Love's Distance

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Love's Distance Page 10

by Flynn Eire

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Lynx chuckled as he wrapped one arm around Bowie’s waist and kissed his neck. “I came to chew out Sam for talking Helios into blocking the rest of us from approaching you with play challenges even, and he told me you had a fantasy he wanted to give you.”

  “He did?” Bowie panted, his eyes wide. I nodded, smiling as I stepped away.

  “Lynx knows we’re only taking this as far as you want, and we’re just testing the waters. This can be real and your perfect fantasy, hon. I will not only always protect you but give you everything you want and need.”

  “I don’t know what I need,” he admitted.

  “Do you trust me?” I smiled when he nodded. “Tease his hole and kiss his neck, Lynx. He loves that and I want to see it.”

  “Jesus, Lasam,” Bowie whimpered. “Are you sure? Are we okay to do this? I mean, we just got back together, right? Or are we even—”

  “Do you love me?” I murmured as I stepped forward and cupped his cheek. Lynx moved away to squirt some of the medical lube I’d left out on his fingers. Bowie’s eyes went saucer wide and I knew the answer but also that he was too scared to say. “Bowie, I love you. I have since I found you in the woods, hon. All this time, distance, and everything else in between hasn’t changed that. That’s how I know this is real. I love you enough to try watching another man please you when I’m not sure I’m going to like it.”

  “I’m not sure I’m going to either,” he admitted.

  “Then we’ll find out together.”

  He nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before they popped back open. “I love you, Lasam.”

  It was an odd time for us to finally say it, but I didn’t care. It was everything I’d wanted to hear. I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. We did for a few minutes, but then Bowie gasped, and I figured Lynx had gotten impatient. Sure enough his arm moved between Bowie and me so I stepped away.

  “I’m right here, love,” I reminded him, my heart soaring that I could now use the different term of endearment with him. “We stop anytime you want.”

  “Or you,” he moaned as he reached behind him and threw an arm around Lynx’s neck. “I don’t want this if it hurts you.”

  And I fell even deeper in love with him. Most men would have taken the free pass and run with it, not worried about what damage it could cause because they were off the hook. But not my Bowie.

  “I promise.”

  “Oh god, oh god,” Bowie whimpered. “His fingers are bigger than yours and nothings been inside me since you.”

  “You didn’t play the whole time you were away from me?” I asked, shocked someone so young and virile would hold out like that.

  “Didn’t want to. Barely even jacked off. I missed you too much to get wound up.”

  “You fuck up again and I’m stealing him,” Lynx muttered.

  “I won’t,” I swore right then and there. I would do better by Bowie if it killed me because he deserved nothing but. I moved even further back and sat on the rolling stool, the same one I’d watched him come undone on so many years ago. It truly was a sight to behold, and I wasn’t the least bit jealous Lynx was the one doing it to Bowie.

  Because I knew he was mine.

  Bowie bit his lip when Lynx did something, slumping against the man as he shook. The moment I saw him draw blood, I had two reactions… One, I wanted to lick it up. Two, I felt him hurt and couldn’t stand that. I quickly moved to them and pulled Lynx’s belt off, putting it in Bowie’s mouth.

  “As much as I love to hear you scream, we have people in the clinic,” I murmured. He nodded, his eyes completely glazed over. I took my stool again and watched Bowie’s hips move as if Lynx were banging him, knowing it was only his fingers.

  But one thing was confirmed, Bowie held out longer than he did with me. So it was my touch that broke him apart so quickly. Damn that made me feel forty feet tall and like a god. When he did climax, I was completely enthralled by the sight, every muscle, every line of his body tight with his pleasure.

  Bowie’s eyes snapped open when he started to come down from it, and I saw something in them I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “Do you want to try something else?” He gave a slight nod. “Do you want me involved?” This time it was a full, hurried nod. “Come suck your man’s cock, love.” The heat that filled his eyes told me it was exactly what he wanted. He pulled away from Lynx, moaning as he spit out the belt, and dropped to his knees in front of me.

