Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1)

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Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Page 21

by Renee Harless

  “Hi, I’m Mallory. You must be Will,” I say.

  “That would be me it's nice to meet you, Mallory.”

  As he shakes my hand, we both turn to look at Samantha and Alex where they both seem to be lost in each other at the moment.

  I can feel the spurts of jealousy taking over my body and I am relieved when Will asks, “Would you like to come inside? I can show you to your room. Which by the looks of it, you may want to keep to yourself.”

  “You’re probably right. He said they were more like siblings, but I don’t act like that with my brothers. Maybe it’s a European thing.”

  We walk into his lovely home making small talk as he points out the living room and powder room. He grabs the small overnight bag from my hands and escorts me to a quaint room at the end of a long hallway.

  “I had planned to have you and Alex stay in a room on the other end of the hall,” he announces, "but I figured you may like this room for the night.” In the room is a small double bed, just big enough for one person. “There is a bathroom attached so you won’t need to leave during the night unless you want to. I, myself, am a bit furious at my wife. Of course, I should have guessed this would happen. She’s been in love with him since they were little, but she swore he didn’t feel the same.”

  I tuck my hands into my pockets and look around the room speaking softly, “I’m sure they are catching up, it has been a while. But thank you for letting me stay here tonight, it would be a bit awkward to sleep with Alex after witnessing that.”

  “I’m sorry, Mallory. You seem like a sweet girl, but be careful.” I cock my head at his words and he continues, “Holler if you need anything. My bedroom is two doors down on the left. See you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Will.”

  Stepping into the bathroom, I wash my face and stare at my green eyes in the mirror. My emotions are all over the place, but I am mostly furious and hurt. Without even considering the make out session, I am miffed that Alex didn’t even introduce me. We haven’t been here for thirty minutes and I am already cast aside. Turning off the light to the bathroom, I lock the bedroom door and crawl into the beckoning bed. It is soft and clean, reminding me of home and I curl up into a ball letting the few tears of rejection skim along my cheeks. If it was possible for me to leave, I would, but then I think of Will. How heart breaking to see your wife run to the arms of another man. Another man that you were told had no history with your wife. I’ll suck up my jealousy and pride for Will, because he doesn’t deserve to witness this alone.

  As tired as I am, sleep escapes me and I find myself tossing and turning between the sheets the remainder of the night. At some point during my restless slumber, I hear Alex and Will talking in the hall. I glance at my phone and see that it is 3:00am.

  I hear Alex shout, “Why isn’t Mallory in my room?”

  “Because I put her in a different room. She doesn’t need to have you around her right now.”

  “What the bloody hell does that mean? I brought her here. She is my girlfriend.”

  “Yea, what an amazing boyfriend you are; making out with another man’s wife while your girlfriend and the husband look on. You didn’t even take a breath to introduce her. That makes you a shitty friend and a shitty boyfriend.”

  “We weren’t making out, that’s just how we are.”

  “Really, what do you call it? Mallory said that you told her that you and Samantha were like siblings. I’ve only met you a handful of times and I knew that wasn’t the case. You should have told her that you both were in love with each other. I wish someone would have told me, I wouldn’t have married her.”

  “What the fuck, I don’t love her like that.”

  “You could have fooled me, my friend. If you’re smart you will let Mallory cool off. She’s too nice to be with a dirt bag like you anyway. About time she saw your true colors.”

  “Will, what the hell? I don’t love Samantha and I wasn’t making out with her. If you saw anything, I was only standing there. I have no control over what your wife does. What do you have against me?”

  “How about I tell you when the divorce is finalized? I think you’ll get a real kick out of it.”


  “Oh yea, didn’t she tell you during one of your weekly phone chats? We’ve been legally separated for three months. I am making her stay in the guest house since the winery was mine before the marriage.”

  “Shit. I should go talk to Sam. She should have told me.”

