Fake It For Me - A Fake Wife Billionaire Romance

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Fake It For Me - A Fake Wife Billionaire Romance Page 39

by Layla Valentine

  A heartbeat later, as her eyes adjusted, Cassandra took in the sight of Jack’s face, his bright eyes staring into hers.

  “Don’t scream,” he said, his lips twitching at the corners with suppressed amusement.

  Cassandra’s body heated up in an instant, and she smiled against Jack’s hand, pushing her hips down against his. Jack brought his hand away from her lips and covered her mouth with his own, pinning her even more firmly to the wall, lifting her up off of her tired feet.

  “You didn’t mind me screaming last night,” Cassandra murmured, twisting her hips under his. She could feel the hardening ridge of Jack’s erection pressing against her, rubbing up against the crotch of her panties.

  Jack smothered a laugh against her neck, his hands moving over her body in quick, devastating touches that made her shiver. He reached up under the hem of her skirt and tugged her panties down, ripping them as he got them off of her. Cassandra’s hands came to life, fumbling slightly as she struggled to pull Jack’s shirt up and over his head.

  It seemed like an eternity, but only moments later, Cassandra felt the heat and hardness of Jack’s cock rubbing against her slick folds, his strong arms holding her up against the wall as he rocked his hips against hers.

  “I’m so glad you wore a skirt today,” he murmured, smirking slightly. “Less for me to have to take off to get what I want from you.”

  Cassandra laughed breathlessly, wrapping her legs around his waist and leaning against the wall as Jack guided the tip of his cock along her slit. He thrust into her all at once, filling her up in an instant, and Cassandra moaned out in pleasure, her inner walls tightening.

  Jack started moving immediately, holding her in place as he thrust into her hard and fast, pushing deeper and deeper into her body. Cassandra writhed, trapped against the wall and wrapped up in the pleasure that coursed through her with every hard pump of Jack’s hips. She kissed his face, his neck, everywhere her lips could reach, both of them abandoning the pretext of the little fantasy they’d had since Jack had first re-entered her life.

  Cassandra twisted and writhed between Jack’s body and the wall, moving like an animal, moaning and crying out as the man she had come to love pounded harder and harder into her. He buried his face against her breasts, claiming each of her nipples in turn, sucking and licking until Cassandra thought she wouldn’t be able to hold back any longer. Every movement of his hips brought pressure and friction to bear on her clit; every third thrust made her almost shriek with pleasure as the tip of Jack’s cock collided with her G-spot.

  In a matter of moments, Cassandra felt the tension coming closer to the breaking point, and she clutched at Jack’s shoulders, digging her fingernails carelessly into his skin as wave after wave of pleasure rushed through her, driving out all of the thoughts and cares of her long work day.

  She kept moving as she sensed Jack approaching his own climax, twisting her hips down against his, her inner muscles rippling around him in uncontrollable spasms as her orgasm intensified. She felt the telltale twitching of his cock buried deep inside of her, the tensing of his muscles, and Jack groaned long and low, his face buried against her neck. Cassandra’s climax reached new levels as she felt the hot, slick gush of his orgasm flooding her, and she shuddered against him, panting and gasping for breath.

  As they both reached the end of their orgasms, Jack’s hold on her wavered for a moment, and Cassandra came back to herself just enough to worry that he might drop her; instead he pulled her free of the wall and cradled her body against his, carrying her into the living room. Still panting for breath, Jack bore Cassandra down onto the couch with him, holding her body tightly to his as they both shuddered in the aftershocks of their mutual pleasure.

  After a few moments, Cassandra opened her eyes to find Jack looking down at her, an amused smile curving his lips.

  “You look so fucking hot like this,” he told her, cupping her breast and idly teasing the nipple.

  Cassandra laughed, pushing her sweat-sticky hair out of her face. “You mean all sweaty and sexed-up like this?”

  Jack grinned, nodding as he gave her nipple a firm tweak.

  Cassandra gasped and shivered, already beginning to feel aroused again. “I am so glad it was you whose case I covered.”

  Jack laughed. “Does that happen to you often or something?”

  Cassandra shook her head, laughing. She curled up against him, sighing in contentment. “That was every bit as good as I thought it would be,” she told him.

  Jack nodded, pressing an kiss to her forehead. “Now that we’ve settled that,” he said, draping an arm around her, “and now that I’m a free man, fully exonerated, what comes next?”

  Cassandra took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Well right now, I’m going to have a cigarette,” she said, giving him a quick smile.

  “That sounds excellent.” Jack answered her smile with one of his own. “But you know what I mean.”

  Cassandra sat up, walking across the room on unsteady legs. She found her blouse on the floor and pulled it on. Jack rose from the couch as well, picking his pants up off of the floor of the kitchen. Together they went out onto the tiny balcony attached to Cassandra’s apartment and Jack sat down in one of the chairs, pulling Cassandra onto his lap. They lit their cigarettes and sat in silence for a moment.

  “What do you think? About the future, I mean?” Jack said, giving her waist a squeeze.

