An Archangel's Ache

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An Archangel's Ache Page 33

by Leo E. Ndelle

  THE ONE HAS returned! So what?! Who gives an esoteric crap! You think this is over? You think a new big boss is around and nothing else will go down? You poor fools! There’s more to come, creatures of Lemuria; you all wait and see; a lot more to come. The inevitable will always be the inevitable. It can only be postponed, case in point. But the inevitable cannot be avoided. I know, because I’ve see it. I know because I designed it. I know because I am a purveyor of purpose. I know because I am The Scribe. I am Chaos and I am perfect!

  The Realm of Celestia was never meant to be one of his catalysts for his grand plan of undoing Creation. On Earth Realm, The Scribe had to create the Bright Eyes. But in Celestia… As soon as The Scribe realized how much the notion of polarization was affecting its creatures, there was no way he was going to pass up on the opportunity. He had no need to even change their constituencies. Every creature in the Dimension of Lemuria was both physically and esoterically ready to receive the vibration of chaos during the upcoming Great Reset. The perfect candidates were the creatures of Celestia; the angels and archangels.

  The Scribe had his work already cut out for him. These were a bunch of creatures bent on self-destruction. The Scribe wondered why that was. After accessing the Dimension of Time, he glanced into the past, he found his answer. It was their makers’ doing, the Shemsus; creatures from the Dimension of Asah! The Scribe smiled as he watched the etheric video of cycles past. He saw how the creatures of Celestia were spawned by the Shemsu and as he watched he found his ultimate backup plan for Earth Realm, in case Beelzebub and Maduk turned out to be disappointments, like The Twins and their ugly spawn. Luck does favor the prepared, The Scribe said to himself, quoting from one of the many clichés of the creatures of Earth Realm.

  The Scribe returned to licking his two proverbial wounds; ultimate backup or not, Earth Realm still needed an esoteric gentrification. First wound; the Bright Eyes had been obliterated, leaving Earth Realm as an unbalanced equation in his plan. Second wound; Celestia had just escaped, yet again, another situation of self-eradication. But no need to worry! No need for panic. There was always a backup for the backup plan. I would not be Chaos if this was not the case. I would not be The Scribe, THE purveyor of purpose, if this was not the case. The inevitable remained unchanged. The future remained the same. Creation will still be-

  The Scribe bolted upright in his seat. What was that he felt? It was barely more than a tinge in the subliminal vibrational frequency. But it was there regardless. He waited in absolute stillness and stretched his perception to the limits. Nothing! He waited… Still, there was nothing. Maybe it was in his mind? Maybe he thought he felt something but there was nothing there? But how could he even be unsure? He was The Scribe and he was sure about everything he partook in; or influenced. So, no! His mind was not playing tricks on him. He felt something! It was there! The Scribe reclined in his seat, closed his eyes and let his mind comb through the cosmoscape.

  The Scribe remained in that state of mental rest in the Dimensions of Time and Space, and undetectable to his maker, Akasha. To entertain his ego, he summoned the past, present and future again. His eyes remained closed. He knew what he was going to see. The present and the past were of no concern of his, as long as the future no longer existed. Yes, he had seen it all and he was pleased. The Great Reset will be the final stamp to this inevitability. The Scribe grinned with extreme satisfaction. He would steal one more glance before emerging from his state of subliminal vibrational frequency. And as The Scribe opened his eyes, he experienced something he had never, ever experienced in his entire existence; shock!

  The portion of his summons that was supposed to represent a non-existent future was phasing in and out. But how could this be! This was not the work of Akasha. Someone was messing with his perfect plan and was attempting to reverse the inevitable. Someone was giving Creation a future! The Scribe’s immediate instinct was to scream in rage. But he dared not while in his current state. There was no telling how much of Creation would become obliterated if he did scream while in his current state of existence. There was no need for him to invoke the wrath of Akasha and maybe The Logos. Turning his quest to undo Creation into a suicide mission was not part of the plan. Despite being a purveyor of purpose and the epitome of chaos, The Scribe still shared a common characteristic of every creature in Creation: an instinct for survival.

