Calling the Shots

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Calling the Shots Page 8

by Christine d'Abo

  Nothing bad had happened. There’d been no fighting, no rushing away or excuses. In that way Beth and Oliver were a complete departure from any of his other lovers. Everything had been perfectly normal.

  It terrified him.

  Time slipped away from him until there was a light knock at the door. “You okay?” Oliver asked.


  “Can you open up? Beth wants a wet cloth to clean off our mess. Apparently Kleenex doesn’t cut it.”

  Josh flicked the door open as he turned the water on. Oliver smiled at him, his hair sticking up and his eyes droopy. He would have been adorable if he’d been dressed. But Josh found it hard to classify Oliver’s well-defined abs, black tattoos and half-hard cock as anything less than sexy. Shaking away the lingering darkness, Josh grabbed a cloth and ran it under the water. “I didn’t mean to wake the two of you up.”

  Oliver’s noncommittal noise bordered on a yawn. “Why waste time sleeping?”

  “Are you two going to stand there and gossip all night? I’m getting itchy over here.”

  Josh threw the warm cloth, his aim true when it landed against the side of Beth’s breast.


  He’d had enough of dark dreams for one night. There were two naked beauties in his room. The possibilities were endless.

  “Better hurry up.” Josh stepped against Oliver. “Round two will be starting soon.”

  “I like the sound of round two.” Oliver’s voice was soft and sleepy. “I’m hoping there will be some fucking as part of it.”

  “And do you want to be giving or receiving?” Josh slid his hand down to cup Oliver’s ass.

  “Yes.” Oliver licked the side of Josh’s neck.

  “Are you sure? I know you’ve never…”

  Pulling back to stare at him, Oliver nodded. “More certain than anything. Earlier simply confirmed things for me.”

  The slap of the damp facecloth against Josh’s arm drew his attention back to Beth.

  “Are you two starting without me? Because that’s not fair.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Josh gently pulled Oliver back, hating the way he missed the younger man’s touch. “Let’s show her what she’s been missing.”

  “Promise?” There was a note of pleading in Oliver’s voice. Despite how far the three of them had come tonight, Oliver still believed he would be pushed away.

  “I’m nowhere near finished with you.” He squeezed Oliver’s ass cheek. “I haven’t had a chance to fuck you yet.” The whine from Oliver was encouraging. Josh crowded him against the doorjamb, taking advantage of his larger body to keep him in place. “I can’t wait to see your face when I inch inside your body, stretching you out. I want to hear your groans when I hit your prostate.” Josh nipped at Oliver’s shoulder.

  Beth’s moan came as a surprise. Her hand moved slowly between her legs. Her attention not fixed on any one thing, she worked to get herself off. Reaching up, Josh slid his hand into Oliver’s hair and pulled his head to the side, exposing his neck.

  “She’s getting off watching us.”

  “W-what’s she doing?”

  “Rubbing her clit. I don’t think she’s put her fingers in her pussy yet. Have you, Beth?”

  Blond locks spilled across his pillow when she shook her head. Oliver was full-hard now and his cock bumped against the side of Josh’s thigh.

  With his free hand, Josh cupped Oliver’s erection, giving his balls a squeeze. “Time for bed.”


  Josh pulled Oliver with him but shifted his attention to Beth. Her hand continued its exploration of her cunt, even as she widened her legs to give them a better view. Wetness made the smooth skin of her pussy shine from the bathroom light. He’d missed out on tasting her before. But not this time.

  Pressing Oliver to the bed beside Beth, Josh leaned in and licked her pussy. The muscles of her thighs tightened, but she didn’t squeeze his face with her legs. God, she was sweet and tangy. The smell of her arousal and the mix of their semen filled his nose, making his head buzz. Circling her clit with his tongue, Josh had to force himself to pull away before she came.

  “I have plans for you, miss.” He rolled her nipple between his fingers. “And our boy here would very much like to fuck you.”

  “Condoms?” Oliver licked both Josh’s fingers and Beth’s nipple.

