Commander's Slave

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Commander's Slave Page 9

by Sue Lyndon


  After two days of resting and bathing in the monastery’s healing waters, Lanzo walked down the mountain without any assistance. In addition to the healing waters, the teas and ointments the Holy Ones cultivated from the Heslla flowers had healed him faster and better than traditional medicine. Edek marveled at his brother’s rapid recovery.

  The servants, including the cook, returned to Lanzo’s house as well. None of them had suffered any permanent harm at the hands of Teyya’s hired men. They all worked together to repair the damage to the house caused by the attack, replacing a smashed door and a few broken windows.

  On their first night back in the house, Edek sat across from Lanzo at the dining room table as Betsy brought in their meals. Edek’s mood plummeted as the meal continued and Betsy remained in her usual place along the wall, at the ready should they need her. It didn’t feel right to have her standing there, not sharing a meal with them after all that had happened. His teeth ground together and he stared at his plate of food.

  “Betsy, come here.” His tone was sharper than he intended.

  “Yes, Master?” She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she approached him with hesitant steps. She met his gaze for a moment before staring at the floor, keeping her eyes downcast like a proper slave.

  A scream built in Edek’s throat, and he swallowed his rage and forced a smile. “I’m not angry with you, Betsy.”

  She relaxed but didn’t look up. “Is something wrong with the food, Master?”

  “No, Betsy. The food is fine. Look at me.” She raised her chin a notch and peered into his eyes. “Have you eaten yet?”

  Her brow furrowed as confusion flitted across her face. “I take my meals in the kitchen with the servants after you and Lanzo eat.”

  “You will take your meals with us from now on, Betsy.” He grasped her hand and pulled her into his lap. Lanzo beamed at them from across the table and murmured his approval.

  “Master, this is crazy.” She tried to stand up and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Furthermore, my name is Edek.”

  Lanzo started coughing and reached for his wine.

  “Master, I think you’ve hit your head.” She attempted to pry his hands from her waist.

  He tightened his hold when she struggled to rise again. “Sit still, Betsy.” His lips brushed against her ear and he lowered his voice. “Do you want a spanking?”

  She froze and peered at him in disbelief. Her hair had come undone from its tie and fell about her shoulders in disarray. A thousand questions sparkled in her bright blue eyes.

  “I petitioned the Sumlin District council for a marriage license, Betsy. They approved it. You are to be my wife. Your days of serving meals and calling me Master are over.”


  Betsy couldn’t have heard him correctly. His wife? As in…married? Though she’d initially detested her status as his slave, she’d grown to find happiness in belonging to him.

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “How is this possible?”

  “I love you, Betsy.” Edek held her face between his hands and smiled. “I should have told you sooner. I shouldn’t have worried about the ramifications if others found out about the true nature of our relationship.”

  Though he’d shown his love through his actions, hearing him voice his feelings aloud breathed life into her soul. She’d found everything she’d never known she wanted in his arms. She wasn’t even offended by his faux pas of a marriage proposal.

  “Edek,” she whispered, testing out his name on her lips, speaking it deliberately for the first time. She smiled. “Edek, I was sentenced to a lifetime of slavery. How can that possibly be reversed?”

  “It’s been done before. Marriages between Kall and their alien slaves. It’s rare and such a marriage hasn’t occurred in Sumlin District in years, but my petition was approved and we are free to marry at any time. I was thinking about tomorrow.”

  Her head spun. “Tomorrow?”

  Lanzo clapped his hands together. “Tomorrow sounds brilliant! I’m going to call for a Holy One.” He stood up and exited the room, leaving Betsy alone with Edek.

  She grinned up at him. “On Earth, men get down on one knee and ask the woman to marry them.”

  Amusement flickered in his eyes. “That can’t be true. I’m going to research Earth customs and if I find out you’re lying, your little bottom will be sore when we exchange marriage vows.”

  She laughed and shifted on his lap when his cock swelled beneath her. A flutter rose in her belly as his erection grew.

