Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1)

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Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1) Page 19

by Aubree Valentine

  “Whoever taught her, they knew what they were doing! Worked out though. I got a nice massage for the boys after that,” he winks.

  “FUCK. Smitty! Goddamnit,” I gag. “I want a new partner.”

  “You love me, man.”

  He’s already on a roll. It’s going to be a long night if he keeps this shit up. Which I know he will. He always does. And it’s ALWAYS worse when he’s just came off what I now call his “Zoey fix.”

  Sometimes I wish they’d get their shit together and make it solid but, one – it’s not like I have a lot of room to talk. I’m still working my shit out. And two – Lord only knows how much worse he’d be if she was around constantly. I have noticed that he’s not been doing his usual playing the field lately though, which is very interesting.

  “You know, Smitty…Speaking of someone having it bad. Where’s your harem been lately?”

  “Ain’t got time for that nonsense.”

  “Right. That’s what it is,” I snicker. “Nothing to do with Zoey, right?”

  “We’re not talking about Zoey.”

  “We are assholes. You want to give me shit about Kelsey and me, I’m going to give you shit about you and Zoey. That’s the way this works.”

  “Fuck. You’re a pain in the ass.” He slams his fist on the steering wheel. “And she’s frustrating as hell. That’s all it is.”

  “Sounds like things are going great. Think she’ll move out here now that Kelsey is?”

  Smitty flips me off as a call comes in. Time to go stop some bad guys!


  When Friday arrives, and Rhys calls to say he’s on the way, I’m still mildly annoyed about the pictures. Because if it wasn’t bad enough that he bought the whole portfolio, the asshole told Selena NOT to show them to me. I’m not going to tell him that it’s a little charming that he’s concerned about my virtue. And honestly the more I’ve thought about it, seeing those two edits, yeah, it’s a good thing they’re not out there for public view.

  People would be talking some serious gossip because there is NO denying the chemistry.

  I don’t know. Maybe I should get over it and quit worrying about what everyone else thinks.

  I don’t want to be that person though. Things like this usually end badly. Models and authors have ‘hooked up’ before, and everyone has an opinion on it, then shit goes to hell – readers take sides. Maybe that’s really what I’m worried about, the inevitable kiss of death that public relationships, especially when it’s an author/model combo, seem to have in this industry.

  Doesn’t matter that we started way before Rhys was a model.

  And it’s complicated by the little rugrat that is adorably perched in the front window looking for his daddy.

  “Da! Da! Da!” Reid’s little body starts bouncing, Lucy lets out a back and runs to the window and starts dancing.

  I’m the only one not standing in the window waiting for him. I could get up and meet him at the door, but after his hissy fit about leaving the damn door unlocked for ten minutes, I figured I’d just give him his own key. He can let himself in. I’ll sit here in my comfy recliner and pretend that I’m still writing, instead of scrolling through stock photos looking for teasers.

  Lucy hears the key in the lock and takes off. Stupid dog, I used to be her favorite.

  Reid drops to the ground and starts crawling and yelling.

  It hits me out of nowhere that we’ll only do this one more time. The next time Rhys comes to ‘visit’, it will be to move me to Tallahassee. In two weeks I’m going to hand over the keys to my first home. The one I bought on my own. The place I brought Reid home from the hospital too. The place he’s spent almost the entire first year of his life at.

  Shit, I’m not going to cry over this.

  It’s far too soon to be thinking bittersweet thoughts.

  “Hey,” Rhys’ lips tip up as he walks into the living room and scoops Reid up off the floor. He almost made it to the end of the living room. Rhys kisses his cheeks and Reid squeals. “Writing?”

  “Nope. Fell down the rabbit hole that is stock photos. You know, since I can’t use any of my pictures as a cover. Some asshole bought them all.”

  “Not going to apologize for it either,” he shoots me a cocky grin, and I want to throw something at him. He’s lucky the only thing in my reach is my coveted laptop.

  “You could have let me see them first at least. Jeez.”

