Dark Moon Rising (Half Fae Hunter Book 1)

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Dark Moon Rising (Half Fae Hunter Book 1) Page 18

by J. C. Diem

  “Regardless of what his former profession was, he really helped us out tonight,” Harley said before the ghost could turn feral.

  “Was he the one tossing the trolls around?” Cindy asked.

  “Yeah, cop honky, that was me,” Leroy said proudly with a grin that she couldn’t see.

  “It was him,” Asha said with a small smile. She’d held up well during our fight and hadn’t fallen apart as I’d feared she would.

  “How did you all come to be working together?” the sheriff asked.

  We took turns explaining how we knew each other. “You’re the girl who escaped from the institute that’s a couple of hours away from here?” Cindy asked when it was Asha’s turn.

  “Technically, I didn’t escape,” the dryad said defensively. “Jake and Rudy let me out.”

  “Why were you there?” The law in the surrounding area had probably all been advised by the institute that one of their patients was missing, but they hadn’t told them much about Asha.

  “I didn’t know I was a supernatural being,” Asha replied haltingly. “I could hear voices all the time and I didn’t realize they were trees trying to talk to me. Some men attacked me a decade ago and the trees killed them. I was found at the scene by a passing Sheriff and ended up in the asylum.”

  “This is nuts,” Sheriff Callahan said, shaking her head. “Do you know how nuts this all sounds?”

  “You know about the supernatural underworld now,” I pointed out. “There’s far more of our kind than you humans realize. We’ve managed to get along for eons without anyone being the wiser. There’s no reason to fear us now.”

  “If I hadn’t seen a megalomaniacal witch try to take over the world with vampires, zombies and ghosts that look like Grim Reapers, that would have been more believable,” she said wryly. “Add the fact that a demon was also involved, as well as druids, shifters and God knows what else, how am I supposed to trust any supernatural being?”

  “My kind were involved in that battle,” Rudy said proudly. “We helped defeat the demon and his minions.”

  “Of course you did,” Cindy said and heaved a sigh.

  “We’re the good guys, Sheriff Callahan,” Harley told her earnestly. “Our only intention is to rid the world of evil. After tonight, I hope you can see the benefits of having people like us around. The shifters really tipped the balance in our favor and they didn’t even try to attack any of us.” Normally, were-creatures hunted anything that moved during the three nights of the full moon. They tended to stick to their own land so they didn’t accidentally kill any humans. The only reason they hadn’t attacked us was because they knew I was an ally.

  “If we hadn’t banded together, Devil’s Peak would have become a slaughter house,” Pru said baldly. “I saw it in a vision and it wasn’t pretty.” Her vision of our battle had cut off long before she could have foreseen the shifters turning up to help us. She hadn’t told us she’d had a premonition of what would have happened if we’d lost.

  “This is a lot to take in,” the sheriff said, hands wrapped around her mug tightly. “I’m not sure how I feel about having a bunch of monsters living in such close proximity. I hope the shifters don’t settle here as well.”

  “We’re not monsters, ma’am,” I said firmly and caught and held her gaze. “Trolls and other creatures that harm people are the monsters. We protect humans and keep them safe.”

  Studying my face, her gaze dropped to my mouth and I felt her desire stir. My fae charm was doing its usual job of enticing an already interested woman into being drawn to me even more. “Will you keep me informed if any more monsters appear?” she asked, breaking her gaze from my face with real effort. Rudy rolled his eyes, knowing what the likely outcome of this would be.

  “Of course, sweetheart,” I agreed with a lazy grin. “We’ll be sure to keep you in the loop.”

  Checking her watch, she frowned. “I’m due for my shift in two hours. I need to get home and settle myself down so my deputies don’t realize a near catastrophe happened.” Finishing off her coffee, her hands were shaking badly when she put the mug down.

  “Why don’t I drive you home, Sheriff?” I offered. I was worried she would lose her cool once the adrenalin wore off and crash into a tree.

  She was about to refuse, but thought better of it. “How will you get home?” she asked.

