Born Sinner (Se7en Sinners #1)

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Born Sinner (Se7en Sinners #1) Page 27

by S. L. Jennings

  The temptation of his offer is undeniable, but I know that’s just the evil talking. He calls to me, piercing that seed of malice down inside me that he implanted when I was just a fetus. I have to fight it. I will fight it.

  I school the panic in my features, donning an icy mask. He’s a prick that likes to hear the sound of his own voice. All I have to do is play to his narcissism long enough to give Legion a chance to come to. Hopefully, he’s already awake and just faking, waiting for his chance to strike.

  “And if I refuse?” I ask flatly.

  A devious smirk. “Mary, dear. Can you come here?”

  The blood in my ears roars so loudly that I can’t even hear her shuffling towards me from some unseen part of the room. Red clouds my vision, casting her tear-streaked face in blood. Sister. Sister stands before me, naked and shivering, her arms and mouth bound. Her dark, corkscrew curls are matted and wild, and her legs are covered in dirt as if she’s been imprisoned in filth. Other than that, she appears unharmed. But I know that stroke of luck will expire soon if I don’t play Lucifer’s game.

  “If you refuse, your Legion will die, sending him back to Hell where he will spend eternity in everlasting agony. And your precious Sister… You’ll have a little fun with her and her new friends. I may not be able to force you to come with me willingly, but I will make you wish you had. And when you realize what you’ve done, you’ll see that Hell would have been a kindness.”

  I swallow down the rising bile in my throat and try to focus. Speaking out of rage and terror won’t save us. If he sees how this affects me—if he knows that I am literally crumbling inside—he’ll use it against me.

  “Not good enough. If you want me, you have to free everyone. Release humans from the Calling and never use them again, myself included. You can never, ever infect another person.”

  He cocks an amused brow. “And you’re in the position to negotiate?” he questions, sweeping a hand towards me. My glare is as rock solid as my resolve.

  “You want me for a reason, and it isn’t to be your evil bride or some other bullshit. You want an heir, and you know I can give it to you.”

  I flash of surprise passes his features for half a blink. “Ah, I see the warlocks have been busy. I may have to pay them a visit and remind them of their place.”

  “You will not. You will leave them be, just as you will leave the Se7en be.”

  “The Se7en?” Again, he laughs, tipping his head back. “Oh, darling Eden. Why do you think you’re here? How do you think I was able to take you and their mighty leader so easily?”

  Is he…is he alluding that the Se7en had something to do with this? They would never betray Legion. They love him. They respect him. And me… Well, they mostly tolerate me. Everyone except…


  The demon of murder. The villain in the story of Cain and Abel.

  “Bullshit,” I say, denying the thought of Cain betraying his brother. But it wouldn’t be the first time.

  “Oh, I’m afraid so. I guess there’s been some dissention in the ranks. Seems like they’re tired of Legion’s little distraction.” He shrugs.

  “You’re bluffing. They’d never go against him. They are a family, something you would know nothing about. And even if someone did want me out, they could have killed me a long time ago. So fuck you, and your mind games. I’m not falling for it.”

  “You don’t get it, do you?” Lucifer grits, showing the first signs of frustration, and causing Sister to flinch beside him. “You don’t understand just how unimportant you are to them. Truly. Even to your beloved Legion. I know him. I’ve loved him as my own flesh and blood, I’ve fought and killed and fucked beside him. You mean nothing to him. You are a distraction—that is all. You are one of thousands.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Am I? Did he tell you why he’s really infatuated with you? And it has nothing to do with that pretty face or those perfect tits.”

  Stay strong, Eden. He’s just trying to mess with your head. “I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work.

  “He hasn’t told you!” He claps with glee, almost giddy with the prospect of spreading more vitriol. “Let’s invite him to this little party, so you can ask him for yourself. Shall we?”

  He looks across the room to where Legion still slumps in his metal chair, unconscious. Then as if he’s trying to lure a frightened cat, he coos, “Legion.”

