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by Alan Mikhail

  flight to Portugal, 170–71, 172

  in Istanbul, 179

  in Jerusalem, 179, 296

  in the Mediterranean, 179

  in Muslim lands, 144

  in Ottoman Empire, 166–82, 383

  in Palestine, 179

  repression of throughout Europe, 167, 170, 179

  routes out of Spain, 171

  in Safed, 179

  in Salonica (Thessaloniki), 172–82, 178, 204

  in Spain, 94, 95, 115–16

  welcomed in Ottoman Empire, 172–82, 204

  jihad, 140, 142, 386

  jizya, 143–44, 173

  Joanna, daughter of Isabella and Ferdinand, 112, 345

  João I, 105

  João II, 109, 170–71

  John the Baptist, 91, 285

  Judaism, 179–80. See also Jews

  Justice and Development Party (Ak Parti), 399–400

  the Kaaba, 16, 40

  Kamaran Island, 316, 318

  Karagöz Pasha, 205–6

  Karaman, 81, 83

  Karamanids, 80–82, 227

  Karamani Mehmed Pasha, 33–34

  Kasıms, 41–42, 44

  Kastamonu, 258

  Kayseri, 81, 276

  Kazaks, 221

  Kefe (Kaffa/Feodosia), 97, 99, 212–15, 217–19, 221, 227, 229, 232, 233

  Kemalpaşazade, mufti, 253

  Kemal Reis, 113–14, 278–79, 311, 312, 338, 339, 343, 348

  Khayr Bey, 277–78, 279, 281, 286, 289, 290–91, 308–9, 311

  Kızılbaş (Red-hats), 193, 194, 200, 208

  Knights Hospitaller of St. John, 41, 44–51, 47, 53–54, 57, 90, 101, 263, 278, 311, 329–30, 350

  Konya, 33, 41, 42, 44, 45, 50, 81, 82, 231–32, 242–43

  Korean language, 5

  Korikos (Kızkalesi), 45

  Korkud, 27, 35, 79, 196, 203–7, 211–13, 216, 240–42, 255, 341, 343

  Ahmed’s attack on, 232

  capture and death of, 242

  death of, 245

  Mamluk Empire and, 274–75

  Safavid Empire and, 244

  Selim’s confrontation of, 241–42

  Kublai Khan, 93

  Kurds, 80, 81, 83, 256, 276–77, 291, 400, 402

  Kütahya, 205–6, 207

  Labrador, 268

  Ladino, 177

  ladinos, 152–53, 162

  Lagos, Portugal, 100

  Laranda, 81

  Latin America, Muslims in, 429–30n

  Leo X, Pope, 315, 329, 342, 351, 370–73, 376–77, 378

  Lepanto, Battle of, 372

  Lesbos, 99, 242, 341

  Libya, 308, 338

  Limnos, 98

  El Limona, 160

  Lincoln, Abraham, 391

  Lincoln, Mary, 391

  Lisbon, 104, 109

  Livorno, 150

  London, 100–101

  Luther, Martin, 3, 329, 349, 352, 356, 370–71, 373, 375–81, 376, 383–84, 388

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 34, 82, 245–46

  Madeira, 105, 154, 163

  Malacca, 222, 268, 319, 328

  Málaga, 112, 113

  Malatya, 291

  Malay peninsula, 268

  Mali Empire, 106

  Malta, 112, 350

  Maltepe, 231–32

  mamelucos, 132

  Mamluk army, 50, 286, 288–89, 290, 293, 300, 303–5, 305, 306

  Mamluk Empire, 12, 17, 86, 113, 118, 122, 131, 132, 175, 270–82, 270, 272, 325, 355

  Bayezit and, 275

  Cem and, 38–41, 44, 49–51, 53, 275, 350

  competition for caliphate, 271, 273

  as guardians of Sunnism, 271

  Korkud and, 274–75

  Morocco and, 347

  Ottoman–Safavid war and, 255

  Portuguese Empire and, 313–16

  realignment of power in North Africa and, 343–47

  Safavid Empire and, 254–56, 255, 264–65, 267–68, 282

  Selim’s campaign for Jerusalem and, 284–92, 296, 298–302

  Selim’s conquest of, 303–13, 317, 318, 320, 329, 333, 334, 344, 348, 353, 370, 371, 372

  trade monopoly of, 386

  Mamluk guerrilla warfare, 305–20, 306

  Mamluk navy, 317

  Mandingo Muslims, 162

  Manisa, 204, 207, 212–13, 232, 241–43, 245, 279, 358

  mappamundi (1520), 352, 356

  Mardin, 275

  Marinids, 347

  Marj Dabiq, Battle of, 283, 288, 292, 308

  maroons, 159–60

  Marseille, 97, 172, 338

  the Mary Rose, 222

  mastic, 97–98, 98

  Mataespañois, 135

  Mataindios, 134

  Matamoros, 1–2, 5, 12, 134, 386

  Mather, Cotton, 389

  Maya, 130, 131

  the Mayflower, 387, 388

  Mecca, 7, 39–40, 255, 271, 273, 288, 298, 300, 304–5, 308–9, 313, 315, 370, 381, 402

