Vampire Bite (English Werewolves Book 1)

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Vampire Bite (English Werewolves Book 1) Page 13

by M. D. Bowden

  “Do you want me to stay with you?”

  Shit – that would most certainly ruin the plan.

  “I’d like you to – but you know you can’t. You’ve got to stay out there and try to catch them.”

  “Not working too well at the moment though, is it?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean tonight won’t be the night. And I will be fine. A couple of nights’ rest and I’ll be back to hunting with you.”

  “You sure?”

  “I am.”

  “But if you’re not better tomorrow I’m coming to see you before we go out – make sure you’re not dying or anything.”

  I blow him a kiss down the phone. “See you tomorrow, Alfie.”

  “Take care of yourself, Ava.”

  It’s done. But will Casper come by or will this have all been for nothing? I feel so filled with fear that I actually do feel sick, so everything I said to Alfie wasn’t actually a lie. I wish I hadn’t had to lie to him, and hope that he will forgive me for that, and for what I’m planning to do. Maybe Casper won’t come by at all, and I’ll be saved from having to do this. If he does … please let it work … and please let me be alive at the end of it.

  I have a long bath, trying to relax, but my heart feels like it’s beating too fast and my head is racing: Am I doing the right thing? Is this a huge mistake? What if I die? What will it be like? How will people react? What will I miss not being here? I wish I could just shut my thoughts off for one night until this is over. That would be sweet.

  I put on a fitted jumper with jeans and make myself up like I’m going out – I don’t want to look like I’ve put in too much effort, but I also don’t want to put him off – this plan won’t work if he suddenly decides he doesn’t like me after all!

  As the sun sets I check the GPS tracker is still in my pocket – it’s still there, looking very convincingly like a key. My phone is charged and ready, and even though it feels weird to wear my gun at home I load it and strap it on. Just in case.

  I’m constantly listening out for noises – the trouble is, living in a city, there is quite a bit of noise. Even though it is dark people are out and about, coming home from wherever they’ve been – although it’s rare to see anyone out alone anymore. Solitude is a pretty suspicious thing these days. A door closes in my building and my heart jumps into my throat. I take a deep breath and decide to have a glass of white wine – to see if it will help me get a grip.

  It starts to rain, and gradually gets heavier until there’s the constant noise of water hitting my window. I stick on a movie, but can’t concentrate – so I get up and pace around for a bit, and then sit down to check things on my phone.

  My doorbell buzzes. My heart leaps and my stomach lurches – but it’s too early, only six-thirty – and surely Casper wouldn’t ring the bell? Maybe Alfie decided to come and check on me. Confused I go to the intercom and ask, “Who’s there?”

  “It’s me, Mark – let me in before I get eaten out here.”

  I buzz him up, and when I open the door to him he’s shaking rain out of his black and blue hair.

  “What the hell, Mark?” I say, hugging him. “You shouldn’t be out alone after dark. And why didn’t you tell me you were back?!”

  He shrugs. “Didn’t walk here – got taxi – not entirely stupid.” He rolls his eyes. “And just got back today – so thought I’d surprise you. Thought maybe … maybe I would come out on a vampire hunt after all.”

  I hug him again, but in my head I’m thinking – what am I going to do now?!!!

  “I don’t think Alfie will let you – not unless you learn to shoot first. And anyway … I’m not going out tonight….”

  He looks me over. “Really? You look like you’re planning on going out.”


  He looks at me sharply. “You’re not going to carry out that stupid plan are you?”



  “It’s not necessarily stupid…. It might work,” I say.

  “Yeah, and it might not! It’s seriously dangerous, Ava – you can’t do it!”

  “I need to do it! People keep dying. I have to do something!”

  “Not this! Seriously, Ava? I can’t believe you’d even think about it!”

  “Can’t you? After what’s happened to Trish? After being attacked myself? People are dying every night! And this might work!”

  “What does Alfie think about this?”