  “I think that I’d like to get to know you without our lives being on the line,” Cassandra said, taking another drag of her cigarette and exhaling slowly. “The sex is great, and we work well together.” Jack nodded slowly. “As for the future,” Cassandra considered the question for a moment before shrugging. “We’ll find out about that together.”

  Jack kissed her lightly on the cheek and Cassandra felt his cock beginning to stir underneath her, telling her without words that whatever happened next, they were going to get to know each other very well indeed.

  The End

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  Buy Me, Bride Me

  Layla Valentine

  And now, as one last treat, here is my previous book, Buy Me, Bride Me, in full.

  I hope you enjoy!

  Copyright 2017 by Layla Valentine

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit written permission of the author. All characters depicted in this fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  The morning always came too soon, and the alarm on Jada’s phone seemed like it was shouting at her rather than playing a tinny version of “Walking on Sunshine.” As she sat up in bed, her memories of the night faded. She stretched tall and her back cracked loudly.

  I’m getting old, and at 25 that’s saying something, she thought. She rolled out of bed and put her bare feet on the soft rug on the floor. It was tattered and worn, but she loved it. The floor was freezing as she walked over to her closet to grab some clothes, and she hesitated for a moment before taking her pajamas off.

  She went into her bathroom, examining her reflection in the mirror and groaning as she saw that her hair was the size of a small bush. She turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. As soon as it was warm, she stripped as fast as she could and hopped into the spray. The hot water felt fabulous, and Jada scrubbed up with her favorite shower gel, the gentle smell of berries and vanilla making her senses happy.

  Once dry, she put on a red silk blouse and black pencil skirt. She dug in her closet, finding her favorite red heels and slipping them on. She a
te breakfast in the car on the way to the office; a bagel with cream cheese that thankfully wasn’t too messy.

  Jada tuned the radio to her favorite station, and it chimed in with a lovely combination of rock, college alternative, and regular alternative. It would have been a great morning, were it not for the giant meeting she had scheduled. She’d heard the client could be a bit tight-assed, and she dreaded the moment when she’d have to dazzle him with her proposal.

  The JPH Tech building was enormous, taking up two city blocks on each of the two streets that it touched. Located on the corner of Madison and First, it was a traditional office of white and gray, filled with the paper, forms, hours of waiting, and caches of servers.

  On the fifth floor, Jada followed along the rows of cubicles set up for her teammates and the associates of the office. They were each named for actual streets within the city, and Jada fought back a gag every time she passed them. The idea that each of the little padded cells was actually a home away from home made her want to cry, but that was how it went in the corporate world. No wonder she hated it.

  She walked down to her glass-walled office, sank into her rolling chair, and turned on her computer. As she waited for the thing to start, one of her team members, Chelsea, came out from her cubicle and poked her head into the office.

  “Hey, chica! How are you?”

  Chelsea was always so ridiculously perky in the morning. Jada had to take a gulp of her coffee before she answered.


  “You do anything fun this weekend?” Chelsea asked.

  “Not really; just chilled.” As Jada swallowed the crappy office coffee, she resolved to invest in her own new coffee pot. The office swill was just not good.

  “Jada! You sat alone again, didn’t you? How many times is that?”

  “I’ve lost track. I really don’t want to think about it right now. How’s Randall been this morning?”

  “Randall. You know how he is.” Their teammate could be quite creative when it came to matching a visual concept with words, but a social butterfly he was not. “Anyway, forget him; there’s a new guy.” Chelsea’s eyes sparkled as she mentioned the new coworker.

  “Oh no. No more intra-office blind dates. You have terrible taste, honey.” Jada remembered the last time Chelsea had tried to introduce her to the new guy. He had turned out to be a bodybuilder, and gay to boot. “Don’t you remember your last attempt?”

  Chelsea put her hands up in defense. “Jada, that was an accident. He looked totally straight.”

  “Well, you know what they say about appearances. Hell, you thought I was Mexican,” Jada said, making a face at her.

  “Well, you know I’m not good at that kind of stuff. And besides, how was I supposed to know he was gay? After all, it’s not like they wear a sign.” Chelsea’s voice had turned to total sales pitch with that last statement, and Jada had to laugh.

  “Well, thank you, but no thank you. I’m taking a permanent hiatus from men. I am so done with dating and working and all the juggling those things entail. I like my relaxing life at home. I can read and enjoy a bubble bath whenever I want.”

  “Fine, but you’ll regret it. He’s super cute. So, your loss.” Chelsea changed the subject, then, and Jada was grateful. “You ready for your big meeting today with Mr. Ka?”

  “Yeah. I’m all set. Got my briefs ready, and Matheson is, of course, going to be there.”

  They both made a face when Jada mentioned her pseudo-boss.

  “Ugh, I hate that guy. Did I tell you he hit on me the other day? Like right at work, in front of people.” Chelsea looked genuinely queasy.

  “Why don’t you say something to HR?”

  “I have. So have some others. They’re not doing anything.”