  Medina, 7, 39–40, 255, 271, 288, 298, 300, 304–5, 309, 313, 315, 370

  the Mediterranean (region), 179, 268, 275, 303–10, 335–53, 360, 372

  Mediterranean Sea, 99, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 122, 273, 281, 299, 330, 381, 402

  Mehemmed Giray, 218–20

  Mehmet I, 418n

  Mehmet II, 7, 10, 11, 22, 25, 38, 45, 64–65, 89, 116–17, 274, 305, 361

  attack on Rhodes, 47–48

  conquest of Constantinople and, 111, 235–36, 273, 400

  death of, 28–30, 31, 33–35, 58, 276

  impact of, 32

  Jews and, 173

  Machiavelli’s assessment of, 246

  Topkapı Palace and, 418n

  Melilla, 336

  Melville, Herman, 391–92

  Mengli Giray, 210, 214–19, 221

  mercenaries, 82–83, 317, 341

  Mevlevi Sufi order, 33

  Mexico, 130, 145, 162, 295, 340, 356

  Middle East, 121, 250, 274–75, 277, 283–302, 314, 318, 320, 324, 394, 396, 402. See also specific nations and empires

  Ming, 78, 94

  minority rule, 65–66, 180–81, 298, 379

  Mocha, 320

  Mohács, Battle of, 365

  Mongols, 78, 80, 93–94, 214

  Moniz, Filipa, 104–5, 139

  Montezuma, 3, 132, 146, 358

  Moors, 12, 54, 104–5, 111, 118, 120, 124

  Christian conceptions of, 1–3, 131–35, 150, 163, 170, 313, 386, 389

  “Moors” and “Turks,” 133, 142–43, 163

  the Requirement (Requerimiento) and, 142–43

  Moravia, 173

  Moriscos, 132–33, 167, 343–44

  Moroccans, 154

  Morocco, 114, 171, 334, 336, 341, 346–49, 353, 355–56, 358, 365

  American writers in, 393–94

  as fulcrum between past and future, 349

  slaves from, 163

  triangular war in, 349–53

  Moses, prophet, 179, 299

  Mosque of Eyüp, 36, 359

  Mostaganem, 338

  Mosul, 332

  Mount of Olives, 296

  Mughal Empire, 66, 250, 256, 267, 327

  Muhammad, Prophet, 36, 39, 185, 186, 271, 284, 298, 308, 309, 359, 378, 382

  muqarnas, 119–20

  Murad, son of Ahmed, 208, 244, 251, 252

  Murad II, 274

  Muscat, 314

  Muslims, 1–2, 7, 105, 370

  in Africa, 150–52

  in Americas, 429–30n

  Britain and, 387–89

  in the Caribbean, 429–30n

  conversion to Christianity, 94, 95

  expulsion from Iberia, 337

  expulsion from Spain, 55, 83, 125, 150, 271, 337

  in Iberia, 114–22, 121, 335–39, 343–44 (see also Islam)

  irrational fantasies about threat of, 394–96

  in Jerusalem, 297–98

  in Latin America, 429–30n

  media portrayals of, 393–96

  in North Africa,

  Muslims (continued)

  portrayal in film and literature, 391–92, 393–94, 393

  purportedly at U.S. southern border, 395

  repression of throughout Europe, 167

  shipbuilding technology of, 125

  slave rebellions and, 155–58, 162

  in Spain, 94, 95, 113–22, 121, 152

  stereotypes of, 393

  Tainos and, 157, 158, 162

  terrorism and, 394, 395

  United States and, 390, 394–95

  Mustafa, grandson of Selim, 279

  Mutapa Empire, 17

  al-Mutawakkil III, 309–10, 324

  Naples, 56, 57–58, 96, 97, 111, 172, 351

  al-Nasir, Muhammad, 278

  Native Americans, 83, 101–2, 109, 117, 126–29, 131, 138, 144–45, 148, 396, 426n. See also specific groups

  British and, 387–90

  Christianity and, 136–47, 136, 349, 370

  compared to Muslims, 148–64, 385–86, 385, 391–92

  culture of, 131–33

  dancing of, 132–33

  depictions of, 312, 386

  English settlers and, 388–89

  genocide of, 163–64

  Islam and, 152

  replaced with West African slaves, 153

  understood in light of Islam, 130–35, 148–64, 385–86, 385, 391–92

  Navarre, 172

  Navarro, Pedro, 338–39, 342

  La Navidad, Hispaniola, 128

  Nestorianism, 93, 94, 95, 125, 128, 138

  the Netherlands, 17

  New England, 389–90

  Newfoundland, 268

  Nice, 49, 51

  Nicholas IV, Pope, 93–94

  Nicholas V, Pope, 29, 106, 114, 150

  Dum Diversas, 106, 108, 150

  Nicopolis, 350

  La Niña, 124, 425n

  North Africa, 86, 268, 274, 277, 300, 308, 329, 365. See also specific nations and regions