  “You haven’t told him? How will it work if you haven’t told him?!”

  “Was planning on ringing him … I’ve got a GPS thing.”

  “That’s stupid, Ava. It won’t work. You’ll end up dead.”

  He picks up my phone which is lying on the table and starts touching the screen.

  “What are you doing?” I say.

  “Just a minute,” he says. He puts the phone to his ear, and a moment later I faintly hear Alfie’s voice. “You need to get here quickly,” Mark says, “Ava is going to do something really stupid.”

  “I’ll be there,” Alfie says, and Mark hangs up.

  “Seriously?” I say, looking at Mark and fuming.

  “I can’t let you do it, Ava – I care about you too much.”

  “You’ve just ruined my plan!”


  I wish I could tell him to leave, but it’s not safe, so instead I go and sit on the sofa, and stare at the movie which is still on, although I don’t really see it. Mark sits near me and stares at the screen too, not saying anything.

  An hour passes.

  Another hour passes. Alfie still hasn’t turned up, and I start to worry about him. I pick up my phone and ring, but he doesn’t answer. I ring again, and no answer again.

  The buzzer goes.

  “Must be him,” I say, and walk over, then click on the intercom.

  “Hello, Ava,” says a voice, but it’s not Alfie. It’s Casper.


  “Who is it?” Mark says.

  I don’t answer. I’ve frozen – just staring at the intercom.

  “Are you going to let me in?” Casper again, his voice teasing. Even over the intercom he sounds lovely and appealing and completely compelling.

  “It’s not Alfie – is it?!” Mark demands.

  I shake my head.

  “Don’t go down there, Ava.”

  “I’ve got to,” I whisper. “I’ve got to do it.”

  “Alfie will be here soon,” Mark warns.

  “I’ve got to do it now – before he turns up.”

  “You haven’t got to. You’ve got to not do it!” he says, as I put on my jacket and grab my phone.

  “I’m doing it!” I say, fiercely this time, going for the door.

  Mark steps in front of me.

  “No, Ava.”

  “Get out of the way!”


  “Are you serious? This is my decision Mark.”

  “You’re delusional! This vampire has affected your mind – you’re not capable of thinking straight!”

  “I am!” I say, pushing past him and opening the door.

  He follows me down the stairs.

  “Don’t open that door, Ava!” he says.

  “I’m going to.”

  “Ava—” he warns.

  I reach for the door, seeing Casper’s silhouette through the glass. Mark grabs my arm.

  “Don’t do it!”

  “Mark!” I say, “Get off me!”

  He drops my arm. “You’re making a mistake.”

  “It’s my mistake to make,” I shoot back, and wrench the door open.

  Casper is standing there, all gorgeous and in black, his hair soaked and dripping. He shoots me a sexy smile and raises his eyebrows.

  He glances at Mark, who I know is looking furious behind me, and says, “Everything ok?”

  “Don’t go out, Ava,” Mark says.

  I step over the threshold, into the rain.
  “Hi,” I say to Casper.

  Mark grabs my arm and tries to pull me back inside.

  Casper hisses at him – “Leave her alone.”

  Mark drops my hand, his eyes widening. “Don’t go anywhere with him, Ava!”

  Casper puts his arm around my waist. “I want to be alone with you, Ava – away from this … friend of yours.” His eyes narrow at the word friend.

  I nod. “Let’s … go for a walk.”

  “I’ll be waiting here, Ava – don’t go far!” Mark says, tears spilling down his face.

  I feel a horrible pang in my heart – putting him through this – I know he’s only doing it because he cares, but I have to try and make my plan work. I let Casper guide me down the path, looking over my shoulder at Mark before we go out of his sight. He looks so angry and upset – I wish he hadn’t come, hadn’t had to go through this. And where the hell is Alfie? He better be alright. This evening … it’s already not going to plan. But I’m here. And Casper is here. That part has worked. Maybe the rest will work too….

