Smut University: The Complete Series

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Smut University: The Complete Series Page 6

by Kahlen Aymes

  "What the fuck?" I exclaimed incredulously, before walking outside to find my friend. I gathered myself in the few seconds it took to find her.

  Michelle was sucking on a lollipop as if she hadn’t a care in the world while she waited for me under the big oak in the courtyard directly in front of the building. She pulled it out of her mouth with a “pop” as I approached. “Well? What’d ya get? I got a C minus,” she pouted with a shrug. “But, I’m no writer, so I guess I can live with that.”

  “I don’t know, yet” I said, unceremoniously dumping my book bag on the ground at my feet and frantically shoving the paper inside. “I haven’t looked.” I didn’t know how to interpret the handsome professor’s message of nada and I was reeling from how he made me feel from just standing in front of him. I wasn’t sure I could tell her without a rant.

  “What? Why not?” she asked, then promptly returned the sucker to her mouth.

  I changed my mind and pulled the assignment back out of the bag, hoping she’d be able to offer some help sorting it out.

  I began flipping through the pages, searching for any mark-up, or notations just in case I’d missed any before. There were none.

  “It doesn’t say one damn thing. No notes, no grade; nothing!” I looked at her and then unzipped my bag and unceremoniously shoved the failed assignment inside. “I guess I failed.”

  “Why do you say that?” Michelle asked perplexed, as we started to walk across campus.

  “I just have a funny feeling,” I said casually, not sure what to say. The man had an effect on me that I’d never felt before. He didn’t touch me, he hadn’t said or done anything improper, but I’d felt like he had.

  Michelle giggled. “Honey, I think we all got that funny feeling from the man,” she teased. “My ovaries explode every time he walks into the lecture hall.”

  “Yeah, but he wants to see me in his office tomorrow morning. I mean, the way he looked at me… His eyes. It was like he burned me or something. He’s so intense.”

  “And, hotter than hell,” Michelle added pointing out the obvious. “Don’t forget that part. Could that be why you’re feeling that way?”

  “That, or I’m scared shitless that he may rip my writing to shreds,” I lamented.

  “Well… I’d like to rip his clothes to shreds,” Michelle said suggestively, wagging her eyebrows.

  “Okay, Brandy,” I admonished with a short laugh.

  “I wouldn’t be complaining about being in a room alone with him, if I were you. Whatever the reason might be. Can I read it? I might not be a New York Times bestseller, but I’m sure I’ll be able to tell if it’s better than C minus quality. I thought I did well, and I got a damn C minus! I mean, it wasn’t as if I wrote ‘See Jack. See Jill. See Jack hump. See Jack hump Jill. See Jill suck Jack’s dick,’” Michelle stated casually, her head cocking from one side to the other as she teased. “Oh, wait—” she looked at me with a mock innocent expression; both eyebrows arching up. She pointed in my direction. “Did you?”

  She was grinning from ear to ear and we glanced at each other than both started roaring with laughter.


  I stood on the outside of Dr. Michaels office door with butterflies in my stomach and my mind racing. I stood there staring at the wooden door with the opaque glass panel on the top half trying to calm the fuck down.

  My eyes ran over the two-hundred-plus-year-old door that had Dr. Jaxon Michaels, Associate Professor of Writing written across the opaque glass in black letters. Associate professor? I’d asked myself how someone as prolific and successful as this man could be labeled with the word “associate” when looking through the schedule of classes before registration at the end of last semester and even more so now; after seeing him in action during class.

  Just a few feet in front of me were two things I found absolutely intimidating; the most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on, and the answer to whether my writing was utter shit.

  Oh, God! I felt like I was about to throw up.

  I could feel my heart beating like a clicking stopwatch. I forced myself to raise my hand and knock lightly on the door, knowing he wasn’t the type to tolerate lateness. I had my computer and the ungraded assignment in the backpack slung over my right shoulder. I glanced down at my sweaty hands and rubbed them together, rubbing them on the thighs of my black leggings.

