Savage Spades

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Savage Spades Page 7

by K. D Clark

  “Hey, sorry, I would have been here sooner, but I had to swing by the school to talk to one of my professors.”

  “It’s cool; it’s not like we’re busy.”

  Cam looked around and caught his eyes briefly before turning back to her friend.

  “Let me put my stuff down, and you can go.”

  He watched her ass as she walked to the back. A man with dreadlocks came out of the kitchen and grabbed a drink.

  “You think I’ll get sent home?” the man asked Jen.

  “Yeah, probably. We’ve been slow all day,” Jen replied.

  There was no way Cam could have paid off Venom if her business was slow like this. The front door opened, and a tall man walked inside. His eyes were bloodshot-red. Kit sat up straight and watched the man.

  “What can I get you?” Jen asked as the man plopped down in a stool.

  “A shot of vodka,” he slurred.

  Jen hesitated, as if deciding whether or not to serve him before grabbing a shot glass and pouring.

  Cam came back from around the corner with a smile on her face. “Okay, you can go. I got it from here.”

  After setting the shot glass in front of the man, Kit watched as Jen grabbed her purse from behind the counter and said goodbye to Cam. The cook went back in the kitchen, and Cam walked over to him.

  “Your turn to babysit? I like the other guy better,” she teased, leaning over the bar enough that he could see down her shirt.

  He grinned. “You like him better, but you don’t even know his name?”

  “His name is Zeke,” she said proudly.

  “You’re learning.”

  He liked this teasing side to her.

  “You get beat up again?” she asked.

  “Something like that.”

  She reached her arm out, and her fingers lightly grazed his face. Her hand was soft and gentle. Despite how much his bruises hurt, her touch was light. He stared into her soft, green eyes. She realized her mistake and quickly pulled her hand away.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, a lot of women have problems keeping their hands off me.”

  She rolled her eyes and pushed off the bar.

  “Another one,” the tall man at the end of the bar demanded. He slumped over, resting his head on the bar.

  “I think you’ve had enough," Cam said, walking over to the man and putting her hands on her hips.

  “Stupid bitch,” he mumbled.

  Kit stood to his feet, waiting for what the man would do next.

  Cam shook her head. “Get the fuck out of my bar.” She reached to grab his empty shot glass, but he grabbed her arm as she tried to pull it away.

  Kit’s jaw clenched. He took two steps and was immediately in front of the man.

  “Let her go,” he said.

  The man dropped her arm and stood up from the stool. The man was taller than Kit but nowhere near his size. He smelled like a brewery and had probably gotten cut off at another bar before coming here.

  “You think…you’re tough guy?” the man slurred. He pulled his fist back, but Kit acted first.

  He pushed against the man’s chest, causing his unbalanced body to slam against the bar. Kit grabbed him by the collar of the shirt. The man twisted back and forth, trying to get loose as Kit dragged him toward the exit. He opened the door and pushed the man outside so he fell on the warm sidewalk.

  “You come back here, it’s going to be a lot worse.”

  Kit slammed the door on the man, and when he turned around, Cam was looking at him with wide eyes.

  The older man at the end of the bar placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled. “That’s what I’m talking about!”

  “Thanks for that,” Cam said as he got closer.

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  She smiled. “You want some food?”

  “Yeah, what you got?”

  Chapter Eleven


  “What are you drawing?” Kit asked her before plopping a fry in his mouth. She caught the flash of his tongue ring as he ate.

  “Something for school.”

  He reached across the bar and slid the notebook towards him before she was able to stop him.

  “A butterfly?” he asked.

  Her cheeks heated up.

  “It’s for school,” she repeated, trying to grab it from his hands, but he kept it out of her reach.

  “You draw?” He raised an eyebrow at her, and she wished she knew what he was thinking.

  “Sometimes, but this is for a project. I just have to map it out before I replicate it on the computer.”

  He studied the drawing for a moment. Each minute that passed made her palms more sweaty.

  “Can you just--”

  “Draw me a tattoo,” he said.

  “What?” she asked, obviously mishearing him.

  He set the notebook down on the bar and slid it back to Cam. “I’ve wanted some new ink anyway.” He rolled up his sleeve and showed her an unmarked piece of skin.

  “I can’t--”

  “Why not? You just have to give the drawing to the tattoo artist, and he’ll ink it on me.”

  “You want me to draw something that’s going to be on your body forever?”

  It was a crazy idea and a lot of pressure. But her mind started to fill with ideas. What would represent Kit? Maybe a dangerous animal or a clown. Her lips twitched as she thought about a big, ugly clown tattooed on his arm.

  “Why not?”

  “That’s a lot of pressure.”

  “If I’m not worried about it, you shouldn’t be either. Just draw something for me, and I’ll stick it on.” He slapped the naked skin where the tattoo would be. He said it so naturally, as if getting a tattoo wasn’t a big life long decision.

  “Fine…when I have time.”

  He smiled at her but left her alone for the rest of the night.

  She hated to admit that Kit made the last few hours of the night entertaining. She had to send Amire home early since it was so slow, but he didn’t seem to mind. Kit waited outside as she locked up. He leaned against the brick wall as she shut the door. With his hands in his pockets, he walked with her across the street to her truck.

