An Archangel's Ache

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An Archangel's Ache Page 26

by Leo E. Ndelle

  Two bottles of beer and a shot of whiskey later, Donald decided to head home. Newman was already asleep by the time Donald returned home. Donald was too tired even to take his shoes off before he collapsed into his bed. How he made it home safely was a mystery to him. But he was grateful nonetheless that no one, including himself, got hurt during his return home.

  After Donald left Sara’s bar, Patrick started hitting on a girl sitting alone next to him. He thought he could use a little distraction before Sara came over, as well as create an alibi. She followed him to his motel room. While Patrick was busy with his entertainment for the night, he decided he might have to try something else. The idea was so simple and sudden that he wondered how it could have eluded him before. He wanted to smack himself across the face but then changed his mind and smacked his entertainment for the night’s butt instead. She loved it and asked for more. Patrick obliged, yanking her hair at the same time. They both climaxed together, which did not happen so often. He filled three-quarters of the condom. Damn! He complimented himself.

  About an hour-and-a-half later, Patrick dropped off his one-night stand partner, returned to his room, showered and waited for Sara. Sara walked into the motel room a few minutes later and closed the door behind her. Her eyes flashed violet, and the violet radiance from her body cast a hypnotic, beautiful violet glow in the dark motel room. Patrick was already weak in the knees even before Sara slid on the bed and united her naked body with his. Tonight was going to be another night of intense esoteric electricity, exhilarating energy and exulting ecstasy.


  ON ENEMY terrain

  KAZUK STARED BLANKLY through the window of his domain. Hell Realm was abuzz with a life of its own. Everyone was getting ready for what was about to come. Finally, the moment was nigh, according to their king’s promise. Kazuk summoned and flapped his wings a few times. As he dismissed his wings, he felt the naked body of his partner press against his bare back and butt. Lithilia wrapped her arms around his waist and gently ran her fingers along his chiseled abdomen. Kazuk heaved his shoulders as he was becoming more aroused. Lithilia smiled and reached for his pubic region. Kazuk’s reaction was instant, and Lithilia stroked his hardened reaction slowly and sensually until he turned around to face her.

  In one smooth motion, Lithilia wrapped her arms around Kazuk’s neck, and her legs found support around his waist. His metallic extension vanished into her nether region like a magic trick. As always, it was a perfect fit! Kazuk summoned and spread his wings and lifted the two of them in the air towards the ceiling. They remained on the ceiling for several, passionate and ravenous moments until red light erupted from Kazuk’s eyes and phallus. The couple crashed towards the floor and a bed burst out of the floor to absorb their crash. Lithilia had to admit that although she felt nothing for her husband, their sessions were always phenomenal. Maybe that was also why she could tolerate this insanity for as long as she did. Not much longer now, she mentally recited her mantra. Not much longer!

  “I’ll have to stop by Metatron’s domain before heading to Celestia,” Kazuk said.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Lithilia asked.

  When Kazuk remained silent, she added quickly.

  “I didn’t mean it like that! I was just asking if you think they would not try to end you once they saw you.”

  “No, they won’t!” Kazuk replied, still staring at the ceiling. “They have too much honor and scruples to end or even arrest me on sight. Can’t say anyone else from our realm would receive the same treatment.”

  “Because you are the King of Hell Realm!” Lithilia interjected. “They will know your presence is for a serious cause.”

  “Exactly,” Kazuk concurred.

  “And what if Michael doesn’t show up?” Lithilia asked again. “What if Raphael shows up instead? What will you do?”

  “It really does not matter who shows up,” Kazuk replied calmly. “The end result will be the same. By the moment they realize what’s going on, it will already be too late.”

  Lithilia squeezed herself against Kazuk in a silent declaration that she was concerned for his safety. She communicated to her husband that she would prefer he did not go because she feared the worst might befall him. But she understood it had to be done. Kazuk had been working on this plan for a few cycles and the moment of truth was nigh. Kazuk turned her face towards his and saw the tears streaming down her eyes. He kissed both her eyes in a gesture of reassurance that all will be well. She kissed him on the lips, long and hard until he had to peel himself away from her gently. But Lithilia would not let go. Her sobs made Kazuk’s core ache, but he had to go.