  We get off the path and under the trees, sheltered from the rain, but there are enough street lights nearby to still be able to see. I take a deep breath and look at Casper next to me. His hand is still on my waist so when I turn to face him his face is very close to mine. My whole body is tingling from being so close to him, and my breath catches in my chest as he smiles again.

  “When you didn’t go out tonight … I knew you were waiting for me.”

  I raise my eyebrows at him. “You’ve been watching me?”

  “Of course – to keep you safe. I hate seeing you with those pack animals.”

  I can’t believe he’s saying these things to me … he’s so beautiful. But his beauty hides the darkness within. The fact he’s a killer. He sure isn’t perfect – and I need to remember that. He is a killer. I am standing outside – alone – with someone who has recently murdered another girl. Possibly many girls.

  My heart starts beating even faster.

  Casper leans towards me to whisper in my ear, his damp cheek pressing against mine. “Don’t be scared, Ava.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “I can hear your heart beating.”

  “Can you hear my thoughts?” I whisper, my throat constricted.


  Good, I think, or he’ll know that Alfie will probably be coming. But … if Alfie turns up and I’m here … he will fight Casper now. I’ll never get back to the coven. The plan won’t work. All I would have done is risked Alfie’s life – and made him angry.

  I take a deep breath. “We should walk away from here,” I say. “In case….”

  “Fine my me,” Casper says, wraps me up in his arms, and starts moving fast – not so fast that I feel I will pass out – but fast enough to disorientate me, and make my surroundings blur. I close my eyes and hold my breath.

  Casper stops. “Breathe, Ava,” he says, his cool cheek touching mine again.

  I open my eyes. “Where are we?”

  “Further along the river. Come, let’s sit and look across the water.”

  I sit with him, on a large rock, near the water’s edge, gradually feeling the rain seep into my clothes. I wipe drops away from my eyes. Casper sits close by, so we are an inch apart. All my nerve endings feel like they are on fire where my limbs are near his, but I’m reminded of the first time I kissed Alfie and warmth for him blossoms in my heart. These feelings I have for Casper aren’t real – they are too much – and tainted with darkness. A part of me wants to kiss Casper too – my body is reacting as though I do – but my mind hasn’t completely lost it – a more powerful, deeper part of me, would prefer to be wrapped up safely in Alfie’s arms – a long way from Casper.

  I stare out at the water, but it doesn’t feel like a beautiful night – there is no light reflecting off the water, no moonlight, and we are far enough from the city that there are no street lights. All I can hear is the rain, and all I can sense is the wetness. And Casper.

  I still have the GPS sensor in my pocket. Once Mark tells Alfie what I’ve done … he will be able to track me. How can I get Casper to take me to his coven before they find me?

  Casper turns towards me and brushes his fingers along my jawline, wiping away more rain drops. His fingers feel cool and deadly. I look at him, my eyes straining to see him in the dark, and he leans his face towards mine.

  “Stop,” I say. “Don’t kiss me.”

  “But you want me to.”

  “I don’t know what I want,” I say. “Or … I do. I want to understand you better. I want to know you – to see how you live. I want to know what I might be getting myself in for…”

  “You’ve kissed me before,” he says, trailing his fingers through my wet hair.

  “Hmm, yes I have … and I know if I start kissing you … none of that will matter. But it does matter. It matters so much to me. You say you think we’re meant to be together … but I don’t know you. I only know … what you’ve done.”

  “I would stop … for you.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Killing people. I would stop killing people.”

  “Can you?” I ask.

  “Sure I can. I can dine and depart.”

  I raise my eyebrows.

  “Why don’t you do that anyway?”

  I can barely see him, but I can tell he is looking at me intently with those beautiful dark eyes. I can feel his eyes on me.

  “Truth?” he says.


  “Can you handle it?”

  “I hope so.”

  “Because … I enjoy it.”

  “What? Killing?”

