Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 1

by Alanea Alder

  Kindred of Arcadia 5

  Fated Healing

  Felix Kilpatrick survived years of hell in a mad Alpha’s cage and has finally made it to the safety of Arkadia. To make things even better, his best friend Sebastian has also found his way to Arkadia and offered to let him live with the Arkadian lion’s pride. He is living it up when he meets his mate. One overly neat, OCD, fastidious doctor.

  Dr. Maddox Claybourne is content with his life in Arkadia. He tends to the occasional broken bone or contusion that is commonplace in a shifter only town. He is not prepared for a redheaded mate that wrecks his clinic, ignores his orders, and tries to serve him microwavable pizza!

  It will take every ounce of skill between Felix and Claybourne to combat a mysterious illness that threatens to steal away the lives of those most precious in Arkadia. No one is safe when people begin to fall ill. Can Felix and Claybourne discover a cure in time? And when they can’t, can they live with the deaths this virus will leave in its wake?

  Note: This book is written in one point of view.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 45,051 words


  Kindred of Arkadia 5

  Alanea Alder



  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by Alanea Alder

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-887-5

  First E-book Publication: November 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  To my Wonderful Readers: Grab tissues, you have been forewarned :-)

  Pegster- Felix lurves you!!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  About the Author


  Kindred of Arkadia 5


  Copyright © 2013


  “You’ve done what?” The gentleman asked again, unsure if he understood correctly. There was no way the man before him was that stupid.

  “I have made arrangements for something deadly to be unleashed in Arkadia,” Salsiby said, taking a step back, realizing maybe his life might be in danger.

  “Did I or did I not express interest in this Alpha Mother?” the gentleman asked from behind his desk.

  “You did,” Salsiby replied.

  “And where does the Alpha Mother live?” the gentleman asked in a singsong voice. Salsiby paled.

  “Come on old boy, I know you know the answer. Where does the Alpha Mother live?” the gentleman asked again, standing.

  “A-A-Arkadia,” Salsiby answered, shrinking back.

  “Did you think I would be happy to hear about your plans?” The gentleman asked. Salsiby began to shake and stepped back only to bump into a tall figure.

  “Ah Payne, you old devil you. Always anticipating me. Can you please make sure that this man is tortured to within an inch of his life from now until the second I am sure that the Alpha Mother has survived his little assault?” the gentleman asked. Payne nodded wordlessly.

  “No, please. No!” Salsiby screamed as he was pulled from the room.

  The gentleman stared at his expensive hardwood floor. He debated how involved it would be to install a trapdoor that led directly to the dungeon. That way Payne wouldn’t have to keep manhandling idiots out of his office. The gentleman sighed and smiled softly. Then again, Payne may enjoy that aspect of his job. Oh well, something to think about.

  Chapter 1

  Liam sighed, letting his head fall to his desk with a thump. Kent looked up from his computer and smiled at his lover.

  “Why don’t you take a break and get something to eat? You get grumpy when you get hungry.”

  Liam raised his head and leered at his mate.

  “I know what I want to eat.” He licked his lips. Kent swallowed hard.

  “Food first or you will whine and complain later when you’re too worn out to get up and get something. Besides, your grandfather needs these reports in by today. He said, and I quote, ‘You don’t get to slack off just because I’m not there.’” Kent pointed to his computer. Liam frowned but nodded. His mate knew him too well, and they hadn’t been mated for very long. He was just a lucky bastard. He felt a dopey smile spread across his face.

  “I love you too, now go get something to eat.” Liam’s head snapped around to Kent, who was chuckling. Damn, was he that easy
to read? He shrugged, probably. He stood up and stretched his legs. Walking past his mate, he dropped a kiss on his soft lips before heading out of their shared office toward the kitchen. He attacked the kitchen’s supply of cold cuts to make the biggest sandwich he could. He frowned, unsure of how he was going to bite into the thing. Grabbing a knife he cut it in half. He really should leave the cooking to Sebastian. His little kitten was a genius when it came to the kitchen.

