WindSwept Narrows: #14 Daphne Paddington

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WindSwept Narrows: #14 Daphne Paddington Page 2

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “He doesn’t deserve the commission,” Daphne mumbled, watching her cousins split off and explore. “I want to know the zoning laws with regards to this property. Will I be permitted to build small family homes for my use only. Not for rent or sale outside. I also want to know how much grief I’ll get for cutting down trees to make those homes and clear the land for more planting.”

  “I can get that for you,” Brittany nodded, striding off and perching on the stone border on the porch. She tapped over her phone, searching and talking to people she knew in the area.

  “Have you thought about what happens if they refuse the project, Daphne?” Mariah looked from one to the other, dark brown arched. “For the price and size, it’s a really good idea.”

  “I’ve already thought of that…and I’ll just have to make it a deal that can’t be refused,” Daphne answered quietly.

  “I talked to Zora…she mentioned the incident with one of your kids,” Mariah kept her voice low.

  “It would be a matter of honor,” Eloise picked up on the stream of thought. “Repayment for a debt.”

  Daphne grinned. “Already ahead of you. I’ve done research on yield and the proper percentages yearly. But I also want to make certain we can deed it over to them in five years for a decent price. Once they’re established and part of the community, idiots like the current owner won’t be able to do a thing about it.”

  “Show me where to sign on, ladies,” Mariah said with an approving grin.

  Chapter Three

  Daphne spent Sunday morning breakfast with the family, outlining her plan and breathing a deep sigh of relief when her father and uncles nodded their approval. She gave the completed and sign papers to Ethan who then had to talk to Gwen to find out what was to be done with them. She called Brittany and made her first offer for the property, involving herself in helping out in the Emporium for most of the afternoon.

  Monday morning Daphne knew her stomach was hurting and it had nothing to do with illness. She slowed and took the turn to the undeveloped portion of the resort, driving cautiously over the dirt road and frowning at all the morning activity. It was barely seven and she’d told Eve she would be a little later today.

  Wearing jeans with a comfortable sweater belted at her waist and a pair of boots that rose to her knees, she walked toward the large tent that seemed to be the center of the activity. She heard the loud feminine scream and took off at a run, bursting inside and coming to a halt. A young woman was seated on a wooden bench, her stomach obviously heavy with a child and a young man her age holding her hand.

  “Who are you and why are you here? This is…”

  “Do you have a midwife?” Daphne ignored the older woman who came up to her and she noticed for the first time there were no other males in the large area.

  “She is no longer with us,” the older woman said with a long sigh.

  Daphne pulled her phone from her pocket, tapping in the number and speaking quickly. “Frannie…we need a midwife at the undeveloped section of the property…yes…yes…I’m not sure…are you…big tent at the right side of the camp…alright…some clean sheets or towels…a big bucket of cold water and warm water, if possible…got it…thanks, Frannie.”

  “This Frannie…she is a midwife?”

  “The best,” Daphne said with a reassuring smile, going over to the young woman. “Hi…my name’s Daphne…what’s yours?”


  “How far apart are the contractions?”

  “We have timed them at ten minutes,” the young man said after receiving a nod from the older woman.

  “Plenty of time…your first baby?” She asked with a smile, aware of the older woman going to the tent opening and issuing orders for the things she had said aloud. “You’ll like Frannie…she’s a fun doctor…”

  “A woman…thank you…”

  “Do you know where I can find…” Daphne pulled a piece of paper from the pocket of her jeans. “Anca Cesnia?”

  “You were speaking with her,” the man told her. “She is my aunt.”

  The older woman was slender and had deep black hair pulled to the back of her neck, coiled and out of the way. She accepted a stack of linens from another woman at the same time the dusty land rover pulled up to the tent. Dressed in one of her dresses and low boots, Francine Kendall hopped to the ground, opened the back of her rover and pulled out a box and her bag that she carried with her.