  “I wanted to do this to you the day we met,” he rasped as he moved his hands to my thighs, pulling me closer on the stool. “I wanted to please the god of a man who touched me and was so kind to me.”

  “You were so beautiful, just as you are now. Words don’t do you justice, love,” I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled down the front of my scrub pants and Bowie licked his lips, making me shiver.

  “What about me?” Lynx mumbled.

  Right. I’d forgotten about him.

  “That’s up to you,” I assured Bowie when he shot me a questioning look. He glanced over his shoulder at Lynx before looking back at me. “Do you want him to take you?” I saw it in his eyes that the answer was yes. “I’m okay with it if you are. We’re playing together, love. It’s not cheating or anything wrong if it’s what we want, but never alone.”

  “No, only together,” he agreed. Then he glanced back at Lynx again and nodded.

  The man didn’t need to be told twice. He moved behind Bowie and I scooted down awkwardly on the stool for Bowie as he sucked down the head of my cock. Then he screamed around it as Lynx thrust into him.

  “What the—” I snarled.

  “He was stretched,” Lynx assured me with a grunt. “I had three fingers in him before. His ass is just that sensitive.” I focused back on Bowie and realized he was sucking hard on my cock, incredibly turned on by what Lynx had done.

  Okay then.

  “That’s it, love on my cock,” I groaned as I ran my fingers through his hair, the soft strands driving me nuts in contrast to the wet heat of his mouth. His golden eyes stared up at me, and I saw a deep want in them. I had a feeling I knew what but… “You told me not to pull your hair anymore.” He shook his head. “Can I now since we’re okay?”

  He pulled off my cock with a slurp. “Yes, please, Lasam. Do whatever you want with me. I’m yours.” He bit back a cry as Lynx thrust into him again. “All yours even as he fucks me. You’re letting him fuck me.”

  “I am,” I growled, his words egging on my possessive side. I stood, gesturing Lynx to pull Bowie up onto his knees. Then I grabbed his hair and pulled him back onto my cock, seeing nothing but bliss in his expression and eyes as he stared up at me.

  Lynx pounded into Bowie’s willing body as I fucked his sweet mouth. We took him to new heights, giving him the fantasy and more with all the orgasms he obviously had from the way he screamed around my cock again and again. Finally I couldn’t hold back anymore, blowing down his throat right before Lynx did in his ass.

  When we were all done, I knelt down in front of Bowie and sat back on my feet, catching him when Lynx pulled out of him. “Did you like?” I asked after a couple of tries.

  “It was the perfect fantasy with you,” he murmured, kissing up my neck. “Not sure I want us to be players like Matteo and Nate, but maybe if we want to be fantasy catchers or something and we have a specific idea in mind—I don’t know.”

  “I like it,” I chuckled as I hugged him tightly. “I did like it though, watching him please you, knowing I had to give permission and the show was for me. It gave me some other ideas and fantasies of my own.”

  Bowie raised an eyebrow at me as he turned in my arms. “Yeah?” I gave a slight nod. “Well, we can’t have you wanting and unfulfilled. You’ve already given me two of my fantasies so just tell me what it is and I’ll make sure we get it done.”

  I pressed my lips to his ear as Lynx took the hint and moved away to get cleaned up on his own. We didn’t mean
to be rude, but this was about us and I had warned him about that.

  “There’s this sexy man in the woods that I loved very much, and the locals have him tied up to a few trees. They’re teasing him, trying to get him to fall for them and all they can give him, but he’s already in love and won’t betray his mate. Then he sees his man and decides that he can have some fun with the locals before his mate rescues him. So—”

  “Mate?” Bowie breathed as I felt his heart rate pick up again.

  I blinked down at him, not having caught I’d let that word slip out. “I love you, Bowie. I told you, I’m all in. After our few weeks of calm, being together, yeah, I’ll totally ask you to move in, mate me, anything I can talk you into because I want everything with you.”