  With a violent intake of breath, Legion jerks awake, thrashing wildly. The scents and sounds of sizzling flesh fill the atmosphere as he tries to break free from the silver-coated rope. But he’s alive, and he’s awake. Grateful tears fill my eyes.

  “Nice of you to join us, old friend,” Lucifer taunts.

  “What the fuck did you do?” Legion rasps, baring his blood-stained teeth. I know the bindings are hurting him, but he doesn’t cry out. A quick glance my way to assess my injuries, and then his murderous glare is on the beautiful beast standing before me.

  “I was just getting to know our darling Eden and her sister, Mary. And you know me…we just got to talking and your name came up. You see, Eden seems to think that you may actually care about her. Ha! Yet, you haven’t shared why you seem so overly interested in her, have you? You didn’t tell her the best part.”

  “Eden has nothing to do with this. Let her go.” Legion’s voice is hoarse, yet the force behind his words are fierce enough make grown men wet their pants. “You have an issue with me, then stop being a fucking coward, and let’s handle it. Or are you still too much of a pussy to fight your own battles?”

  Lucifer chuckles as if Legion’s threat is a tickle on his ribs. “Oh, I’ve missed you. Truly I have. Eden, did you know Legion played an intricate role in our fall from grace? It’s an interesting story, actually. Now brother, shall I tell her, or you?”

  “Shut your fucking mouth, you pompous dick.”

  Lucifer turns his attention on me, ignoring the seething demon glaring daggers at him. Yet, all I can see is Legion. Trapped, helpless. I refuse to let the people I love die like this.

  “It all started when Legion and I led the Seraph…” Lucifer speaks as if all eyes are on him, refusing to give up the spotlight. He begins to pace the floor thoughtfully. “As you know, I was the favorite, but Legion was just as beloved. There was one that was particularly smitten by him. So smitten, that she defied her mate and gave herself to him. Very, very scandalous for us celestial beings, as you can imagine. But he was convinced that he was in love and nothing could keep him from her. And maybe he was, but, unfortunately, that love was not enough to save him from God’s wrath.

  “This was right around the time when I had become, quite frankly, bored with the politics and ass kissing, and I wasn’t the only one. So when the news spread of Legion’s deceit and shame, we concocted a plan—revolution. I would be the brains and the face of it, yes—because honestly, look at me—and Legion would be the muscle. We would make our own paradise, live by our own rules. We would do whatever the fuck we wanted without fear of judgment or persecution. However, poor, poor Legion’s beloved did not feel the same. And he was painted as not only an adulterer, but a rapist. She said he forced himself on her.”

  “No, she did not!” Legion roars. “It was you! You lying sack of spineless shit.”

  “Oh, semantics. My version is much more salacious.” Lucifer comes to stand in front of me again, his eyes filled with glee. I don’t look away this time. I don’t want to listen, but I can’t help it. All the secrets, all the lies…it makes sense now. “Anyway, ever since then, he’s been drowning in self-loathing and sorrow, pining after his long lost love, yada, yada, yada. What was her name again, dear brother? Was it…”

  “Adriel,” I whisper, the name strangling me.

  “Yes!” Lucifer exclaims, feigning surprise. “Adriel. The very same angel that is now inhabiting your soul. You see, she would have taken over completely had it not been for my influence. You’re welcome, by the way. But I guess a little bit of
his true love is better than none.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Eden. He’s insane. Eden, look at me. Look at me, baby.”

  I can’t. I can’t look at him. I can’t see the regret in his eyes. Not regret for letting me believe that it was me he desired. Regret that I found out that I am merely a body—a host—for the one he truly loves.

  My tears flow freely now, but I don’t make a sound. My sister is bound and naked in front of me. Her life has been ripped apart. My broken heart doesn’t get to matter right now.

  “I thought it was best you knew,” Lucifer says quietly, almost seemingly…compassionate. Remorseful, even. He takes a step closer. “No one should be treated that way. I haven’t lied to you, and I never will. He doesn’t love you; he can’t.”

  “I know.” The knot in my throat throbs with every syllable.

  “They’re all wretched creatures, Eden. The Se7en only used you for their own selfish gain. And as soon as they were done with you, they threw you away. Just like your mother, your father. Just like everyone in your life. Left to be forgotten forever.”