  “Do you want to marry me, Betsy? If you don’t wish it, I will find a way to secure your freedom. I would even help you find a way to return to Earth.”

  His selfless offer hung between them. The wind clattered against the shutters of the dining room window. The aroma of broiled meats and stewed vegetables drifted up from the table. She placed a hand over his heart and closed her eyes as it thumped beneath her palm.

  Earth. She could return home. A man as powerful as Commander Edek had his ways of bending the rules. She had no doubt that he had not exaggerated by promising to secure her freedom and send her home. She imagined reuniting with Layla and smiled. But her smile faded when she thought of her father. And most of her friends and other family members had perished in the war. Los Angeles was in ruins, as was most of America.

  Her heart broke at the idea of returning to Earth, but it wasn’t because of the devastation and loss of life on her home planet. She opened her eyes and peered into Edek’s dark gaze. Her heart broke at the idea of returning to Earth because it meant a life without Edek. She felt at home in his arms, safe and loved beyond measure.

  She loved him too.

  “Tell me your answer, Betsy, before I hurl the table against the wall.” His muscles tensed and he growled.


  He took her by the shoulders and another growl rumbled from his throat. “Yes to which option, you little fool of a human?”

  “Yes, I will marry you, Edek! You big fool of a Kall.”

  He smothered her laugh with a kiss and carried her out of the dining room. “Dinner can wait. I have need of my wife.”

  “I’m not your wife yet. Be nice to me or I might change my mind,” she teased. Then she grew serious. “I love you too, by the way.”

  Chapter Eight

  The next day, Edek and Betsy exchanged vows under the warmth of the midday sun as Lanzo, Desta, the servants, and the Holy One looked on. Edek donned his finest dress uniform, and Betsy wore a simple white gown with a string of Heslla flowers around her slender neck. The cook provided an elaborate feast that included both Kall and Earth cuisine. It was a perfect day, but Edek couldn’t wait to whisk Betsy away from the guests and have her all to himself. He’d researched Earth customs and learned that a vacation known as a honeymoon typically came after a wedding. On such short notice, he didn’t have many options, but Lanzo offered the use of one of the luxury boats from his newest business venture to cruise down the Trakan River. Desta would take over training until they returned from the honeymoon.

  Edek and Betsy finally managed to say good-bye to all their guests in the late afternoon. He guided her to his ship with a hand pressed to her lower back, urging her to quicken her pace.

  “Where are we going?” she asked. A breeze lifted her hair and the auburn strands danced around her face. She tucked the silky locks behind her ear and stared up at him as they entered the ship.

  “It’s a surprise. Be patient and you’ll find out soon enough.” He grinned at the endearing pout that formed on her lips.

  He shut the hatch and secured her in the passenger seat. On the way to Trakan River, Betsy gazed out the window in open wonder as they flew over the outskirts of Sumlin District and into the untamed wilderness. The thick forest below contained a maze of roads and the occasional house.

  “The wedding was beautiful, Edek. Thank you.” She reached for his hand and threaded her fingers
through his.

  “I’m sorry it was so small,” he said as the river appeared in the distance, a thick line of blue in the midst of endless green. “I wish you could’ve had guests of your own in attendance, Betsy.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She smiled. “Most Earth women dream of a grand wedding with hundreds of guests, but not me. I never wanted any of that. I always dreamt of a simple, small wedding with a handsome groom and a handful of guests. Today was everything I ever wanted. My dreams come true, as cheesy as that might sound.” She laughed.

  Edek’s insides warmed to hear her contentment. She released his hand and leaned against her window, gasping as they came upon the river.

  “It’s huge! Is this where we’re going?”

  “Yes. The Trakan River. The widest and longest river on the planet. Do you see the boats?”

  “Of course I see the boats. They’re huge too! Are we taking a boat ride?” Excitement resounded in her voice. “Oh please tell me, Edek! Stop teasing me.”

