Crowns and Cabals

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Crowns and Cabals Page 20

by Dina Rae

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I didn’t know what to wear for a doctor’s appointment. The energy put into my appearance would probably be wasted. Doctor Laurie was much too famous to administer a DNA test. As Sai mentioned, the tests were currently being used to find family. I pulled out a tight cardigan and stretch pair of jeans from my closet. With a set of heels? Maybe that would be too obvious in a tawdry sort of way. A black sheath dress with black heels? Too formal. This was ridiculous. I settled on what I wore several times to work-a white blouse and black pair of pants. I could unbutton it if he was in the vicinity.

  I knew I was a beautiful woman, but usually chose to play it down. I wanted to be judged by my work and not my looks. Boring clothes, light makeup, and messy buns became my signature style. I still received lustful glances from both men and women. But now I needed to put some effort into it. My looks were the only way I might meet the man who Raphael and his Patriots wanted to hurt.

  For the first time in years, I cracked out the curling iron and made my long straight hair a mass of wavy locks. My lipstick was bright red and my eyelashes were long and black. I was as ready as ever, sexy, but classy.

  First thing Monday morning I went to Maximillian Steele to ask his permission to leave early. Normally, I would have told human resources, but Max was expecting me at a last-minute meeting that clashed with my appointment. In pre-war times, I never would have asked anyone including Max. I would have just left. Things changed. Despite being promoted to director of telecommunications, I still needed permission to leave. Fogle monitored us like high risk prisoners.

  Max was at his desk with his sleeves rolled up, pounding away at the computer. He was still young, early forties, tall, bald, black and handsome. He was also single, but rumors circulated that he never mixed work with pleasure. I’d have bet he hadn’t had a date in years, like me. He was a workaholic.

  “Doctor’s? Are you sick? I can’t afford to have you sick?” Max said, typing away with his eyes fixed on the screen.

  Not that it was his business, I still answered, “No. I’m going to get DNA tested in high hopes of finding family at Doctor Laurie’s clinic.”

  For the first time since I walked into his office, he looked up at me. I barely knew him, but he appeared to be concerned. “I know him. What time? I’ll call over there so that you don’t get some dumb nurse who screws up the test.”

  “It’s at three o’clock. Thank you, Max. You are very kind.”

  “No, thank you. I don’t believe I ever have. You did an amazing job getting our southern branches up to speed with our new search engine. Really, it’s the least I could do. And I hope you find some family out there.”

  I left for the clinic in a self-driving cab. Laurie’s medical clinic was once a small hospital. It was remodeled from top to bottom, state of the art, with a new sign “The Laurie Treatment Center” plastered on the front. An owl symbol was at the end of the last word.

  I walked through a set of double doors, each had an elaborate wrought iron handle with an eye design welded in the middle. The floors were black and white veined marble. The dazzling décor looked like the inside of a splashy advertising firm. Freemason and Illuminati symbols were seen in every painting and sculpture. Anger heated me up from the cold. No one in power bothered to hide their New World Order plans. Why bother? They won the war.

  My determination grew stronger with each step as I passed a painting of a pyramid. I looked up and examined the ornate wood molding. Carpenter’s squares, patterns of a single eye, and more owls were hand-carved in the design. I was feeling the hate Raphael’s Patriots were harboring. Discreetly, I unbuttoned my white shirt and took off my blazer once I checked in with the receptionist.

  The woman directed me to a bank of elevators that led to the third floor where my appointment was held. Each floor of the clinic specialized in a genetic field. The first floor held all of the administrative offices. The second floor was dedicated to stem cell treatments. My floor ran a database meant to connect family through DNA matches. The fourth floor genetically engineered anything from cells to people and the fifth floor, Doctor Laurie’s shining glory, was the cancer floor, proven to fight cancer through gene injections. He was renowned for saving exposed war victims of radiation. I assumed his office was probably there too.

  I sat in the lounge of the third floor, awaiting my appointment. The Illuminati décor scaled down to a single mural hung on the hallway wall. I thought of the Denver Airport.