  I don’t have the strength to disagree with him. And even if I could, I don’t. I know what he’s saying is true.

  Rapid, heavy footsteps approach, and before I can look towards the door, it bursts open, shading the room in night.

  “What the fuck! You promised he wouldn’t be harmed.”

  “Well, I didn’t hurt him. The armored car I drove into him did.” Lucifer merely shrugs at the demon that rushes to Legion’s aide. It’s just blow after blow after blow. I’m not sure I can take much more.

  It wasn’t Cain that betrayed us. He wasn’t the one that set this up, handing me over to Lucifer on a silver platter coated in angel venom.

  It was Lilith.

  “This wasn’t part of the plan,” she mutters, unsheathing a blade to slice through Legion’s rope. He grunts and thrashes in response.

  “Get the fuck away from me, you traitor,” he roars. There’s rage on his face. But more than that, there’s pain. Something I know all too well.

  “L, I’m sorry, but…” Lilith has the fucking nerve to look hurt at his outburst. “She was tearing us apart. We can’t fight the Calling, the Alliance and the Seraph. Lucifer promised to protect her, to respect her wishes. He vowed not to hurt her.”

  “True,” Lucifer agrees. “And let’s not leave out the little part about our sweet, little Lilith being in love with you. I swear, I don’t get the appeal…”

  “You did this because you’re in love with him?” I shout. Rage and violence rush through my veins, and smother all feelings of shock and hurt. I’m nothing but a pawn—a bargaining chip. “What kind of sick, twisted bitch are you? You said he was like your brother! And you risk my life—my sister’s life—over a crush? You stupid fucking cunt. I swear to God, you better be glad I’m tied up right now.”

  “Isn’t she delightful?” Lucifer beams, only deepening Lilith’s vicious snarl. I don’t care what the fuck she is. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She should know.

  “I have spent centuries by his side, and some ugly little twit comes along, shaking her ass and tits, and suddenly, nothing else matters. Not the Se7en. Not the mission. Not me. I’ve been there for him! I’ve done everything right! And I’m supposed to stand aside and let some human steal his attention? I’ve worked too damn hard for this cause. I will not let you bury us with your sad-ass existence.”

  “Shut your fucking mouth, Lilith,” Legion commands.

  “It’s true!” she shouts back. “You would risk the lives of your brothers, the future of the Se7en, for her? After all we’ve been through together? Tell me you love her, and I’ll accept whatever punishment you demand. Tell me that you choose her over us.”

  Those silver eyes find mine, churning with moonlit lies and his lips part. Even with his face bloodied and etched with regret, he’s still as handsome as he was the first night he walked into that corner store. I smile through the painful memory, wishing I had never seen him, wishing I had never laid eyes on such wicked beauty. Then I would never know the agony of never seeing it again.

  “Let my sister go. Let all the innocent humans go. Never Call another human again. And I’ll go with you. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “No!” Legion roars. “Don’t listen to them! Eden, look at me, please!”

  A slow grin spreads on Lucifer’s face, and the rope at my hands and feet suddenly disintegrates. I jump from the chair, ignoring my protesting body, and wrap my arms around Sister’s trembling frame.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I cry, removing her gag and the rope around her wrists. Luckily, there’s no silver, but not even that could keep me from freeing her. I strip off my torn, bloodied coat and wrap it around her shoulders. “I never meant for this to happen. Are you hurt?”

  “I’m ok. But Eden, you can’t. Please, don’t do this.” But even as the words pass her cracked lips, she knows it’s too late. Now she understands why I tried to keep this from her. But it wasn’t enough to spare her.

  I turn to Lucifer, refusing to let go of Sister. “Let her go. Make sure she’s safe. Give me your word.”

  He nods. “As soon as you take my hand, she will be in her apartment, clothed, warm and comfortable. She won’t even remember being here.”

  I swallow thickly, mimicking his gesture. “And them?”

  “The binds will slip away. He’ll be free to go.” He extends a hand towards me, and offers a reassuring smile. “It will be ok. I promise, Eden. I promise to never hurt you.”