  “I’m gonna need more time.”

  “I know,” I assured him, kissing his cheek. And I did. He was young, it was his first sexual relationship, and we were the real thing. People couldn’t tell when it was real after having a few of them. I’d had hundreds of years of relationships that weren’t real so I could see what was.

  “Okay, so tell me about these locals and the man who loves me enough to rescue me from them,” he murmured, snuggling against me after a moment.

  “Um, I’m going to jet, but if you guys play that game, let me know,” Lynx chuckled. He gave us a quick wave and slipped out the door.

  “You’ve had sex with him before, haven’t you?” Bowie asked, no anger or issue in his tone.

  “Yeah, when he won the challenge and some decades ago. We didn’t work as more than bed buddies, but he’s a good guy with a big heart. We just didn’t click or having anything in common.”

  “We don’t have much in common.”

  “But you want to learn all about what I do and the same goes for me. I’m interested in what you’re up to and I never felt that with Lynx. That’s the difference.”

  “I get it.” I believed him because I saw the understanding in his eyes. “I really do, I swear.” I nodded. “And there’s nothing any local or visitor could say or offer me that would make me stop loving you and want to leave you. I’ve always been in love with you, Lasam. I think I simply needed to know you felt the same.”

  “Thank you, love,” I whispered, my heart weeping and healing all at once. I knew he was talking about Jeremy and that, more than anything he could have said right then, was what I needed to hear. Not just that we were okay in that moment but finally we were on solid ground and the distance between us was closing.

  Hopefully for good.

  10 Bowie

  The next week was the best of my life. Being with Sam was amazing. He woke up early and took care of his cultures, came back and we made love before heading to breakfast. Then I worked with him in the clinic, where I covered for him while he took a nap because some of the time frames kept him up until pretty late or like he started early to spend time with me. We ate with our friends and then some more lab time before we had some hot sex before bed.

  It was perfect. I got to learn so much about him, about the clinic, and honestly I wanted to get permanently assigned to the clinic and be trained as a field medic after learning what I already had… And not just to be around Sam. That would have been a perk, but I liked the medicine side and he said I was good at it.

  When Kevin had come in with a crushed arm from some training exercise he was helping with the non-warriors, Sam had said I’d done a great job not flinching under the pressure of administering drugs, blood, and practically tying Kevin down to the bed so he didn’t make things worse while Sam hurried to get out of his clean room in the lab and to us. I found it all fascinating and with more and more pre-trans coming in and the camp growing in prestige, I thought it made sense for us to have more than one fully trained, permanent medic.

  What I didn’t get was all the lab stuff. I mean, I did to a point, but it was really complicated and definitely took a medical degree and then some to keep up with. When he explained he was trying to cure cancer with the healing properties in our saliva and his little dishes of cultures he was working with—some having cross sections of biopsied tumors—I’d asked if he’d spit in the dishes and why he had to wait so long for results.

  Luckily he’d thought I was kidding so at least that was a plus because I guess it had been a really stupid question. Oh well. We all had our own things we were good or bad at. At least Sam was finally asking for help on the things he was bad at… Like texting or Skype. I told him texting wasn’t hard but it was like anything else, if a person didn’t do it often or never it was frustrating. So when I went to pick up lunch every day, I wouldn’t get his food unless he texted me the order.

  Shockingly enough, he managed. Granted, there were several badly spelled cuss words with it, but he was getting better. He started liking the idea much better when I sent him a naked picture via text. Sometimes it was simply motivating the person.

  Plus, Sam was used to things that were astoundingly complex, like a vampire’s body. I think Skype confused him because it was so simple. As if there were things missing he couldn’t figure out because there had to be more to work from far away to see and hear and get live-stream video or something. I’m not sure, but after I made an account for him and showed him how easy it was, I could tell he was embarrassed.