  Daphne took the box, watching as Frannie went right to work, her hands busy binding up her own long blond hair before kneeling beside the young woman, talking and soothing all at the same time. She even got a few laughs before they moved to create a more private area for them with the help of several blankets and poles stuck into the soft ground.

  “I am grateful for your help,” Anca Cesnia said softly. “We had hoped for time to contact someone…but babies rarely are patient.”

  “I’ve heard that,” Daphne walked with her into the camp, very aware of the dark eyes following her. “My name is Daphne Paddington. I work in the child care center at the resort.”

  “Did you come looking for my nephew?”

  “I…don’t think I know your nephew,” she answered, puzzled.

  “We saw what happened on Friday. You were the one running like a gazelle over the grounds after the child,” Anca commented, laughing at the blush that struck Daphne’s face. “Now you remember my nephew.”

  “The man on the horse,” she nodded slowly. “He makes an impression.”

  “Odd…he said the same about you.”

  “I’m sure it was the green muck covered feet,” Daphne said with a chuckle. “They’re sure to leave an impression on anyone.”

  “I was referring to the fierce expression on your face when you were running the man down, Miss Paddington,” came the deep, low voice behind her.

  Pale lashes closed, her tongue out to slowly run over her lower lip before pulling it between her teeth. She found a smile and turned to find herself looking up. How does a guy that big move so quietly?

  “Mr. Mircea…nice to see you again. Actually though…I came to speak with your aunt…my aunt Zora said to mention her name and you would speak with me,” she said quietly, turning back to the woman who nodded and gestured toward another smaller tent.

  “This way. Nephew…perhaps you have a business to run?”

  “I’m sure I do, Aunt,” Vlad said with a chuckle. “I’m meeting with Brady in an hour at the construction site. Perhaps we’ll meet again, Miss Paddington?”

  “You work construction?”

  “I’m an engineer, and I’m going into partnership with Brady O’Conner. Perhaps you know him?”

  “Danielle…yes, yes, I do…well…have a great day,” she said hurriedly, moving to join Anca inside the tent. “Thank you.”

  “Please, have a seat, Miss Paddington.”

  “Please…call me Daphne,” she made herself comfortable on the floor filled with huge pillows.

  “Might I offer you tea or coffee, Daphne?”

  “No, I don’t have long because of work but…I needed to know about the property your family was trying to purchase in Pierce County,” she slowed when she saw the anger in the woman’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean…I believe the farm and orchard there would be an amazing opportunity.”

  “We were informed the property was not for sale,” she said angrily. “To us.”

  “I know…I’m very sorry for the ignorance of…idiots,” Daphne checked her watch and winced. “I need to know if you are still interested in the concept you had for the property. Please…don’t mention this to anyone. It’s very important that it be kept secret for the time being.”

  “If the property came into my lap tomorrow would I press forward with our plans? Yes,” she said clearly, firmly. “We are good with the earth and with animals.”

  “Good. Perfect,” Daphne bounced to her feet and impulsively hugged the woman sitting back on the pillows. “Thank you. I’ll be back
in a few days. Thank you!” She spun and ran straight into Vlad Mircea. “Oh! Excuse me…how do you sneak up on a person all the time? Please stop that. I’ve got to get to work. Bye!”

  Vlad stared after the blue eyed blonde, his hand holding the tent flap up and watching her climb into the vehicle she drove. She wore her long hair in a high riding ponytail that swung with her movements with wide gold rings sparkling in her ears.

  “You are staring, nephew,” came the droll chuckle from behind him. She stepped into the cloud covered morning, heading for the tent where she left Breana.

  “I’m sure it’ll pass, Aunt Anca,” he answered, shaking his head and going toward his car. He didn’t see his aunt pull a cell phone from her pocket and speak softly to her brother, nodding and smiling to herself as she went in search of the new midwife.

