Deacon: A Werewolf Shifter Romance (Small Town Pack Book 2)

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Deacon: A Werewolf Shifter Romance (Small Town Pack Book 2) Page 1

by M. J. Perry


  Small Town Pack Book Two

  M.J. Perry


  Copyright 2019 M.J. Perry. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Three and a Half Months Later

  About the Author

  Other Works

  Chapter One


  I cut the phone connection, Jaxon’s words still ringing in my ears. The rogue vampires have Milly, my Milly. Fuck. I can feel my power coursing through my veins; feel the power I’ve been suppressing rising to the surface. Instead of denying it as I have been doing for so long, it’s time to embrace it. I haven’t wanted to give in to it, to give it free rein because I’ve been scared I would become too powerful, too dangerous and out of control. Those worries are far from my mind now. They’ve taken Milly and now I’m going to use every resource I have to get her back. The vampires are going to die for touching her, but before I can find them, I need a scent. My first stop is Jaxon’s house, and then I’m going hunting alone. I don’t need anyone’s help; they will only slow me down. Milly being in danger has changed things, there’s no denying I’m different now. I’m the only known shifter to have survived a vampire bite and now I’m a hybrid, more powerful than anyone knows. Instead of calling it a curse as I have been, I have to see it as a blessing. Pain assaults me as I remember the last time I’d seen Milly, I’d made her believe she is nothing to me. I'd hurt her and the memory burned me. I'd denied our bonding. I’d denied her. Now, she’s been taken by filthy rogue vampires, kidnapped from somewhere she should have been safe, and I have to find her. I can’t have her thinking she is alone when she is my everything. I’m going to get her back and I’m going to prove to her that I’m worthy of her love.

  “Shit, Deacon. How did you get here so fast?” Jaxon cursed.

  “Where’s the scent?” I asked him, ignoring his question.

  Jaxon pointed to the window and for the first time in forever, I felt fear. They’d taken her out the window, a two-storey fucking window. If they’d dropped her, she wouldn’t have survived the fall. I stalked over to the fabric moving in the breeze and inhaled. The kidnapper has a dirty smell, one I’m not going to forget in a hurry. I turn as I hear Jaxon step closer to my side.

  “I’m coming with you.” He said.

  I shook my head. “I’m going alone.”

  “You’re not thinking straight.”

  “My mind has never been clearer.”

  “Deacon,” he started again, but I’m not listening. I looked out the window still pissed that they’d dragged her out of it. That added another strike to their list. I caught Sierra’s eye. “I’ll find her, I promise.”

  “I know you will.” She said with a small smile. “Be careful.”

  “Always.” I said and then I jumped. I heard her gasp as my feet touched the ground. I looked up briefly and gave Jaxon a nod, and then I set off at a running pace. I have their scent. All I have to do is follow it. The bastards are going to pay for what they’ve done.

  It takes some time and I’m starting to get impatient by the time a cabin comes into view. The trees surrounding it give me good coverage and I duck down behind one of the larger ones. The wind is blowing past me bringing the vampire’s scent to me, but keeping mine from them. Now I’m here I need to make a plan. Running in there without one will put Milly in danger. I can’t scent her but I can sense her, I can feel where she is. I can also feel her fear but more overwhelmingly, I can feel her sadness. She thinks no one is coming for her and that cuts me to the bone. I head towards the back of the cabin still keeping to the trees. When I see the door come into sight, I walk towards it boldly. Fuck making a plan, I’m a hybrid, they keep telling me how special I am, now it’s time to put my new abilities to the test. I try the door and it opens under my hand. Shaking my head at the vampire’s stupidity, I walk inside. I can hear them talking, they’re oblivious to my presence and I haven't exactly been quiet. Their hearing should be as good as mine. They are either stupid like my first thought or over confident. It doesn’t matter if they can hear me. I’ll take them out. I’m not worried about them. What worries me is Milly being hurt in the process. Listening carefully, I walk with intent towards the kitchen. I can hear the tap dripping. The dust under my feet crunches with my every step. I stand inside the open doorway for at least five seconds before they even notice I’m there. One of them jumps up in surprise. “Who the fuck are you?” he asked as he started to make his way towards me.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am." I said with a grin.

  “It’s alright. We don’t need to know your name to kill you.” he growled.

  “Two against one, I don’t think it’s fair.” The other one said as he got to his feet.

  “Come here and I’ll show you how fair it is.” I taunted.

  “We’ve got a cocky werewolf here. I think we need to teach him a lesson.”

  I grinned. “Try it.”

  The one who’d spoken to me first moved fast, he swung a hand out as he got close his claws sharp looking and I ducked. His momentum took him down to his knees. I kicked him in the head and turned to face the other one. He was smiling, his fangs flashed as he growled.

  “You’d better not have touched her.”

  “Oh, you mean the girl in there? She’s juicy, I enjoyed sucking her blood.”

  My vision blurred, my fury making me want to rip him apart, but I forced myself to think, to focus on the here and now. He wants me distracted so he can take advantage. I wasn’t going to make it easy for him. I can only smell her scent on him. If he’d sucked her blood, I’d smell that as well. “Why did you take her?” I asked him.

