She Is Risen (She Is Risen: The Gun Control Case Studies)

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She Is Risen (She Is Risen: The Gun Control Case Studies) Page 15

by Adams Irish, Travis

  The OBDAT - Chicago

  “Why did you have to kill his dog!?” Maxwell demands with his traditional, disturbed expression.

  “Killing his dog and ending his relationship with Sally is the best way to ensure he is alone in this world. Doing both at the exact same time just makes it more effective.” Lorabell says, without taking her eyes off the LCD screen where Ned is shown walking up the road from a handheld camera. “We have reopened the wound of a drunk driver causing havoc in his life, and the little slut from town was happy to tell that story about the warts for five-hundred dollars.”

  “Does she really have herpes?” Henri asks, clearly not disturbed by the death of the dog.

  “Does it matter? It’s a rumor in the town, so we went with that.” Lorabell replies, shrugging her shoulders, feeling frustrated that Henri has not paid her a compliment.

  “How did you run over the dog like that?” Maxwell inquires with a confused expression. “It’s not like a smart dog is going to hold still while a big truck rolls up on him.”

  “We put the dog to sleep with some veterinary drugs,” Lorabell proclaims, “and agent Louis ran it over shortly after it was already dead. The dog didn’t feel any pain!”

  “Well it would be nice if you keep me in the loop on everything,” Maxwell orders with a sinister glare, “I only know what is happening with Julia Welheim and The Belforts.”

  “Yeah, please keep Maxwell apprised to what you’re planning.” Henri says after a moment of thought. “But don’t interfere with what she has planned.” He continues, turning toward Maxwell, “I know you don’t have the stomach for some of this, but it is necessary… So what’s next for Mr. Lawhorn?” Henri asks, turning back to Lorabell.

  “If all goes well,” Lorabell replies, “then Mr. Lawhorn and his drunk driver will have their final dance…”


  “This is for you, beautiful lady.” The suave young man says to May, looking deep into her eyes as he begins to strum his guitar.

  “I don’t… I don’t really feel comfortable with you calling me that.” May says with a concerned stare, sizing up her attractive neighbor from across the living room of her luxury home.

  May observes Ted with curious suspicion, this hero who appeared out of nowhere after the teenagers harassed her the other day. His muscular arms looking great wrapped around the smooth, black acoustic guitar. She can feel a deep animal yearning inside of her as she admires his healthy biceps and short-cropped black hair. He is wearing a tight black T-shirt and designer jeans with a pair of expensive basketball shoes.

  May sighs with repressed frustration, looking at the scar tissue covering the outside of her left leg, feeling overly exposed in her long sundress.

  “You don’t want me to call you beautiful?” Ted asks with a winning smile, looking like a man on an underwear billboard.

  “No, I fucking don’t!” May snaps back with the manners of an orangutan. “I mean… what is really going on here? Why are you being so nice to me?”

  “May, I’m not here to feel sorry for you… I’m here to hang out and get to know my neighbor a bit.” He replies with a sincere stare, strumming the guitar a bit as he talks.

  “Why? Do you work for a newspaper? Are you trying to write a story about the ‘burned freak’ so you can cash in on my fame?” She asks with contempt, gazing hard at the soft carpet.

  “First off, May, you’re not a freak-“ He begins, but is unable to finish.

  “How the fuck do you know!?” She erupts with rage. “If your daughter looked like this; what would you say to her? Would you tell her that she’s normal?”

  “No…” Ted replies softly, realizing that he is dealing with someone smarter than himself. “I would tell her that she is beautiful, and that the world… is ugly.”

  “So much bullshit for one man… You haven’t even had anything to drink…” May stands up with a nervous expression and begins to pace back and forth in the living room.

  “Do you have any wine?” Ted asks with a wise expression, feeling her doubt and desire fighting one another.

  “Oh, so that’s what you want? You want to fuck me? An easy lay for a tired man who hasn’t gotten any yet because he just moved to a new neighborhood?” May asks in a manner that surprises them both.

  Ted looks at her with a bit of concern, turning his head to the side slightly. He doesn’t say anything, but sets down the guitar and uses his powerful muscles to rise up from the soft carpet. With a vivacious grin he approaches her, holding out his hands to his sides in a nonthreatening manner. As he approaches, she stops pacing, looking at him as a real possibility for the first time since she met him over a day ago. He steps up to her and gives her a warm embrace; nothing perverted or aggressive, just a nice embrace of someone who really cares.

  Despite her defenses, the hug feels good, and right for so many reasons. She immediately returns his hug, savoring it like a woman who has been drifting out to sea for days with no food or water, feeling her first loving shower of relief.

  “I’m sorry,” she says with a sudden shyness expressed throughout her body. “Let’s have some wine…”

  Although she wants to continue the embrace, her heart is fluttering with nervous fear, knowing that his seeing her scarred body will likely be the end of the romance. She steps back out of his arms and briskly makes her way to the kitchen, enjoying the cold tiles under her bare feet.

  “Do you like red or white?” She asks with a playful smile; words that she has uttered alone in this home a hundred times over the past five years.