  “I’ll call Rudy to come and get me.” The leprechaun paused while taking a swig of coffee to give me the thumbs up in agreement.

  “Fine,” she said, then jerked her head towards the doorway. “Let’s get going.” She switched her attention to the others and stiffly inclined her head. “Thanks for your help tonight. I won’t forget what you all did for this town.”

  “You’re welcome, Sheriff,” Pru said, giving Cindy a warm smile. “Call on us any time you need help dealing with the supernatural world.”

  “I hope I don’t have to take you up on that,” the sheriff replied, then preceded me to the front door. She’d taken the time to stash her flamethrower and backpack in her cruiser. She took her keys out of her pocket and tossed them to me, then climbed into the passenger seat.

  We drove in silence during the ten-minute journey. I followed her directions once we reached the city limits and pulled up in the driveway of a house on the west side of town. It was a modest rancher with a large yard that gave her some distance from her neighbors.

  We climbed out and I tossed her the keys. “Would you like to come in?” she asked, meeting my eyes over the top of her cruiser.

  I could sense her intentions and hesitated. It had been months since I’d enjoyed the pleasures of being naked with a woman. It was probably a very bad idea to become involved with the sheriff even for a short time, but we were both still riled up from the battle and needed to let off some steam. “I’d love to, darlin’,” I replied, then smiled. A faint blush rose in her cheeks, then she locked her cruiser and led the way to her front door.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Cindy’s house was just as neat and tidy as I’d expected it to be. She had a few knickknacks, paintings and photos, but her decorating style was fairly sparse. Her furniture was a blend of old and new. Some appeared to be hand me downs from generations gone by.

  “Would you like a drink?” she asked, leading me to the living room. A comfortable, but worn brown leather couch dominated. It was large enough for me to almost be able to stretch out on. Two matching armchairs were arranged on either side of it. They faced a huge TV that hulked on an entertainment unit.

  “What have you got?” I asked. Anticipation began to build inside me. Her jeans hugged her butt tightly when she walked over to a liquor cabinet and bent to open the door.

  “I have whiskey, vodka, brandy, tequila and a few other things,” she said, stepping aside to reveal a few bottles of various shapes and sizes.

  “Whiskey will be fine,” I replied.

  Taking a crystal decanter out, she poured a couple of fingers of the amber liquid into two glasses, then crossed the room to hand one of them to me. Our gazes met and locked and the sexual tension quickly began to build. “I don’t normally sleep with men I don’t know,” she said uncertainly. “But I feel I can trust you for some strange reason. Can I trust you, Jake?”

  “Yeah, darlin’,” I said, voice turning husky with my increasing need to get her naked and in my arms. “I’m not the type of guy who enjoys hurting women. Not unless they ask me to anyway,” I added with a wink.

  Smirking at my humor, she downed her whiskey, then had to blink away tears from the burn in her throat. I gulped mine down as well, then waited for her to make the first move. “Let’s do this,” she said, plonking her empty glass on the coffee table. I placed mine next to hers, then put my hands on her waist and bent to kiss her. Eager and slightly intoxicated from the whiskey, she placed her hands on my chest and leaned into me.

  I coaxed her mouth open, then allowed my fae senses to take over. A temporary link was forged between us as I delved into her,
seeking knowledge of exactly what she wanted me to do to her. Acting on pure instinct, I put my hand behind her head and grasped a fistful of her hair. I tilted her head back and plundered her mouth with mine, taking control like she wanted me to.

  When we finally came up for air, she was breathing hard. “You’re a hell of a kisser,” she complimented me.

  “Likewise,” I said, body aching and every muscle taught.

  Taking me by the hand, she strode down the hall to her bedroom. I had enough time to glance around to see a queen size bed with a walnut stain, matching dresser and bedside table, then her hands were tugging on my clothes. I allowed her to strip me naked, then grinned when her gaze went to my groin. “You’re big,” she noted.

  “Am I too big, darlin’?” Sometimes, my size proved to be a problem. The last thing I wanted to do was cause her pain.

  “I can handle you,” she said, taking me in her hand.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” I told her, then closed my eyes when she started to stroke me up and down.