  And so, Kazuk stripped himself from her finally and pushed himself away from the bed. As he walked towards the door, his body became resplendent and pure again, a robe appeared on his body and his hair was well combed. Kazuk dismissed his wings. The door opened, and before he stepped through, he paused, turned around and gave his wife one final look. Kazuk met Lithilia’s gaze as she sat naked on the bed., He saw the fear, sadness and something that could be mistaken for love in her eyes. Kazuk nodded sharply once, turned back around and walked away. At least, she still seemed to care. As the door closed behind him, Lithilia grinned and congratulated herself for an outstanding performance.

  Kazuk teleported to Metatron’s domain and knocked on the door. Metatron asked him to come in, and Kazuk walked in. He saw Metatron resting on his knees and toes, with his back to the door. His torso was bare, and Kazuk could see the mark on the back of his neck, in between his shoulder blades. Kazuk closed the door behind him and stood close to the door.

  “Hello Metatron,” Kazuk greeted casually.

  “Hello, my king,” Metatron replied in a monotone.

  “You know why I am here, don’t you?” Kazuk asked.

  “Yes, I do, my king,” Metatron replied with the same monotone.

  “Good,” Kazuk said. “I won’t insult you by asking if you’re ready. I’m just trying to make sure that every piece is in place before I proceed.”

  “His majesty owes me no explanation whatsoever,” Metatron replied.

  Kazuk could not discern whether Metatron was being sarcastic or not. It did not matter anyway. Whatever petty sentiments Metatron was expressing, or trying to insinuate, were of no interest to him. He would deal with Metatron later. For now, he had bigger wings to groom.

  “Very well, then,” Kazuk conceded. “I’d like to express my sincere appreciation of the fact that you are willing to work with us for our common good. Our moment is almost finally upon us. We could finally regain our respect, honor, and glory!”

  “I could not have said it any better,” Metatron replied. “My king…”

  Kazuk shook his head in frustration. If Metatron did not hold such high importance to the plan, he would have ended Metatron right that very moment.

  “Once you get the signal, act instantly!” Kazuk ordered and opened the door. “Everything has to be flawless.”

  “Everything will be perfect from my end, my king,” Metatron reminded him. “Respectfully, you have nothing to worry about, as far as I am concerned. If I recall correctly, I was the one who told you about the prophecies and reminded you about the Zarark. Was I not, my king?”

  “You recall correctly, Metatron,” Kazuk admitted, feeling the sting of Metatron’s subtle reminder about how most of the plan was designed by Metatron, a planned that aligned with The Scribe’s, and not him, Kazuk.

  Once again, he felt stupid and once again, it was thanks to Metatron. Even after he had tamed Metatron, Metatron could still find a way to deliver carefully calculated and subtle jabs. He made to shut the door just as Metatron uttered some final words.

  “Good luck, my king,” Metatron said.

  “Thank you, Metatron,” Kazuk replied and closed the door.

  Metatron waited for a few moments before he opened his eyes. When he did, blood-red flames spewed from them, and when he smiled, blood-red flames s
eethed through his teeth. He was furious and excited at the same time; furious, because he had to force himself to suffer the humiliation of addressing Maziel as his king, and excited because his plan was about to come to fruition. It was only a matter of moments now. Maziel may even succeed in obtaining the Zarark. But if Maziel thought she would bow to him when she was free, he would be in for the biggest shock of his existence. He had no winging idea who he was going to be dealing with.

  Kazuk teleported to a neutral zone in Lemuria that was close to the border of Celestia. He contemplated for a few moments, not that he had any doubts, but just because. He looked at Celestia from his vantage point, the realm that was once his home. Nostalgia swept over him, but he quickly shrugged it off. It was about to go down now, and there were no moments to be spent reminiscing on lost feathers. He had to make sure one final piece of the puzzle was in place before stepping into Celestia. After that, there would be no turning back.

  “Jamael, are you ready?” Kazuk asked in the sub-angelic frequency.