  He decided to end her torture. “Yes, my wife. Lanzo owns a boating company. He reserved his largest boat, the Strina. The scenery along the river is breathtaking. If I ever let you out of the bedroom, maybe you’ll be able to enjoy some of it.”

  A pretty blush colored her cheeks. Edek was eager to have her writhing beneath him. He’d taken her many times, but the first time as his wife held special meaning. He’d never planned to take another wife, never dared to wish for such happiness. First marriages were typically arranged by parents on the Kall homeworld, and most served to join families together for political or business purposes. Second marriages were rare since divorce wasn’t permitted, but in the case that one spouse outlived the other, there were no family expectations for a mate the second time around and love matches could be made.

  Edek stared at Betsy, his little human. His love match. All the pain and loss inflicted on his heart faded when she smiled. When she was in his arms, he believed in a happy future.

  Desta had assured Edek his reputation as the fiercest warrior in Sumlin District remained intact. Time would tell, but Edek was prepared to face any ramifications head on. No one and nothing could make him regret his decision to marry Betsy.

  He landed on a platform by the river and led Betsy to the Strina, a three-story water craft that floated nearby. The head of staff greeted them and immediately made himself scarce after Edek dismissed him for the evening.

  Shades of pink and blue painted the sky as the sun set beyond the towering trees. They ascended the spiral staircase in the center of the boat to the top floor. The master suite took up most of the highest level, and wide double doors opened to a terrace surrounded by a garden blooming with an array of blue, white, and yellow flowers. A massive bed covered in silken red sheets dominated the bedroom. Large circular skylights revealed the first stars appearing in the early night sky.

  Edek turned to face Betsy, a primal need swelling within him. As if reading his thoughts, her breath hitched and her pupils dilated, drawing attention to her wide, glimmering blue eyes. The eyes he often became lost in. He lifted the Heslla-flower necklace over her head, tossing it gently to a table beside the bed.

  “You’re beautiful, Betsy.” He grabbed her by the shoulders and she trembled. His cock chafed against his pants as he gazed upon the firm swell of her breasts. The outline of her erect nipples and her increased breathing testified to her burning need.

  She stepped into his embrace. “Edek,” she said. “My master.” Mischief danced in her eyes as she smiled.

  “I am your husband, Betsy, and that makes me your master too. You are no longer a slave, and the world will not view you as one, but you are still subject to my authority. I still expect obedience.” He grasped her bottom cheeks and pressed her to his body.

  She grinned against his lips. “I knew what marriage to you would entail, Edek. Now are you going to keep talking, or are you going to show me what a big strong Kall does to his bride on their wedding night?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Edek picked her up with a growl and carried her to the bed.


  The bed bounced beneath Betsy as she landed on the soft surface. She sat up on her elbows, her heart pounding as Edek advanced on her with a feral gleam in his dark eyes. The silk sheets were cool under her exposed skin, contrasting with the fire heating her loins. He straddled her and stared down at her with an intensity that shook her insides.

  The boat rocked and the stars began to move overhead. Edek kept his gaze on her and pinned her wrists above her head. She whimpered and fought his hold, quakes of pleasure shooting to her pussy as he nudged her legs apart. His hand crept up her inner thigh and cupped her pussy, clamping down over her soaked panties. She’d been craving his touch all day and blushed at the knowing look in his eye when he discovered her complete wetness.

  “Betsy,” he said huskily. He claimed her mouth and kissed her as he rubbed her pussy, creating a friction against her clit through her panties. She wiggled and arched her hips into his hand, desperate for his touch. Desire tightened her nipples, and the fabric of her dress chafed at the hard peaks.

  He broke away from her lips and tore her dress from over her head, tossing it on the floor and quickly pinioning her wrists together above her head again. She twisted in his grasp but he held firm and gazed down at her in amusement.

  “Trying to go somewhere?” he asked in a teasing voice.

  She groaned and tried to slip from his hold, and he chuckled at her attempt. Eyeing the massive bulge in his pants, she shivered with excitement and recalled the drop of moisture that always glistened on the tip of his hard length.