  “Alex, if I were you I would stay here tonight with a locked door. One, because I don’t trust her to stay out of your room and two, because Mallory is a good girl that you don’t deserve. I’m willing to play nice for Mallory’s sake, since you brought her into this mess, but let me give you a piece of advice, figure out if you really don’t love Samantha or Mallory. Neither of them needs to be lead on. I’m hoping after this mess we can remain friends, but knowing the things I do, I find it doubtful.”

  “Christ, what the hell happened?”

  “Like I said, we’ll discuss it after the divorce if finalized. I suggest you go to your room and figure things out. If you’re not here in the morning, I’ll let Mallory know what you decided. Who knows, maybe she'll move out here with me after this is over.”

  I can hear anger lace Alex’s voice.

  “You stay the hell away from her you understand? Regardless of what happens with you, Samantha, and me, Mallory is mine, always.”

  Will’s voice is much fainter, like he is walking away.

  “Interesting Alex, you sure you don’t love Mallory either? Sleep well and lock that door.”

  I lie on my back and replay Will and Alex’s words through my head. So Will thinks that Samantha and Alex are in love, but that Alex loves me as well and Alex denies loving either of us. What interests me the most is that Will and Samantha are getting a divorce. I wonder if she will be moving back to England to marry Alex. Closing my eyes, I picture Alex standing at the altar as a white dressed woman walks down the aisle. In the past, I had pictured my face when he lifts the veil, but this time I see the image of Samantha. A cry escapes from my throat and my body begins to shake in sobs. During my tears, I can hear a soft knock at the door and Alex calling my name in question. I continue my crying fit as he turns from my door and heads to his room, I hope.

  During some portion of the early morning, I catch a few hours of sleep. When I finally open my eyes, I see that it is a golden sunny morning in California. Slumping into the bathroom, I splash water onto my face hoping to mask my bloodshot eyes. Following a quick shower, I put on a bright yellow sundress hoping that it will improve my melancholy mood. As a side thought, I make sure to leave my collar on the dresser. Walking downstairs, I note the eerie silence of the home and as I find my way to the kitchen, I see Will standing over the stove cooking an omelet. In the attached dining room, I catch a glimpse of Samantha and Alex sitting at the large table. She is leaned into him, attentively listening to his every word and her face shows every glowing sign of being in love. I recognize the expression because it shadows my own.

  “Good morning, Will,” I say strolling further into the kitchen.

  “Hey, Mallory. I thought it might be a while until we saw you. What can I get you for breakfast?”

  As a horrible sounding grumble reverberates in my stomach, I chuckle.

  “An omelet with cheese, spinach, and mushrooms if you have any left.”

  “Certainly. It’ll be ready in a minute.”

  At that moment, Alex looks up and smiles, noticing my arrival. I see Samantha’s face turn from love to anger and hurt.

  Attempting to rush out of his chair Alex asks, “Mallory, can we talk?”

  But before he gets the chance to unseat himself completely from his chair I answer in a harsh tone, “No.”



  When I sit down at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, Will passes over my omelet.

  “Thanks, Will,"
I say sending him a soft but sad smile and he returns a similar one as he replies,

  “Anytime, beautiful.”

  Just as I am finishing my breakfast, Alex and Samantha stroll into the kitchen. After last night, I would have expected his arm to be draped over her shoulder or their hands laced together. Instead, Alex comes to stand beside where I am sitting and Samantha joins him.

  He announces, “Mallory, may I introduce you to Samantha?”

  “That’s ok there is no need for an introduction.”

  I can see anger flash across Alex’s face, but it quickly diminishes and I have no need to glance in Samantha’s direction.

  “Mallory, don’t be rude.”

  Jumping from my chair, I stand in Alex’s face. He will not get submissive Mallory. In this very moment, he will be seeing Senior Executive Mallory, the Mallory that is tired of being in everyone’s shadow, doing what is expected, and swallowing her tongue.

