An Archangel's Ache

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An Archangel's Ache Page 7

by Leo E. Ndelle

  “Thank you, sir,” she said, bringing down her hand from her lips to rest freely on her ample cleavage.

  Walter followed her hand and let his gaze linger there before snapping his gaze back to her face. He swallowed and hoped she didn’t notice that he was outright ogling her cleavage.

  “I must apologize, though,” the lady said. “I was eavesdropping on your conversation with the other gentleman. Couldn’t resist. Intellectual conversations, especially on such unorthodox topics, strike my fancy greatly. What can I say? I can’t help my sapiosexuality,” she added, and her luscious, glossy lips covered in red lipstick spread in a smile.

  “Oh, thank you very much, miss,” Walter replied.

  Walter puffed up and summoned his definition of a sexy smile. Then, realizing his opportunity, he quickly and awkwardly stood up and gestured to the empty seat in front of him.

  “Would you like to join me for some more intellectual banter, miss?” he asked in the politest way he could. “The professor sort of left me hanging…”

  “I’d absolutely love to, thank you,” she made to pull the chair, but Walter beat her to it.

  She smiled her gratitude at him as Walter adjusted the seat to her comfort. He then returned to his chair, closed his laptop without shutting it down and fumbled as he tried to stow it away in its bag. Not today, technology! He thought. He breathed deeply, but imperceptibly, to calm his nerves. It had been a while since he had been so close to such beauty.

  “So, how long have you been a ‘seeker’?” Walter asked.

  “Of?” she asked, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

  “Knowledge,” Walter replied.

  “Oh, is that what they call us now? Seekers?” she asked.

  They both laughed.

  “No, I just made that up,” Walter replied honestly.

  “I love it, sir,” the lady said. “I shall adopt it from now on. Seekers!”

  Walter was pleasantly surprised at her reaction. He was even more pleased with himself for not having lost his ‘player’ card. Score one for me.

  “You know, for a second, I thought you meant a seeker of pleasure,” she flirted.

  Walter’s jaw dropped.

  “Just messing with you!” she exclaimed and laughed heartily.

  Walter joined her, despite feeling awkward, stupid and downright foolish at the same time.

  “So, I noticed you and the professor were discussing the possibility that two sets of couples were created at different times in the Book of Genesis. Is that correct?” she asked.

  “Correct,” Walter agreed. “I initially wanted to only discuss that possibility with the professor, but then he came up with another mind-blowing theory.”

  “Regarding what could have happened within the time lapse of chapters one and two,” she said. “That was a brilliant observation on his part. I’ve actually entertained that possibility before as well, and perhaps that’s why I was so drawn to your conversation. It was like, finally! There are people out there who share my thirst for knowledge.”

  Her eyes were beaming with excitement as she spoke, and Walter did not hear half of what she said. He just stared at her in a child-like trance, and if she noticed, she never showed it. He finally snapped himself to reality when he realized she had stopped speaking.

  “Wait a minute!” Walter said. “Did you just say you may have a theory for the time lapse?”

  “Yes, I did!” she beamed, and her full, red, glossy lips parted in a wide, mischievous grin to reveal blindingly white teeth.

  “Then, by all means, please share!” Walter said, dying to hear what she had to say.

  Or rather, he was just dying to hear her talk.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “But I will tell you in the form of a story. Sounds good to you?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Walter said.

  She leaned forward with beautiful, bright eyes brimming with excitement. Walter was lost in those eyes and wondered if he would be able to concentrate at all. He cleared his throat nervously and tried to relax in his chair.

  “Are you ready for my story?” she asked.

  “I sure am,” Walter replied, fueling his excitement from hers. “Oh crap! Where are my manners?”

  Walter smacked himself on the forehead.

  “I’m Walter, by the way,” he extended his hand across the table.

  She took his hand in hers and shook it. Walter held her hand for a second too long before releasing it.

  “Pleased to meet you, Walter,” she replied. “I’m Lithilia. And this is my story.”



  HER EYELIDS SLOWLY parted to adjust to the glaring lights. She was also groggy. She tried to hold her eyes open, but the pounding in her head rioted against her intention. She squeezed her eyelids shut, took in a few deep breaths and then slowly opened her eyes again. This time, the pounding in her head was tolerable and her eyes stayed open. Next, she tried to move but realized her body was in restraints. She moved her head around as much as she could and studied her environs. Everything was too strange and too overwhelming for her. Suddenly, her curiosity turned to fear and confusion, and she began to panic. She fought against her restraints to no avail. As she wrestled, there was a whizzing sound and a white mist gathered in front of her eyes blocking her vision. A few inhalations later, a calm swept over her and her body began to relax.

  Within moments, the mist cleared up, and she stared upwards into the face of a woman staring down at her. Her long black hair fell behind her shoulders. She had big, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, slightly protruding cheekbones, and full lips. The restraints parted and slid away from her body. She moved her body as much as she could within her confines, as she enjoyed her newfound freedom. She raised her right hand to touch the face that was looking down at her and she hit something transparent and solid. The woman staring down at her was doing the same thing. The woman was mimicking her every move. She frowned in confusion, tried again, and the same thing happened. There was a whizzing sound, and the solid, transparent thing slid on either side and the woman who was staring down at her vanished.

