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Wrath Page 18

by K'wan

  The only good thing that came out of the whole situation was that Janette had finally decided to get some help for her drug problem. With some help from Fat Moe, they were able to get her into a treatment program. She’d had some relapses, but every time she fell off the horse, she would get right back on it. Eventually, it became easier. Janette still puffed weed from time to time and had the occasional glass of wine, but her days of shooting heroin were over.

  “Hey, Ma.” Jonas startled her.

  “Boy, why don’t you make any noise when you walk?” Janette scolded him.

  “Sorry. I’m surprised to see you in here cooking. That’s usually Sweets’s job. Where is she?” Jonas asked.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since this morning when she came to drop some cash off on me. She said she had some running around to do,” Janette told him.

  Seems like Sweets was doing a lot of running around lately. She was hardly home anymore since she and Drew had officially become an item. The sheepish young girl who had always spent her days in the house attending to her siblings was now going out to dinners at fancy restaurants and attending parties. Jonas was never really comfortable with Drew dating his sister. Not because he was a bad dude or mistreated his sister; in fact, Drew treated her like a princess. Jonas’s problem with Drew was that he was a dog. He had other women on the side, but Sweets was wifey, and he made sure they all knew it.

  “Let me get a cigarette.” Janette wiped her hands on a dish towel. Jonas fished a Newport from his pack and handed it to her. She lit it and took a deep pull. “So, where you just coming from?” She gave him a suspicious look.

  “Nowhere. I was out on the stoop talking to Ace,” Jonas told her.

  “That one there,” Janette scoffed. “They should’ve kept his troublesome ass in jail.”

  “C’mon, Ma. You know we don’t wish death or jail on anybody. How come you don’t like any of my friends?”

  “That’s not true. I love that handsome Prince. Even Mula’s little mischievous ass is all right with me. It’s just Ace that rubs me the wrong way. Every time you get into something, he’s always involved somehow.”

  “That’s not true,” Jonas disputed her.

  “The hell it ain’t! Need I remind you about that business with the boy who got hurt in the motel?”

  “That’s just one instance.”

  “Okay, so how about the thing with those boys last summer?” Janette folded her arms.

  Jonas had almost forgotten about that. One day, he and Ace had been out on the stoop shooting the breeze when some guys from the Polo Grounds came around looking for Ace. At the time, Jonas didn’t know what the beef was over, and it didn’t matter to him. Outsiders had come to their neighborhood looking for trouble, and he happily gave it to them. When Jonas pulled his gun and started shooting, the boys took off running. Jonas would find out later that the whole thing had been over Ace sleeping with the girlfriend of one of the guys.

  “I’m still amazed that the police never came and carted you off, especially since you were out there shooting that gun in front of the whole damn neighborhood.”

  Jonas shrugged. “I guess I got lucky.”

  “You seem to get lucky a lot. Just know that every streak comes to an end. That’s a lesson you’ll learn firsthand if you don’t stop throwing stones at the penitentiary,” Janette warned. She was about to say something else when she suddenly went into a fit of coughing. It was so violent that Jonas had to pat her back to clear her airways. She had been coughing a lot lately.

  “That cough sounds like it’s getting worse. Why don’t you let me take you to the doctor?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing. I’m just getting over a cold, that’s all,” Janette said as if it were nothing.

  Just then, Jonas felt a vibration in his pocket. He pulled out the two cell phones he kept on him at all times. One was one of those expensive smart phones, and the other was a cheaper model. Only one person had that number. He looked at the screen and saw that it was a text message with an address and a time. “Ma, I gotta go take care of something real quick.”

  “I got some pork chops on. You eating dinner here tonight?” Janette asked.

  “I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try,” he said honestly. It would be awhile before he had to tend to the business from the text message, but he wasn’t sure how long he would be indisposed afterward.

  “Okay, I’ll give you a pass today, but tomorrow, I want us all to sit down as a family and have dinner,” Janette told him. “Be sure and tell Yvette if you happen to come across her in your dealings.”

  “I got you, Ma.”

  “And, Jonas, you be careful out there. The streets ain’t nothing nice,” Janette warned.

  “Neither am I,” he winked and left.

  * * *

  When Jonas got back outside, Ace and Mula were gone, but Tavion was sitting on the stoop. He had almost forgotten that he sent the boy on a weed run. He wasn’t alone, though. Jewels was with him. She was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans, a short leather jacket, and Tims, untied. Her long, black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, showing off her pretty face. Jewels looked nothing like the tomboy he used to sneak into his room at night.

  “What it do?” Jonas greeted Jewels.

  “Whatever I tell it to,” she replied, as was their custom. Time and communication had healed their fractured relationship.

  “Damn, I thought you forgot about me,” Tavion said.

  “My fault. Do me a solid. Go up to my crib and give it to Anette,” Jonas told him.

  “How you gonna send me to the spot and not even let me smoke?” Tavion was disappointed.

  “You sound like a real crackhead right now,” Jonas teased him. “Here,” he handed him another twenty. “Go grab yourself something. I gotta make a run.”

  “Well, give me a few minutes to drop the weed off, and I’ll go with you,” Tavion offered.