  “I am, brother,” Jamael replied in like manner.

  “You know, you still have the opportunity to change your mind if you want to,” Kazuk added. “No one will blame or judge you. Well, I will neither blame nor judge you.”

  Kazuk was only pretending, though. He knew he already had Jamael by the wings.

  “Thanks for the offer, Kazuk,” Jamael replied. “My mind is made up. I’m all-in!”

  “Okay, brother!” Kazuk replied still not entirely certain that Jamael would go through with his part of the plan.

  Good thing that he already had a backup in case Jamael had a sudden change of heart.

  “It gives me great comfort and joy when you reassure me like this! Like I told you before, our mission cannot succeed without your help.”

  “Then I must ensure my success!” Jamael reaffirmed.

  “And I trust that you, no WE, will succeed, brother!” Kazuk chimed in. “Be prepared now. It is about to happen!”

  Kazuk teleported to Celestia! The moment his form crossed the boundary of Celestia, alarms went off all over the realm. Kazuk dropped to both knees and raised his hands in the air as scores of archangels and angels converged around him, weapons drawn and aimed towards him. Kazuk did not move. Other angels and archangels positioned themselves at various corners of Celestia in preparation for any attack that may ensue. None came, but they remained poised and ready regardless. An archangel walked through the wall of angels and archangels that had formed around Kazuk and stood in front of Kazuk.

  “I’ll be wingless!” the archangel exclaimed. “If it’s not the King of Hell Realm himself!”

  “It is good to see you too, Palubiel,” Kazuk replied.

  “I can assure you, the feeling is not mutual Maziel,” Palubiel retorted. “Or would you prefer I call you Kazuk?”

  “I’d love to entertain your childishness, Palubiel,” Kazuk spoke calmly. “But I am here for more important business; like meeting with your superior.”

  “The only thing you will meet here is your end,” Palubiel said.

  “And risk an instant war?” Kazuk asked. “I am very sure you don’t want to go down in history as the one who started another slaughter because your emotions were completely devoid of any intellect.”

  Palubiel glared and summoned her spiked club.

  “Stand down, everyone!” the unmistakable commanding voice of Raphael cut through the crowd.

  Everyone executed the order except for Palubiel.

  “Palubiel?” Raphael glared at her.

  “Yes, sir!” Palubiel answered and made her weapon disappear.

  Raphael walked towards Kazuk. His wristband was already glowing. ‘Try anything stupid, and you and Hell Realm will be decimated with extreme prejudice!’ was the unspoken message, and Kazuk heard the message loud and clear.

  “Why are you here?” Raphael asked with fire in his voice.

  “To speak to Michael,” Kazuk replied.

  “Really?” Raphael scoffed. “You want to see Michael.”

  “Yes, I do,” Kazuk replied.

  “Whatever message you have for Michael, you can pass it onto me. Rest assured, Michael will receive the message,” Raphael added.

  “If you will not allow me to speak to your superior,” Kazuk said. “Then my purpose here is done, and I should return to my realm.”

  “And who said I was going to let you leave Celestia?” Raphael asked.

  Kazuk smiled before replying.

  “I don’t recall saying that I would need your permission to return to my realm, Raphael!” Kazuk said and in the sub-angelic vibrational frequency, he uttered one word.


  Metatron’s eyes flared and the mark on the back of his neck, in between his shoulder blades, glowed into a very bright blood-red hue. It burned his skin, and he felt the pain. He summoned a dagger in his left hand, and he lifted it over his head. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and drove the dagger into the mark. A beam of blood-red light shot out from his mouth as he screamed in agonizing pain like he had never felt before. He felt as if his eyes would pop out of his head and he felt his body spasm and become rigid. He felt the connection build and become stronger and stronger. He collapsed to the floor and retrieved the dagger from the mark. Blood-red light beamed from the cut. But the cut healed itself immediately. Metatron lay on the ground, satisfied that his part of the plan had worked so far.