  “The alpha’s mate is great bait. Well, it would be if he cared enough to come and get her himself.”

  “She isn’t the alpha’s mate. She’s mine.”

  “And who are you?”

  “I’m Deacon and I’m the last person you will ever see.”

  “Deacon?” he whispered in horror.

  “Yep, I take it you’ve heard my name before?” I asked as he started to back away from me.

  “Every vampire has heard your name.”

  “Good. Then you know what I’m going to do.”

  “You don’t want to touch me. If you do, your mate will get hurt. We have another man with her.” He said as he carried on backing away from me.

  I chuckled at his lie. “No you don’t. I only scent the two of you.”

  “You better hope you’re right else your girlfriend is dead.”

  “I am right.” I said without hesitation, “Because you’ve threatened my mate, I’m going to kill you first. And I’m going to enjoy it.”

  He ran at me clearly thinking he could take me by surprise but I wasn’t bluffing, I was going to kill him first. I grabbed him by his neck and squeezed, immobilising him instantly. He can’t breathe, his eyes are starting to bulge, and I stare into his eyes. “No one touches my mate and gets away with it.” I said as I squeezed harder watching the life drain from him. I feel no guilt. I don’t feel anything other than satisfaction as I drop his dead body to the floor. I turn as t
he other vampire moves closer to me, he throws a punch my way and I block it with my arm and kick out, he flies backwards but keeps himself upright.

  “You won’t win. Once I’ve killed you I’m going to tear your girlfriend to pieces, after I’ve had a piece of her of course.”

  My vision turned red at the threat, a mist forming over my eyes and I can feel my wolf trying to take over.

  “Fuck,” I hear him hiss as I step closer. I’m still in human form, but I feel different.

  “I’m a hybrid.” I said. I moved fast. I gripped his arm as he turned to run and yanked him backwards harshly. He screamed and I realise I’m stronger than I thought because I’ve pulled his arm clean from his body. When he turned to run again, I stopped him by grabbing his other arm, this time more carefully because although I want him dead I don’t want to be covered in his blood. “Goodbye.” I said as I flicked my hand out and clawed his neck. Blood poured down his body slowly and he dropped to the floor. I looked around for some wood; something to use as a stake otherwise the bastards would be able to rise again. The chair leg is sticking up and I snap it off forcing it into the vampire's chest. I grab one more and do the same to the other vampire. Casting an eye around the room, I grimaced. It’s a mess and not something I want Milly to see. Milly, I have to find her and make sure she is safe. The red blur covering my eyes hasn’t gone, I try blinking it away without joy. I don’t want to scare her but I also don’t have the time to wait around until my eyes are normal. I concentrate on her scent, on the connection I feel with her and head towards a closed door. Opening it, I walk down the stairs and find they lead to another door, this one locked. Opening the dead bolt and turning the key already in the lock, I enter the room. My vision is perfect in the dark. I find her sat on the dirty bed, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed; looking so forlorn, it breaks my heart. I crouch over her, lifting a hand intending to stroke her cheek, instead I gently cover her mouth as she starts to scream.

  Chapter Two


  Sitting in the dank, dark room all I can do is think about Deacon. He’s denied who I am to him from the start and pushed me aside as if I mean nothing. That has hurt me more than anything my kidnappers could do to me. Just to think that yesterday I had no idea that vampires even existed and now after being grabbed, thrown out a window and dragged through a dark wood, I know I’m not imagining it. They are real. They haven’t said much to me and I’d found their words confusing at first until I’d kicked one in the nuts as I’d been struggling and he’d shown me his fangs. I’ve been on my best behaviour with them since because he’d terrified me when he'd threatened retribution. It hasn’t stopped me from trying to escape though. I’ve tried everything I can think of to get free, but there are bars on the windows and they’d locked the door trapping me inside. I’d heard the key turn and a deadbolt slide on when they’d left me alone. I’d have to be really strong to kick it down and unfortunately, I’m not. So, for now I’ve given up. I’m having a rest and hoping that Jaxon has realised I’m missing and is on his way to find me. I don’t want to get my hopes up that Deacon will come. He’d saved me once from a man who’d wanted what I didn’t want to give him, and then he'd disappeared from my life. Sitting on the lumpy bed, I leaned against the wall and thought back to the first time I’d met Deacon. The whole thing seems so surreal. It had happened so fast. I’d been working as a manager in the perfume shop I’d worked in since I was eighteen when a customer had hit on me. I'd blown him off politely and he’d left. I hadn’t thought any more of him until I’d left work that evening and he’d accosted me outside. He'd been abnormally strong and I hadn’t been able to fight him. He’d dragged me behind the shop building and had been about to rip my blouse from my body when another man had arrived. The minute my eyes had caught sight of him I’d relaxed. I still don’t know how I knew he wasn’t there to hurt me. He’d saved my life. He’d snapped my attacker’s neck in one twist and dropped his dead body to the floor. My saviour had then pulled his phone out of his long leather jacket and phoned someone explaining what had happened and where they could find the body. All the while, he hadn’t taken his eyes from mine. I’d been in shock but I’d also been in awe at the way he’d protected me. No one except my dad had ever gone to bat like that for me. After he’d hung up, he’d walked slowly towards where I stood leaning against the wall and he’d held his hand out for me to take. I’d hesitated before slipping my hand into his. His eyes had looked different, almost animalistic and while any normal person should have been afraid of a man who had just killed another in front of them, I wasn’t. As soon as our fingers had touched, electricity had run through my whole body making me gasp. He’d tightened his grip around my fingers and looked down at me with an intensity that was frightening, and then he’d asked me where I lived. I'd told him without thinking of the danger and he'd escorted me home. I’d almost begged him to stay with me, to sleep in my bed with me because by that point my shock had held me prisoner and I hadn't been able to catch my breath. He’d wrapped me up in his arms and played with my hair until I’d fallen asleep. I’d had a sinking feeling that he was going to leave me; I’d known somehow that I wasn’t going to see him again. When I’d woken up and found him sleeping peacefully next to me I’d grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of him knowing I would always have proof that he was real. Afterwards, I’d fallen back to sleep and when I’d woken up to the sun streaming through my open blinds, he’d been gone just like I thought he would be. He hadn’t left a note, a phone number, not even a dent on the pillow. Worse than that, I realised he hadn’t told me his name. My heart had felt like it had been shredded. I’d known I couldn’t stay in the house where the memories of him were so strong so I’d packed up my things, and ran back to my parent’s house. Wiping a tear from my cheek, I opened my eyes and found myself staring into a pair of red ones. I opened my mouth to scream, but a hand shot out and covered my mouth gently. My eyes widened when I realised who was crouching in front of me. “Deacon, but how?”