  The Scribe began his slow exit from his current vibrational state. With each drop in vibrational frequency, he became denser in form. With every increase in density, his anger intensified. When he attained his intended level of density of form, The Scribe clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. He chose an uninhabited cosmic cluster, consisting of over a hundred dimensions and thousands of realms. And then, The Scribe let out a scream of rage so intense that the cosmic cluster was obliterated to nothingness.

  Balim and Synath, the Paradins overseeing the decimated cosmic cluster, detected the strange and insane amount of energy emanating from that portion of Creation. They immediately reported the phenomenon to their supervisors. Inquiries followed to no avail. The Scribe did not care. Nothing mattered; nothing except finding the creature who was responsible for messing with his plan. No one, not even The Logos or Akasha, would be able to protect this creature from the wrath of Chaos!


  The creature resonated to the most subliminal vibrational frequency he could summon. The feeling was new to him and he did not know what was going to happen. His form would adapt, just like it had on many different occasions. It was one of his newly acquired talents. In this state, he searched throughout Creation, searching and grasping at any lead he could sense. Nothing! He cursed and tried again. He had to find what he was looking for and he had to do so immediately. The Great Reset was fast approaching.

  He calmed himself and closed his eyes. He could feel much of Creation, but the rest of Creation eluded him. He could access the Dimensions of Space and Ether, but those of Energy and Time remained out of reach. Energy and Time were the most important of the dimensions he needed to access. These two were the keys to browsing the cosmoscape entirely. He stilled his raging thoughts and decided to try again. Failure was not an option, especially with Creation facing its end.

  He tried again. He felt the vibrational frequency of his form increase until he was suddenly thrust into the Dimensions of Time and Energy. And with the breaking of these barriers, the cosmoscape was laid bare for him. Creation was indeed perfect! There was no way in his existence that he was going to let The Scribe undo all of it. He accessed the Dimension of Time and summoned the past, present and future. He searched and prodded into the past and present until he identified each of The Scribe’s catalyst realms; every single one of them. He nodded and then looked at the future. His heart sank.

  There was no future beyond the Great Reset. There were no realms, dimensions, or creatures. There was absolutely nothing! The Bright Eyes were defeated on Earth Realm, but that was not enough to stop the chain reaction that would undo Creation. According to what he was seeing, The Scribe had won. The Scribe had undone all of Creation. Even Akasha and Valla did not exist anymore! So, what was he to do? What could he do? Had he been given this blessing only to be cursed to realize the futility of existence?

  And then, a moment of clarity hit him. The future he was seeing was based on the outcome of current events. If he could cause enough changes within the past and present, then the future just might change for the better. He felt hope, he felt encouraged and he realized he had a lot of work to do. There is a reason for everything and everything has a purpose, including the kiss of Kundalini. Yeshua smiled and summoned every catalyst Chaos had chosen in Creation. He had some undoing to do. After all, was it not he who would undo the works of The Anomaly?

  Yeshua, a multidimensional being, summoned a golden pen and a golden book. He wrote many glyphs in the cosmoscape. The golden book opened by itself and flipped its pages over as golden glyphs buried themselves into the pages of the book. When Yeshua was
done, the golden book closed. The pen floated away from his hand. Yeshua then blew on the pen and book and they dissipated into the cosmoscape as tiny specs of gold dust. They flew freely until they embedded themselves into the past and present of time.

  “And now, we wait!” Yeshua said to himself.



  Thank you very much for reading An Archangel’s Ache, Book Two of The Soulless Ones. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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  Please also take a moment to read a sample of Book Three of The Soulless Ones, titled Baiting The Beast. Enjoy!



  IT WAS A vast and barren expanse of land as far as one could perceive in the pitch blackness that swallowed the land from horizon to horizon. The ground was parched, rock-hard and cracked in a myriad of erratic patterns. The land reeked of loneliness and emptiness. Even the air was lifeless. And except for a lonely soul that sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed and in deep meditation, the land was encased in an aura of death!

  Marissa blended with the stillness. She could feel the anima of the vastness, desolation, barrenness, and death of the land. Her anima united and resonated with the anima of this plane of existence. Marissa savored this resonance and unity. Then she breathed in slowly and deeply, and a zephyr blew across the land. She slowly exhaled her breath and the zephyr continued to blow across the land. She continued breathing slowly until her breathing synced with the zephyr. Her eyes remained closed. But in her mind, she formed an image of an all-engulfing brightness.

