Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1)

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Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Page 24

by Renee Harless

  Summer has officially ended as the chill of fall bears down on Baltimore. The leaves have begun to change into magnificent autumnal colors while the air brings a bite to your skin with its crisp coolness.

  I find myself walking to work this breezy Friday and I don’t feel the chilled wind on my skin, but I walk at a quickened pace with the rest of the walkers I pass. Today is my birthday, September 26, yet I feel as if I have aged beyond my years in the past two months. Nancy and Fred have been my sole companions as the phone calls have stopped and no one knows where I have moved. I am now living a lonesome solitary life, but I can’t bring myself to enjoy the things the world has to offer. It is all meaningless to me without him, without Alex.

  As I exit the elevator on the floor of my office, an empty reception desk greets me. Usually Stephanie is here by now with the apprehensive smile on her face to greet me, but perhaps she is running an errand. Our new assistant continues to follow me around the office. At first I found it interesting that he wanted to learn so much, but now it's just annoying. Steven was supposed to retire two weeks ago and the company threw him a retirement party, but he continues to find reasons to work on a project.

  I walk past Annie’s office, but she isn’t sitting at her desk either. Checking my phone to verify that today is a workday and not a weekend I place my phone back in my bag and walk into my office. Everything looks the same as it has for the last few months since I took over. I replaced the vase of flowers on the coffee table with business magazines, but that has been the only change.

  I sit at my desk and as I wait for my computer to boot up I hear my office phone ring. Checking the caller ID I see that it is my mother.

  “Hi, mom,” I answer.

  “Good morning, darling. Happy birthday.”


  “It’s a big one today. Turning thirty is a blast. Are you doing anything fun tonight?”

  “No, I don’t have plans to go out, but we’ll see.”

  “Mallory, I’m starting to worry about you. You used to always have such life in you, but it seems drained now.”

  “Sorry, mom, I’ve just had a lot going on.”

  “I know, darling. I also know you don’t want to tell me that Alex is the cause for all this, but I’m not blind or dumb. You have been different since he left. I know a broken heart takes time to heal, but you weren’t together that long, sweetheart.”

  “Mom, please, can we not talk about this? I am doing the best I can. Madison and Mika don’t even talk to me anymore, so I have no friends to go out with even if I wanted to.”

  “They didn’t even wish you a happy birthday?”

  “No, mom, and I didn’t expect them to. Look, I need to go I have a Directors meeting in a few minutes.”

  “Alright, sweetie. Your father and I love you. Enjoy your birthday.”

  “I’ll try. I love you too, mom.”

  My meeting lasted longer than expected so I dial Nancy to let her know that I will be late for lunch. Bumping into Annie on my way out, I let her know that I will be back in an hour.

  At our typical spot, I meet Nancy and she greets me with a large hug and then hands me a gift.

  “Happy birthday, Mallory,” she cries joyously.

  “Thank you, Nancy. You didn’t need to get me anything.”

  “Stop that crazy talk, of course I did. I hope you like it.”

  I open the box and greeting me is an 11x14 photo of the Orioles team with each player’s signature. With the photograph, she has paper clipped two box seat tickets for any game I would like to attend.

  Knowing these are special tickets set aside for player’s family I exclaim, “Nancy, this is incredible. How did you get these?”

  “Well, I may or may not be a grandmother to one of the players.”

  “Really? Which player?”

  She chuckles, “That’s my secret. I’m glad to see a smile on your face.”

  “Are you kidding? This is one of the best birthday presents I have ever received.” Standing up, I hug her from across the table as she continues, “You are quite easy to please, my dear. Now let’s eat, I am starving.”

  Enjoying the fall day, I walk back into my office with my present from Nancy under my arm.

  Situated in my chair, Annie comes rushing in carrying a small box and shouting, “Mallory, I could kill you. Why didn’t you say today was your birthday?”

  “Because I didn’t want you to make a big deal out of it.”

  “Well gee; you are such a spoil sport. It took me forever to get this for you while you were away at lunch so you better fucking enjoy it.” I laugh at her anger as she opens the small box and shoves a cupcake in my face proclaiming, “Happy birthday, best boss ever.”

  “Thank you, Annie.”

  “You’re welcome. You know we have finalized the vodka campaign. You could take the afternoon off. Do you have any plans tonight?”

  “I was already thinking about doing that and no, I don’t have any plans. My parents are traveling to Blacksburg to visit my brothers and to watch Virginia Tech play, so they won’t be visiting and well, you know about Madison and Mika.”

  “What? They didn’t even suck it up enough to wish you a happy birthday?”

  “Nope, but that’s ok. I just got a wonderful present from Nancy and a lovely cupcake from you. It is almost too pretty to eat. Almost.”

  “We should go out tonight.”

  “What about your husband. Won’t he mind; you being newlyweds and all?”

  “Nah, he is playing poker tonight. We can do something small and just head out for drinks at the harbor.”

  I stare down at the cupcake and think about what my mom said. I need to let this go, I need to enjoy my life again. I used to be happy.

  “You know what, Annie,” I announce, "that sounds great. Where should I meet you?”