  “Rude? I’m sorry, rude was when you jumped into the arms of a married woman the minute our car arrived and allowed her to shove her tongue down your throat. Rude, was when you didn’t even have the decency to introduce me to your so-called friend and her husband. Rude, was when Will had to escort me to a different bedroom because we were unsure of when you would be returning and whom with. So, Alex, don’t for a second consider my lack of needing an introduction to Samantha as rude.”

  Standing there in silence, I can almost see a hint of amazement in Alex’s eyes.

  Will begins a small clap breaking me of my stare.

  “Well said, Mallory,” the appreciative husband proclaims.“Instead, how about I introduce you to my soon to be ex-wife? Samantha, this is Mallory. Without a doubt, Mallory is one of the most patient and kind-hearted people I have had the pleasure to meet. Only someone of her caliber would be able to stay the night and come down here in the morning to face you.”

  I can see Samantha’s eyes begin to well up and my heart hurts for her a bit. I know what it’s like to love someone and not have them love you in return. Tucking away my pride and jealousy in my pocket, I extend my hand to shake hers.

  “Samantha, it’s nice to meet you,” I say in the most genuine voice I can manage.

  In a naturally sexy and husky voice Samantha replies, “Likewise, Mallory, I’ve heard a great deal about you. Even from the first night at the bar.”

  Astonished, I glance in Alex’s direction as a sheepish grin crosses his face and he shrugs his shoulders. Looking back, I examine Samantha. She is a tall woman, about 5’11” and willowy with long, straight, blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She isn’t your typical beauty, but I can see why men would be attracted to her, if not only for her voice.

  Breaking me of my interest in her appearance she continues, “Mallory, I’d like to apologize for my actions yesterday.”

  My body tenses up again remembering their kissing at our arrival.

  A bit harsher than I intended I respond, “I don’t care to hear an apology, nor do I condone you giving one. You were well aware of your actions and, if I’m not mistaken, they were premeditated. What I cannot understand is why a woman married for five or so years would need to cheat in front of her husband with a lifelong long friend that is accompanied by his girlfriend? Cheating is wrong and disgusting, period. I do, instead, accept your need to feel regretful of your actions.” Turning in Alex’s direction I add, “As for you, Alex, I am not willing to accept an apology or remorsefulness of your actions. You may not have been the one to initiate anything, but you didn’t stop them from continuing either. That makes you equally at fault.” As Alex makes to grab my hand, I snatch it away quickly snarling, “Don’t. We don’t share, remember?”

  Sorrow and pain rack my body at my dismissal of Alex and I turn around to face Will so that Alex cannot see me cry.

  Above a whisper I say, “Will, I am going to walk around outside. I called a cab earlier; will you please let me know when it arrives?”

  “Sure thing, beautiful,” he says mournfully as I write down my cell number.

  With grace, I walk towards the back of the house en route for the French doors, planning to explore the flower garden I saw from my bedroom window. Above the whoosh of my sandals on the floor, I can hear Will speaking to Alex, “You sure screwed this up buddy.”

  Through each row of flowers that are cascading like a canopy around me, I totter in the garden. The flowers are designed in a maze and I slowly find my way to the center. The dew on the flowers call my attention and I rest on a cold bench, glancing through the canopy towards the sky. I hear the crackle of footsteps behind me on the pebbled path and, thinking that it is Will, I turn my body around. Instead of joy, I am stunned to find Samantha walking towards me.

  “Mallory, can I speak with you for a moment?” the tall blonde asks.

  Ruthlessly I answer, “I prefer you didn’t, but seeing that this is still your home, I can’t stop you.”

  She continues to walk along the pebbles and sits on the damp bench across from me.

  “You were right, earlier,” she begins. “I’m not truly sorry for what I did yesterday, but yes, I do regret it. I have been in love with Alex since we were children and our parents had always planned on us getting married, but it seemed like once our parents decided that was what should happen, Alex decided against it. I know that we have an odd relationship and I think at some point he may have loved me, but he doesn’t feel that way any longer.”