  “You can see them. I brought my laptop with me so you can have a look. You’re not using them for a cover though. Ever.”

  I stick my tongue out at him, and he laughs at me.

  “I found a place for us,” he says as he sits down on the couch with Reid.

  Counting to ten, I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath. “And?”

  “It’s a rental. But it has three bedrooms, a backyard. It’s set up similar to this. I talked to the landlord, and he’s cool with you having Lucy. Decent neighborhood. In our price range.”

  “My price range.”

  “Ours. Give in. What’s the point in living in separate spaces? I’m going to be at your place every day anyway.”

  “Stop being sensible.”

  “Stop being stubborn.” He says as he hands me his cell phone with the link to the house pulled up.

  God this man gets under my skin.

  All weekend he keeps saying he’ll show me the pictures from Selena but when he leaves Sunday, I’ve still yet to see the ‘too hot to handle’ pictures from the photo shoot.

  Whoever said that moving was fun…lied.

  Packing with a ten-month-old under foot?

  Pure joy. Not.

  Even with Zoey’s help this week, shit is everywhere. I can’t find anything, and I feel like my life is in a total state of chaos.

  All I know is that the boys better get here soon with the moving van so we can get some of this stuff out of here. Once we’re all packed up, I’ll spend the day tomorrow cleaning everything down one more time before we hit the road. I’ve got to come back one more time to sign the papers and hand over the keys.

  But this is it.

  The kitchen dishes are stacked on the counter, and I’m boxing up anything I don’t think we’ll need over the next eight hours while Reid is momentarily contained to his playpen with some toys. I look around again and see all the boxes. Emotions swell up in my chest, and for a split second, I question if I’m making the right choice. Deep down, I know I am. Right now, I’m already missing this place though.

  Everyone must have timed it perfectly because I hear the key in the front door and it swings open. Rhys, Smitty, and Zoey all walk in together.

  Zoey and Smitty are in some sort of intense debate while Rhys just shakes his head – coming straight for me.

  “Save me,” he whispers and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my lips.

  “What happened? Did they start picking as soon as you pulled up?”

  “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. Trust me, I don’t think you want to know either.”

  “What do you want moved first?” Smitty barks out, and I glare at him.

  “Jerk Face. Take a chill pill. Start in the office. Everything can go. Don’t fuck up my desk.”

  He huffs and follows Zoey.

  “I guess he’s in a hurry to get back,” Rhys grunts.

  “He knows you’re not going back until tomorrow, right?”

  “He might start walking before then,” Rhys laughs. “I’m going to say hi to my kid. He can wait. Or Zoey can help. Maybe that will help them work out their frustration.”

  Or not.

  Because they’re not along for more than ten minutes before we hear them arguing about God only knows what.

  They bicker damn near all day, but whatever issues Zoey and Smitty were having, I’m guessing they came to an agreement. Around three a.m., when they woke us up with the sounds of their lovemaking.

  Rhys has his head buried in my shoulder as he laughs. “That fucking
asshole. You think they’d keep it down.”

  “Do you think they’re that loud or at the walls that thin? You heard me, having a date with BOB once.” I remind him.

  “Don’t know and don’t care, but if he doesn’t make it quick, I’m going to knock on the wall and yell for him to knock it off.”

  Few things are more awkward than listening to your best friend having sex.

  When Zoey yells “Don’t stop.” Rhys finally loses it and yells back “PLEASE STOP! Are you two done yet?”

  We can actually hear Smitty grunting. I’m literally going to lose my mind.

  “Christ, Smitty, have you ever heard of a quickie? Better yet, how about you don’t have sex in your friend’s house?” Rhys asks the next morning over breakfast, in the middle of IHOP. Since everything is now packed in the back of the moving truck – its pancakes for breakfast before I go back to clean up. “Two hours man. Two fucking hours of that nonsense. I know night shift is in your blood but Goddamn. Some of us prefer to sleep.”

  “Quickies are for rookies. You should study the art of lovemaking.”