  “Come in,” the deep voice said from the other side of the door. It wasn’t overly loud, but I could tell he had elevated his normal tone.

  I sucked in a deep sigh and exhaled. “Here goes,” I said under my breath.

  My hand closed around the brass knob and turned it, using it to push the door halfway open. I peered inside, taking in the bookcases packed with leather-bound volumes and another heavy desk by the window that overlooked the central courtyard of the university. It was distinctly masculine with dark wood and a brown and navy-blue color scheme. The horizontal blinds were turned half closed to regulate the amount of light and the heady scent of his musky cologne permeated the air. The professor was looking gorgeous as usual, sitting behind the desk and speaking to someone on the phone. He glanced up casually, motioning me to come fully inside and indicated I should sit down in one of the small dark brown leather chairs opposite the large desk. It was worn, as if it had been part of the university long before Professor Michaels.

  “Great. Okay. Yes, I’ll see you there. I have to go; a student just came in.”

  As he finished his call, I took him in, scanning all the parts of him that weren’t hidden behind the massive piece of furniture. His suit jacket hung on a hanger on the coat tree in one corner, his tie lay in a pile on top of his desk; the sleeves of his white button down were rolled up to the elbows showing strong, sinewy forearms, and two buttons at his throat were undone, the shadow there hinting at hidden delights. His shoulders were broad, his chest and arms muscled, the combination causing his tailored dress shirt to stretch tautly across his body. I swallowed, hoping he hadn’t noticed how he affected me.

  I moved forward and slowly took the seat he intended, feeling self-conscious in my manner of dress as he watched every move I made. Although I’d made extra effort, I was still dressed casually, but the leggings and V-neck top hugged my body. It was still early in the semester and the weather was warm, so no coat was necessary. His eyes raked over my curves like a physical caress and a shiver ran through me. Goddamn, I thought. If he can cause quivers in my nether regions with just a look, what would happen if he touched me.

  He licked his sensuous lips like a lion ready to dive into a pile of steak. I wondered if he knew how every movement of his eyes and mouth made me quake? Was he just naturally seductive? Jesus, he was hot.

  “Seriously, I have to go. Yeah, yeah, I will,” he said impatiently into the phone. “Bye.”

  He hung up and I waited in silence for him to speak. He sat back in his chair, tenting his fingers and studying me, making me even more uneasy. I stiffened; my back straightening as I perched on the chair’s edge.

  “Stop looking at me like I’m going to eat you, Miss Tomms,” he said, his deep voice washing over me as his eyes never wavered from my face.

  Aren’t you? I wondered.

  I cleared my throat gently. “I apologize, Professor,” I said. “I guess I’m a little worried about what you want to discuss.”

  His eyes narrowed and two deep dimples appeared in both cheeks as the corners of his mouth were tugged into the start of a smile. His skin was bronzed so his white teeth were a brilliant contrast and his deep blue eyes were piercing.

  He was so stunning that my heart literally stopped. His pictures didn’t do him justice, and seeing him from a hundred feet away, even the past Friday when he’d handed back my assignment didn’t prepare me for this moment when we were one-on-one.

  “You were so much braver the first day of class,” he observed. “Why are you acting like a little bird now?”

  “I-I’m sorry,” I stammered. “I mean; I beg your pardon, but
the lack of grade has me anxious.” I met his eyes directly, unwilling to let him think I would cower no matter what he was about to tell me.

  He nodded, his tented fingers bouncing off each other a couple of times; his unwavering gaze still intense. “I guess that was a dick move on my part, but it wasn’t meant to scare you, I just wanted you.” His words were deliberate, causing a shiver to skitter over my skin like electricity. Sex oozed off of him and my body involuntarily reacted, and I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. “Here, in my office.” The glint in his eyes became more pronounced as he silently dared me to read into his words.

  He studied my reaction. “Your piece was very good, but I’d like to read the rest of it.”

