Urban Vampire II; Creature of the Night

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Urban Vampire II; Creature of the Night Page 6

by Pepper Pace

  Through Alexis’ memories I felt him shiver. He inhaled a great breath. The black lady tried to stop him, then another man saw what he was going to do but no one had enough time (or maybe enough power) to stop him. He blew out that breath and it went through Malarias. I saw the old man scream and to hear an Elder scream is not a pretty thing. He glowed from some inner light and I could see his shriveled heart and other internal organs. His eyeballs burst and blood squirted from the holes.

  The room grew suddenly cold and a beautiful woman appeared. While everyone was dressed in white this woman wore modern clothes; an evening gown of pale seafoam green with jewels embedded in it. She looked like she might have been at the opera. Her hand was bejeweled and her dark hair was swept up high. She was beautiful and I knew that it was the one that had Sired Alexis. It was his first. She was so old. She belonged to a different Council. I knew what few Vampires knew; there were hundreds of Councils, each with different levels of power. Elders were governed by these Vampires that stood on the sidelines and watched the development of the world. There was so much more power then the Elder Council welded. The lady that Sired Alexis was one such power.

  She did the equivalent of smacking his hand. She crushed his internal organs. Alexis curled on the floor and writhed in agony and still he would not end the killing blow to Malarias.

  Alexis’ Sire cut off his breath. Malarias folded to the floor unconscious. The pale woman glided to Alexis and kneeled beside him on the floor. She kissed him a chaste kiss even as he writhed in agony.

  Even though I was still in Alexis’ memories, I hated that woman in that moment. I hated her for the pain that I saw Alexis in; even as I realized that she was saving his life by preventing him from killing an Elder.

  For his attempts to murder Malarias he was exiled from the board for 250 years. He was also to spend 100 years in Epic Cu cut off from any other Vampires or humans. But as soon as Alexis awakened here he left as there were no guards to keep one imprisoned.

  The beautiful woman came to him.

  Alexis shut down the memory.

  I looked at him. “What kept you here? What kept you from coming to me?”

  Alexis didn’t answer. But now I could see past his coldness and control. His need was so raw that it was all he could do to keep it contained. Part of what was breaking his control were my memories.

  I watched Alexis turn away. What did he know that I didn’t?

  “Please talk to me?”

  Alexis sucked in a long breath. He turned to me slowly and I saw that his eyes were flooded in gold. I gasped. I breathed in and felt my heart beat. Warmth engulfed me and I felt a tingling deep in the pit of my soul. I knew that Alexis was seeing the gold in my eyes, too.

  Whatever control he had slipped clean away.

  He rushed me not much unlike the way I had rushed Tony when I wanted to see him dead. I met him with open arms.

  His mouth seemed to touch me before any other part of his body. His lips were on mine and I remembered crying out in need. Then his hands grasped my face; fingers burying painfully into my hair.

  We kissed with dropped teeth bleeding each other and ignoring the stings. I first wrapped my arms around him, then I wrapped my legs around him. He supported me with a gasp. Then slowly he lowered us to the floor.

  “Oh Alexis…I missed you. I missed you so much!”

  He pulled back to look at me. “My love…My beautiful beautiful love.” He kissed me and stroked my tongue with his until I thought I’d faint. Alexis; who had never touched another human for 400 hundred years until me was running his fingers up my arms and causing me to shiver. He was allowing himself to warm up and I could feel the heat radiating off of him and to me through his finger tips. Vampires weren’t naturally warm, nor did we need to breath or have a heartbeat. But we could make ourselves appear more humanlike. The older we became the colder and less human we appeared. I was still young enough to continue to breathe, to continue to create warmth and to keep my heart beating without thought.

  Now Alexis was making his heart beat and I could feel his breath hot against my lips. I felt his tongue again, this time much more gentle as it teased my lips and healed the little scrapes. I reached up and ran my fingers through his silky curls.

  He pulled back enough to look at me. “I missed you. I love you.”

