A Beautiful Thought

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A Beautiful Thought Page 13

by Alicia Rae

  Gail smiled, and a single tear dripped down her face. It made me wonder if it was something special between the two of them.

  “Yes,” Gail answered with a nod before she started to sing just above a whisper.

  I grabbed Gail’s hand and leaned back in my chair. Her sweet melody flowed throughout my ears, and the emotions in Gail’s tone filled my soul. I thanked the stars above that Caroline was going to be okay.


  By the time we arrived home from the hospital at nearly eleven in the evening, I was utterly dead on my feet from only sleeping a couple of hours at a time over the last thirty-six hours. I desperately wanted a shower, but it would have to wait until morning.

  The past two days had been a grueling emotional roller coaster. I was beyond relieved to know that my sister was going to make a full recovery. I could not imagine my life without her, and I was extremely thankful she was still here with us.

  Damon shut the door behind us, and before I knew it, I was being swept off my feet.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” he said, carrying me toward his room.

  I had been sleeping in there longer than I could recall at the moment, and there was nowhere else I would rather be.

  “It’s time for bed,” he added.

  I tightened my hold around Damon while smiling tenderly at him. I was in awe of his overzealous compassion and support toward my family and me during the past two days—so much in fact that I thought my heart might explode with gratitude.

  He laid me on his bed, climbed in next to me, and tucked me into his side. As he began to soothingly run lazy strokes up and down my back, I tried to think of a way to repay him or to express my appreciation for his never-ending consideration toward me.

  The only thing I could come up with at the moment was to let him in on my feelings. It was the only part of myself that I kept from him, from nearly everyone, out of fear of letting someone close to me.

  I began to caress my hand up and down his chest, pondering where to begin. There was so much about me he did not know. Since all my thoughts were on Caroline right now and that was how Damon had come into my life, it seemed right to start there.

  “Since I was a young teen, I’ve always been frustrated with Caroline’s therapists,” I said.

  Damon’s hand stopped moving for a moment. He let out a breath and asked, “Why is that?”

  “Because autism awareness was less known back when Caroline was a young child. The therapist did not know much about the prognosis of how to assist her in daily-life skills or her education,” I explained. “All I wanted was to help, yet my parents and I did not know how. Caroline is the reason I went into physical therapy. Even though I ended up specializing in sports therapy, I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives by aiding their recovery from physical injuries.”

  “That makes sense,” he said thoughtfully. “I’m glad autism has come a long way, and she’s able to seek better support. Your sister does extremely well, considering her circumstances.”

  “Yes, she’s amazing,” I agreed. “She is the reason I worked so hard through school to make something of myself. I assist my parents with some of her physical therapy costs, so she can receive the best care possible. I also offered to help with the tuition of the new school she’ll be attending in the fall. That’s why I needed a roommate after my hours had been cut.”

  He turned on his side, and my head shifted from his chest to his arm. I could feel his gaze on me even though I was not able to see him clearly in the dark room.

  He lowered his hand to my hair and gently brushed a tendril off my face. “Why was that so hard to tell me?” he asked softly.

  “Because I’ve never told anyone—well, except Abbey, of course,” I confessed. “Taking on a roommate to me was a big deal at first. I viewed it as a sign of weakness and failure. I had to admit to myself that I needed someone to help me with my financial obligations for the first time since I left home for college, but I did not want to let my family down with the commitments I had already made to them.”

  “I hope you feel differently about your view on your situation now,” he spoke. “And, Gail, I have met your parents, so I can say without a doubt that they would not view your circumstances as you letting them down.”

  “I do. I’ve realized that it’s okay to ask for help when it’s needed,” I replied, setting my arm on his chest. “And I know my parents would not want me to help if it was causing strain on me. That is why I don’t want to tell them about my job. They already have enough stress. I also wanted to do it because Caroline is my sister, and I love her,” I added.

  “I can understand that. At the end of the day, our family and friends are all we have,” he replied.