  Britain and, 389–90

  Crusades in, 336–39, 349

  Hafsid Empire and, 96–97

  Jews in, 171–72, 174

  Muslims in, 120–22, 131, 335–53

  Ottoman Empire and, 334, 335–53, 335, 336

  Portuguese Empire and, 104–5, 448n

  realignment of power in, 343–47

  under Spanish control, 335–39, 345, 348–53, 448n

  Obama, Barack, 395

  Oman, 352

  Operation Geronimo, 396

  Order of Santiago, 104, 313

  Orhan, 6

  Orthodox Christianity, 65

  Osman, 6–7, 6, 11, 36, 295. See also Osman, House of

  Osman, House of, 16, 21, 24, 38–39, 77, 215, 252, 295, 309

  conflict over military philosophy within, 195–96, 200–203, 206–9

  succession in, 195–96, 210–13, 217–20, 222–23, 224–34, 251, 255, 274–75, 361

  sword of, 359

  Otranto, 29, 38, 49, 58, 111, 372

  Ottoman army, 34, 83, 258, 260–62, 260–63, 266, 288–89, 300, 303–6, 306, 332–33

  Ottoman dynasty, 210–11. See also Osman, House of

  Ottoman Empire, 11, 83, 113, 146–47, 396

  in 1500, xiv–xv

  administrative structures of, 326

  Americas and, 385–96

  anti-Semitism in, 181–82

  armed forces of, 86

  ascendancy in eastern Mediterranean, 25, 34, 58

  captured Christians in, 378–80

  capture of Algiers, 345

  capture of Byzantine Empire, 7, 180

  centrality of, 4–5

  Christians in, 4–5, 65, 379, 383

  competition for caliphate, 271, 273

  construction of modern world by, 5

  decline of, 4–5

  dominance of, 17

  ethnic minorities in, 79–80

  expansion of, 11, 363–64, 370

  flight of Jews to, 172–79

  as God’s “lash of iniquity,” 377–78

  Greek Orthodoxy in, 180

  hegemony of, 2–5, 7, 10, 122, 292–93, 312–13, 324, 327, 333, 338–39, 402

  imperial system of, 17, 20

  influence of, 4–5, 375–81

  Islamic law courts in, 68

  Jews in, 166–82, 383

  joint Mamluk–Safavid interests against, 275–77, 281–82

  longevity of, 4–5

  Luther’s views on, 375–81

  Mamluk Empire and, 270–82

  minority rule in, 65–66, 180–81, 379

  North Africa and, 335–53

  origins of, 5–6

  as primary economic geopolitical power, 327

  provincial governorships in, 78–79

  realignment of power in North Africa and, 343–47

  religious piety in, 381–83

  Roman Empire and, 145–46

  Saadian Empire and, 349–53

  Selim’s reformulation of religious institutions and, 381–84

  Shiite Muslims in, 330–33

  slaves from, 163

  slave trade and, 197–98

  Spanish Empire and, 349–53

  succession in, 21, 27–42, 43–59, 63–64, 79, 111, 195–96, 200–203, 206–13, 217–23, 224–34, 251, 255, 274–75, 361, 418n

  Şahkulu and, 203–9

  tolerance of religious minorities in, 55

  trade and, 67–69, 86, 91–92, 99–100, 327–28, 386

  triangular war in Morocco and, 349–53

  Venetian Empire and, 26

  wars with Mamluk Empire (see Ottoman–Mamluk wars)

  welcoming of Jews to, 172–82, 204

  Ottoman Interregnum, 418n

  Ottoman lineage, 13

  Ottoman–Mamluk wars, 49–50, 270–82, 284–92, 287, 296, 298–302, 303–4, 308, 325, 329, 333–34, 355, 370–72