  Chapter Four

  Daphne changed clothes in the gym shortly before four, stretching and making sure her key was secure around her wrist before she made her way to the newly laid clay track.

  Vlad had been working with some of the younger boys on the temporary corral for the horses, his hands working the buckles of a saddle when he saw her come along the track in the distance. He wasn’t sure how he was positive it was her. He found himself growling at one of the boys for not paying attention when he called for a pair of binoculars from one of the younger boys, a set tossed to him immediately.

  He didn’t like the feeling between his shoulder blades. He saw the small vehicle approach along the length of the track, as if it were pacing her. He had seen her shake her head at the vehicle and continue her run. And he had watched the vehicle continue to follow, though far enough behind that she might not have been aware of it. What he didn’t like was the half mile of track that wasn’t visible because of tree growth and underbrush.

  Two fingers went to his lips, a shrill, long whistle issued that brought a large, elegant black horse to his side. Vlad tossed the saddle over her side, expert hands quickly working the buckles before he swung onto her back and took off toward the tree line. He didn’t see either his aunt nor others watching his unusual behavior.

  Anca nodded to two of her nephews, her head hitching in the direction Vlad had ridden toward, their horses mounted quickly to follow.


  Daphne was enjoying the light fog and moisture in the air, inhaling deeply as she ran the nice track. Long legs covered with black lycra stretched and reached for more distance with each step until the small pickup truck pulled onto the track, blocking her path. She sighed heavily and took off running to get around the small truck. If the ground hadn’t been so wet, she wouldn’t have had a problem, she realized with a mild curse the instant her foot hit the first uneven water logged patch.

  She felt her foot hit the uneven patch, her hands out to brace against the fall into the spongy ground. Anger mixed with fear and mingled with frustration when she felt his arm around her waist, pulling her hard against him. Shoe clad feet kicked out when she felt herself lifted from the ground and spun to be thrown against the side of the truck. Air rushed painfully from her lungs.

  “You shouldn’t have gone to that HR bitch,” he ground through his teeth, stepping back just enough for her to turn and face him, his palm up with a strong backhand that sent her against the fender and onto the ground. He reached out to grip her arm but received a firm flat of her shoe in his middle. It had enough force to send him stumbling backwards and her scrambling to her feet, running back the way she had come.

  Daphne didn’t try speaking. Didn’t think there was a thing she could say to reason with the man. He’d been annoying her for almost a month before she filed a complaint with human resources. She felt the aches make themselves known, working to blink the haze from her eyes when she saw the large black animal come to a controlled stop.

  “Give me your arm,” Vlad ordered, her hand raised and gripping his forearm as ordered. She took a long step and mounted the big animal behind him, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist and head down. “Petre…Emil…get him and bring him to the camp.” He looked down at his hand. “You’re bleeding,” he said gruffly, his anger boiling too close to the surface.

  “He hit me,” she answered, her eyes closed. “It’s been a long time since I’ve ridden.”

  “You knew how to mount…I wondered how,” he stated casually, letting the horse walk slowly toward camp.

  “Please…tell them not to hurt him,” she sighed tiredly. “I don’t want them to get into trouble because of me.”

  Vlad wanted to argue but spoke curtly into the microphone instead.

  “Emil…she asks that you not damage him. Believe me, I know how easy it would be,” he listened for a moment. “I shall ask…my brother wants to know if you are against violence.”

  “I am against stupid violence, like the kind that man is guilty of. I’m not against self-defense or even defense…and while I appreciate that you might like to harm him because of…of his behavior, I would really rather you not get in trouble with the authorities because of me. If there is violence against him, it should be mine,” Daphne said clearly, not minding at all the solid man she held close as they arrived in the camp. “I don’t know how you knew…but thank you…I reported him to human resources. He won’t leave me alone. I don’t think I could have outrun him…”

  “You’ve managed to stun both my brothers into silence,” Vlad said with a rich chuckle. “Take my arm,” he ordered after bringing the horse to a stop, his elbow locked as she easily dismounted.