  “Exactly.” I smiled into the darkness, feeling as though I had successfully opened up to him even if it was only a baby step. “Thank you again for staying with me. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” I added, repeating my earlier words I had spoken to him at the hospital.

  “There is no need to thank me, Gail. I meant what I said about not wanting to be anywhere else but with you.”

  He paused to kiss me, and I groaned in protest when he pulled back, making him chuckle.

  “I need more answers before more kisses,” he added teasingly.

  “Ah,” I moaned again. “Okay, but only for more of your lips.”

  “Deal.” He laughed quietly. “So, earlier today, when you were singing to Caroline…”


  “Did you sing to her often in the past?” he asked.

  “All the time,” I answered, recalling memories of my childhood with Caroline. “When she was little, she wasn’t really much of a snuggler, and that was hard for my mom because she is a touchy-feely person, so to speak.” I set my leg on top of his to nestle closer to him.

  “A touch-feely person like you?” he asked fondly.

  “Yep. One night when Caroline was about two years old, my family and I went away on a day trip. By the time we returned home later that night, Caroline was restless and overtired, and my mom could not get her to fall asleep. So, I climbed into bed with her, mindful to keep my distance, and I began to sing my favorite song to her.”

  “And she liked it?”

  “Caroline loved it. She actually moved closer to me and laid her head on my lap, so I kept singing to her until she fell asleep.”

  “That is amazing,” he responded. “I bet your mom was shocked.”

  “We were all shocked.” I chortled. “And ticked because it took us two years to figure out she enjoyed music.” I repositioned myself on top of Damon. “Now, where are those kisses you agreed to?” I asked playfully, feeling a second wind coming on. I was longing for his touch.

  His hands came to my hips and yanked me up the length of him until I could feel his mouth against mine and his growing arousal beneath me.

  “Right here, sweetheart,” he answered my question. Then, he captured my lips.

  For the rest of the week, my schedule revolved around work, visits to the hospital to see Caroline and check in on her progress, and some shut-eye with Damon before starting the process all over again.

  Damon continued to awe me with his never-ending support, and he’d even make trips of his own to see my sister and spend time with her when I was unable to due to my odd work schedule.

  Tomorrow was the first day the two of us would have some free time. I wanted to plan something special for him. I did not have a broad budget with my checkbook, but I hoped to still come up with an idea that he would like.

  After work, I raced over to Abbey’s house to give her a dress she’d asked to borrow for the weekend while I brainstormed over what to do for Damon.

  Once I parked my car in her driveway, I opened the backseat and grabbed the clothing. Then, I made my way to Abbey’s door and knocked. Abbey opened it and beamed brightly at the garment hanging from my hand.

  “You’re my hero.” Abbey grinned, taking the hanger from me.r />
  “I know!” I grinned flippantly over at my best friend.

  “Hey!” Jason exclaimed from behind his fiancée, and he stepped into sight while still gazing at her. “I thought I was your hero?”

  “Oh, you still are, handsome.” She winked at him. “But so is Gail because she loves dresses and shoes…and purses.”

  “Traitor!” he scoffed jokingly and then rotated to face me. “Hey, Gail.”

  “Hello, Jason.” I smiled up at him.

  Abbey gestured me inside and shut the door after us. Seeing Jason sparked an idea related to my undecided surprise tomorrow for Damon.

  “Hey, Jason,” I said, catching his attention. “I need some insight on Damon. Would you be willing to help a girl out?”

  “Uh…” Jason muttered, instantly appearing kind of scared of what I might inquire.

  I had to laugh.

  “Depends on what you want to know,” he added.

  “Well, I want to surprise Damon tomorrow and do something special for him, but I don’t have the means for all his hobbies that I know of, so I need one that is cost-effective.”

  “Oh,” Jason said considerately. “That is an easy one. Take him fishing.”

  My jaw dropped at his answer. I hated fish. It was totally a girlish thing to think, but sadly, it was true. “Fishing?” I squeaked apprehensively.