  With a wicked chuckle, she released me just as I was starting to really enjoy it. I opened my eyes and reached for her, but she took a step back and shook her head. Her hands went to her t-shirt and she stripped it off and tossed it over her shoulder. My eyes were riveted to her as she worked her tight jeans down, revealing her toned, muscular legs. “Like what you see, cowboy?” she asked, voice as husky as mine by now.

  “Very much so, honey,” I said honestly. I wasn’t the type of guy who was overly picky and expected perfection in my bed partners. I enjoyed women of all shapes and sizes. She was fit, toned and tanned, just as I’d pictured her.

  Reaching behind her back, she undid her bra and slid it off her shoulders. It went flying, then she slid her undies down and kicked them away. All the blood rushed south to my groin as I took in her sturdy, delectable body. She licked her lips and dropped her gaze to my erection again. “Wait,” she said when I stepped forward and crossed to the bedside table. She took a condom out of the top drawer and handed it to me. “No offense, but I prefer to be safe than sorry.”

  It would be hard to convince her that it wasn’t possible for me to give her a disease. The fae were immune from catching normal illnesses. I would respect her wishes and wear protection to ease her mind. Ripping the packet open, I rolled the condom on. It was a snug fit, but I wasn’t about to complain.

  Now that I was sheathed, the last of her tension flowed away and she held her hand out to me again. “Let’s get this party started, stud,” she invited me with a naughty smile.

  Clasping her fingers, I tugged her towards me, then spun her around so her back was flush against my chest. She gasped when my hands cupped her breasts. I felt her desire for me to take over and succumbed to it. My instincts told me what she wanted almost as if they were whispering instructions in my ear. Kissing her neck, I pinched her nipples lightly, eliciting another gasp from her. She pushed her backside against my groin, unconsciously inviting me to enter her depths.

  Still torturing one nipple, I ran my other hand down her torso and stomach until it reached the apex of her thighs. Rubbing her pleasure center gently to start with, I added more pressure when she began to moan. Sliding a finger into her, she was already slick and ready for me. The sheriff didn’t want or need much foreplay. She was still worked up from the battle and needed an outlet. I would be happy to give her one.

  Nudging her forward until she hit the bed, I bent her over and pushed her down until her upper body lay on the mattress. I used my knee to push her legs apart and she didn’t fight me. She turned her head to watch my face as I slid my tip into her. It was a tight fit and I had to work my way into her a little, then pull out only to push in again a bit deeper.

  “That feels so good,” she said in a breathy voice when I pushed myself in even more.

  “Does it hurt?” I asked, already knowing it didn’t. If she hadn’t been so slick, my size would have caused her pain.

  “No,” she replied. “I told you I could handle you.”

  “So you did, darlin’,” I agreed. “Now handle this.” I slid into her all the way and she let out a groan of pleasure. “I’m going to take you hard and fast, sweetheart,” I warned her, knowing this was what she craved.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Do it. Please.”

  Planting my hands on either side of her body, I pulled back, then slammed myself into her. To her, it felt like I was using all my force. In reality, I was holding back so I didn’t tear her apart. She made tiny sounds of pleasure that drove me to the edge, gripping the bedcovers and writhing beneath me. I pounded myself into her, feeling just as much enjoyment as she was. When I sensed her nearing oblivion, I gripped her by the hips and slammed into her fast enough to shove her over the edge.

  Moaning my name, she came over and over again, squeezing down on me and bringing me to orgasm as well. Slumping forwards, I caught myself on my forearms before I could crush her body to the mattress and pressed a kiss onto her shoulder. “Are you okay?” I asked, sensing she was close to passing out from sheer pleasure.

  “That. Was. Incredible,” she managed, then weakly struggled to roll over. I collapsed onto the bed beside her as she rolled to face me. “I can’t believe I just had sex with a man who is a good ten years younger than me,” she said in disbelief while devouring me with her eyes.

  “I’m half fae,” I reminded her. “I told you I’m a lot older than I look.”