  “Oh.” My eyes stung.

  “It’s not your fault. I see that you feel guilty because you turned to Tony. Kim, I don’t begrudge your love.” I watched him closely.

  He put the tip of his finger on my chin and watched it there. “A long time ago I told you that you are not any one man’s. You are your own. I did not lie. Your three loves are still in your head-”

  I shook my head quickly. But the finger on my chin moved to cradle my face and still me. “Listen to me.” He whispered. “You can have your loves. As a matter of fact I want you to live and love and laugh the way I see in your memories.” His expression grew instantly serious and the gold in them bled away and I saw a red glow replace it. I didn’t know what to make of the look because it meant anger. And not just a normal anger but rage. “But hear me well. In one thousand years you will sit on the Elder Council. And I will be there waiting for you. In one thousand years all of your loves had better be ended. In one thousand years you will be all mine.”

  I sat up slowly. “In one thousand years? In one thousand years, Alexis?” I was scared. “I can be all yours now-”

  His eyes lost the red. “No.”

  I fought to keep the anger and sadness from my eyes.

  “We’re forbidden to be together until I’m out of here-”

  I was shaking my head. “What didn’t you show me form your memories?”

  “I don’t want you to live this memory of mine.” He sat up, too. His hands were still stroking my face gently. “Athena…she came to me the first night I awoke here.”

  “Athena…she’s your sire?”


  “She did not like that I loved you more then any other…more then her. She is very powerful…much stronger than me. She knew that what I had with her was nothing close to what I’ve shared with you. I saw her follow my link to you and knew that she would kill you. Kill you with a thought.”

  Kill me…because he loved me more?

  “You do not understand. When you are that old you no longer think with a human mind. You think like a creature that cares for nothing but what immediately makes you feel. Athena felt jealous. To rid herself of that emotion meant to rid herself of you.”

  “How did you keep her from killing me?”

  “She awoke you. That almost killed you.”

  I looked at him surprised. “You mean this all happened while we were at the beach house?”

  “Yes. I was there and I was here.”

  My head swam with the idea of it.

  “She awoke you and meant to crush you from the inside.” I took a deep breath.

  “How did you stop her?”

  “You always love the ones who sire you…but you always love the ones that you sire. I convinced her I still loved her more. I made love to her the way you showed me; the way I had forgotten, as a human loves. And that convinced her that I loved her more. She did something that I would have died to do hundreds of years before: She bonded with me.”

  Stupid as it was I was jealous…more then jealous, if that’s possible.

  “Athena and I are linked…the way you and I are.”

  “You married someone else.”

  “As you did.” He reminded me calmly. “You bonded with Tony. My bond with Athena was only to protect you…you can’t say the same thing.”

  And of course he spoke the truth. I had created a bond with Tony when I was at my most vulnerable.

  “You said you didn’t care if I loved-”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t care.” He responded firmly. “That word can not ever describe what I feel. I know that you love me. And in the end it is me you will be with. What happen
s in between matters little.” His eyes hooded coolly. “Had I left this place I would have forfeited my punishment and yours. It could mean death for me…and you. Athena’s link to me was only to monitor my actions; to confirm that I didn’t seek you. It pleased her when you called and I didn’t answer. One day you surprised me by linking with me even in this fortress. It shows strength. I shouldn’t be surprised; my strength is in you.”

  “You didn’t have much trouble ignoring my call.” I said peevishly.

  “That is correct. I didn’t have trouble ignoring you. If I had done otherwise you would be dead.”

  “All that holds us from each other is this…Athena?”

  “And my exile.”

  “Two hundred fifty years…”

  He smiled. “Is but a blink of the eye. Well, maybe two blinks.”

  I looked at him hard. “You have jokes.”