  “I’ll get them. Don’t either of you dare move.”

  Even simply rolling across the bed to reach the nightstand drawer put Josh too far away for his liking. Now that they’d started this, he couldn’t get enough of the skin-on-skin contact. Oliver groaned and the bed shifted as Josh snagged the package of condoms and a mostly full bottle of lube. Turning around revealed Oliver lying on top of Beth, her knees pulled up and her legs hooked around his lower back.

  “I thought I told you not to move?”

  “Couldn’t wait.” Oliver pressed his cheek to Beth’s chest. “You have stuff?”

  Josh held it up. “This isn’t going to last long enough if we don’t settle down.”

  “Listen to him.” Beth raked her nails down Oliver’s back. “You’ve wanted this for a long time now. Don’t want to ruin it by coming too fast.”

  “Fuck.” Oliver raised himself onto his hands and knees. It had the dual effect of pulling his lower body away from Beth while thrusting his ass high into the air. “You two will kill me. Every day you kill me.”

  Josh groaned. Oliver wouldn’t be the only one dying. Rolling back over to join them, he leaned in and bit gently down on Oliver’s hip. “How long have you wanted this?”

  “Since my goddamned interview.” Oliver’s face was flushed and his hips thrust into the empty space above Beth. “I was hard as a rock when I left. Wanted to jerk off in my car. Did jerk off in the shower. I’ve never…reacted that way before.”

  Josh took advantage of Oliver’s position to slide a finger between his ass cheeks. He didn’t penetrate, but took time to tease the puckered opening. The skin was smooth, flexing under Josh’s caress. Oliver held surprisingly still, but his ragged breathing increased.

  “He told me,” Beth said as she drew her nails down Josh’s thigh, “that he’s fantasized about fucking me while you’re fucking him.”

  “Really.” Josh pressed the dry tip of his finger more firmly against Oliver’s opening. “Is that true?”

  “Beth…I’m going to…” Oliver groaned when Josh’s fingertip breached him. “Going to take you so hard.”

  She chuckled and grabbed hold of Oliver’s ass. “I should hope so.” She pulled his cheeks apart, opening him up for Josh. “But I think Josh wants to play first.”

  “Oh, yes.” Josh couldn’t wait any longer. The culmination of months’ worth of flirting, teasing and wanting was about to come to fruition.

  * * *

  Oliver fought for control of his body as Josh climbed behind him, shifting between his legs. Beth still held him open, putting all of his body on display. Despite all the sex he’d had with Mallory, he’d never felt this owned before. So consumed.

  Beth’s breath was hot against his neck, her body small but strong beneath him. It was weird. He should be the one in control, given the difference in their sizes, but he wasn’t under the illusion that was the case. She held him down, pinned with little more than her fingertips and a silent command to keep still. God, he wouldn’t have dreamed of moving. Not until they were done with him.

  “So good,” she whispered. “Hold still for him. He’s going to make you feel amazing.”

  Amazing? How could anything possibly be better than what they’d done already?

  Placing his hands on top of Beth’s, Josh leaned in and licked a swipe from Oliver’s balls up and across his asshole.

  Christ almighty! Oliver cried out and tri
ed to buck away from the contact. It was too much, too intimate. God, how could anyone want to do that to him? “Shit, Josh.”

  Josh chuckled, the vibrations tickling his ass. “Have something against rimming?”

  “No one’s ever done it to me.” Mallory would have yelled at him for even suggesting she try. He couldn’t imagine any of the other women he’d been with wanting to either.

  Of course it would be Josh. The man didn’t know the meaning of the word boundary.

  “Now that’s a shame.” Two sets of fingers dug into his ass. Beth nipped at his neck as Josh raked his nails along the back of Oliver’s thighs. “Hold him still for me.”

  Shifting lower, Josh pressed his face in and blew out a deep breath. The cold rush of air had Oliver shivering uncontrollably and his muscles tensing. It was too much. God, he was going to die.