  He picked up his plate and was wandering back to the office when he heard a loud, reverberating thump. The walls shook. He lifted his foot and set it down. As he took another step, a second reverberation shook the house. Eyes wide, he lifted his foot and looked around to see if anyone could see him looking ridiculous, standing on one foot, holding a plate in his own hallway. He waited a second before he chanced to put his foot down and another thump resounded. Shaken, he was about to call for Kent when a familiar, heart-stopping roar echoed throughout the house. Sebastian! Where was his mate? He sprinted to the den and stopped in his tracks as another roar assaulted his ears. In front of him Sebastian, Felix, and Rebecca were sitting inches from his seventy-inch LED HDTV watching Jurassic Park. He watched curiously as Rebecca rewound and replayed the scene of the Tyrannosaurus rex approaching the hapless human children’s car. Liam watched in morbid fascination as she rewound it twice more to play the scene and Felix and Sebastian practically smooshed their faces to the screen. He cleared his throat and the three of them swung around to look at him guiltily.

  “What are you three up to?”

  “Nothing,” the three of them chimed in unison. He narrowed his eyes before nodding and walking back to his office. He couldn’t imagine what they could be up to. He opened the study door and walked in, setting his sandwich down at his desk. He sat down and stared at his sandwich, thinking about the movie.

  “What’s all the noise?” Kent asked.

  “Bas, Felix and Becca are watching a movie,” he said absently. They were up to something, he could feel it.

  “Are you done eating?” The question was asked huskily, and Liam’s eyes flew to his mate. Kent had removed his glasses and was practically stalking him from across the room. With no regard to how he was going to get air into his lungs, he shoved one half of the sandwich in his mouth and chewed as fast as he could before downing the other half. Gasping for air, he grinned up at his mate, who was looking down at him, his mouth twitching.

  “You could have finished eating,” he said, laughter in his voice. Liam shook his head.

  “Now I’m ready for dessert.” Liam crooked his finger at his mate. Kent’s eyes darkened as he sat on Liam’s desk, facing his mate. All thoughts of what Sebastian and Felix could possibly be up to flew from his mind as Kent reminded him again that doing paperwork could be fun.

  * * * *

  “I love that movie!” Felix exclaimed. Sitting back on the sofa, he picked up one the many fashion magazines lying around.

  “Me too! I like the second one, that one has a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex. It was so cute!” Rebecca gushed. She grabbed another handful of popcorn.

  “I need to go shopping! All I have are other people’s clothes. I wish I could go to New York to shop.” Felix threw the magazine down in frustration.

  “You sound like Rian now.” Sebastian picked up the magazine and started to look at the Post-it Notes and comments that Rian had left behind.

  “I love that man, he’s the older brother I’ve always wanted. His fashion sense is impeccable.” Felix sighed.

  “Love you too, runt!” Rian said, breezing through the den on the way to the front door.

  “Where are you off to, RiRi?” Rebecca asked.

  “Damian and I are still going through that old bastard’s stock at Bobbles and Things. In a final ‘fuck you’ I’m giving away all of the chocolate from the order he tried to kidnap Kent and Sebastian with. Then we’re heading over to the school to help with Field Day.” Rian straightened his athletic wear jacket.

  “Vampires are going to be there, aren’t they?” Sebastian teased. Rian blushed.

  “We’d help out anyway. Doc Claybourne will need someone to help him in the nurse’s tent. You know shifter kids, they play hard. Toodles mes enfants.” He made kissy faces at them as they walked out.

  “Maybe I should go help out at the nurse’s tent. I’d like to get a job and help support myself, even if it means working for that OCD doctor.” Felix shuddered.

  “You haven’t even met the man. He’s really nice to me,” Rebecca said, scarfing down more popcorn. Through their bond all five members of the Inner Court were experiencing mood swings, morning sickness, and odd cravings. With three of the five members pregnant, everything was amplified.

  “Everyone is nice to you, Becca.” Sebastian smiled and Felix snickered.

  “Yeah, because they’re afraid she’ll go all sweet psycho on their asses,” Felix joked. Rebecca looked over at him, concern on her face.

  “Idiot,” Sebastian muttered.

  “No one is really afraid of me, right?” she asked, her eyes shining. Felix looked up, and behind Rebecca, Sebastian was steadily shaking his head no.