  “Not this time, grasshopper. I’ll come check you when I come back.”

  “A’ight, man.” Tavion pouted and went into the building.

  “That boy follows you around like a lost puppy,” Jewels joked.

  “Tavion is a good kid. So, what’s up with you?”

  “Wondering why you stood me up this morning,” Jewels replied.

  “My fault. I had something to do that took a little longer than expected. I’ll make it up to you,” he promised.

  “Damn right you will. You better not be out here letting none of these hood rats sample my product.” Jewels grabbed his dick through his jeans.

  “Stop playing.” Jonas shoved her away playfully.

  “Ain’t nobody playing. I ain’t got no problem putting something hot in one of these hoes,” Jewels said seriously and flashed the small handgun that was tucked in her jacket pocket.

  Jewels was crazy as hell, and that’s what Jonas loved about her. For a while, things had been awkward between Jewels and him. He had been holding a grudge over her choosing to hang out with Ace over him that night but never said anything. Jewels had always just assumed that he was just like the rest of the guys and lost interest after he got what he wanted from her. The truth would come out one night at a house party they both ended up at.

  Jonas had never been big on parties, but this night, Ace had convinced him to come out. Some girl Ace knew on 129th Street was hosting the party. It seemed like everyone from the neighborhood was there. Jonas had been in the corner nursing a drink when he saw Jewels walk in. He watched her work the room, receiving love from the homies and dirty looks from the girls. Jewels was very well respected in Harlem, especially since she had gotten into the robbery game. She had hooked in with a crew of bandits, and they were jacking everything in the hood that wasn’t nailed down. Rumor had it that Jewels had even robbed one of Drew’s workers, but it was never confirmed.

  He had successfully managed to avoid Jewels for most of the night, but she cornered him in the bathroom. Jonas had dipped off to take a leak but
made the mistake of not locking the door. He had just whipped his dick out to relieve himself when she slipped into the bathroom after him.

  “What the fuck?” Jonas accidentally sprayed piss on the bathroom floor.

  “It ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before,” Jewels said playfully. Her eyes were red and glassy. She had been smoking and drinking all night.

  “Can I get a little privacy?” Jonas asked with an attitude. He tried to push Jewels out of the bathroom, but she didn’t budge.

  “What is your problem lately? For the last few months, you’ve been avoiding me, and when we do see each other, you act like I did something to you.”

  “I’m good,” Jonas lied. “You might wanna get out of here, though. I don’t want Ace to catch us and get the wrong idea.”

  “Why would you think I give a fuck about what Ace thinks?” Jewels asked confused. And then it hit her. “Wait. You think I’m fucking Ace?”

  “Ain’t my business who you’re fucking.” Jonas tried to leave, but she blocked his exit.

  “Jonas, I’ve only slept with two people in my life; the guy I lost my virginity to and you!”

  “So, you’re telling me that night I left you and Ace on the stoop y’all didn’t do anything?” he pressed her.

  “Yeah, got sky high! I can’t believe you thought I would go out like that. I might be a lot of things, but I’m no whore!” Her eyes flashed hurt.

  Jonas suddenly felt like a real asshole. That whole time he had hated Jewels for something she didn’t even do. “I’m sorry. I just thought—”

  “But you didn’t ask!” Tears welled in her eyes. She tried to leave the bathroom, but Jonas grabbed her by the arm. “Get off me.” She tried to jerk away, but he held fast.

  “I’m sorry, Jewels. I’m really sorry.” He hugged her to him.

  “Of all people, I would never do you like that. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids,” Jewels sobbed into his chest.

  “I didn’t know,” he said sincerely.

  “And that’s my problem. Everybody seemed to know except you.”

  Jonas raised her head so that she was forced to look at him. There was so much pain behind her eyes that he felt it in his soul. That moment was like he was seeing Jewels for the first time, and she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He had no words to express what he was feeling, so he did what came naturally and kissed her. That night, in the bathroom, was the second time he and Jewels had sex. It was also the beginning of what would go on to become a very complicated relationship. They never put a label on it, but they had an understanding.

  Jonas eventually accepted Jewels back into the crew. She proved to be quite the asset. Jewels was always down to bust a move, and she never much minded what it was, so long as it paid. Eventually, Jewels taught Jonas about diversifying his income and turned him on to the art of the jux. In turn, he showed Jewels her first dead body. They were a perfect match.

  * * *

  “So, you gonna come through and break me off later?” Jewels asked.

  “Of course. I gotta go see somebody right quick,” Jonas told her.

  “Who? One of these little bitches who are always chasing you and Ace around?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Nah, nothing like that. I gotta go see my guy,” Jonas told her. It was only partially a lie. He did have to follow up with the text, but he had something else to do first.

  “Oh.” Jewels knew who he meant without him having to say. She was one of the few people he had ever confided in about his guardian angel. She’d even met him once, and he gave her the creeps. “You be careful, Jonas.”

  “You sound like my mother,” he laughed.

  “We both can’t be wrong. But seriously, though, watch yourself. I don’t trust white people as a rule, and I trust cops even less.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m good,” he assured her. “So, what you gonna do for the rest of the day?”