  The phony family search I arranged wouldn’t lead anywhere. Maybe I did have a long lost cousin or second aunt somewhere in the world. I checked my hair in a pocket mirror and reapplied lipstick as I waited to be called. Would I impress the doctor in some way? Would I even meet him?

  I was called within three minutes since sitting down. A nurse guided me into a patient room, took my vitals, and then swabbed my cheeks, yanked a few hair strands, and scraped my arms. Thirty minutes later, the door opened.

  Doctor Laurie was a tall white man with dark eyes, dark hair, and dark olive skin. Some women would consider him handsome. He gave off an aura of an alpha male. My confidence chipped away. He was intimidating and way out of my league.

  “Ms. Nottingham, you must be a very valuable employee over at Fogle.” I nodded. “Is Max a personal friend of yours as well?” His tone was snide. Did he think I was sleeping with Max?

  “I am a director. Max is my immediate supervisor. The only relationship we have is professional.” I tried not to sound defensive, but the suggestion infuriated me. Maybe he asked out of personal interest.

  “Sounds very important. Oh my, I am embarrassed. I just thought because you are such a beautiful woman that…well…I am not surprised. Your genes are exquisite. I normally do not look at my patient’s genes when dealing with family matches, but yours got my attention. Brilliant, healthy, athletic, and of course beautiful. You were born pretty close to perfect from a medical standpoint. Unfortunately, I have no family matches for you as of today. But the computer software we installed will run a check each week and then email you a report. Fogle designed the system. Were you in on that?”

  I shook my head. “I control search engines, telecommunications, and some of the satellites. But I do know a few people in that department. Sounds like a great system.”

  “It is. Fogle only hires the best and the brightest.”

  It was now or never. “Doctor, as much as I would love a report, maybe you could tell me about my family matches? Possibly over a drink?”

  That night, Doctor Laurie sent a car for me at the Fogle campus. I was taken to his mansion on the outskirts of town. The house had a limestone façade with a slate roof and must have been at least twenty thousand square feet. Its architecture style and massive size made it look more like a castle. The inside matched the outside, grand, sterile and museum like. The house was full of people, all of whom worked for Laurie. Although the man had to be a multi-billionaire, I imagined he acquired the house like the Peacekeepers-by just taking it. His fortune was probably still intact as well.

  I drank like a fish. I flirted like a stripper. I fucked like a whore. Sleeping with the enemy was a new low for me. But then who was I saving myself for? True love would never come my way. All I had was hate.

  The next day, the good doctor showed up at my work and took me to lunch. I straddled him in the backseat of his car as we rocked away in the parking lot. There was a sick, carnal pleasure in being with the man that I hadn’t experienced before. As I orgasmed, I thought of what he would be like dead.

  Stephen seemed pleased with me for the moment and asked me to a special party the following Saturday. This could be the break both Raphael and I were waiting for.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  It was five o’clock in the morning and I gave up on sleep. With a coded text from my new disposable phone, I got Jaxie to call me back. By dawn, she was in the hallway, knocking on my door.

r blonde hair was swept up into a ponytail and tucked into a black knit hat. Wearing leggings, a sweater and a parka, she looked ready for a snowstorm.

  “You’re dressed for the Tundra. I thought we were supposed to blend in the neighborhood.”

  “Oh, but I am blended. This isn’t Texas, Raph. I have to work this afternoon. They work us almost every weekend, and sometimes until the wee hours of the night. Much has happened since you and I last talked. This has yet to go public, but Boston will be the new headquarters for the U.N. The name will soon be changed.”

  “New World Order?”

  She nodded. “Maybe. It wouldn’t surprise me. All that was hidden is now revealed. You have entered into the eye of the storm. This is your jacket? Windbreakers don’t cut it, especially at night. You’ll need warmer clothes. It gets really cold here. The skies are always gray or black. Sometimes I think I see blue, but then it might be my mind playing tricks, you know?” I nodded. “Camden might be your size. He’s shorter, but wider. I’ll call him later,” Jaxie said has she rifled through my suitcase.