  She ceased struggling and looked up at him. “Let me please you, husband,” she said, nodding at his bulge.

  Understanding dawned in his eyes and his nostrils flared. He yanked her up off the bed and forced her to kneel on the cool floor. Moisture trickled down her thighs as she peered up at him from under her eyelashes. He unfastened his pants and freed his cock. It jutted out in front of her face, and his fingers delved into her hair and he brought her head forward. Her lips parted and she tentatively licked the tip of his swollen rod, tasting his salty essence and inhaling his masculine scent.

  Edek groaned. “Remember what happens if you don’t swallow every last drop.”

  Her pussy quaked and her bottom tingled. Oh, she remembered. If even a small drop escaped her lips, she got a spanking, and not a light one either. She’d only failed to swallow once, and the memory of her humiliating and painful spanking lingered.

  She bobbed her mouth over his cock, taking him deep in her throat. Moving her hands up his legs, she delighted in the feel of his muscles tensing beneath her palms. His grip on her hair tightened and he kept her head in place, fucking her mouth with rapid thrusts. It thrilled her to be used this way for his pleasure, to have him dominate her while she rested on her knees, stripped naked and exposed with moisture continually pooling in her throbbing pussy.

  A slight vibration signaled his imminent release. His cock pulsed in her mouth and the pace of his thrusts quickened. He moaned and his body tensed. Streams of his hot seed shot into her throat, and she obediently swallowed every last drop, licking his cock clean after the final tremor of his release quaked through his length.

  “That’s my good girl.” His praising tone made her melt. “Now get on the bed. I’m far from finished with you.”

  She hurried onto the bed and watched as he stripped off his uniform. His cock remained hard and not a bit flaccid. She often marveled at this difference between Kall and human men. Many nights he took her three or four times in a row before he had had his fill and drifted off to sleep. Not only was he insatiable, but he was considerate as well, bringing her to orgasm more times than she could count.

  He knelt between her legs on the bed, smacking the insides of her thighs to urge her to open wider. A shudder ran through her as he licked the inside of her thighs, lapping up the moisture that had rolled down her leg as s
he sucked his cock.

  She cried out when he licked her silken folds, his tongue darting over her pulsing clit. A few flicks and she was clawing at his head, writhing as he circled her sensitive nub. Her muscles tensed and she closed her eyes, lost in sensation as she climbed higher and higher, closer to the sweet precipice of no return. A groan ripped from her throat when he pulled away.

  He regarded her with amusement glittering in his eyes. Then he stood up and picked up her dress, tearing a strip of cloth from it. Before she could ask a single question, he was securing her wrists to the bed railing. She tugged at her restraints and found them tight. She wasn’t going anywhere. Her heart raced as her need built, and she parted her thighs in hopes that he’d finish what he’d started.

  “Edek, please,” she begged. He was killing her, and he seemed to enjoy the torment he was inflicting on her.

  He lifted her legs up in the air, exposing her bottom. “I prefer your bottom to be thoroughly spanked and bright red when I fuck you, Betsy.” He thwacked her most tender spot, right at the junction where her thighs and bottom met.

  Gasping for breath, Betsy whimpered and winced as he spanked her hard and fast. Several of the smacks fell across her pussy, stinging her wet lips and heightening her arousal.

  He paused for a moment to inspect her bottom. He met her gaze and shook his head. “Not red enough yet, I’m afraid.”

  “Edek!” Her head thrashed from side to side as she endured another round of sharp slaps to her tender bottom. Each smack hit her like a lash of fire, the sting building and fueling the heat in her loins. Everything below her waist throbbed. She needed him badly. She needed Edek to be inside her now. A scream built in her throat and she held back, whimpering until tears escaped her eyes.

  “Ah, now that’s a lovely shade of red, Betsy.” He paused and patted her bottom, and she took the opportunity to take a few deep breaths and gather her senses.


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