  Now, she was really confused and wondered where the woman had gone to. But when she realized that she was no longer restrained, she quickly forgot about the other woman who was staring at her a few moments ago. She raised her hands to her face and examined them, front and back, and wiggled her fingers as well. She then brought her hands to her face and felt her facial features; her eyes, nose, mouth. She licked her fingers and even tapped on her teeth. A movement on her left forced her to turn her head in that direction. Another creature was staring at her with unsullied curiosity. The other creature shared her physical traits with only slight differences. They both appeared to be undisturbed by their nakedness.

  He was already sitting on the edge of the similar transparent, flat surface she was lying on and gestured for her to do the same. This other creature was not afraid of her and neither was she afraid of him. She swung her legs to the side and looked at her legs and toes. She wiggled her toes and smiled. The other creature laughed, and so did she. They wiggled their toes together and laughed some more. The male then tried to stand on his feet. He did so a little too quickly and almost fell to the ground. He caught himself just in time on the thing on which he was sitting. She watched him with fascination as he struggled to take one cautious step at a time until he could walk very slowly. He used the transparent, flat surface he was sitting on for leverage. When he was confident enough, he turned around and started walking towards her.

  He stopped a few paces away from her. He gestured for her to get off the transparent surface she was sitting on. He complimented his gesture with grunts of encouragement. She opened her mouth to speak, but there was no sound. She closed her mouth, swallowed and tried again. This time, she succeeded in making some sounds. She grinned and giggled in excitement. He smiled at her and gestured with his right hand once again, encouraging her to try to walk. Her grin vanished, and she
shook her head violently. Her fear made her grip the edge of the flat, transparent surface she was sitting on. The man took a step towards her and then another. When the woman was within arm’s length, he reached for her shoulders. But she backed away, growled at him and bared her teeth. Her sudden aggression caused him to stagger backward. He almost fell but steadied himself. Strangely, the man was only confused for a moment. He paced back and forth, grunting and encouraging her even more with hand gestures.

  He ceased his pacing and reached for her shoulders once again. She shuddered at his touch but did not back away. He held her shoulder firmly as she let her feet touch the ground, gently. But when he let go of her shoulders, panic seized her. Her legs buckled, and she screamed in fear. She threw her arms around the man’s neck and held on for dear life. The man thought she was attacking him and tried to peel her body away from his using brute strength. But she would not let go. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist, pressed her naked body even tighter against his, and started sobbing.

  Hearing her sobbing and feeling her body trembling with fright against his, the man stopped trying to pry her away from him. As if by instinct, he could tell she was terrified and he was moved. His hard grip on her hips morphed to a gentle touch and his instinct for self-defense morphed into empathy. His body relaxed, and he could feel her tense body trembling against his even more. His hands moved away from her ribcage. He gently held her waist with his right arm to support her body against his and started gently stroking her long, black hair to comfort her. Her sobs subsided, and her body relaxed. She still held on to his body, but she held on more out of support than out of fear.

  The man grunted some more to encourage her to try again. She sniveled and grunted, as if to say she would try again. Slowly, she slid her legs from off his waist and placed them on the floor, while the man held her steadily against his body. She carefully took a step backward and another. He let her go, slowly this time, and her body tensed up. He grunted, and she understood he was encouraging her. Slowly, she turned away from him and took one careful step after another. A broad grin spread across her face, and she shrieked with joy. She could walk on her own, and he was happy for her! Together they walked around the chamber and even jumped up and down a few times. They were making all kinds of guttural sounds now at each other until, suddenly, they stopped and stared at each other.

  His gaze zoomed in on her breasts. He noticed, for the first time, that hers were different from his. He reached out and grabbed her left breast with his right hand. He squeezed and let go. He repeated the same gesture with his left hand on her right breast. Then he held both her breasts in his hands and squeezed repeatedly. He smiled and grunted happily. She let him continue and noticed that her nipples were getting harder. As she looked downwards, she noticed an extension of his body that was not on hers. She reached down, took his extension in her left hand and squeezed. She could feel it throbbing and getting warmer and harder in her hand. She did not understand why this was so, and neither could she understand the feeling of warmth between her legs. Both creatures gazed into each other’s eyes, and, instinctively, the woman dropped on her hands and knees, while the man knelt behind her.

  They remained in that position for several minutes, grunting away as they gave into their basic instincts. The man was feral, and the woman had no problems accommodating him. She enjoyed the occasional waves of pleasure that ran through her body. Each wave was different. Some were gentle, and others caused her entire body to quiver and quake. In those moments, she would grunt accordingly and moisten some more. At last, he thrust harder and more vigorously as his body spasmed until he climaxed. He collapsed on top of her and they slumped to the floor as one. They snuggled against each other and fell fast asleep, still ignorant of who they were or whence they came.