  “Thank you,” Daphne raised a hand to rub her temple where he had struck her at the same time the man was brought into the camp, yelling obscenities at her. “May I borrow a phone? Please?”

  “Vlad? Emil? What has…” Anca came out of her tent at the news, long legs carrying her across the dry ground, dusk settling around them.

  “Use mine, Miss Paddington,” Vlad handed her the phone and stepped aside to speak with his aunt.

  “Thank you,” Daphne stepped to the side, ignoring the yelling behind her and spoke quickly, closing the phone after a brief conversation. “Security and the police are on their way. Thank you,” she smiled at the two men holding the angry grounds person between them, his hands bound in front of him.

  “Stupid bitch! You’re gonna cost me my job!” He spit out furiously, shaking his broad shoulders back and forth, his feet kicking out angrily.

  Daphne didn’t see the slight gesture Vlad made to his brothers when she took a step forward.

  “I asked you to leave me alone,” she said firmly. “I knew it was a mistake to try and run. I should have faced you and beat you down,” her head shook slightly.

  “Beat me…yeah…you’re all brave here with the hired help,” he pulled himself to his full height, towering over her by several inches.

  “Let him go,” Daphne stepped back and braced her feet firmly, her eyes on him. “There’s a big difference between catching a woman off guard and facing one like a man,” she looked at the two men holding him. “Please. Untie his hands and let him go.”

  Vlad closed his eyes for a long minute before nodding to his younger brother once. A circle formed, silence filled those watching and the mild snorting and gruff noise the only sound as the rope was removed from his hands. He rubbed his wrists, circling and stepping forward, making a wild grab for her only to have his prey vanish with a smart duck and turn, spinning on her feet and bringing one leg around to buckle him at the knees.

  Daphne straightened and moved off, watching the bulky way he moved, the haphazard typical style of a bully, she thought. Her body reacted from long years of practice, he made a wild rush toward her and guessed her move wrong, landing face down in the hard packed dirt when she went to her heels and brought an elbow up sharply in the center of his back.

  “I’m not afraid of fighting and I am not afraid of you,” she said coldly, stepping down when the security officers came to the circle, grabbing him when he tried making another running rush at her. She went t
o the far edge, talking quietly to the police and security people for the resort. Closing her eyes, she held still for the photos of her cut lip and bruised temple. She signed the paperwork and walked away, letting them force him into the back of the police car.

  “So much for a relaxing run,” she mumbled testily, wincing and rubbing her head.

  “Should I take you to the medical center?” Vlad stepped forward, a glance or two and the crowd began to melt back into various tents or around camp fires.

  “Thank you, but I’m okay,” she gingerly touched her lip and shrugged. “A little ice and some make-up tomorrow and I’ll be good as new.”

  “Perhaps something to drink,” Vlad took hold of her elbow, guiding her to the large tent. “Tea or something stronger?”

  “Thank you, but I think I’ll just call it a night and go soak in a deep tub,” she eased free and took off at a light run without looking back to see the surprise on his face.

  “You’re getting old, brother,” Emil slapped him on the shoulder before going off to find his wife and some dinner.

  Anca chuckled and watched her nephew wander off through the camp to where he’d left his vehicle. She’d been speaking with Zora about her niece and they’d come to the same conclusion. It would be an interesting time.

  Chapter Five

  By Friday morning, Daphne was positive the details would be the end of her. She had the paperwork necessary for tree trimming. She had the fencing begun and Eloise and her would work on the security system in the morning. She had the building permits she needed for simple homes, working to use as much of the trees that would be thinned. She had notes all over her map, everything in a neat folder on the seat as she drove past the camp at noon. She pulled into the camp parking area, a light rain dotting her window. She lifted the folder and strode toward Anca’s tent, her eyes staring at the men in the distance, high off the ground in the trees.


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