  “Yep,” Jason replied simply with an amused expression as he shrugged. “Every guy likes to go fishing.”

  Abbey snorted as she came closer to my side and glared up at her husband good-naturedly. “Since when do you like to fish?”

  “I love to fish! I even have all the supplies in the garage,” Jason retorted. “Don’t worry, baby. I plan to take you on a fishing trip soon. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.” He snickered. “But rest at ease, my future wife, I will.”

  Abbey set her hands on her hips, and I had to stifle my laughter at these two. Watching these lovers quarrel was better than seeing a romantic comedy on the big screen.

  “This so-called fishing trip better include my Kindle and me watching you hook a line from afar,” Abbey countered.

  “Only if you are in a bikini.” Jason grinned.

  “Okay.” Abbey shrugged nonchalantly as she reached on her toes and kissed him.

  When they broke apart, Jason tilted his head at me. “It has been settled,” he said, his appearance reflecting humor. “Fishing, bikini, Kindle, and Damon will be a happy guy.” He smirked.

  Abbey and I started laughing hysterically.

  “Well, thank you for your insight, Jason,” I said teasingly but genuinely.

  “Anytime.” His brows rose. “Oh, and make sure you tell him that he owes me—big time.”

  “I’ll do that.” I chuckled.

  “I’ll run out to the garage while you ladies finish up. You can borrow my stuff for tomorrow.” He pointed at me. “Just make sure you stop at the gas station and pick up some bait.”

  “Don’t forget bait. Got it,” I said, making a mental note. “Thanks, Jason.”

  “You’re welcome,” he responded before kissing his wife and walking off.

  I shifted my gaze back to Abbey, only to see her staring at me with that look in her eyes.

  “Fishing, huh?” she asked speculatively.

  “It would appear so,” I answered.

  I was unsure of what I’d just gotten myself into. But tomorrow was for Damon, not me, so stinky fish it was.

  Abbey lifted her brows at me. “You must really like Damon to endure such a torturous sport,” she probed cleverly.

  “Yes, I do, Abbey,” I responded, letting emotions flood me. “He is always so amazing with me and so kind and compassionate toward my family. Just everything about him—” I broke off, unable to put my feelings into a complete thought because they were so powerful.

  Abbey’s eyes became soft, and she stepped forward to hug me. “I’m so happy for you, Gail.”

  “Thank you, Abbey,” I said, drawing back, “for that crazy random thought of yours that day back at TGI Fridays.”

  “See? It wasn’t that crazy after all.” She grinned with a playful glint in her eyes.

  “Well, it was still a bit farfetched,” I teased, shaking my head. “But it turned out to be worth bringing Damon into my life.”


  I awoke bright and early on Saturday to start the morning by making Damon breakfast. Before long, I had cooked up a storm, consisting of French toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon. I set the coffee machine to brew while pulling out plates, mugs, napkins, and silverware, and I took them to the table.

  When I heard Damon coming out of the bedroom, I looked over my shoulder to see him wearing nothing but his signature lounge pants, and his chest was bare. He strode up to me with sleepy blue eyes and enclosed me in his arms with his firm chest pressed along my back.

  His morning stubble tickled my neck as he snuggled against me. “Good morning,” he said in a gruff, happy tone. “What are you up to out here, Betty Crocker?” he asked against my throat.

  “I am making us some breakfast.” I smiled, reveling in his warmth.

  “Mmm…I could smell the bacon all the way from my bed.” He breathed along my skin in the middle of tender kisses. “It was calling to me.”

  I laughed softly as I extended my arm forward to flip off the burners, and then I pivoted in his hold to glance up at him. “Well then, it’s ready for you to devour.”

  “Hmm…” he crooned, grinning mischievously, as he ran his hands down my sides while keeping me near. “Maybe I want to devour you first,” he countered.