  The woman was the first to wake up. She rubbed her eyes before sitting up. Her inner thighs were sticky, but she did not care. Her movements woke him up. They stood up and surveyed their environs, their curiosity getting the better of them. It was a unicolor chamber with nothing but the two hovering, flat surfaces on which they had awoken. Suddenly, there was a whizzing sound, and another creature walked into the chamber. He looked like they did; very dark skin and build, but clothed and a little taller. He held something flat in both hands and on it was something that smelled so delicious that it awoke another primordial instinct in them; hunger.

  “Hello, my lovely couple,” said the third creature, knowing fully well that they could not understand him. “You must be famished. Would you like something to eat?”

  He gestured at the food on the tray. The lovely couple looked at him, the tray, at each other and back to the tray. The third creature smiled, sat on the floor and set the tray in front of him. He broke off a piece of the roasted animal with his bare hands and took a bite out of it.

  “Hmm, delicious! Come join me!” he said, beckoning at them.

  The couple hesitated before the male cautiously walked over to the tray. When the female made to follow the male, the male put his hand on her chest and grunted. She remained where she was. The male walked cautiously towards the tray as the third creature ate away with as much fake gusto as he could muster. The male took a piece of the roasted animal and ate. His eyes lit up as his palate sprang to life. He grabbed the entire tray of food and hurried back to the female. He took another savage bite from it and offered the rest to her. She did the same. The lovely couple feasted away. Ten minutes later, nothing but partially chewed bones were left of the roast.

  “Remarkable!” said the third creature, as he observed the couple with intense fascination. “Even in such savagery, the male still displays the instincts of a protector.”

  There was another whizzing sound, and another creature walked in who looked just like the third creature, only a little taller and his hair was silver instead of black.

  “Can you believe they have mated already?” the third creature said telepathically.

  “Already?” the fourth asked, incredulous of what he had just heard. “But, how come? How did they even know? It’s still too early!”

  “Remarkable! Not ‘too early’,” the third creature insisted.

  “I stand corrected then, my friend,” the fourth conceded.

  “This was why I insisted we include the final pair in the mix,” the third said. “So, they have twenty-four instead of twenty-three. Besides, it will make our work a lot easier now, you’ll see.”

  “I trusted your judgment then,” the fourth replied. “I’ll do the same now.”

  The third creature walked cautiously over to the couple and stared at them. He smiled the entire time, hoping to communicate that he meant the couple no harm. But the couple retreated, and the third creature ceased his approach.

  “You must still be hungry,” he said to them.

  The couple just stared at him and grunted.

  “Bring me some fruits,” said the third creature telepathically.

  A few moments later, two other creatures, who resembled the third creature, brought two trays of fruits and set them down on the floor in front of the couple. The third creature adjusted his posture on the floor and started eating. When he was certain he had tickled the couple’s curiosity enough, he picked up a fruit and handed it over to the male. He knew if the male accepted it, the female would also accept it. She had already grown to trust him. Perhaps it was the mating that had sealed that trust. The third creature thrust the fruit towards the male. The male took the fruit with less hesitation this time. He took a bite of the fruit and chewed as the female looked on with eagerness and curiosity. When the male was satisfied there was nothing wrong with the fruit, he handed the female the remainder of the fruit, and she ate of it.

  The third creature was pleased. He gestured, inviting the couple to come sit closer. The couple obliged and, together, they ate the two trays of fruits.

  “You like the fruits too, no?” the third creature said. “Don’t you worry, there is plenty more out there.
You will soon see.”

  The third creature’s eyes danced with excitement as he spoke. He extended his left hand towards the male. The male touched it, sniffed it and grunted. He smiled and extended his right hand to the female. She touched it, sniffed it, licked it and grunted as well. The third creature laughed, and the couple joined him.

  “I apologize for my bad manners,” the third creature said after the laughter subsided. “Let me introduce myself. I am your creator.”

  And so, it came to pass that a friendship emerged between the creator and his creatures on the first day of contact. The creator and his colleague wanted to transfer their handiworks to another chamber, but the creatures would not leave their immediate environs. It took a lot of coaxing to get them to return to the platforms whence they first awoke. The female would only settle in hers after the male gave her a nod of approval. The couple suffered from restless and sleepless nights at times; but those nights were easily taken care of with white mists, which put them to sleep.

  After several weeks, the creator and some members of his team built a good relationship with the male and the female. To the utter astonishment of the creator, his creatures were quickly learning to read, write and speak their language. But even with the improved relationship between creator and creatures, the couple still showed a strong aversion to leaving their immediate environs. Even getting them to put on some garments was a problem. It took several months before the couple agreed put on some garments and move to a different area. The couple needed some motivation though, such as slowly making their current chamber too cold for comfort.

  The couple was as curious as they were excited to see other areas of what they had come to accept as their abode. They touched, and sometimes licked, as many things that lined the hallways as they could. Above their heads, some objects shone with a brightness that did not hurt their eyes. The female tried to touch these objects, but her height would not permit her. Even jumping did not help. The male was also a little too short to reach these shiny objects, and for a few minutes, the couple was giggling away with every attempt to jump and touch the shiny objects. The creator and his team watched them very patiently.


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