  “I can pick you up if you’d like that way you don’t need to drive.”

  I release a sigh. I hadn’t told anyone where I was living.

  Avoiding the driving situation I say, “It’s fine. Why don’t we meet at Shotti’s Point at 8:00pm?”

  “Great, see you then. Now go home, so I can go home.”

  “Alright. I’ll see you later.”

  Grabbing my box from Nancy and the cupcake from Annie off my desk, I step out of my office.

  Exiting the elevator, I stride into the lobby of our building. Glancing around I locate a security guard and ask him if he would like my cupcake since I‘m not really in the mood to enjoy it. He gladly takes it and devours it in two bites; thanking me as he shoves it in his mouth.

  Leaving the building, I turn down the sidewalk leading me to my new home. Suddenly, I feel a hand wrap around my arm and I scream out in surprise.

  “Mal, are you leaving?” a voice asks. “I didn’t get to wish you a happy birthday.”

  Turning I find Seth smiling down at me.

  “Seth, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “I’m sorry. Hey are you headed home?”

  “I am. I walked today.”

  “Well I had a half day today. Can I take you out for some coffee or drinks?”

  Peeking down at my watch, I sigh; I haven’t been a great friend to Seth recently so I relent and I agree to join him for coffee. He wraps a hand tightly around my arm and begins to squeeze.

  “Seth, can you let up? You’re hurting me,” I pronounce trying to jerk my arm free.

  He doesn’t respond but continues to walk towards the back corner of the parking lot where very few cars are parked; heading towards a large black SUV, not the car I am used to him driving. Opening the passenger door to usher me into the car, he leans in and straps me into the seat tugging the straps hard to secure them in place. My bag, which also contains Nancy’s box, is tossed into the back seat.

  As Seth comes around and gets into the driver’s seat, I try to calm my nerves and ask, “Seth when did you get this car? Is it new? Can we go to the Mocha Lounge for coffee? I love their chocolate

  “Mallory, shut it,” he says harshly.

  I quickly close my mouth as he faces me and I rub the arm that he had gripped in his strong hand. Anger and excitement stretch across his face, distorting his all-American boy features. This is not the Seth I know; this Seth seems violent, sinister. As he begins to pull out of the parking lot, he hands me a small drink from the cup holder.

  “Drink this, now,” he commands.

  Taking a deep breath I stutter, “What…What is this?”

  “It's a birthday present.”

  I take the small cup from him and look down at the clear liquid. Peering over to him once more, I see the outline of a gun on his hip. Sniffing the contents, I smell something berry flavored that reminds me of an energy drink and I glance back at Seth who is watching me carefully as we are stop at a red light.

  “Drink,” he yells at me in rage.

  Pinching my nostrils, hoping not to taste the liquid, I quickly swallow the contents of the cup and hand it back to him. He crumbles the cup in his hand and sends it into the back seat. Confused at the situation, I turn to look out the window as I wait to arrive at the coffee shop.


  Opening my eyes, I find myself in a dark, almost blackened room that I don’t recognize. Where am I? I ponder as my memory begins to drift back to me and I remember riding in the car with Seth and drinking something from a cup on our way to the coffee shop.

  I glance around again, but I can’t distinguish any of my surroundings. The walls are all brick and the windows are covered in darkened cloths. Suddenly, I realize that I am numb all over and I can't feel anything. Panic grips me and I begin to breath heavily. Unexpectedly, a small light bulb is flicked on and I can see that my body is restrained to a chair with zip ties at my ankles and my wrists.

  Barely above a whisper, I hear someone say, “If you make any movements they will only cut into your skin.”

  I look around for the faint voice and I find Stephanie also tied to a chair about ten feet away from me.

  “Where are we?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. An abandoned warehouse along the harbor I think. I can hear some boats every now and then.”

  “Why are we here?”

  As a fog horn sounds in the distance she shrugs her shoulders and replies, “He brought me here early this morning when I was leaving my place. I’m so sorry, Mallory, but he is crazy. I think he plans to kill us.”

  She starts to sob and trying to calm her I murmur, “Stephanie, we’ll get out of this.”

  Her sobbing continues and all too soon, Seth enters the room and smacks her.

  “Keep quiet, Stephanie, or I will repeat what I do to Mallory to you. Get it?” he snarls.

  She quickly nods her head in reply and looks in my direction following Seth with her eyes.

  “Well, Mallory,” Seth begins. “I am so glad to see you are awake. This is going to be fun. Are you scared?”

  I shake my head.

  “Well, we will have to fix that,” he acknowledges before walking away for a few moments and then returning with another chair and a wheeled cart.

  The tray on the cart contains various surgical equipment and about twenty-five different carving knives.

  Alarmed I ask, “Seth, what are you doing?”

  “Granting you a birthday present, doll. See, I’ve been in love with you for years, but you never wanted me like that. I was sure it would just take time, but you didn’t want anyone else either. Maybe you couldn’t love anyone. Then one day you are dating Mr. Stone, giving yourself to him; whoring your body out to his every whim. So I knew your heart was there, but how could you love this man and not love me? Then I realized, it’s because you are trash, a gold digging slut. So I plan on treating you like one.”