  “Let there be light!” she commanded in a quiet voice.

  Immediately, the darkness was chased away by the light, revealing the dire nature of the land. Marissa opened her eyes and appreciated what she saw. She assigned no labels and made no judgement. I’m getting better at this, she thought. Her logical mind started doing what it does best. Not right now! She thought, and her mind stilled. Marissa let it all be. She embraced and accepted it all for what it was. She smiled and felt Mother smiling back at her. All was peaceful; all was serene until the ruckus began.

  It started with a violent earthquake. But after a countless number of reruns, Marissa was unbothered by the violent earthquake. She had been frightened out of her skin the first few times, though, and many mistakes had resulted from that initial fear. But just as practice precedes perfection, Marissa had gotten better. And now, she remained as calm as a mountain in the storm that was the earthquake, as the ground rocked and split under the sheer force of esoteric, geological spasms. Then, seven hills of equal sizes broke out of the ground in succession and equidistant from one another. From an aerial perspective, if the tops of these hills were connected, they would form a heptagon or an outline of a seven-faceted crystal. Marissa waited for what she already knew was about to unfold.

  A ball of fire streaked across the sky like a falling star, leaving a trail of white sparkles in its wake. It streaked and burned across the skies like a cosmic torch and headed straight for the seven hills. It burned brighter as it entered the realm’s atmosphere and its acceleration was beyond that of the realm’s gravitational pull. The falling star provided more illumination for the already illuminated barren realm. Its downward path was a promise of apocalyptic obliteration for anything it impacted. One of the newly-formed seven hills suddenly became so big and tall that Mt. Everest would look like a mole hill next to it, and its sudden increase in size was perfectly timed with the collision from the falling star.

  There was a mega explosion, and half of the mountain was destroyed by the fallen cosmic object. The cosmic object, however, remained intact and was at the bottom of a ten-mile wide and one-mile deep caldera that had just been created in what remained of the mountain. The cosmic object was a twenty-four-foot-diameter ball of red-hot, magma-burning fury. Slowly, as if it had a mind of its own, the ball of fire started rolling up the of the caldera. It paused at the edge of the caldera. Marissa was facing in the direction of this cosmic body of mass destruction and this cosmic body seemed to stare down at her. And then, as if guided by an unseen, malicious force, it slowly tipped over the edge of the caldera. Once its center of gravity crossed over the edge of the caldera, it began accelerating towards Marissa.

  Marissa remained still. The gigantic, blazing ball of fire incinerated everything in its path as it accelerated towards Marissa. Six miles… Marissa remained still. One mile… Half a mile… Four-hundred yards… Three hundred yard… Marissa did not even blink. She was as still as still could be. When the ball of fire was two hundred yards away, it burst open and a ten-foot-tall creature leaped from its bowels leaving of fire as it sailed through the air. The creature landed in a genuflecting posture, ten feet from Marissa, before slowly rising to stand on its feet.

  The creature looked human, with claws for fingers and toes. It held a smoldering trident in its right hand. A bright yellow flame burned around its body like an auric silhouette. Its eyes blazed, and when it opened its mouth to speak, flames spewed from its buccal cavity. The creature lifted its trident and crashed the base of the trident’s hilt three times on the ground. A violent earthquake followed each crash, and each earthquake was more violent than the previous one. On the third crash, the ground broke and fissured towards Marissa in erratic patterns. When the fissure was close to Marissa, it forked on either side of her as if it was forced to fork as such by an unseen force. Marissa remained still.

  “You are getting better,” the creature complimented her.

  “You bore me, Beast,” Marissa replied.

  “Oh, Sarael!” The Beast smirked. “You should learn to lighten up!”

  “I won’t fail this time, Beast!” Sarael said and levitated in the air.

  Marissa, also known as Sarael, sparked the ethers. A golden sword formed in her left hand and a golden shield appeared in her right hand. She uncrossed her legs and let them touch the ground. Then she pulled the shield in front of her and placed her sword next to the shield in a battle stance. Green flames burst from her eyes and mouth at the same time.

  “Today you fall, Beast!” Sarael promised and leaped towards The Beast.

  * * *





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