dark faerie 06 - ever dead

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dark faerie 06 - ever dead Page 14

by Alexia Purdy

  Glancing to his left, Hank could see that everyone was getting back up again, the sound of clanking swords filling the air once more. Not knowing what else to do, he took off at a run toward the powerful wizard, Howie beside him, his movements synchronous with those of Hank.

  As one they then jumped from the ground, flying through the air and executing a side kick with a kiai shout! Although still several yards from the wrinkled wizard, a blue beam of energy erupted from their feet and slammed into the wizard.

  Looking surprised for the first time, Pironin flew back several feet and landed hard on his back. Landing gracefully on their feet again, Hank and Howie continued running toward their now-downed opponent.

  If they could both get to him before their fellow warriors were further drained and had nothing left to fight with, maybe…just maybe…an end would be near.

  Before they could reach him however, Pironin jumped back up and slapped the end of his staff on the ground, causing a chasm to form in front of him before it zigzagged its way toward Hank and Howie. Earth collapsed into the pitch-black abyss that quickly chased towards them in an unrelenting pursuit.

  Suddenly a beam of intense light emanated out of the crack in the earth as it slid between Hank and Howie.

  The force of the energy split the tie of energy between the brothers, causing them to tumble away from the chasm in two directions, disconnected.

  Hank felt the severing in his soul, his connection with his brother instantly disappearing. Momentarily fazed, he could only feel the weakness of his body…and another, much greater depletion.

  It was like his heart had been ripped from his chest!

  Opening his eyes, he found Pironin standing over him…his eyes gleaming with hatred and loathing.

  Chapter 33

  “You are not so impressive without your little brother…are you?” Pironin spat, his face a carved edifice of revulsion. “You are now merely another unimpressive spawn of Tamaki.”

  “Your mother was much the same you know,” he sneered as he continued his rant through rotted teeth. “Disposing of her had been a simple thing in its execution, a mere twitch to the hand on the wheel of the car…your father’s I believe.”

  Pironin leaned down; his face was now only inches from Hank as his putrid breath washed over Hank’s face. “Your whole family has been a waste of space on the world,” Pironin breathed disgustedly, “And I have taken great pleasure in squashing every one of you as one would an ant underfoot.”

  Anger coursed though Hank at his words, red entering his vision even as bile crept up his throat. Thoughts of his parents’ needless death fed his need for revenge as he tried to raise his staff to strike at the wizard. In his weakened state however, his efforts were thwarted as Pironin merely brought his foot down on the staff.

  Helplessness nipped at Hank’s being…was this to be the end? His family murdered…Faerie put in the hands of a psychopath…his whole life ended…like this?

  “You are nothing to me,” Pironin shouted, his maniacal sneer seething with hatred, “Just another insect to be crushed underfoot.”

  Grinning at his own analogy, Pironin raised the staff above his head menacingly. “I shall skewer you with my staff and place your head on my mantle as a trophy…a reminder of the once powerful Kyan clan that I have now, finally, defeated.”

  As he brought down the staff down with a powerful stroke toward Hank’s chest, the staff was suddenly knocked aside, landing with a thud into the wet earth beside him.

  “I’m his older brother asshole,” Howie spoke as he stepped into view, “And you done messed with the wrong family!”

  Hank could feel the magic of his brother once again intermingling with his own, a rush coursing through his veins and filling him with unimaginable power.

  Hank quickly lifted his legs into the air and smoothly flipped up to his feet. Energizing the aura shield, the brothers then swiped their staffs at Pironin’s head, sending him dodging as their staffs hit him and flung him the ground. Hank picked up Pironin’s staff before slowly walking over to the fallen wizard. He stood over the decrepit old man, who was dazed from the blunt strike to his head.

  Dulci and the others joined Hank and Howie, circling the seemingly powerless wizard as they all looked down on him threateningly. When Pironin tried to move, Luci growled at him, the noise seeming to surprise the wizard as fear showed on his face for the first time.

  “Get that devil beast away from me,” he sniveled.

  Everyone in the circle busted out laughing, enjoying a few moments of gayety before Nautilus dropped his sword toward the wizard’s chest.

  “You have been soundly defeated wizard, and are now a prisoner of the Summer Seelie Court. It will go better for you if you have your army drop their arms that are raised against our queen,” Nautilus growled.

  Glancing over at Dulci, Hank watched as she approached the fallen man, knowing she intended to bind his magic and make it unusable.

  The sneer suddenly returned to Pironin’s face as a wicked laugh escaped his lips. As he glanced around the circle, his eyes darted back and forth quickly, reminding Hank of a snake or a weasel.

  He wasn’t a large man by any standards, but the change now exhibited on his face had Hank tensing for another trick.

  “You are thinking mighty high of yourselves at this moment, are you not?” Pironin shouted suddenly. “It is not, however, such an easy thing to do to ensnare a wizard.”