  His eyes softened. “We don’t have much time. The only reason Athena has not detected you is because this is day and Athena can not wake during the day. Still…when she awakens she may detect you. I will have to do much to cover your presence-“

  “Oh no! You’re not telling me that she gets to come here with you-”

  “No! She’s been here only that once…She’s in me-”

  “And you are in her…”

  “This hurts you. It shouldn’t. You should know that she’s not the one I want to be inside of…” The double intent made me tighten between my thighs. Alexis’ eyes closed.

  “I could come back.” I breathed a low husky breath, “when the sun rises again.”

  Alexis’ heart hammered his chest. His hand came up to cover my breast. With closed eyes he sought out my mouth and he kissed me hungrily. I let my hand glide down the length of him where I felt him hard and straining against his loose linen pants.

  With one hand I undid the drawstring allowing the fabric to fall at his feet, uncovering his erection. He was so hard that I barely believed that he was flesh, but steel pipe covered in warm satin. He spasmed and froze for a moment at my touch. Then his hands slipped carefully under my blouse and with gentle fingers he stroked my tight nipple.

  With just that one touch I was left weak! I could do nothing else but groan aloud. Roughly I pushed Alexis to the hard floor and onto his back. He allowed it with hooded golden eyes. I slipped off my shirt and in one motion pulled off my pants and panties.

  Alexis’ mouth was half opened as he drank me in. He didn’t see the remaining scars. He saw me; Kim.

  Carefully I lowered myself onto him. He wasn’t nearly as large as Tony, but he was still formidable and otherworldly in size.

  Alexis threw his head back and groaned loudly as I slipped over him and lowered myself inch by inch. At the beach house this had been Alexis favorite position; me on top. At the beach house we hadn’t been Vampires. Here it was my Vampire flesh with his. It seemed impossible that our skins had actually never touched this way before. Still it was familiar like the back of my hand but in actuality, this was our first time making love.

  I stopped before he was completely inside of me and leaned forward to plant my hands on each side of his head. He looked at me and brought his hands up to stroke my sides and then he cupped my breast while I arched my pelvis forward forcing him to sink into me quickly.

  He groaned loudly and closed his eyes again. Arching my back, I allowed him to slip almost completely out of me then I rocked my pelvis forward against him until he was completely inside of me again. His hands on my breast tightened until I gasped out half in pain and half in pleasure. He watched me while I rolled my pelvis against him and then I sat up enough so that I could reach behind me to stroke his scrotum.

  Alexis gripped my hips and he matched the motion of my rotating pelvis with his own. Oh, it was so good. He was so completely in me that every spasm inside of me caused him to wince. I pushed him back prone to the floor again, taking control, and then I leaned over him again. He captured my nipple in his mouth and used his tongue to roll over my tight flesh. My whimpers turned to moans and before too long I could feel my throat grow hoarse. I allowed my ass to bounce on him and Alexis released my nipple with a yell. I felt his hands gripping my hips, helping me to bounce until my ass slapped loudly against his scrotum and lap. The rhythmic slapping and the feel of his thick cock filling and stretching me brought an explosive climax. I didn’t even feel it creeping up, it was just suddenly there!

  Every muscle in my lower body tightened and pulsed. I screamed as Alexis repeatedly thrust upward, smoothly at first and then more staccato. Suddenly his cries were mixed with mine and we were coming together. I continued to ride him until I had squeezed every last drop of him into me.

  I collapsed on top of him, with him still full and buried inside of me despite the fact that I had felt the splash of his hot ejaculation. It had been fast but it couldn’t have been more enjoyable.

  Alexis stroked my hair and I felt the tip of his tongue tracing the outline of my ear and then down my neck.

  “I love you.” I murmured. His hand cupped my ass and I could feel him stir inside of me. Manually he manipulated my hips until I was riding him again, but not with my power with his. I allowed him to move my hips as I buried my face into his neck.

  My hunger crept up on me. It was there. I wanted to feed. But I had only fed from him twice and each time had meant something significant. I was afraid of what it would mean. Alexis released my ass and I could feel his head turn towards me. He stroked my hair and I raised enough to look at him.