  “Yes … the feeling of killing someone – when you are a vampire – it’s the ultimate rush.”

  “Then how do I know you would stop?”

  “Because of you … love, when you’re a vampire … it’s overpowering. It’s greater than obsession. I can feel we’re meant to be together … as vampires. We would be joined. I’d do anything to make that happen.”

  “Are you going to kill me?” I whisper.

  “I will turn you. When you tell me to.”

  “I don’t want to be a vampire.”

  “I bet I could convince you.”

  “I bet you couldn’t … but … I don’t mind if you try.” I obviously – one hundred percent – have no desire to be a vampire – but it’s the only way I can think of to persuade him to take me back to the vampire coven.

  “Challenge accepted.” I can just about make out a smirk on his face.

  He runs his finger over the back of my hand and I feel my skin tingling with pleasure.

  “You feel that?” he says.

  “Hmmm … I guess,” I reply.

  “You feel that because you are attracted to me. When you are a vampire it will be amplified times ten.”

  “Wouldn’t I just feel that feeling for any vampire?”

  “No, because I can tell you want me. It doesn’t change who you desire.”

  “It wouldn’t be worth it,” I say.

  “Not worth it, huh?”

  He runs his finger down my cheek, his face close to mine. I feel a powerful urge to kiss him, but I’m not about to forget what he’s done.

  “No. Because I’d also want to kill people. And drink blood.”

  “Drinking blood is amazing, you—”

  I laugh. “Are you serious? It sounds disgusting.”

  “Once you’re a vampire the taste of blood … it’s the ultimate indulgence. It makes you feel like you can do anything.”

  “Including kill people.”

  “Yes – but, like I said – I would stop – for you. And you wouldn’t need to kill anyone.”

  “I want you to stop,” I say. “If I find out you have killed anyone else I will never talk to you again.”

  “I’ll stop – but even if I don’t – you won’t be able to resist me.”

  “I will,” I say, defiant. “I’m serious.”

/>   He lifts his hands in submission. “I can tell. I will be a good vampire – for you.”

  “But….” My voice trails off … if I continue to fight him on this I won’t achieve my goal.

  “But?” he says.

  “I … always see you at night. What do you do in the day? Do you sleep?”


  Casper looks over his shoulder and actually hisses.

  My mouth goes dry.

  “Your werewolf friends are coming.”


  “You’ll be safe,” Casper whispers in my ear.

  He’s on his feet in less than a second and I feel a gentle push of air as he moves away from me.

  And then he’s gone.

  Another blur comes into sight and the shape of Alfie materialises out of the darkness – and I cannot believe how relieved I feel – such a surge of warmth – I feel overwhelmed – like his goodness is radiating from him.

  But my plan has failed … I was so close to getting to the point. And I feel a surge of fear – how will Alfie react to what I’ve done? Will he understand? Or will he get it wrong – and leave me?

  This could be the last time I see him.

  He gets down on his knees as I start to get up, and pulls me into his arms, breathing me in. “Thank God, you’re still alive. She’s alright!” he shouts. “Sammy and Mathew are just over there – I wanted to talk to you first. What the hell were you thinking?” He sounds angry and concerned and hurt all at once.


  It suddenly occurs to me there’s a chance it could still work – that I shouldn’t say it now – that Casper might be listening.

  “Can we talk about it at my place?” I say, trying to give him a significant look and hoping he can see more than I can.

  “Yes, there is nothing I want more than getting you back there right now.”

  It sounds like he’s clenching his teeth as he talks – trying to hold in his temper. I’m not looking forward to the conversation we’ll soon be having.

  “Get on my back,” says Alfie.

  “I can walk!”

  “Yes, I know – but I want to talk to you as soon as possible – and this will be a lot quicker.”

  I roll my eyes and he turns his back to me and bends his legs. I jump on and wrap my arms around his shoulders, he grips me under my legs and straightens up.


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