  “I didn’t plan on staying that long. I’m here to stake out the place, and bring back some information on Laurie’s clinic and home.”

  “Our window is now. I’ve got so much to tell you and not a whole lot of time. Your Patriot is right about Laurie. He’s a bad hombre.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I know. Now eat something.” She threw a brown bag on the table. “Bagels and cream cheese. Sorry, no coffee. We’ll get some later.”

  Still half asleep, I rummaged through the bag, picked out the jalapeno bagel and wolfed it down. I quickly devoured another three, realizing that I hadn’t eaten most of yesterday. As I ate, Jaxie lifted a gadget out of her purse that looked like a metal wand.

  “Ignore me and keep on eating. The whole bag is for you. I’m making a sweep.” She covered every square inch of the room.

  “Who are you?” I asked. “Didn’t know you even owned one of those things.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m learning as I go. Glad you chose a dump to stay in. Less likely to be bugged. I am assuming you used someone else’s credits?” I nodded. “Okay, you’re room is clean. Now I can talk more freely. You see, since you told me about the doctor, I did some of my own research. I think I know a way to get him.”

  “Really? Aysa always said you were smart. This I got to hear. I really appreciate the breakfast.”

  “I hear sarcasm in your voice, but you will soon eat your words. My looks and my assertiveness got me a front seat, up close and center to the whole damn thing. One of my Patriots gave me an idea. I knew Laurie would be too important, too smart to have half-assed security like your previous targets. Before we get started, I must know how many credits you’ve accumulated?” Jaxie had that mischievous look in her bright brown eyes, as if she was about to one-up me.

  “Over two million in units, and that’s not including our personal take. We fenced most of our stash. Plus several ounces in gold. Some of our profits are kept hidden at my grandfather’s farm. And you? Have you sold off your arsenal? You told me about that jewelry store. How much have you fenced?”

  Chapter Thirty


  I looked at him with satisfaction. “We are not as wealthy as you, but all of our loot goes into a Patriotic fund. We are close to one million. Fencing is a little more difficult around here. Dallas isn’t as sophisticated as the Boston area is. You still have a thriving criminal industry. Boston fences and e-fences are dropping like flies in the dead of winter. I would bet that we have three times the amount of Peacekeepers up here than you have down there. Plus, Fogle has an entire department that is helping the Peacekeeper Police.”

  Raphael smiled as if he’d won. Our rivalry was a fun distraction. Finally, he said, “Sure. That must be the reason you’re not as successful as we are.” I hated to lose, but had to laugh at his smugness. “Jaxie, seriously, you have an arsenal. That’s comparable to having a priceless painting in this new world.”

  “Like I said, we have more Peacekeepers than you. More Peacekeepers equals more weapons and supplies.”

  Our banter briefly ended. We both understood this was not a game, even if we wanted it to be. Now that I held the doctor’s interest, maybe we had a chance in taking all of them out. I believed we’d be dead soon. This mission could change the world for the better, or maybe all of this was just a delusion of grandeur. Did Raphael feel the same way?

  “Raph, I lost one of my Patriots. Her name was Yolanda Adams. You know her son, Will. He was the boy killed in front of us that night he and Brick broke into my townhouse. She was shot by a Peacekeeper just like her son. The soldier was our captive, and he somehow got free. Did you see the video?”

  “Of course, and from what I hear, many others have seen it too.”

  “Good. But Yolanda’s death is really on us. He wasn’t tied up securely. We all could have died. I held the gun and somehow pulled the trigger. He’s lying in a dumpster with Yolanda. My Patriots aren’t particularly happy that one of our own was discarded like trash alongside of the enemy. One day, we might be able to give her a proper burial.”