  “Red would be great!” Ted replies, returning her playful smile as he takes a seat at a barstool next to the decorative island near the edge of her large kitchen.

  “So you’re a personal trainer?” She asks, pretending to be interested in his job as she retrieves two tall wineglasses from the cupboards.

  “I am a personal trainer.” Ted confirms with a half-smile.

  “So have you… been with a lot of women?” May asks sheepishly as she retrieves a bottle of wine from the pantry on the other side of the kitchen.

  “You know… maybe it is getting late..?” Ted responds with a sudden painful look, showing that her question is unappreciated.

  “I’m sorry.” She begins quickly, putting her right hand against her brow. “It’s just a habit for me to ask; that’s definitely your business… What do you like in a woman? Do you have any… favorite qualities?”

  The young man looks at her with lustful intent as he watches her pour the wine. She has the eyes of a predatory jaguar as she watches him from across the island. May lifts his glass and swirls the wine around inside, sniffing it with scintillating desire before she passes it over to him.

  “It smells really good,” she admits playfully, “I really think you’ll enjoy this.”

  “I’m sure I will,” Ted says as his face becomes flush with desire, “it does smell good…”

  May takes a hearty drink of her wine, almost finishing the entire glass, but stops short and sets it back down. She then steps back from the island with a lovely smile, and to Ted’s surprise, reaches up under her sundress with both hands to slide her panties down to her ankles. With a seductive chuckle of embarrassment, she steps out of her panties and kicks them to the far side of the room.

  “I think we should take our wine back here,” she declares with an electric stare, “you’ll really enjoy the view better… from the back…”

  Ted picks up both wineglasses and follows her down the narrow hallway toward the bedroom. She giggles as she pulls the straps of the dress off and teases him by looking back seductively. He follows her into the master bedroom, setting the wineglasses on the oak dresser near the door as he follows her to the bed.

  “Wait!” She orders, holding out the palm of her hand as he starts to peel off his black T-Shirt. “Drink this, it’s a magic potion!” May holds up his glass of wine, watching him eagerly to ensure he finishes every drop. “And now this one…” She sa
ys with her fragile blue eyes staring at him, holding up the remaining wine from her glass.

  He drinks this down as well, realizing that she will be more comfortable knowing that he is a little drunk for their playtime. She smiles at him with an innocent shyness in her eyes as they move over to the side of the bed.

  “Will you get me from behind?” May asks with a polite smile, not wanting to expose her entire body to anyone during her first sexual encounter since the crash.

  He smiles and nods, pulling off his T-shirt as he watches her raise the back of her dress and bend down toward the king-size bed. She places her hands on the pink hem of the black comforter, waiting eagerly for him to enter her. He walks over quickly to the delicate, young beauty before him, noticing the scar tissue that covers the outside of her left leg all the way up to her exposed bum. Ted undoes his pants slowly, watching the young woman rock her hips with anticipation, thinking about his wife as he pulls down his jeans and boxers in one movement.

  From the bed, May is watching him with eager suspicion, her expression is a mix of desire and distrust, but desire is clearly a priority in this moment. He rubs the tip of his member on her, helping her to feel at ease. To his surprise, she is dripping wet with anticipation, and she quickly reaches back and starts to rub him against her like a lioness in heat. He immediately begins to control his breathing, not wanting to climax before they begin. She only rubs him for a few seconds before pushing him deep inside of her. Again, he is shocked by this lovely creature who has wanted a man for so long. Her desire erupts all over him as he slides deep into her soft tissues.

  “OH-MY-GOD that feels… so good!” She says as her body trembles with pleasure. “Please don’t turn out to be an asshole…” May mutters as she backs her labia into his powerful member, eagerly demanding more thrusting as she pulls at the backside of his right thigh.

  Ted is having mixed feelings despite the overwhelming ecstasy. His body is also starting to tremble as he feels the tight warmth that takes him in like a deified creature, trusting someone with a sacred treasure. He moves in and out of her with a different level of passion than he has for his wife. This woman feels so warm and approving under his slender abs. Every movement is a testament to her desire to live life again, and every thrust from his body is an admission that she is still a creature of intense desire.

  She rolls over on her back, finally trusting him to look at her face as he enters her again from the front. Soon the two lovers have removed her dress completely, and for the first time in half a decade, May feels the comfort of being nude with a man. They lock their bodies in pleasure, enjoying an afternoon of sinful delight, and a playful celebration of life.

  “At least we didn’t have to order him to fuck her!” Lorabell says with a jealous stare, thinking about her recent breakup and looking up at the LCD monitors with a jealous fervor.

  Maxwell and Henri turn to gaze at her with shocked expressions, feeling a bit guilty as they watch the scarred beauty engaged in deep pleasure with one of their CIA operatives.

  “Wow, you’ve evolved to the Olympic sport of home wrecking…” Maxwell says with a dry smile.

  “Is there a reason why we’re having agent Thompson put his marriage on the line here?” Henri asks as the young couple finishes their intense session of sex up on the display.