  Josh pushed his tongue against the muscles of his rim. It was like a bolt shot through him, from his ass to his cock. Beth reached between them and wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft. How she’d known he was close to coming, he wasn’t certain. Thankfully, her grip was hard enough to stave off his release. He needed to stretch this out as long as he could, because he knew better than to assume it would happen again.

  The future was never certain.

  “Calm down,” she whispered in his ear. “Enjoy the sensations, but don’t let it take you over. No coming. Not yet.”

  Josh continued to run his tongue over his hole, probing and teasing, until Oliver began to relax. His body was being played and he’d never be able to see sex the same way again. His horizons were being expanded in ways he wasn’t capable of assessing now, but would probably freak over later.

  Fuck, what did it matter if it felt this good?

  Within a matter of minutes, he began to thrust back into Josh’s tongue, forcing as much contact as he could. Wanting to feel the harshness of before, needing to cut the edge of pleasure. It was like he was getting fucked by pure heat, bleeding bliss through every cell in his body.

  “Josh.” Fuck, was that sweat or tears? God, he needed this so much—Josh and Beth and what they could give him.

  Maybe Mallory was right. Maybe he was weak.

  “Yeah, let go.” Beth nipped at his earlobe. “You’re going to make me come from watching.”

  Or maybe he had more power than he realized.

  Oliver barely had a minute to adjust before Josh tightened his tongue and slowly began to work it past the tight muscles. Muscles relaxed even as Oliver’s body began to vibrate. His whole world spiraled down to the point where Josh was licking him open. It was like getting a tattoo, being marked permanently, though no one would ever see these lines marking him.

  “Can’t take…much more.”

  Josh pulled back and slapped Oliver’s ass three times—hard. “No coming yet.”

  Oliver squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the pain. It was right there, so close he could smell it, but he knew it would only be better if he waited. No, Josh wanted him to do something first. Pleasing Josh, yes, that was what he needed to do.

  “Not to sound ungrateful, but I’m feeling a bit left out here.” Beth patted Oliver’s head. “I was promised a fucking.”

  “You’ll get one.” Oliver held out his hand, and shit if that didn’t take more concentration than it should have. “If the boss-man will give me a condom.”

  Josh removed the condom from the wrapper and grabbed Oliver’s cock with his free hand. Shit. Oliver squeezed his eyes shut and fought to keep still as Josh rolled the protection down the length of his shaft. Of course Josh would push him when he was this fucking close to the edge.

  “All set.” Josh gave his cock an extra squeeze.

  Unable to wait, Oliver lined himself up and pressed into Beth. They held still, their panting synchronizing. Sweat covered him, making their bodies slide wonderfully against each other. Beth’s face was pulled taut and her eyes screwed shut. He wished he knew what she was thinking, what he could do to make it better for her, please her. God, he wanted to make her fucking ecstatic, feel even a little of the pleasure she’d already given him.

  Missionary sex was considered by some to be boring. Predictable. Certainly, many of Mavericks’ members would agree with that assessment. But Oliver had been face-to-face with unusual and kinky sex for four months now, so something simple took on a different dimension. For the moment it was just the two of them, their bodies seeking and receiving pleasure. Shit, how could anyone consider this boring when Beth moaned like that?

  Oliver gave a tentative thrust. Beth lifted her legs and hooked her feet around his ass. Another thrust and they both sighed. Oliver had almost forgotten about Josh until a flash of movement in the corner of his eye grabbed his attention.

  Josh was stretched out on the bed, a gap between them. He’d grabbed his cock and was stroking his shaft halfheartedly as he watched, as if he was mesmerized by the scene or was trying to memorize every detail. When Josh realized he was watching, he smiled and shifted closer. Oliver wished he could pull Josh in, sink into his heat as well. Somehow find a way to fuck them both at once.

  “Can you suck her nipple?” Josh ran his fingers through Oliver’s hair. “Let me see.”

  A command more than a request. One Oliver was happy to comply with.