  “How old are you?” she asked.

  “I was born over eight decades ago.”

  “You’re in your eighties?” she said incredulously.

  “Yep,” I confirmed and ran a hand down her side. I was already stirring in need again. It didn’t take my body long to recharge. “Are you ready for another round, Sheriff?” I challenged.

  “Already?” she groaned as she saw my erection growing. I was going to need another condom in a few seconds. “Can you give me a minute to regroup?” she joked.

  “Nope,” I replied and kissed her grinning mouth.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  After a glorious hour with the sheriff, we ran out of time. She needed to take another shower before heading to work. I told her about the pile of bodies that she would find at the southern edge of the woods and she said she would take care of it. She’d ordered roadblocks to be erected near the abandoned barn as I’d advised. They would need to be taken down before morning. She and her deputies were going to have a busy night ahead.

  Blowing her a final kiss goodbye, I left her house and headed down the path to the sidewalk. I turned to see Cindy wave at me, then she closed the door.

  “You look like the cat that just got the canary,” Rudy said slyly as he appeared beside me.

  “I’ve got to hand it to you, boss honky,” Leroy added as he also appeared. “You fairy mahfas have got a lot of stamina. I think I’m jealous and I never thought I’d say that about a white guy.”

  “You spied on us?” I asked, twisting the ring I’d forgotten to remove from my finger.

  “The next time you plan on getting naked with a woman, you might want to leave the jewelry behind,” the phantom suggested with a sly grin.

  “Duly noted,” I said dryly. I wasn’t used to wearing an item a ghost was bound to for an extended period of time and had just learned my lesson.

  “I got rid of the trolls’ corpses,” the leprechaun reported. “I didn’t want to leave their remains where someone might see them.”

  “Has Pru dispelled the traps?” I asked.

  He shook his head and shoved his hands into his pockets. “She’s waiting for you to return to show her where they are. She doesn’t have enough power to send out a blanket dispelling enchantment like Ari can. It’ll take her a while to get rid of them all.”

  “Who is this Ari girl you two keep talking about?” Leroy asked as he floated along beside us. I wasn’t heading anywhere in particular. I just felt like stretching my legs for a while.

  “She’s my fost
er daughter,” I told him. “I saved her from bleeding to death after a vampire attacked her when she was fourteen. The bloodsuckers killed her parents and little sister and she had no one to take care of her, so I took her in. I didn’t know she was a witch until after the same leech drained her a second time and left her for dead again. Now she’s a vampire-witch with more power than most conjurers possess.”

  “Am I ever going to get to meet her?” he asked.

  “Probably,” Rudy said. “We’re bound to run into something we can’t handle alone eventually. The Hunter Elite are the best team to work with when dealing with the truly horrible monsters.”

  “I have to wonder why these trolls are so different from the ones that used to live here eons ago,” I mused. “None of them could cast magic, as far as I could tell.” I could always sense it when a creature or being had the potential or ability to use magic now.

  “It’s a puzzle,” Rudy said with a shrug, then halted and cocked his head to the side. “Feck me!” he swore, then abruptly teleported us away.

  Surprised by the sudden shift in location, I lurched a step, then whirled around when I heard a shrill scream. Asha was being chased through the woods by a dark shadow. It roared and my blood ran cold when I realized it was another troll. It had somehow snuck up on our farmhouse without being detected by the trees. Rudy had sensed she was in danger and had taken us straight to her.

  I went on the move, but I already knew I was too late. The shadow dropped away from the creature, revealing a troll that was even larger and uglier than the others had been. It reached out, grabbed the dryad by the arm, then spun her around and slammed her into the gigantic oak tree. She dangled several feet above the ground, screaming in terror when it bellowed in her face, spraying her with spittle.

  Before I could reach her, strange magic swelled, then the tree seemed to come to life. Branches flailing in rage, new appendages sprouted above Asha’s head. Long and thin, they curled around the troll’s arms and it dropped the dryad in surprise. The branches drew the creature’s hands into the trunk like it was made of water. The monster tried to yank itself free, but it was stuck fast.


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