  Turning to look directly at Hank, his face darkened measurably. “You know nothing of our magic and never will.” He continued to stare at Hank when, at last, he delivered his final threat.

  “You are already dead!”

  A sudden blinding light emanated from where the wizard lay, causing all in the circle to look away involuntarily. When they once again turned toward Pironin and focused through the blinding effects of the light…he was gone!

  “Shit!” Benton yelled in frustration. “Where the hell did he go?”

  Chapter 34

  “What will you do now?” Dulci questioned as they shared tea in her cottage. Hank took a moment to enjoy the calming effect of the tea before answering, wondering if he could make this on the other side of the barrier.

  However, he knew it would then lack her delicate magic touch, so he was pretty sure it wouldn’t ever be the same if he tried to make it without her.

  “I’m not sure,” he answered honestly. “I feel like I still have so much to learn…even though I have learned very much in a short time…thanks to you.”

  Dulci grinned at Hank’s answer. Her blue ocean eyes sparkled, like sun reflecting on water. It made his insides tingle and his heart speed up.

  “You don’t have to lay it on quite so thick little brother,” Howie said from beside him, his own teacup in hand. “She already likes you.” He then slurped up the remainder of his own tea.

  His atrocious manners were definitely not a family trait.

  Hank blushed with the realization that Dulci could hear what Howie had said. Turning toward her once again, he saw that she too was exhibiting some redness in her cheeks, but hid it well behind her cup of tea a she continued to sip slowly.

  How about that? A centuries old faery blushing for a puny human…err…wizard.

  “Anyway,” Hank continued, hoping to change the subject. “With the war over, you guys won’t really need me hanging around so much.”

  The war had in fact ended very quickly after the disappearance of Pironin. Shade and her army had actually noticed a drastic change starting at the time that Hank and the others had broken the Alliance Ring. The fierceness and bravery of the Kolograt army had disintegrated at the loss of their magic ectoplasmic booster.

  By the time that Pironin had actually disappeared, Queen Shade’s forces already had the enemy army on the run…many of them dropping their weapons where they stood, allowing themselves to be willingly captured.

  It was the dark magic that had held it all together. Pironin had left his people to wi
ther without him.

  But what of Pironin?

  Hank felt the numbing anger start to invade his being at the mere thought of the man before pushing it back to his core and locking it away again. Pironin said he wasn’t done with Hank before he disappeared…and Hank certainly wasn’t done with him either. He wasn’t sure how he would get it done…but Pironin would pay for what he’d done to his family

  “I think I’ll stay in law enforcement,” Hank added after a few moments. “It’s important work, and my powers may just come in handy sometimes in my job. It’s all I know, really, but I love it.”

  Dulci gave him a sad smile. Hank suddenly felt the overpowering need to reach out and take her into his arms…to stay with her…to build a life together…

  But he held back…unsure as to why or for how long, he knew he had other things in this life to accomplish before he even thought about being with Dulci…

  If he ever could be with Dulci…

  “Of course,” he added quickly as his mind broke away from his previous thoughts and his resolve kicked in, “I’m still sadly in need of further training.”

  Dulci appeared before him, touching the side of his face tenderly with her hand. Her joy at being near him lit up her face, arresting his resolve.

  Her ethereal beauty was intoxicating and he would never be able to get enough of it.

  “You are always welcome here, Hank.”

  Leaning forward, she kissed him on the lips, sending shockwaves of delicious energy through his body.

  “More than welcome.”


  Later on, the twin wizards were walking side by side as they followed Luci toward the old oaks and out of the forest.

  “It’ll be kind of nice having you around more Howie…but I’m a little confused. Will you be needing a bedroom now…or your own bathroom?”

  Howie stopped in his tracks, overcome with laughter.

  “That’s hilarious,” he gasped when he got some control over his amusement.

  Laying his hand on Hank’s shoulder, Howie looked him in the eye. “Part of me has always been with you, Hank, and that will never change.”

  Starting once again toward the twin oaks, Howie continued.

  “But you will not need to do anything special, because unless you need me, I will not be there any more than I ever have been.

  It was Hank’s turn to stop in his tracks.

  “But I thought…” He peered at his brother, confused.

  Howie shook his head with a smile. “Hey little brother, I have my own life on the other side. I know you couldn’t know that, but it’s true! We have things we do every day, much as you do in your world!”

  Setting off walking again, Hank mulled over what Howie had revealed.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” Hank shook his head…realizing that he still had so much to learn about his brother.

  “I even have a girl that I’m wooing,” Howie added with a wink. “I think we’re soul mates from another time…but either way…she’s hot!”

  Hank couldn’t help laughing at Howie’s expression as he went on to describe the girl. It wasn’t long before they reached the twin oaks.

  “I’ll be leaving you for now little brother,” Howie grinned as he pulled Hank into a hug.