  Shocked by his admission I shout, “It was you. You broke into my home, destroying it and you sent the letters.”

  “I did enjoy breaking into your home, though I did have a bit of help.”

  Stephanie chirps in, “Mallory, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it. He made me…”

  Seth cuts her off, “Shut it, Stephanie, I am warning you.”

  With a bit of resolve I say, “Its fine, Stephanie. The police will figure it out.”

  “So gullible, Ms. Winston. No one will find anything. There is no way to link us to the crime. I even hacked into your stupid security system and cleared the evidence from that night before the police could use it.”

  “Why now, Seth? What do you want?”

  “Well, I have been watching your every move, Mallory. You escaped me for a bit when you moved using a police issued name, but I soon found your whereabouts in their records. They were very easy to track. In no time, I realized that you and Mr. Stone had parted ways as he had left the country, ridding you of his extra security. So now that you have been left vulnerable, I seized my opportunity, planning it when least expected. Today is your birthday and since you don’t venture out of your home any longer, I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity. Do you know what tomorrow is, Mallory?”

  I stare at him stunned, but I can’t fathom what he plans to do.

  Without waiting for my reply he continues, “Tomorrow is my birthday and you will be forced in gifting me your heart. I plan to take it from you.” I gasp at his words, fear evident on my face and he laughs, “Oh, we will have some fun first. I plan on getting my fill of you for the next twelve hours before I pry your puny heart out with my hands.”

  Exiting the room, but leaving the light on, my tears begin to cascade from my eyes. The moisture falls for those that will miss me, for those that won’t know how much they meant to me, and for those that will never know I am gone. As the sobs rack my body, I close my eyes and think of Alex. What will he do if he realized Seth had done this to me; if he finds out I’m dead? I think of all the wonderful nights we spent together curled up in each other’s limbs, making love, and learning about each other. I will treasure those moments in the few hours of life I have left.

  Walking menacingly back into the room, Seth has changed his clothing into an all black attire of jeans and a long sleeve shirt and he stands in front of me after grabbing a knife from his table. As he trails the back edge of the knife along my collarbone, I shiver in fear realizing the numbness is wearing off and I can feel the chill of the cold steel.

  “You’re too covered up, Mallory,” he says licking his lips. “I want to look at you.”

  I peer down as he trails the knife slowly down my breastbone, only then noticing that I am wearing my dark purple wrap dress. My favorite dress, that holds a few memories, is being cut in half by a mad man. Once he shreds it to his liking, he tugs it down my shoulders so it rests on the chair. He steps back and stares at me in an appreciative gaze and I can feel the bile rising in my throat as he rubs his hand across a growing erection.

  “You look mouth wateringly delectable in that getup, Mallory. Tell me, did he buy those for you?” Seth groans.

  I reply, “No.”

  “Well, it’s a shame he won’t get to see them on you.”

  Reaching forward he unclasps the front of my bra and I scream out begging, “Seth, stop, please! I won’t tell the police if you let me go. Please.”

  “I don’t think so, Mallory. Groveling doesn’t suit you.” Pushing the bra away from my skin, he reveals my breasts and murmurs, “My god, they are better than I imagined.”

  Taking his fill of my flesh, his hands make their way to my chest and he kneads them demandingly. The roughness of his touch causes me to cry out in pain.

  “Did he touch you like that, Mallory? Hmm?” Seth asks as stands back from me and sets an angry gaze in my direction.

  “What do you think, Stephanie, beautiful aren’t they?”

  She has averted her attention to another wall, but he stalks over and tugs her face in my direction.

  Angry, Seth states, “Stephanie, perhaps I should give her a heart for the one she will be missing. What do you think?”

  She whispers in reply, “I don’t know, sir.”

  Punching her across the face he yells, “Of course, you don’t know. You aren’t good for anything.”

  I cringe at his treatment of Stephanie. This isn’t the Seth I had gotten to know over the last seven years and I wonder what has changed in him. Was he hiding this character all along?

  Walking back over to me, Seth exchanges his knife for a small paring blade. He bends in front of me and presses the tip of the blade over my left breast. As the blood trickles down my chest, I can see that he is carving a small heart onto my skin. Finishing his carving, he takes the chair and table and moves them back to the well-lit area of the room.

  Strutting over to Stephanie, he places a wet kiss on her mouth, but she seems to be unconscious from his earlier punch.

  Moving back over to me, he pushes my hair aside and, as I recoil from his hand, he bends forward and licks from my collarbone, moving up my neck.

  Sensing an opportunity I take a chance; I refuse to wait in distress, I will fight for my life. As his face inches closer, I slowly turn my head towards his movement, as if embracing his touch. When his neck is in reach, I react quickly, removing my neck from his lips and biting into his. I bite as hard as I can, tasting blood and skin.

  “You fucking bitch!” he cries out grasping his neck.

  He swings at me, backhanding my face, and knocking me to the ground. The movement causes me to cough up the skin and muscle that I took from my bite and though I keep my head tilted, it still hits the concrete.


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