but I just can’t-”

  Cami shook her head. “Of course, you can. You’re in our family now, and I know that our mother would have welcomed you with wide open arms. She’d have loved you, and she would have wanted you to have this.”

  Trying to think of a way out of it, because she couldn’t possibly accept a precious family heirloom when her marriage was a farce, she looked down at the glistening diamonds on her wrist. “Well, why don’t we call it something borrowed as well. I’d be so honored to wear it on this special day, but then when the wedding is done, I’ll give it back to you. Please?”


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