  I pretended not to see it and showed him how I had it on my phone, so even if I was on assignment, he could call me that way from his lab and see my smiling face.

  He really liked it then.

  Overall, things were awesome. And today was the big day for—well, whatever Sam was trying to figure out with his fancy machines. All I knew was the rest of his cultures were done cooking or something. I kept calling it cooking, because he basically put them back in this oven-looking thing in trays that simulated the human body so he could see what would happen in real life. Whatever, it was the last day of this part of the trial and the results would be in on if it worked or not and where he went from there.

  So it was a big day and I was all excited for him. I’d even gotten our one non-warrior—our full-time cook—who lived at the camp to make a congratulations cake for him. I was heading to pick it up and our lunch when I bumped into the person I kept trying to avoid.

  “Oh, hey, Jer,” I greeted as I kept walking. “Sorry, I’m in a hurry.”

  “That’s cool. I can walk with you.” He fell in step with me and bumped my shoulder. “Been trying to catch you but you’re like a ghost. You okay? You’ve not answered my texts.”

  “Yeah, I’m good. Busy on the clinic detail, and you know, glad things were never over with Sam.”

  “Oh, so that’s for sure then?”

  “It is,” I assured him and then sighed when I saw him frown. “I love him, Jer. It’s always been him. I’m sorry. I thought you knew that.”

  “You didn’t know I liked you until he said something to you, huh?” he blurted out after staring at me a moment.

  “No, I didn’t have a clue.”

  “So we can’t still be friends because I wanted more? Why not just tell me instead of blowing me off like this?”

  “I didn’t mean to. I’ve just never been in this situation,” I muttered, reaching out and pulling open the cafeteria door. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I really have been busy helping Sam and we haven’t seen each other for months.” He bobbed his head, being completely understanding like Jeremy and making me feel like an even bigger asshat. “I do want to spend time with you while you’re here, Jer. I need you to know it’s only as friends though and it’s not going to have Sam trashing time in it.”

  “Like in Denver,” he finished for me as he shot me a smirk. “I can handle just friends, Bowie, but you need to know you’re an idiot. I wasn’t the only one who was into you at my coven. You’re completely oblivious.”

  “So I’m learning. Look, I’ve got this thing today with Sam finishing part of his research but things might calm down a bit or get worse depending on how it turns out. I’m not sure, but ei
ther way, it’s a big deal. Can we hang tomorrow? I’ll start venturing out of the lab when he’s doing some of his solo work instead of just staring at him and studying.”

  “What are you studying? I thought you were a full warrior now?”

  “I am but I think I want to do the extra training to be a medic.” He frowned and I shook my head. “It’s not about Sam or wanting to spend more time with Sam. Being in the clinic this week made me see it was what I wanted. Even if I don’t get assigned there all the time, I liked knowing what to do in a crisis and how to help. I wanna go for it.”

  “Then you should. Text me when you figure out what’s going on and we’ll meet up.” He shot me a weak smile, but at least it was something, and headed off to get a tray. Then he paused and looked over his shoulder. “Tell Sam I said good luck on his results and no hard feelings. He can’t blame me for going after you, I mean, he did.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he still will,” I chuckled, knowing how jealous Sam could be. It was astounding that he was, yet I knew how hot it got him that he’d watched me with Lynx. I mean all I had to do was bring it up and we were naked doing something dirty. I think a big part of it was he asked me if I’d been okay with it and from there I’d left it up to him because I was his.

  I didn’t know but I didn’t think I could be so open-minded about it. If someone had their hands on Sam like that and they told me just to watch, I’d probably rip their head off.

  To each their own.

  I picked up the cake, our lunch, and Sam’s present before hurrying back to the lab. I locked the clinic door since it was a Saturday anyways and we could have some weekend time undisturbed unless there was an emergency, and then I set it all up before heading into the lab.

  Only to find him frowning.

  “So, good results?” I asked, wanting to let him know I was there but also hoping the frown was just him thinking.


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