  Ottoman military, 20, 82–83

  Ottoman navy, 86, 324, 328, 329–30

  Ottoman royal family, 20–30. See also Osman, House of

  Ottoman–Safavid wars, 253–69, 355, 370, 371

  Otumba, Battle of, 145

  Palestine, 94, 174, 391. See also Jerusalem

  Jews in, 179

  Palos de la Frontera, 123

  Panama, slave rebellions in, 162

  Parry, J. H., 125

  Paul, apostle, 33

  the Peloponnese, 225

  Peñon, 338

  Persia, 44

  Persian Gulf, 268, 327, 332

  Peru, 134–35

  Pesaro, 172

  La Pinta, 124, 125, 425n

  Pinzón brothers (Francisco Martín, Martín Alonso, Vicente Yáñez), 425n

  pious foundation. See vakıf

  Piri Reis, 310–13, 327, 334, 342–43, 352, 353, 387

  Pisa, 112

  Pius II, Pope, 43, 417n

  the plague, 323–24, 325, 357. See also Black Death

  Plague of Justinian, 324

  Pliny, 117

  pogroms, 167

  Poland, 329

  political Islamism, 402–3

  Polo, Marco, 66–67, 93, 94–95, 101, 117, 124, 125

  Porto Santo, 105

  Portugal, 17, 100, 104–5, 106. See also Portuguese Empire

  flight of Jews to, 170–71, 172

  Portuguese Empire, 78, 108–9, 250, 263–64, 270–71, 280, 282, 311–12, 316, 318–19, 345

  captures Malacca, 222

  Mamluk Empire and, 255, 313–16

  Morocco and, 347

  North Africa and, 448n

  rise of, 268–69

  Safavid Empire and, 327–28, 332

  slave trade and, 150–51

  sugar production and, 154

  trade and, 317

  Wolof people and, 161–62

  Potosí, 340

  Prester John, 315

  princely households, 79

  Protestantism, 271, 370–71, 384. See also Luther, Martin; Protestant Reformation

  in Americas, 388

  Islam and, 380–81
br />   Protestant Reformation, 3, 329, 349, 352, 356, 369–71, 373, 375–81, 383–84, 388. See also Luther, Martin

  Ptolemy, 117

  Puerto Rico, 222

  slave rebellions in, 162

  Puritans, 388, 389, 390

  Qaitbay, 39, 42, 270, 276, 278

  Qazvin, 263–64, 266

  Qur’an, 16, 22, 39, 73, 131, 179, 205, 271, 273, 337, 357, 363, 371, 381

  Raidaniyya, 300, 301, 303–4, 303

  Battle of, 303–4, 303

  Ramadan, 39

  Raqqa, 291

  Realpolitik, 80

  Rebellion of the Alpujarras, 337, 339

  the Reconquista, 115, 118–21, 121, 123, 125, 131, 134, 143–44, 164–67, 165, 169, 335, 343, 386

  Red-hats. See Kızılbaş

  Red Sea, 277, 282, 299, 300, 313, 314–18, 328, 345, 352

  religious reformation, 370–84

  the Renaissance, 50–51, 86, 371–72

  René of Anjou, 96, 97, 342

  the Requirement (Requerimiento), 139–43, 144–45, 146, 164

  Rhineland, 173

  Rhodes, 41–42, 44–49, 47, 278, 329–30, 356, 364, 364, 365

  Rightly Guided Caliphs, 271

  Roman Empire, 10, 29, 145–46, 273, 372. See also Byzantine Empire; Holy Roman Empire

  Rome, 50–54, 111, 263. See also Roman Empire

  Rum, 145

  Rumelia, 225

  Rumi, poet, 33

  Rushdie, Salman, 383

  Russia, 3, 11, 67

  Rusticello, 93

  Sa‘adet Giray, 220, 221

  Saadian Empire, 347–53

  Safavid army, 261, 332–33

  Safavid Empire, 3, 69, 86, 187, 203–4, 206–9, 249, 270–75, 279, 291–92, 350, 355, 362, 365, 384

  Ahmed and, 244, 251

  blockade of, 254

  defeat of, 370, 371

  Korkud and, 244

  Mamluk Empire and, 255, 267–68, 281, 282

  Portuguese Empire and, 327–28, 332

  renewed threat of, 330–33

  Selim and, 185–96, 197, 197, 200, 203, 206, 221, 250–69, 442–43n

  the Safaviyya, 188–92. See also Safavid Empire

  Safed, 179, 290

  Safi al-Din, Shaykh, 185, 186, 188–96

  Sahara Desert, 109, 308, 347, 348

  the Sahel, 106

  Salonica (Thessaloniki), 10, 166, 172–82, 176, 178, 204

  Samothrace, 98–99

  Samsun, 258

  Sandys, George, 388

  San Lorenzo Cathedral, 90–91

  San Salvador, 126, 127

  Santa Fe, Spain, 119

  Santa María, 124, 128

  Santiago Island, 150–51

  Santiago Matamoros, 134–35, 135

  Santo Domingo, 156–57

  São Jorge da Mina, 109–10, 110, 117

  São Tomé, 171

  Sappho, poet, 341

  Sardinia, 97, 172

  Sarfati, Isaac, 173

  Sasanian Empire, 324

  satrapies, 79

  Saudi Arabia, 402

  Sayyid Muhammad Tuwalli, 114

  Scotland, 373

  seafaring, 214


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