  Michael watched Kazuk teleport into Celestia. He watched as Raphael’s squad leaped into action immediately. He was pleased with the way everyone responded. He watched as Raphael seemed to interrogate Kazuk. He could not help but wonder why, for wings’ sake, Kazuk had just shown up like that. He was certain that something was amiss. As Raphael continued to interrogate Kazuk, Michael sat back in his chair. He repeatedly tapped the left armrest of his seat with his index finger absentmindedly, trying to understand why Kazuk had made such an obvious appearance. Then it hit him! Kazuk was just a decoy and a very big one for that matter! Michael leaped from his chair and summoned his full combat gear. He was just about to alert Raphael when he felt the worst pain he had never felt in his existence.

  Michael screamed and crashed on the floor. The mark on the back of his neck shone and burned. But what caused the pain was not the mark burning. It was as if someone had plunged every fiber of his being into a flaming cauldron and it was burning his very existence away. The pain was everywhere and nowhere. He rolled on the floor and tried to summon Uriel or Gabriel, but could do no such thing. Finally, after a brief moment, the pain eased up, and the glow on the mark faded away. Michael lay on the floor for a few moments until his strength returned. As he struggled to sit up, his mind raced in every direction. He knew he had to think and act fast. Something was seriously amiss! He shook his head and thought harder, reasoned harder and pushed his mind even harder. When he realized what had happened, he immediately teleported. Alas, he was many moments too late.

  Jamael stood at his post at the Spawn Sanctuary. He was waiting for the signal any moment now. The alarms went off all over Celestia, and there was commotion everywhere. He knew that was not the signal and after all, he had to maintain his position. He had to protect the Spawn Sanctuary at all cost. He waited and could feel his impatience and nervousness growing at the same time. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. As he closed his eyes, he heard Kazuk’s order and his eyes snapped open. At the same instant, an archangel manifested in front of him. Jamael immediately summoned his spear and was about to attack. But the archangel raised his hands in the air.

  “We’re on the same side, brother,” he said. “Kazuk sent me. I’m to retrieve the Zarark and affirm your non-association with the plan!”

  Jamael lowered his spear and eyed the archangel suspiciously, wondering if this was some kind of test.

  “Come on, brother!” the archangel pleaded, glancing over his shoulders, “We don’t have enough moments! Michael will be down here any moment!”

; At the mention of Michael being there at any moment, Jamael snapped back to the urgency of the situation and turned towards the door to the Spawn Sanctuary. He could see a mark glowing on the door that was never there before. He raised his spear and struck the mark. As soon as the tip of his spear touched the mark, the door exploded inwards, and Jamael dashed into the sanctuary. He hurriedly glanced around, and since this was his first moment ever to set foot in the sanctuary, he did not know where to go.

  “Go straight and then make a sharp left!” a voice commanded him. “After the sharp left, you will find an altar straight ahead with the statue of two angels on either side holding what looks like flaming swords. On the altar, you will find a tablet with the same mark you saw on the door just a moment ago. Retrieve this tablet and leave the sanctuary!”

  Jamael followed the instructions of The Scribe to the letter and found what he was looking for. He picked it up and teleported out of the sanctuary. When he manifested, the other archangel was there. As Jamael stood there and panicked for a split moment, the archangel made his sword manifest, and before Jamael could turn around to see who was standing behind him, the archangel swept the sword in a horizontal arc. Jamael’s head flew from his body, and bright golden light spewed from his exposed neck, where his head used to be. The other archangel retrieved the tablet from Jamael’s hands before Jamael’s headless and lifeless body collapsed to the ground. Jamael’s existence ended, and in his final moments, his last thoughts were of how much of a fool he had been for ever trusting Kazuk.

  The archangel immediately teleported to a neutral zone in the dimension, where he handed over the Zarark to The Scribe, who was a stranger to the archangel. The Scribe accepted the Zarark. The archangel teleported to Hell Realm, his new home, while The Scribe teleported to Keerim. The Scribe handed the Zarark over to Keerim, who promptly shielded it from any form of detection from any creature in dimensions lower than the Dimension of Mueba. Slowly, he felt his sanity return, as well as his temporary feeling of peace.


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