  My mouth fell open in disbelief and my hand rose to the base of my throat. “huh-how?” I shook my head. “I mean, how do you know there’s more?”

  He flashed another brilliant smile then his face took on a wry expression. “Please,” he scoffed wryly. “I’m a writer, Addison. There’s a big backstory to that scene. May I call you Addison?” He leaned forward again, putting his elbows on his desk and lacing the fingers of both hands together on its surface.

  “Yes, sir,” I said. “Of course.”

  “As I said, the story is certainly compelling, and you did accomplish the objective set forth in the assignment.”

  His eyes bore into me. Did he mean I’d turned him on? I wondered, swallowing hard. “Does that mean—”

  “It means you made me feel it. I was already intrigued by you after you had the balls to answer the question no one else was, but after reading your piece, well…” Dr. Michaels shook his head in disbelief. “Suffice it to say, you left me with a serious problem that needed addressing.”

  Heat rushed up from my neck over my face in a flush at his honesty, but I couldn’t help the little smile that was pulling at the corners of my mouth. Was this actually happening? This was amazing. Was Jax Michaels saying I’d managed to turn him on? “Really?” A soft giggle erupted from me. “That’s awesome!”

  “Don’t look so shocked. That was the objective of the assignment.” His left eyebrow arched provocatively, as he offered a sexy smile and a nod. “I just didn’t expect what I got.”

  “Wow,” I breathed. Suddenly, it was as if the temperature inside the office had risen to a hundred degrees

  “Yes, wow,” he agreed. “I’ve read it three times, and always with the same result.” He was throwing down the gauntlet. “I haven’t ever had this kind of reaction to any of my student’s submissions in the past, or any published work I’ve had the occasion to read, for that matter. A-plus,” he admitted. “Well done.”

  Every woman who read Jaxon Michaels words or came within a hundred yards of him personally swooned, and I found myself just as helpless in the glow of his massive sexuality. Top it off, he was charming, and I found myself unable to resist the deep blue pools of his eyes. And the cherry on top was; I’d aroused him. Three times. I bit my lip.

  I had to admit that no one with girlie parts stood a snowball’s chance in hell of ignoring the magnetism he exuded.

  I couldn’t help but smile demurely. “Thank you, Dr. Michaels! You don’t know how much that means coming from you. I’ve read all of your books and I think you’re just… I mean, your books being bestsellers is not a fluke.”

  “I see,” he said seriously. He rose from his chair and walked around the desk, sitting on the corner as he’d done several times during class, only this time he was near, looming above me and looking down, a serious look on his face. “And, were you equally affected?”

  My eyes rose to his face and my sex clenched; knowing what he was asking. Was he asking…?

  “I’ll know if you’re lying to me,” he accused. “Either way.”

  This was dangerous territory. I was sure the school had rules against fraternization between students and faculty, but even if I could convince him I wasn’t turned on when I read his words, I didn’t want to. “I was,” I admitted, noting the satisfied expression that crossed his gorgeous face. I cleared my throat that tried to redirect the conversation. “You’re writing is incredible. I’m blown away that you liked my piece.”

  His wrists were crossed over the knee hooked over the edge of his desk. “I more than liked it, Addison.” His intense gaze studied me, gauging my reaction. If he reached for me, I knew I’d push my backpack to the floor and jump into his arms and lose myself to the fantasy. I’d never been so moved by a man who hadn’t even touched me or spoken more than a few words to me. I’d never been tempted to drop down and go for it, scruples and consequences be damned, but I would in this moment if he asked. Today. Right here. Did he feel the attraction as fiercely as I did, or was it just my words that moved him? I should want it to be my work, but I found myself hoping it was both. The need to know the answer was eating at me.

  “What now?” I asked boldly, never breaking eye contact.

  “Mmmm, well,” he sighed heavily. “First, you need to answer me; how much more is there to the story?”