  “I gotta go check on my uncle. He’s in the hospital again,” Jewels told him.

  This surprised Jonas. “Is he okay?”

  “Yeah, he was complaining about chest pains, so I took him to the emergency room last night. They decided to keep him. I keep telling that fool to watch all that grease and fried shit, but he doesn’t listen.”

  “You know Fat Moe loves to eat. Send him my love and tell him I’ll try to get over there to see him. Let me get out of here, so I’m not late. I’ll call you when I’m back on the block.” He planted a quick peck on her lips and left.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Jonas felt like a stalker, sitting across the street from Alex’s building. He had been there for nearly two hours.

  He wasn’t sure why he had decided to go against his sister’s advice and came to seek Alex out. It had been years since they had seen or spoken to each other. She had written to him twice from Georgia. Nothing too heavy, just reaching out about where she was and how she was doing. She was clearly trying to open up a dialogue. Jonas never responded. It wasn’t for lack of wanting to, but what was he supposed to say? Back then, he had been a kid with a lot of bottled up anger and resentment toward the world. He hadn’t looked at it as her parents making her leave, only that she was gone. It wasn’t until he was older and had a little more experience with the world that he would come to understand her parents had done the best thing for her by sending her away. He was proof that nothing good came out of their neighborhood.

  Jonas was about to call the whole thing off and leave when he saw a car pull to a stop in front of Alex’s building. The only reason he even paid any attention to it was because it looked so tacky. The car itself was nice, a pearl-white Lexus, but the gaudy rims the driver had fitted it with totally took away from the quality of the car. The driver had to either be from out of town or just watched too many rap videos.

  He spotted Alex in the passenger’s seat. It had been years since they had seen each other, but her face was still almost exactly the same. She now wore her hair in a short, natural cut. He had never seen her with short hair, but it looked good on her. He watched from his hiding place as the driver said something to her which made her giggle. Jonas’s face immediately flushed. The sight of her with another guy still made him jealous. Maybe Anette had been right, and he should have left it alone. He continued to watch as Alex and the dude behind the wheel exchanged a few last words. When she leaned in, Jonas braced himself to see her kiss him and hoped that he could keep himself from throwing up. Much to his relief, she just hugged him and got out. The driver waited until she had made it safely in the building before pulling off. This was when Jonas made his move.

  He hustled across the street, nearly getting hit by a car. Alex was just getting on to the elevator when he entered the lobby. “Hold that!” he called out. The door was closing when he threw his hand out to stop it.

  When the elevator door slid open, and their eyes met, time stood still. Alex’s face was the same, but the rest of her had changed considerably. Her ironing board flat body had sprouted curves, concentrating on her hips and ass. Looking at her, Jonas finally understood the expression Coke-bottle figure. It was a moment straight out of a movie, even with violins playing in the back of his mind.

  “Jonas?” Alex broke the heavy silence.

  Jonas studied her, pretending he was trying to place her face and hadn’t been stalking her. “Is that Alex? Oh, shit! I didn’t expect to bump into you.”

  “I could say the same.” Alex looked at him as if she could see through the lie. “What are you doing in this neighborhood?”

  “I got a friend that lives in the building,” he lied. “What’s up? Give me some love.” He spread his arms.

  Alex hesitated but only for a moment before walking into his embrace. He smelled of weed and cigarettes, but it felt good for her to be in familiar arms. “Wow, little Jonas Rafferty . . . Well, you ain’t so little anymore,” she admired him.

  “I’m not the only one who’s grown up.” Jonas gave her the once-over. “That count
ry cooking has been good to you.”

  “Stop. I’m already self-conscious about the weight I’ve put on,” she blushed.

  “Nah, it suits you. So, you back home for good or just the summer?” he asked.

  “Just the summer. It’s been awhile since I’ve been back to the old neighborhood.”

  “You don’t come visit your people?” Jonas asked, remembering what Anette had said about her coming home before and not bothering to reach out.

  “I’ve only been here once . . . maybe twice since I moved. Mostly, my folks come down to visit me. They act like they don’t want me in the city since . . . what happened,” Alex told him. For a minute, there was sadness in her eyes, as if she remembered her brother, but it quickly passed. “So, what have you been up to?”

  Jonas shrugged. “Nothing, just trying to stay out of the way.”

  “I hope you’re staying out of trouble in the process.”

  “I’m a Boy Scout.” Jonas raised his hand in mock salute.

  “Tell me anything,” Alex laughed. “You’re developing quite the reputation, Wrath,” she said knowingly.

  “How did you—” he began.

  “My parents,” Alex cut him off. “They keep me abreast of current events.”

  “Didn’t realize they still kept tabs,” Jonas said, feeling a bit ashamed. Before the incident with Black, the Hightowers had always seen him as the good one of the crew. He could only imagine what they thought of him now.

  “Just because you aren’t one of my parents’ favorite people doesn’t mean they’re not concerned about you . . . all of you guys. They’ve watched you grow from kids to what you are now.”

  The statement hadn’t been an accusation or judgment, but it felt like both.


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