  “Of course not, Pint-Size. They love you,” Felix said, messing up her hair. “Is that coming from you?” she asked, turning to look at Sebastian. A funny look crossed her face as her cheeks turned pink. Sebastian was blushing so hard he was nearly purple.

  “It’s Kent and Liam, in the office,” Sebastian choked out. Felix snickered and was thankful that he wasn’t looped in on the Inner Court bond. He could imagine it produced more awkward situations than this.

  “On that note, I’m outta here. Felix, do you want to come with me to the school? I’m helping out at the bake sale,” Rebecca offered, practically running to the front door. Felix took in Sebastian’s dilated pupils and nodded.

  “That might not be such a bad idea.” Felix grabbed his man bag and waved to Sebastian, who was already walking toward the office. Felix shut the door, looked at Rebecca, and both of them started giggling.

  Felix got into Rebecca’s tiny blue smart car and was surprised by how much room he had. Rebecca caught him looking around and smiled.

  “It’s my little blue box and it’s bigger on the inside.” She giggled. Felix rolled his eyes. She was such a geek.

  “How do you like living with the pride?” she asked. He shrugged.

  “It sure as hell beats living in a cage and shitting in a corner, that’s for sure,” Felix said. The car swerved. He looked over and she was looking from him to the road to him and back again.

  “You okay?” he asked. She nodded, not saying anything.

  “Lachlan left a few days ago, so Liam has been kinda bummed. Lachlan has been spoiling Liam horribly by ordering baby stuff. It was funny trying to watch Liam carry in the crib box. It’s a good thing shifters can’t get hernias.” Felix laughed.

  “He’s going to be an amazing father. Maybe he’ll stop teasing Aleks about this baby being his,” she said, pointing to her rounded belly. Felix looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. She sighed.

  “Yeah I didn’t think so either.” She shook her head then pointed ahead.

  “There’s the school. Holy crap, I think the entire town is in here. Where are we going to park?” she asked.

  “Any damn where. One, this thing is the size of a matchbox, you could probably park it on the sidewalk, and two, you’re the Alpha Mother. That should at least come with preferred parking,” Felix said.

  “Oh how about there?” she asked as she put her blinker on to take the spot of someone pulling out of a parking space between the ice cream stand and the nurse’s test. She threw her hands up.

  “Score!” She wiggle-danced in her seat before grabbing her purse and getting out. Felix, grabbing his man bag, was right behind her. “I’m going to see what David and Daniel are up to before checking in with Ma at the bake sale stand. Where will you be?” she asked. Felix nodded to the nurse’s tent.

  “I’m going to go meet the
hyperorganized doctor and see if he needs any help,” Felix said, adjusting his bag.

  “Okay, you know where to find me,” she said and headed to the ice cream stand. Felix took a deep breath and almost followed her. The smell of fresh waffle cones filled the air. He shook his head as he walked between the stand and the tent, making his way to the entrance.

  When he walked in the tent, it was empty except for a tall, well-groomed man organizing the supply table. Felix’s eyes didn’t miss a thing from his designer glasses to his custom leather shoes. His carefree hairstyle was cut in such a way to give the appearance that the sexy man had just rolled out of bed. That casual look probably cost him somewhere around one hundred dollars. His features gave him a noble appearance, from his square jaw to his patrician nose. Felix caught himself staring at the man’s full, sensual lips, imagining the wicked things he could do to his lean, muscled body. His clothes, like his haircut, were chosen to look everyday, but to someone like Felix, who lived on high fashion, they screamed of money. The simple white button-down shirt and khaki slacks were of the highest quality fabric and were tailored professionally. The man before him spent a lot of money trying to fit in, in his own way.

  “If you’re not injured, please leave,” the cultured voice spoke. It reminded Felix of smooth Irish whiskey being rolled around in a glass.

  “I’ve come to help,” Felix said, taking a step forward. The man’s neck tensed as he turned to face him. Felix could see exasperation in the man’s crystalline-blue eyes.

  “I’ve already kicked out two well-meaning helpers. I’ll tell you the same thing I told them. I don’t need any assistance, thank you.” He turned back to his task, dismissing Felix with a wave of his hand.


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