  “Just watch and learn…” Lorabell says with a confident stare as she puts on a headset and looks back up at the LCD panel. “Agent Thompson, good work; now I need you to excuse yourself to the bathroom and await further instructions.”

  “Where’s the bathroom?” Ted asks, kissing May deeply from his position next to her on the bed. “I just need a minute.”

  “You can leave if you want…” May says dismissively, trying to hide the intense fear in her eyes. “I understand…”

  “I’m not leaving.” He promises with a smile and a deep kiss. “I’ll be right back.”

  “It’s back down the hall; second door on your left.” She replies, enjoying the warmth of her new lover’s kiss, and holding his arm tight around her breasts, not wanting him to leave.

  Ted puts his hand deep into the small of May’s back and gives her a loving kiss that lasts several seconds, staring into her eyes the entire time. After the powerful kiss, he gets up from the bed, both of them smiling at one another with approval.

  He stretches his legs as he walks down the narrow hallway, feeling pain in the tip of his penis from the intense orgasm. Ted looks up at the camera as he enters the bathroom and turns on the light, closing the door behind him.

  “Who am I speaking to?” He asks with defiant frustration; not understanding what he is doing in this woman’s home.

  “This is Lorabell Cardigan, and I am in charge of this op.” Lorabell confirms from her position at the control panel of the OBDAT. “Now that you’ve seduced the subject effectively, I need you to reject her!”

  “Are you out of your fucking mind? How does that help the mission?” Agent Thompson asks with disgust, glaring up at the camera.

  “Agent Thompson, I need you to reject her and tell her this whole thing was a joke setup by yourself and the young man who works at the local market.” Lorabell orders with cold precision.

  “I‘m not going to say that to her; she’ll kill herself!” The muscular agent exclaims with a face full of confusion, staring at the camera in horrified disbelief.

  “You are going to say what I want,” Lorabell commands, “or I will send a copy of this video to your wife… Not only that, but I will have another agent seduce May and reject her for her body without giving her any sex. Do I make myself clear!?”

  “I am not fucking doing this…” He replies with an ashamed expression, feeling dirty as he leans against the wall, his naked body shivering a bit. “I want to hear this from Henri or Maxwell. Until then, you can shove it up your ass!”

  Lorabell breathes out heavily with a frustrated sigh, removing the headset and handing it to Henri at her left side.

  “Agent Thompson, this is Henri Edwards, please proceed as instructed.” Henri says with relaxed tenacity into the small headset before handing it back to Lorabell.

  “Oh my God, this bullshit!” Agent Thompson says to himself, grabbing the short hair on the back of his head as he looks down in shame at the bathroom floor. “What do you want me to say..?”

  A few moments later, Ted returns from the bathroom, his stomach wrenched with discomfort as he realizes what must be done. When he gets near the bed, he reaches down and puts on his boxer shorts, then wastes no time in pulling his jeans up around his waist as well. May looks up at him from the bed with confusion, pulling the comforter up close to her chest.

  “What are you doing..? Come back to bed.” She says in a meek tone, not wanting to believe her eyes.

  “I’m leaving… This was fun… But it’s not my dig.” Ted replies arrogantly as he sits down on the bed with his basketball shoes held together by his right hand.

  “Come on, just for a few minutes?” May asks playfully, wrapping her arms around his muscular upper torso. “You can go back to your chores later.”

  He throws her arms off of his body and continues to tie his shoes like a military robot. May starts to tremble slightly, terrified of what this means about her and the future of her romantic life.

  “Look, we had some good sex; it really took care of my needs… like you said.” Tom finishes his sentence as he scoops his T-shirt up from the floor and pulls it over his body.

  “We had some good sex!?” May asks in a betrayed tone. “I told you that I wanted this to be more than sex! This is the first time I’ve been with anyone since the accident, you asshole!”

  “You know, that doesn’t surprise me?” Tom says with an icy smirk. “I mean look at you; it’s a good thing your beaver wasn’t burned or it would have felt like I was pounding the bride of Frankenstein.”

  “You SONOFABITCH!” May shouts as she covers her body and begins to cry from his painful, judgmental comments.

  “This wasn’t me… It was that guy Jeffrey at the grocery store you like so much. We had a bet to see who could get between your legs; all the guys in town want to know what you’ve got under the hood… Now I can tell them… It isn’t much.”

  “Get out! GET OUT!” May screams as she gets up from the bed with her body covered by the long blankets.

  “See, this is why nobody wants to date YOU!” Ted quips, pointing a finger at her enraged face. “Your mind is just as burned up and disfigured as your body. Good luck ever getting married; you pan-fried freak!”

  Ted bolts for the door, stomping out through the hallway as tears start to flow from his eyes. As a soldier, he has done many terrible things, but this is the first time he’s been asked to kill someone’s soul. He walks out of the house in a hurry as he begins to cry harder, deeply shamed, and feeling evil all over. His mind cannot erase the image of this woman looking so destroyed by someone who pretended to love her. He sees his motorcycle, but decides to walk back to the bedroom window and find out if May is all right.


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