  “Maybe, but you know that’s probably not going to happen. We’re doomed.” I nodded. Raphael then said, “Hey, we might go down, but we will go down swinging. I can’t believe we got this far. You are my inspiration. You are the reason I haven’t ended my life. This is your vision, Jax. You’re a real-life Wonder Woman! I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

  “I’m proud too, but not of me, of all of us. This movement has grown. I want you to grow with me. I still got the gun you gave me. It’s stupidly hidden in my apartment. I also earned my black-belt two weeks ago through Fogle’s martial arts program. We are in training as soldiers. We need to find and train more.”

  “Couldn’t agree more. Expansion is the only way we can beat them. So how did you meet Laurie?” Raphael asked.

  I was tempted to spew out an alternative version of our new sexual relationship. Instead, I came clean about everything from the doctor’s appointment to our casual trysts.

  “You know, Raph, he told me that he was one of the Twelve. The dead Peacekeeper soldier also mentioned it. It has something to do with the inner circle. I don’t know who the other eleven are, but I will guess that my boss Max Steele is part of this.”

  “Wow. I’m in awe of you right now. You are not just a leader, but a true blue fanatic. I should bow down to you.”

  “Don’t say that ever, Raphael. I am not a savior. Your doctor wants that role on the world’s stage. He’s claims to have a cure for cancer caused by radiation. A whole floor in his clinic is dedicated to it.” I looked into Raphael’s dark eyes. He looked tearful. Was he thinking of Aysa and how Doctor Laurie could have saved her? “Hey, he and his friends started the war. They killed billions. He’s only saved a dozen. They of course were family members of his powerful friends. Aysa would not have made his patient list. Not to completely change the subject, but have you lost any Patriots?”

  “No, well maybe. So far the maid was a major screw-up. Jun who was my computer genius and hacker was arrested. There’s a lot of trouble brewing. My Patriots might not exist by the time I get back to Dallas, if I go back to Dallas. I’ve added another member. She’s an ancient history teacher from across the hall.”

  His eyes lit up when he mentioned his new member. “What makes her worthy of your little band of thieves?” I asked. What I didn’t ask is if Raphael had met someone special, or worse, someone to replace my sister. I had mixed feelings on that. “Is she beautiful?”

  Raphael laughed. “Not as beautiful as Aysa. No one is, at least for me. We keep it platonic. I don’t know for sure, but I think she holds a torch for someone from her past as well. But she kissed me. I got to admit that for the first time since Aysa, I felt something. She is someone I could have a life with. Since we are all going to die, why bother? Right?” I didn’t argue with him. He told me more about Harper and went back to the busines
s at hand.

  “We found something. It’s a diadem or type of crown. It’s ancient and should be in a museum. Here, let me draw it for you.”

  Raphael handed me a bizarre picture of a crown with angels and bulls on its peaks. “Why do you think Alberta Ross had this? Because it’s old, beautiful, valuable?” I asked.

  Raphael shook his head. “There’s more to it. She kept it in a hidden in a fireproof drawer. My gut is telling me it means something to her and her powerful husband, even their friends.”

  “Like an ancient cabal? A secret society within royal circles?”

  “I like that, Jax. Yeah, you are thinking like a true-blue conspiracy theorist. Harper thinks it came from Iraq or Iran in the Mesopotamia region.”

  “Do you think secret societies planned out New World Order thousands of years ago? Or maybe this Ross woman just likes to dress up as an ancient queen at fancy parties, pretending to be a royal.”

  Raphael laughed. “You might be right about the cabal, but I doubt Alberta pretended to be a queen. She already is a queen. Anyway, Harper is gathering information.”

  I nodded and then said, “Hey, Raph, do you think there are more of us vigilantes out there? I just can’t find any online.”

  “You’re not looking at the right sites. People have wizened up. Chad changes the name of his blog all of the time after it’s shut down. I don’t know all of the details, but your video with the Peacekeeper is doing wonders for our cause. And don’t discount talk radio. There are still shows on the airwaves. You just got to look real hard and find them.”

  I fished through my bag, pulled out an envelope, and dumped out the contents. Raphael’s deep brown eyes lit up. It was everything he could have wanted for this next job. Blueprints, daily schedule, lab hours, employee hours, staff habits, guard shifts-jackpot.


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