  I nod again and bury my face in Sister’s wild mane, silently praying for strength. I’m not surprised when, once again, my pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

  “I love you, Sister. Even if you don’t remember this, remember that I love you.”

  I kiss both of her tear-stained cheeks then close my eyes, pushing my mind out to hers one last time. Fear has made the infiltration easy, and I slip in within seconds, tasting the goodness and sincerity of her sweet soul.

  “Let me go.”

  Her arms drop to her sides immediately, allowing me to back away. Let me go. That’s what I wanted her to do per Legion’s request. He wanted me to alienate my own sister just so he could use and manipulate me for his own selfish needs. And I let him. I was all too happy to be his little pet, simply a placeholder for who he truly wanted. And now I don’t have either one of them.

  “Would you like to say goodbye?” Lucifer asks. I know whom he’s referring to.

  I look across the room to wear Legion sits, Lilith standing beside him. I trusted them. I cared for them. After all they had already done to me, I actually believed they could be redeemed. I really thought they were capable of kindness and grace and love. And now, as I look at them, I see them for the vile, disgusting creatures that they truly are.


  “Eden, no! Don’t do it! Please, just listen to—”

  With my next breath, I exhale the crippling fear and pain that had covered me like a second skin. I let go of the human life that I had been stumbling through for twenty-two years like a ghost. I exorcise the dark, demented demons of my past, and I take Lucifer’s outstretched hand.

  And usher in the End of Eden.

  “Don’t fucking touch me. You will not ever touch me again. Do you understand?”

  Legion tears his arm from Lilith’s grasp, her nails scraping his already ravaged skin, and flings open the front door, nearly tearing it off the hinges. He doesn’t feel the sting. He hasn’t felt shit since he woke up and found Eden tied to a chair with silver on her wrists, her naked sister shivering in front of her, and him—Lucifer—smiling smugly. Fucking sadistic prick. He was going to tear his fucking throat out the very moment he had a chance.

  “What happened?” Phenex leaps from his place on the couch and bounds over to the entranceway within seconds, the others on his heels.

  “She is what happened,” Legion snarls, pointing a bloodied finger at Lilith, who stands by
the door, tears shining in her eyes. “She is a fucking traitor and has betrayed the Se7en.”

  “Please, L. Just listen to me. It was for the best. For the greater good—the very thing that we’re fighting for.”

  “Where’s Eden?” Phenex questions. Yet, the scene before him is answer enough.

  Legion brushes past his brothers, each of them painted in varying shades of shock. “She set us up. She gave him exactly what he needed to make his plan work. He has her now. Fuck! That spineless fuck has her.” He tears at his blood-matted hair and bounds down the long hallway, stopping at the first door to the left. The rest of the Se7en—Lilith included—are right behind him.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Cain shrieks. “Lil, please tell me this is a mistake and you would not be stupid enough to betray us.”

  The teary-eyed blonde sobs silently, unable to refute the allegations.

  “Holy fuck,” the scarred demon remarks, shaking his head. He looks at his brother, his leader. “What are we going to do?”

  The band of demons enter the room, watching as Legion stalks to the pillar showcasing their sacred dagger, The Redeemer. He picks it up, and hands it to Phenex.

  “Use it.”

  “What?” Phenex shakes his head, shoving it back into Legion’s palms. “That’s ludicrous. L—brother—please be reasonable.”

  Refusing to hear his words, he offers it to Cain. “Don’t be a fucking coward. Do it. Kill me. It’s the only way I can get to her.”

  “L, I hear you. But this isn’t the way. If you’re gone, the Se7en are done. Then what?”

  “Then you’ll lead them. Or Phenex. I don’t give a fuck. I have to get to her. Now!”

  “Please, Legion. I’m so sorry,” Lilith cries in the corner. “Don’t do this! Please!”

  “Someone get her the fuck out of here! I never want to see her traitorous face again. Get the fuck out before I rip you apart with my bare fucking hands!” Desperate rage coats his venomous tongue, causing Lilith to sob harder.


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