  The angle was awkward, but Oliver arched his back and dipped his mouth down. Beth’s reaction was electric—her body stiffening as she bucked her hips. Oliver continued to lave the nipple as his thrusts increased in strength. Yeah, this was it. He could give her everything, fill his need to please, and know she wouldn’t treat him like shit in return.

  He’d never understood why he was this way. Why he got turned on by someone stronger-willed taking over in the bedroom. The first time Mallory had slapped his ass in jest, he’d nearly come on the spot. It was as if the wires in his brain had gotten crossed, backward from everything he’d ever been taught they should be. Men were strong. In control. In charge.

  Fuck that.

  “Beth.” He sucked on her shoulder and increased the strength of his thrusts. “Good?”

  She hummed her pleasure. “Missing something.”

  Oliver froze and lifted his head. God, what had he done wrong? What did she need? He opened his mouth to ask, but she pressed her hand over it. Turning her head she smiled at Josh.

  “We’re missing Josh.”

  “It’s not my show.” Josh increased the tugging on his cock.

  She laughed. “That doesn’t mean you have to sit out.”

  Oliver struggled to breathe. Beth’s fingers were close to his nose, making it hard to pull oxygen into his lungs. His head spun from the deprivation and the thought of Josh finally giving him what he wanted. What he needed.

  Without speaking, Oliver begged Josh to join them. Be one with them. Josh growled but didn’t move. His gaze shifted between Oliver’s eyes and Beth’s; the intensity of it made Oliver’s dick twitch and his skin tingle. When Josh looked back, it was clear his restraint had broken, and he too had given in to this crazy pull between the three of them

  Oliver slowed his thrusts as Josh moved around him, stopping at the sound of a second condom package. God, this was it. He was really going to do this, have anal sex. He’d seen the size of Josh, couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to have someone that big pushing into him. Not that he minded the pain—liked it, even. But this wasn’t about that. It would change him on a level he hadn’t considered.

  He wouldn’t be Oliver, straight guy with abandonment issues, who fantasized about women dominating him. No, he’d be Oliver, bisexual man who’d been fucked by his boss and good friend, who’d been dominated by not one but two lovers.

  How the fuck did that happen?

  When could it happen again?

  “Shh, it’s okay. He won’t do anything you don�
��t want him to.” Beth kissed his temple. “Do you want him to stop?”

  “No!” He closed his eyes and tried to relax his body. “No, please. I want this.”

  “Relax then.” Josh ran a hand along the small of his back, helping Oliver to settle. “I’m going to open you up. Just enjoy the sensations and try not to clench.”

  At some point during their conversation, Josh had lubed up his fingers, the tip of which was now pressing against the tight ring of muscles. God, it was weird. But as Josh worked his digit into Oliver, rivulets of pleasure shot through his body and fired his blood. Before Oliver realized what he was doing, he began to thrust in counterpoint to the movement of Josh’s hand.

  “God, you’re tight.” Josh added a second finger. “But you’re taking it. I bet you’ll swallow me up just as easily.”

  Beth shifted her gaze to over Oliver’s shoulder. “Will I feel your cock when you fuck him?”

  The innocence of her tone did nothing to detract from the impact of her words. Oliver was going to fuck and be fucked at once.

  Josh quickly added a third finger, dragging a moan from Oliver. “No, but you’ll know I’m there.”

  “You’re both going to kill me.” Oliver glanced back at Josh, whose hair was plastered to the side of his face and neck with sweat. He was stunning. “Hurry up and let’s do this. I’m not going to last as it is.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. This is your first—”

  “Fuck me, Josh.” That was all he needed. What he’d wanted for months now.

  Josh pulled his hand free and replaced his fingers with the blunt tip of his cock. The muscles were still tight enough to squeeze the shaft Josh pushed slowly, inch by inch, into his body. Oliver held still, his breath coming out in short, sharp pants until Josh was flush against his ass. When he was fully seated, they all froze for a moment, giving Oliver time to adjust. He couldn’t form a thought, not a logical one at any rate. His senses were overloaded with foreign sensations of pleasure so intense he thought he was going to pass out before his orgasm even came.


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