  “That sucks. I’m sorry. Let me see if I can do something. It might be a little while, and it might be nothing, but I’ll try.” Jada forced a smile.

  “Thanks, Jada. That means a lot.”

  Chelsea scampered off, and Jada concentrated on memorizing the briefs for the big Ka meeting. Sure, they were ready, but Jada was still nervous about presenting to the infamously hard to please client. She didn’t like her job all that much, but she was determined to hold onto it. She had no choice.

  Chapter Two

  The voice of Jada’s father rang through her head: “You’re a brilliant young woman, honey. The future is going to be so very bright for you.”

  She’d been so nervous about the big move, and her dad, her totally amazing dad, had squashed her fears to a pulp. God, she missed his smile. San Francisco was a lousy substitute for her cozy, albeit tiny, home in Arizona. She had felt welcome, useful, and hell, even important there.

  “Are you paying attention, Ms. Phillips? Or are we boring you?”

  Jada sat up straighter in her chair and nodded empathically toward her boss. Paul Matheson was glaring at her, and, to be honest, he was right: Jada wasn’t listening. Staff meetings were a complete drag, and she was so over working for all these pompous, self-absorbed businessmen.

  Her position at JPH Tech was supposed to have been the “opportunity of a lifetime.” What a load. The software company was a money-hungry beast that fed on the souls of those who worked there and did little to compensate them—even though they could have given everyone 200 percent raises and barely scratched the surface of the dough the head honcho had rolling in.

  “Now, as you can see, the projections for these clients are less than spectacular. We’ve been working tirelessly to inject life into their marketing campaigns, but it appears that our best work has not been done. Sales are down, and it’s supposed to be our job to ensure an excellent ROI for them. Jada, this is your department. What do you plan to do better?”

  Ah, yes, the age-old clusterfuck that was marketing. Sometimes, Jada created a great campaign, led her team to success, and got a nice big “thank you” for her efforts. On the flip side, if client sales went down—even through no fault of her own—the hammer fell on her. She was just a little mouse running on a giant set of wheels, and it was easier for them to yell at the mouse than act responsibly as a company.

  It didn’t really matter what she said. She told them the same thing she always did in situations like this, and they responded in kind. “All right. I expect improvement.” Yeah, she knew.

  “That concludes this week’s meeting. Marketing, you have a client meeting next, correct?”

  Jada cleared her throat. “Yes. A potential add-on. We’re meeting with the president.”

  “See that it goes smoothly.”

  Jada nodded her head, and with that everyone began to clear out of the conference room. Matheson excused himself to the restroom and would return after his pre-meeting routine: pep talk to the mirror, quick Prozac, and a casual adjustment of his fly. What a douche.

  Jada remained in the conference room and set up the presentation on the projector. As she placed the packets her team had painstakingly created at each of the chairs surrounding the table, Matheson sauntered in and took a seat at the rear head of the table. The office assistant brought in pitchers of water and OJ, and Jada took a deep, steadying breath.

  Moments later, the client and his team arrived and shuffled into the medium-sized room. They were from a small country in the south of Asia, and Jada greeted them in the customary manner. When she approached the president, she felt a terrible shiver run down her spine. He seemed cold, aggressive, and impatient.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ka. I’m Jada Phillips. We spoke on the phone.”

  The president simply nodded and took his seat at the remaining head of the table, leaving his team to arrange themselves around him. Jada knew that not everyone from the company was as stern as its president, but she swallowed nervously all the same.

  Attempting to clear her thoughts and move on, Jada continued with the greetings and started the meeting. She knew they wanted to expand their tech development department and use her company’s ability to produce and market for th
em. She went over the standard pitch of what the company could do, before going into more detail using the first of her slides.

  “That’s all well and good, miss, but can you tell me how this tech service is going to make me money?”

  Jada tensed at the sound of the president’s voice, but as she started to answer, he cut her off yet again.

  “Matheson, we’ve spoken before. Tell me more about this program.”

  As her boss began to describe the exact same services and provisions she had been describing, Jada felt her blood steam inside her veins. I literally just said that. What the hell?

  “As you can hear, the services I’ve described are in line with what Matheson is describing,” Jada said, trying to press on with her presentation. “I can provide more detail if I can have your attention back on the presentation.”

  The president again looked to Matheson.

  “Matheson, give me more detail about the executive service plan.”

  Her pseudo-boss described the plan but kept it short, leaving Jada an opportunity to continue. She jumped in and flipped to the slide describing the plan’s premier offerings and what made it stand out from the rest. Boredom yet again graced the wrinkled face of the senior client.

  “Is there something specific you’re looking for which I can describe?” Jada’s tone was verging on rude.

  “Honestly, I’d like to hear more from your superior. While you have piqued my interest, I think the head of the project would be a better choice to detail its implementation.” The president’s eyes never left Matheson.

  Jada pressed on, albeit through gritted teeth. “The head of the project is describing it to you. I oversee your company’s business portfolio. Matheson is knowledgeable about the basics, but the package itself was created by me and my team.”


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