  I nodded. “I’m working on a full-length novel. I took an excerpt and used it as the first assignment because I wanted your opinion.”

  “My opinion is that it’s well-written and sexy as fuck. I want to see where you’re taking it. From now on, though, I need you to write new work for the assignments or you won’t learn anything. And, respect the assigned word count. If what I read wasn’t so damn amazing, I would have taken points off for not following instructions.”

  If the ardor in his eyes would have lessened, I would have been duly chastised. Instead, I was mesmerized. “Yes, sir,” I said breathlessly. “It won’t happen again.”

  He nodded, seemingly unable to take his eyes off of me, pausing for a few seconds in contemplation of his next words. I felt vulnerable; and my chin involuntarily arched up so I could meet his eyes at his elevation above me.

  “Fuck, this is going to be tough.” The words almost ripped from him. He ran a hand through his hair impatiently before he got up suddenly and retreated back behind his desk to take his seat. His abruptness startled me.

  “What do you mean?” I asked cautiously. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “Don’t you?” he asked, impatiently.

  I didn’t want to presume, so all I could do was shake my head, however my heart started to pound like a bass drum inside my chest.

  “I think you do, but I’ll spell it out for you. I want to mentor you. I want to help you get signed with an agent so you can get your work published, but the attraction I feel is—” he stopped to regroup. “The heat you bring to your writing is extremely stimulating, Addison. I don’t want you to think I’m doing that to get into your pants. I could survive rumors about us. I could even deal with the university barring me from teaching, but I don’t want you to get stigmatized or shunned by publishers before you’ve even gotten your career off the ground.”

  Holy fuck! I wasn’t sure if I was happy or discouraged by his words. “I wouldn’t think that—” I began. “That you wanted anything… sexual, I mean.”

  “Well, you should, because working closely together on something as sexy as this… I’m not going to lie about the attraction I feel. You’re a beautiful woman, and any red-blooded male would want you just looking at you, but your words… slay me. I’ve never wanted to be living what I was reading more. That’s serious talent, and that alone is…” His words dropped off as he struggled for words his hands turned palm up and then clenched. “Seductive as hell.”

  I was astonished as he turned his back and shoved his hands into his pants pockets and stared out the window. In the first week of class, I’d learned he had two nervous habits; running his hand through his thick mop of hair and shoving his hands in his pockets. “I was drawn to you when you had the guts to speak out when no one else did. I thought you were beautiful, and after I read your words; well, I can’t picture us working together without—.” He paused before continuing. “Well, without temptation becoming an i
ssue. I can smell you from across the room, Addison. It’s all I can do to keep my distance.”

  I sucked in my breath, unable to move, my mouth going dry at the prospect, not sure I wanted him to. I was just as affected but didn’t know what I should say. “I understand. I find your books… the same.”

  His jaw firmed and he nodded. “So, it’s doubly dangerous. I want to work with you, but I’ll be hard-pressed to keep my hands off of you. I need you to know going in,” he said, still looking out over the campus. “That things could get… hot.”

  I sat, frozen, breathing hard as I tried to figure out what to say. Was this real?

  “Okay,” was all I could manage. “But, I’d be an idiot to pass up the opportunity to learn from you.”

  His head whipped around, and he turned his body so that he could face me. “All weekend I’ve been thinking I’m out of my fucking mind for even considering it. My integrity insists that I not touch you, but I don’t know if that’s possible.”

  “I understand,” I said as calmly as I could manage. “Only, is this, um… usual, for you?” I wanted to know if he made a habit of seducing a female student and sleeping with her for the semester under the guise of encouragement.

  A muscle in his jaw started to work as if he was clenching his teeth. “No. There is nothing usual about it. It’s a first for me. You’re… one of a kind.”

  “How do I know that?”

  He shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to trust me. Can’t you feel it? The sexual energy between us? The thing that makes it dangerous is that it’s intellectual as well. Like what you wrote; the air is vibrating.”


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