  “Thanks again for taking care of that guy,” she said. She could have taken care of it herself, but it felt good to have someone else do the dirty work. He took a step closer to her. Woodsy cologne filled her nose--a mix between pinecone and mint. A feeling of comfort washed over her.

  “I told you. We protect what’s ours.”

  Her eyes went to his lips, wondering how they would feel against hers. Fuck, she had to stop thinking like that. It had been so long since she’d even thought about a guy that she was practically foaming at the mouth. But even if that wasn’t the case, Kit was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, even with his leather cut and man-bun. Two things she thought she’d never be attracted too.

  She cleared her throat. “So when do you think the club will be back?”

  “You miss us?” he asked, that cocky smirk across his face.

  “No, I just want to make sure I’m here to help out if Jen and Amire get too busy.”

  “I’ll ask the guys and let you know.”

  She nodded, and they stood there for a moment staring at each other. His baby-blue eyes were such a contrast to his darker appearance that she couldn’t help feeling lost in them.

  “Goodnight, Cam,” he said.


  She turned away from him to get in her truck. He took a step back to allow her space to get in. She awkwardly waved before turning the key in the ignite. Instead of rumbling to life, the only sound was a small click. She tried again but only got the click.

  Kit knocked on her window. “Pop your hood.”

  She did as he asked before climbing out of the truck to join him. He lifted the hood and inspected the engine.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He started poking around and moving parts. “I�
��m not sure. It could be your alternator, but I’d have to test it to see.”

  She laced her fingers together. “How much is that going to cost?”

  He pulled the hood down and wiped his hands on his jeans. “It just depends. Don’t worry about it right now. Let me take you home.”

  She looked over at the motorcycle parked in front of her bar.

  “On that thing?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “Unless you prefer to walk.”

  Her feet were aching from standing on them all night. Walking back to the house was not an option. Her stomach twisted with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she followed behind Kit to his motorcycle. He handed her a helmet and showed her how to secure it on her head. The brush of his fingers against her skin as he buckled the chin strapped caused goosebumps to rise over her arms. He climbed on and instructed her to get on behind him.

  “Hold tight,” he said.

  She awkwardly wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling his body heat against hers. He chuckled, but she didn’t get a chance to ask what he was laughing about before he took off.

  She squeezed him tight, no longer embarrassed by their closeness. The wind hit her in the face as he drove through the streets. He leaned the bike so far over when they turned she was scared she might fall off.

  “You okay back there?” he yelled.

  She nodded her head against his back. Her face rubbed against the leather of his cut. She watched as they got closer to her neighborhood, and she loosened her grip as he slowed in front of her house.

  “How did you know where I live?” she asked as she climbed off the bike.

  “How was your first ride?” he asked, ignoring her question.

  “Scary…but good.”

  She couldn’t deny that she kind of liked the wind running through her hair, but more than that, she loved being that close to Kit. He helped her remove her helmet.

  “Oh shit.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “I have class in the morning, and I have no way to get there.”

  She looked in their driveway to see that Jen’s car was gone. She was probably at the clubhouse with Hugo.

  “Call me in the morning. I’ll drive you.”

  She bit her lip, wanting to say no, but she didn’t have any choice. She was already on academic probation and couldn’t afford to skip any classes.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem. Are you sleeping here alone?” he asked, looking past her at the dark house.

  “I think Jen is probably with Hugo. I’ll be fine. Thank you for everything tonight.”

  He looked skeptical but nodded. “See you tomorrow, Cam.”


  The next morning, Jen pulled into the driveway as Cam waited on the lawn for Kit. She wore a big, gray hoodie that reached to her knees.

  “What are you doing out here?” Jen asked, closing her car door. She looked at the empty spot in front of the house where Cam usually parked the truck. “Where’s Big Blue?”

  “He broke down last night. Kit is coming to pick me up.”

  Jen’s lips pulled up into a smile.

  “It’s just a ride to school,” Cam said.

  “Uh-huh, I could have driven you.”

  “I knew you were at Hugo’s. I didn’t want to bother you. Kit offered.”

  “I’m sure he did.”

  “Seriously, it’s just a ride. I don’t have time for anything serious. I have way too much shit going on as it is.” Cam had to admit she was warming up to Kit. He wasn’t the arrogant guy she thought he was when they first met. But that didn’t change the fact that she wasn’t ready for a relationship right now. A relationship would only further complicate her life.

  “So you’re saying if you didn’t have all this shit going on, he’d have a chance?” Jen teased.

  Cam ignored her. Jen laughed to herself as she went inside.

  A minute later, Kit pulled up. She was relieved he didn’t bring the motorcycle. It only took her one try this time to get into the truck. It wasn’t until she was fully seated that she looked over at him. He wasn’t wearing his leather cut today, and she wondered if he only wore it when he was riding the motorcycle. He wore a pair of gray sweatpants, and she couldn’t help but notice the impressive outline under the material.

  “So…” he said as she pulled her eyes away from his lap and up to his face. “I think I can get your truck fixed.”