  Unfazed by her story I ask, “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I took advantage of his friendship yesterday; a friendship that means the world to me. This closeness has ruined my marriage and I won’t let it ruin your relationship with Alex. He told me about your affair; that you two agreed to be together for a couple more weeks, but you’re special to him and after yesterday I realized that. He was truly disconsolate after having a conversation with Will last night. Will came to me not long after and said that Alex looked like a lost boy when he realized you had locked him out of your room. Alex told me this morning that he heard you crying. I am sorry for causing you pain, Mallory,” she emphasizes. “Will was right when he said you are a sweet girl; you don’t deserve this. Please talk to Alex. If I only had two weeks with him, I’d take it.”

  “I’m sure you would, except he doesn’t want me either. So what difference would it make?”

  Considering what I’ve said she counters, “I think Alex may surprise you if you give him a chance.”

  With that final comment, she removes herself from the bench and walks out of the labyrinth of flowers. I try to sift through her words searching for something to help my situation with Alex, but I find nothing. I ask myself, If I was special to him, he would have pushed her away or come to me right after it happened, right?

  Attempting to fill my mind with something beautiful, I pull out my phone and begin to take close up pictures of the various flowers in the garden. This miniscule task helps to keep my mind off Alex as I continue to snap photos of the garden full of lilacs, roses, carnations, and hydrangeas, all in full bloom.

  As I begin to admire the pictures I have taken, I hear Alex’s tormented voice, “May I join you?”

  I don’t respond, but shrug my shoulders showing my indifference. Instead of sitting down on the cool bench across the way, Alex joins me on the bench I am currently occupying. He runs his hands through his hair various times, as a nervous gesture, and leans his forearms against his knees, turning his head in my direction.

  “Mallory, please talk to me,” he pronounces in anguish.

  Gazing at him I ask one word filled with a thousand questions, “Why?”

  He looks at me with a confused expression reacting, “Why, what?”

  Huffing out a breath I turn my body to face him directly as anger begins to boil in my veins again. “Why?” I question. “Why didn’t you push her away? Why did you rush to her side when we arrived? Why did you only realize your mistake when you spoke with Will last night? Why didn’t you tell me t
he real reason you wanted to come here? And why won’t tell me what you’re hiding from me?”

  With a sigh he sits up to face me.

  “That’s a lot of whys,” he says with an attempt at humor, but doing nothing to break my shell of anger. Continuing to glare in his direction, I wait for my answers. Sensing my annoyance Alex begins, “Mallory, I am beyond sorry for my actions. You are right that I am just as a fault, though I didn’t initiate the transgression. I think I was too caught up in seeing Samantha after all these years that I was unaware of how you or Will would perceive things.” As red continues to burn in my eyes Alex adds, "I didn’t know that she had planned to kiss me like that, Mallory; you have to know that. If I had known she was still in love with me, I wouldn’t have brought you here. You must know that I would never have purposely treated you like that.” Noticing the tears that begin to fall down from my eyes, torment takes hold of Alex’s voice as he says, “I want so badly to make this right, Mallory. We only have two short weeks left before I return to England and I want to spend those with you.”

  Squaring my shoulders, I take a chance and decide I want all of my questions answered.

  “Will she go back to England once her divorce is finalized? I’m sure your families will be pleased with that. You get the love of your life and she gets hers, you both get to please your families, and you get to keep whatever secret it is you are keeping from me. Happy day for everyone.”

  Pathetically trying to lighten my mood Alex replies, “Mallory, no. I have no intention of returning to England with Samantha. If I brought anyone home with me, it would be you, sweetheart. Besides, you are currently my mother’s first choice.”

  His second attempt at humor causes me to crack a tiny smile as I say, “That is not something to joke about, Alex. I won’t hesitate to call your mother and tell her what you said.”

  “Who said I was joking? My mother loves you.”

  “She has only spoken to me once.”

  “That’s all it took, darling.” Reaching across, Alex tentatively places his hand over mine and whispers, “I am truly sorry for everything that I have done to cause you to hurt, Mallory. It killed me to hear you sobbing last night and to see you so disappointed this morning, knowing that I was the cause.”


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