  “HEY!” I scold. “There are children present.”

  “Aww, don’t worry, Rhys has heard worse,” Smitty grins.

  Zoey’s face is bright red, and by the way, she’s holding her fork, I’m pretty sure if Smitty’s not careful, she’s going to stab him.

  “Let’s change the subject. Shall we,” I try to divert the conversation. “Zoey, do you and Smitty want to head out after this? Rhys and I can clean up the place. Or you can help me clean, and by help I really mean, keep an eye on Reid.”

  “She’ll ride to Tallahassee with me,” Smitty grunts and take a bite of his food.

  Zoey rolls her eyes but doesn’t protest.

  “Okay then. Is my stuff going to be safe with you driving?”

  “I drive better than that one,” he nods to Rhys then softens. “Yes, it’ll be fine.”

  At least he doesn’t have keys to the new place. No chance they’ll christen it before we get there.

  “Whoa, slow it down man. You’re talking about more babies already? You think you should marry her first? I mean. Damn.” Smitty takes a drink of his beer and sits it off to the side of his built-in grill, flipping over the burgers.

  Zoey’s in town for the weekend, and since he barely lets her out of his sight anymore, I had to convince him to let us come over for a cookout so my girl could spend time with her friend. I might have mentioned something about wanting to knock Kelsey up again, and now the old fart wants to give me shit about it.

  “Dude. Hold my beer. I got this,” I hand over my bottle of Blue Moon, and turn around to find Kelsey. We’ve been living together for two months now. I’m damn sure I’ve got this. When I spot her a foot away, I call out her name. “I have a question for you! What are you doing for the rest of my life!?”

  I hear Smitty snicker behind me.

  She puts Reid on her hip and walks over. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “Just answer the question,” I say back as I reach into my pocket and hit one knee. “Kelsey Josephine, what are you doing for the rest of my life?” I thought about waiting another week for Reid’s birthday but today felt like a good day, so why not?

  Kelsey bites her lip. Zoey lets out a squeal, and Smitty yells at Kelsey, “Kels, I think the answer to his question is, ‘Spending it with you.’ Say yes!”

  “What he said,” she answers as she starts to cry. “Spending it with you, Rhys Mitchell, spending it with you.”

  I slide the ring on her finger and stand up, pulling my two-favorite people closer and kissing her lips. “I love you so fucking much.”

  “I love you too, Rhys.”

  “Thank fuck you said yes. I was worried you were going to break his heart,” Smitty hands me back my beer and gives Kelsey a hug. “I guess we’re all stuck with you now,” he winks.

  “Move over,” Zoey's hip checks Smitty and I both to get to Kelsey. “Let me see the ring!”

  Smitty claps me on the back, hard enough that I nearly choke on my beer, “Congrats pretty boy.”

  “Thanks,” I smirk. “I told you I had this under control.”

  “It’s a good thing she really likes you because you’re really lacking in the romance department man.”

  “Whatever. I’m not lacking anywhere.”

  Smitty shakes his head, “Stop right there. Don’t say anything else,” he hands me a plate. “Make yourself useful and help me serve this food.”

  “You’re really one to talk,” I tell him as we put the burgers and hot dogs on the table.

  I take Reid from Kelsey to strap him in the high chair while she gets food for him. Smitty follows Zoey inside the house and the next thing I know, we can hear the two of them arguing with each other. I move to intervene, but Kelsey puts her hand on my arm.

  “Let them work it out.”

  There’s a storm that’s been brewing just under the surface with Smitty lately. I’m worried the dumbass is going to say something he’ll later regret.

  “Whatever Zoey, walk the fuck away then. You wanted this remember? Don’t fucking expect me not to give a damn about you!” His voice rages on.

  Yep, exactly like that…I knew he’d put his foot in his mouth.

  We hear the front door slam closed. Kelsey’s cell phone pings at the same time that Smitty comes back outside alone.