  He pulled away from the curb and onto the street.

  “Really? For how much?” If she waited a week to pay her liquor distributor, she could spend a couple of hundred dollars to get Big Blue fixed. Any more than that and she was going to be shit out of luck.

  “Free. I’ll fix it on one condition.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you--”

  “Whoa, why would you think I’d ask that?” His eyes flickered between the windshield and her.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. You’re a guy…”

  He shook his head. “Anyways, I’ll take your truck to the shop and get it fixed up, but you have to agree to go camping with us this weekend.”

  She instantly scrunched her nose up. She hadn’t gone camping since she was a kid. The only memory she had of camping was not being able to shower and using one of those weird, outside toilets.

  “Why do you want me to go camping?”

  “The Savage Spades do it every year, and it’s a big deal. According to Hugo, Jen is going too, so no one is going to be in town.”

  It did make her nervous to think about not being able to reach anyone when she hadn’t paid Venom this month. That would be the perfect opportunity for him to pull something crazy. On the other hand, she didn’t feel comfortable being out in the woods with the motorcycle club yet. The only guys she knew were Zeke, Kit, Oscar and Hugo.

  “And you’ll fix my truck?” she asked.

  “I’ll have it back to you by Monday,” he said. They pulled up to the school, and he parked in the first spot. Turning to her, he waited for an answer. She didn’t have a choice at this point. Her only other option was to stay at home where she’d be vulnerable to Venom and shell out the money to get her car fixed by someone else. She would have to close the bar. Ernie could drink somewhere else for one night.

  “Okay, I’ll go. Do you guys have a cabin or something?”

  He shook his head. “No, we do real camping, none of that pussy shit.”

  She laughed.

  “We’re leaving tomorrow night at seven. Most of the guys have work during the day so we’re leaving later than usual.”

  “I’ll be ready.”


  Her overnight bag sat on the bed as she looked through her drawers for clothes to wear on the camping trip.

  “You might want to grab a bathing suit. There might be a lake,” Jen said, leaning against Cam’s open bedroom door.

  “Did Hugo tell you that?” Cam asked, looking up from her drawer.

  Jen shook her head. “No, he’s been pretty secretive about the whole thing, but I brought my bikini just in case.”

  Cam opened her top drawer, grabbed her turquoise-colored monokini, and threw it in the bag.

  “I’m so happy you’re going. I thought I was going to be all alone with those guys.”

  “I wouldn’t be going unless Kit offered to fix Big Blue for free.”

  “You like him.” The floor creaked as she crossed the room and sat on the edge of Cam’s bed.

  Cam shrugged. “He’s cute, but…I don’t know.”

  “Stop overthinking everything. I know you think you’re not allowed to have fun for some crazy reason, but I’m telling you, it’s okay to enjoy your life.”

  Cam leaned against the dresser and locked eyes with Jen. “I know. I want to have fun; it’s just hard with the bar and trying to get through school.”

  “How about this weekend, you just forget about all that? Bring Crazy Cam. Leave bar owner/student Cam at home.”

  Cam smiled at her. “Fine

  Jen was right. She deserved a break from running the bar and doing homework. Even if it was only for one night, she should embrace it.

  Jen threw her hands in the air. “That’s what I’m talking about. Oh, hey, by the way, what tent are you in?”

  Cam paused. “I don’t know… I didn’t think about that.”

  Jen stood up from the bed. “You probably have your own anyways.”

  She hoped so, considering Kit hadn’t mentioned anything about her tent. Did he expect them to share one?


  Once she was packed and ready to go, she rode with Jen over to the clubhouse so they could leave from there. When they pulled up, there were more cars than she had seen before. Usually, it was just a bunch of bikes, but there were a couple of sedans and a few other trucks, including Kit’s.

  “How many people are going?” she asked Jen as they climbed out of her car.

  “Everyone associated with Savage Spades, I think.”

  They walked inside to the bar area. Three women dressed in shorts and t-shirts sat in one of the booths. The men stood around the space all laughing and talking like it was one big family. The room smelled like bacon, as if lingering from this morning. She hadn’t noticed a kitchen before, but maybe there was one in the back.

  Hugo spotted them from across the room and walked over. He wrapped an arm around Jen and kissed her lips. Cam had to admit they did look cute together. She just hoped they’d last. With Jen’s dating history, Hugo could be out on the curb any day now.

  “Hey, Cam,” Hugo greeted, once he pulled away from Jen.

  “Hi, Hugo.”

  “This is everyone that’s going?” Jen asked him.

  He looked around the room. “I think so. None of the club sluts are invited. It’s a family thing.”

  “Club sluts?” Cam asked Hugo.

  “Yeah, the girls that hang around here in barely any clothing… Open to any guy that gives them even a small amount of attention.”

  She wondered if Kit had sex with the club sluts. It made sense that he would. But her stomach still turned at the thought of his hands on someone else. She had no reason to feel jealous. It’s not like he promised anything to her or even asked her out on a date or anything. Is that what she wanted? The only reason she was here right now anyways was to get her truck fixed. The air around her shifted. She knew it was him from the woodsy scent that filled her nose.


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