  “Just remember, anytime you need me…I’ll be there with bells on!”

  With that he disappeared from sight.

  “Tell Nana I said hi,” Howie added in a fading voice, “And that I love her!”

  Hank looked up from where the ghostly voice was coming from.

  “I will,” he promised before joining the eagerly waiting Luci at the barrier. It was good to have her with him…a reminder of the normal side of his life. With all the commotion recently surrounding them, she kept him grounded in reality more than she’d ever know.

  “You ready?” he asked the red dog as they prepared to cross over.

  “Ready and waiting,” Luci replied happily, wagging her tail. “I can’t wait to get home and get a nap!”

  Nodding in agreement, Hank too felt an overwhelming exhaustion. Although most humans didn’t necessarily need to sleep when in Faerie, once crossing back over to the human world, the missed sleep would quickly catch back up to a person.

  He wondered if half humans suffered the same effects. He still had to have a heart to heart talk with Queen Shade…maybe next time.

  Right now, he just wanted to go home!

  As they stepped out of the forest and headed toward home, Hank asked Luci what she thought of everything that had happened in the last few days.

  Lucy was quiet for a long moment, seeming to mull over her answer before speaking.

  “I think…” she started as she turned to look back at Hank, “That I hope that girl Howie is chasing knows what she is getting into!”

  The End

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  Alexia Purdy

  I want to thank J.T. Lewis. You’re a slave driver! Thanks for pushing the limit.

  I also want to thank the following people for always having my back and challenging me to do even better: Doris Orman, Emily Walker, Katie Salidas, and all my Indie Inked sisters who always help me get out of the dredges of life. Thank you!

  About the Authors

  Alexia Purdy

  Alexia currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada–Sin City! She loves to spend every free moment writing or playing with her four rambunctious kids. Writing has always been her dream, and she has been writing ever since she can remember. She loves writing paranormal fantasy and poetry and devours books daily. Alexia also enjoys watching movies, dancing, singing loudly in the car and eating Italian food.

  Connect with Alexia Purdy:

  Sign up for Alexia’s Newsletter HERE

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  Ever Shade (A Dark Faerie Tale) Facebook Fan page

  Reign of Blood Series Facebook Fan Page

  Also by Alexia Purdy

  Reign of Blood Series

  Reign of Blood

  Disarming (Reign of Blood #2)

  Elijah (The Miel Chronicles):

  A Reign of Blood Companion Story

  Amplified (Reign of Blood #3)

  A Dark Faerie Tale Series

  Evangeline (A Dark Faerie Tale #0.5)

  Ever Shade (A Dark Faerie Tale #1)

  Ever Fire (A Dark Faerie Tale #2)

  Ever Winter (A Dark Faerie Tale #3)

  The Cursed (A Dark Faerie Tale #3.5)

  Ever Wrath (A Dark Faerie Tale #4)

  Elemental Fire Series

  History of Fire (Elemental Fire #1)

  Other Stories

  The Fall of Sky

  Keep Breathing

  Breathe Me

  Short Stories

  The Faery Hunt

  Never Say Such Things

  Spinning Scars

  Poetic Collections

  Whispers of Dreams

  Five Fathoms


  Beyond the Never

  Soul Games

  Faery Worlds

  Faery Realms

  Faery Tales

  Lacing Shadows

  Crimson Dreams: A Vampire Anthology

  The XOXO Collection

  J.T. Lewis

  Mystery abounds in the books of Amazon Best Selling Author J.T. Lewis.

  Living in Southeast Indiana with his wife and two dogs, J.T. has always loved a mystery. Striving to bring readers a story packed full of action, adventure, and suspense has led to his current selection of titles.

  An electricia
n by trade, at night JT Lewis morphs into a fictional detective with a keyboard, a transition that suits his need for creating exciting stories for his ever-growing audience.


  Find and follow JT Lewis @:


  J.T. Lewis Facebook Page




  The Adventures Of Gabriel Celtic Facebook Page

  Recent releases include:

  Falcon’s Pray, the second in the Nick Behr Mysteries series.

  The Book of Gabriel, the fourth in the Adventures of Gabriel Celtic series,

  an Action/Mystery/Thriller series.

  Amazon Buy Links: (Also available at all other eBook retailers)

  The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic

  Murder! Too Close To Home: http://getbook.at/murder

  Gabriel’s Revenge: http://getbook.at/Gabes_Revenge

  In Case of Death: http://getbook.at/In_Case_of_Death

  The Book of Gabriel: http://getbook.at/BookOfGabriel

  The Nick Behr Mysteries

  kidNAP Inc. : http://getbook.at/kidNAPInc

  Falcon’s Pray: http://getbook.at/Falcons_Pray

  The Artifact Hunter Series

  The Artifact Hunter: http://getbook.at/The_Artifact_Hunter

  Table of Contents

  Author’s Note


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


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