  “My love, I have one more gift for you. I’m going to take your remaining scars.”

  I moved to rise off of him but he wouldn’t allow it so I had to settle for lying on my side and him on his side facing each other and him still inside of me. I threw my leg over his hip and felt my desire flare up again. But I wasn’t going to be sidetracked.

  “What do you mean take them? What are you going to do with them?”

  His tussled hair was in his eyes and he smiled at me slowly.

  “I’m going to eat them.”

  That one sentence caused me to clench down tight and before I knew it I was rotating my pelvis against his. This time Alexis took control and he rolled me gently onto my back still covering me with his body. The Stone floor was cold and hard against my back but I didn’t have to worry about it for long because he used that super strength to lift me as he sat back on his haunches. I wrapped my legs around him and when he leaned back to plant his hands behind him against the floor I mirrored the movement. We were each leaned back, connected only by our pelvis. I had never done a move like this before and it felt amazing! He controlled the movement of our pelvises causing me to bounce until my tits were all over the place.

  Alexis’ eyes didn’t know where to look. He stared down to where our pelvises met and how he went in and out of me. He stared at my bouncing breasts, he stared at the ecstasy on my face. Quickly he sat up and gripped me again. Smoothly he lowered me onto my back and with sudden frantic movements he pushed into me. I could feel the stones digging into my back and his hardness impaling me. I cried out as I began to climax again. Alexis bit me and it was totally unexpected. The brief discomfort of the bite caused me to clinch tightly and he climaxed again also.

  “Feed, My Love.” Without a second thought of any consequences I sank my teeth into his neck and fed from him as he fed from me. We were connected in so many ways that when I thought of it it made the orgasm that much more powerful.

  I could feel his blood coursing through my veins just as I could feel the heat of his ejaculation coating my insides.

  His hips continued to pump into me as I took his blood and took his semen. He released his teeth from my neck as I continued to feed. His tongue glided sensually against my neck and I grunted some animal like sound as I drank him in…drank him and squeezed every drop of him into the deepest part of me.

  My arms began to tingle with the power of his blood. My skin crawled and I remembered that his blood was like a
drug; too much would make me drunk. Still he didn’t stop me. He stoked my side as I fed until I was full. Glazed eyed I removed my teeth from his neck and carefully used my tongue to seal the two neat little holes there. His skin was so tender. The feel of it made me want to bite him again. I loved the feel of that tender new skin against my tongue-

  I jumped up. “No.” I stood naked above him. He watched me with contentment. “You’re wearing my scars! You took them for yourself!”

  But even as I said it I was looking at my hands and arms and then I reached up and felt my eyes. The lids were there! My skin was thicker and healed. I stroked the place on my breast that had the sensitive knot of scars that had caused me so much pleasure. That was gone also. The pain that I hadn’t realized I’d been living with for all of these months had completely disappeared.

  I stared at Alexis in shock. His alabaster skin was now pink like a newborn’s. The skin on his hands were mottled and gnarled in a way that was familiar to me because not too long ago my own hands had looked like that. But it was his beautiful eyes that got me. His eyelids were present but were so scared that he could only open them into slits.

  He stood up as I watched him in horror. There were more scars on him then had been on me.

  He looked at his hands curiously. I saw him smile. He met my eyes happily. “This, I can feel. Thank you my love, for giving me so much to feel.”

  “But…You have many more scars then what I had.”

  “No, My love. You had many scars on the inside. I will heal this much quicker then you ever could.” He looked around. “The day is coming to an end and She will awaken soon. You must go.”

  We got dressed.

  “I’m going to come back when the sun rises-”

  “No. She will surely know if you do. I want you on the other side of the ocean before the next sunrise. I will keep myself blocked from her for that long but after that she will know. I will try to be selective with my memories but it will be difficult. Don’t make it more difficult-”

  “But I can’t wait 1000 years before I can see you again.”

  “No, not 1000 years 250 years before I can leave this place.”


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