  “That’s probably your friend telling you what a dick I am,” he grunts and throws himself into the patio chair, popping the top on another beer and guzzling half the bottle before he comes up for air.

  Kelsey reads the message but says nothing at all.

  “You two women, it’s like you’re both hell-bent on giving us a run for our money,” Smitty grumbles as he throws food on his plate.

  “Yo, you can be pissed at your girl all you want. But watch yourself with mine.”

  He nods but doesn’t say anything as he takes a bite of his burger.

  Spending the rest of the evening watching Smitty lose his shit over Zoey is the last way I wanted to spend my Saturday.

  While he drowns his sorrows, Kelsey is glued to her phone between cleaning up the dishes and putting all the leftovers away. At least that will be one less thing Smitty will have to deal with when he wakes up.

  My phone pings and I laugh when I see it’s from Kelsey, who’s sitting right next to me now.

  KJ: I told her to go to our place. She has a spare key.

  Me: You’re really texting me right now? ;) That’s fine. She ok?

  KJ: Yes, I am. So Jerk Face doesn’t hear me. No, she’s not.

  Me: I can stay with this one, you go be with her.

  A case of beer later for him and I’m seriously fucking tucking my best friend into bed and wishing him luck in the morning with the killer hangover he’ll have.

  I contemplate taking his truck and going home. He’ll probably wake up thinking someone stole it.

  Fuck, even better. I laugh to myself as I grab the keys off the hook and lock up behind me. He’s going to shit a brick when he wakes up in the morning and finds his black F-150 gone.

  I’m still asleep on the couch when my phone starts ringing, Smitty’s name flashes on the screen as I pick it up and answer.

  “Where is my motherfucking truck?”

  Aww, Smitty’s cranky.

  “In my driveway,” I yawn.

  “Son of a bitch. You stole my fucking truck?”

  “Borrowed. Calm down. I didn’t want to spend the night with your drunk ass, and I needed a way home after Kelsey and Reid left.”

  “If you put a single scratch on her…”

  Oh, this was too much fun, “Well, I mean I did go four-wheeling with her. She’ll need a good bath when you get her back.”

  “I’m going to punch you in that pretty face of yours when I see you. Bring my truck back, asshole.”

  “Later, I was sleeping until your grumpy ass woke me up.”

  “Goddamn it, Rhys. I need my t
ruck to go find Zoey and make up for being a dick last night.”

  “Zoey’s fine. She’s here with….Whoa,” the phone nearly falls out of my hand when Zoey, who I thought was sleeping, walks in my front door with fresh bruises around her neck. “What the fuck happened, Zoey?”

  “What the fuck do you mean, ‘What happened?’” Smitty barks. “Is Zoey ok?”

  “Gotta go, Smitty,” I quickly disconnect the call with my best friend yelling in the background. Kelsey’s out of the bedroom and chasing after her friend who took one look at me and bolted. Fuck.

  Shit just got real.

  THE END…for now.


  First and foremost, a huge shout out to my husband for every ounce of support he’s given me. From the crazy ideas to all the book research that I insist I need to try to be sure it’s accurate. He’s been my rock.

  My kiddos for being my cheerleaders and occasionally saying, “Don’t you have a book to write?”

  Now that we got that out of the way…

  Christopher John/CJC Photography – I am so thankful for your amazing talent behind the lens and your friendship. Also, thank you for getting Dan to step in front of the professional camera for the first and messaging me with the proof album. You played a huge part in bringing this story to life.

  Daniel Rengering – Thank you for not laughing or running away when I pitched this idea to you or when I sent the occasional message to ask random questions that probably made no sense to you at the time. Thank you for that single, selfie with your comrades – this book wouldn’t have happened without that one photo. More important than all of that THANK YOU for all that you do to protect and serve your community.

  The Basketball Cop Foundation – Thank you for the opportunity to support an amazing cause, for all that you stand for and for all that you do as well to protect and serve. You’re making a difference in this world through our youth, it’s not going unnoticed and as a parent – I cannot thank you enough.


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