  “You can’t until later.” I snickered even though I was dreaming of him doing just that. On the other hand, I was pretty sure the best time to catch a fish was early in the morning, and the clock was ticking. “We have plans today,” I added.

  “Oh, yeah?” Damon questioned.

  He planted a chaste kiss on my lips that I felt all the way to my toes. He teasingly tugged on my bottom lip as he withdrew, completely leaving me yearning for more of him.

  He asked, “And where are we going?”

  “I can’t tell you.” I shook my head at him. “It is a secret.”

  “I thought there were no secrets between us,” he teased. “That’s not playing fair.”

  “True.” I pondered, deliberating a better explanation. “Then, think of it as more of a surprise.”

  “I love surprises.” He grinned sexily while he continued to tease me with that soft mouth of his as he grazed my ass with his palms. “Does it involve you and me being naked for the day?” he inquired with questioning eyes.

  “Nope.” I chortled and decided to razz him a bit. “It comprises of something stinky though.”

  He pulled back and raised a brow at me. “Stinky?” he asked warily.

  “Yes,” I persisted, inwardly enjoying myself. “And slimy.”

  “Do I get a say in this surprise then?”

  He snuck his hands under the hem of my shirt, skimming up my stomach. The sensation made my nipples harden.

  “Because I vote for a naked Saturday over your idea.”

  Oh, this is fun. I was going to draw out my plan for as long as possible, so I replied, “Not a chance, handsome.” Then, I chose to cut him a small break. “But you can totally have a naked Sunday tomorrow instead.”

  “Sweet.” He grinned. “I will survive your devious plans for today only because naked Sunday is twenty-four hours away.”

  I maneuvered myself out of his hold and said, “Glad to see you can compromise there, sport.” I winked at him and gently pinched his ass before walking off.

  “Careful there,” he threatened good-naturedly. “Or I’ll veto those plans of yours.”

  “Oh, fine.” I sighed with mirth. “I’ll behave.”

  With that, Damon and I piled our plates with food. I filled our mugs with coffee and joined him at the kitchen table.

  As I prepared my own food, I watched Damon with wide eyes as he drowned
his French toast in butter and syrup.

  “Would you like some bread to go along with all that sugar and cholesterol?” I teased and then took a bite of my eggs.

  “Nah, I’m good,” he responded, releasing a wicked grin and digging into his feast.

  Damon and I ate silently for a few minutes, and I felt my anticipation growing. I hoped he liked what I had planned for him. We had not been out much lately, so I was looking forward to spending some alone time with him.

  “Oh,” he chimed in before taking a sip of his coffee. “I wanted to give you a heads-up that I have to go out of town for work for a couple of days this week.”

  “Okay,” I replied. I knew he occasionally traveled for work, but for some reason, I was caught off guard. “Which days?” I wondered out loud.

  “I have to catch a flight to Colorado on Tuesday morning, and I should return by some time on Wednesday evening.”

  “Okay,” I repeated, smiling over at him. I was floored at how bummed I felt over a mere two days apart, but I was equally intrigued to know more about his job. I loved how his mind switched gears when he talked about anything work-related, so I asked, “What will you be working on?”

  He swallowed a mouthful. “I still subcontract with a general contractor back in Denver, whom I met after I completed my architectural apprenticeship straight out of college.” He reached for another piece of bacon on his plate. “The owner, Dave Jones, requested that I come take a look at a hospital their company is remodeling where they want a three-hundred-thousand-square-foot expansion.”

  “That sounds really neat,” I replied honestly, pushing my empty plate aside. “How long does it normally take to complete blueprints from start to finish for a building that substantial?”

  “The two greatest factors are the size and detail of the project,” he answered pensively. “Usually anywhere from a month to three or four depending on how many people call the shots and the stages of approval and permits the blueprints must go through.”

  I absorbed the information, glad to learn more about Damon and his career, as Damon finished his breakfast. Then, he rose from the table to start clearing the dishes, and I joined in to help with the cleanup.


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