  “I have my ways.” He said. His tone is quiet and I gasp behind his hand as I realise that neither of us had opened our mouths.

  “Don’t panic. It’s our connection.”


  “I’ll explain later. I’m going to move my hand. Please don’t scream.”

  I nodded. “I was startled before.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” He moved his hand and I licked my dry lips tasting him on my tongue.

  “Why are your eyes red?” I think and wait to hear his reply. When he doesn’t answer for a second I’m worried I’d imagined our silent conversation.

  He sighed softly. “You didn’t imagine it, but right now I don't have the time to answer your questions. Did they hurt you? I don’t smell any blood.”

  “No, they were just a bit rough with me.”

  He sucked in a breath, his chest rising sharply. “It’s time to leave.”

  “I won’t argue with that.”

  “I want you to keep your eyes closed tightly. Do not open them until I tell you to do so.”

  Ok, but I’ll likely fall over if I can't see where I’m going.”

  “No you won’t.” He said as he scooped me up as if I weigh nothing and cradled me against his chest. I curled my arms around his neck. I’ve never felt so safe in my life. His arms tightened as I laid my head in the crook of his neck. I inhaled and his scent makes me sigh in pleasure, he has a woodsy smell, one that reminds me of Christmas time opening presents in front of a log fire. He sighed quietly, his chest moved against my cheek. “Are you ok? “ I asked him.

  “I am now I know you’re safe. It was a close call.”

  A bang from above made me jump.

  “It’s alright, baby, it’s just the pack.”


  “They are late to the party, but that’s how I wanted it.”

  “Are the vampire’s gone now?”

  “They are and there is no way for them to come back.�

  I shuddered as I remember what Sierra told me about vampire’s needing to be staked through the heart to make sure they are dead. Now I know why he wants me to keep my eyes closed.

  “Fucking hell.” I heard someone curse above our heads.

  Deacon chuckled and I raised my shocked eyes to his in question. “I made a bit of a mess.”

  I cringed at the thought of what he could have done all the while staring in fascination at his smile. It wasn’t something I had ever seen before. I imagine he doesn’t do it very often.

  “I’m sorry, Jaxon.” Deacon said as he made his way to the door and up the stairs. He stopped to stare down at me, his expression soft. “Close your eyes, Milly.” He whispered.

  I obeyed, turning my face into the warm skin at his neck. I could feel the tension in him as we headed up the stairs.

  “Deacon, it's a good job we followed you.” Jaxon said.

  “I can see that.” Deacon replied and I frowned into his neck.

  Deacon kept walking until I felt fresh air on my face.

  “You can open your eyes now.” He told me. I blinked in the light, my eyes struggling to adjust.

  “How many were there?” Deacon asked.

  “Five, man. How did you miss them?”

  “They weren't here when I arrived I can assure you of that.”

  “It must have been a trap.”

  “Yeah, I think you're right. The vampire’s they'd left in there were fucking stupid, although one had heard of me which made it fun.”

  Jaxon grimaced. “You could have both been killed.”

  “I would never have let them get close to her.” Deacon snapped.

  “I still don't know how they got into my house.”

  “They said they had a friend who let them in.” I said worriedly.

  “A shifter?” Jaxon asked me, his tone made me flinch. Deacon tightened his arms around me.

  “I'm not sure. They didn't tell me who, just that the person would come in handy if they needed to do it again.”


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