Loose Cannon (American Badass Book 2)

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Loose Cannon (American Badass Book 2) Page 5

by Dani Stowe

I take a breath. It’s not just my balls that ache now, but my head is pounding. My heart is pumping so hard; I can feel the rush of blood pumping through my neck and into my brain; I can’t tell if it’s from anger or frustration or the urge to fuck her.

  Damn, I want to fuck her so bad.

  I sigh and lean back, “What’s wrong?”

  What’s wrong? What’s wrong? I’ve asked her this at least three times now.

  She tilts her head down. “I can’t do this. I just feel like this is going to get really complicated.”

  My hands fly out of my control “What’s so complicated about it?” I ask and I’m sure I sound angry. I hurt so bad—my balls, my body, my mind. It’s all I’ve been thinking about for a week—fucking her. I’m aching to fuck her. Hard. Right now. “I fuck you, you fuck me! This is not work Senator Jones. We’re not in your office. There are no laws here and nobody is making a pledge or signing any petitions to commit to anything.”

  I see the senator’s eyes water and a tear runs down her cheek.

  Now I feel bad. She sniffles and I feel really bad.

  “Hey, come here,” I say and grab her face again and kiss her.

  She tries to push me away as she sniffles again, so I scoot back and lean down, slipping my head under her dress. She smacks the back of my head hard a few times, which eventually lightens up, and she tries to shut her legs tight, but I massage her thigh and she allows me to lick between the slit of her pussy.

  She completely stops resisting. I know this is what she wants so I yank her a few inches across the seat towards me. I circle my tongue around her clit and lightly suck on it and then roll my tongue back and forth. I feel her hand massage the back of my head and her pussy starts to rain.

  I slip my tongue in her showering pussy hole and I feel like I’m drowning in the flow drenching my face that is beginning to flood the back of my throat so I tongue her.

  I feel both of the senator’s hands on the back of my head and I let my tongue slip back over her clit. She pushes my head hard into her so my face is dug deep between her legs as she squeezes her thighs tight to the sides of my head.

  She could easily crush me, but I don’t care because I want her so bad it’s practically killing me.

  I roll my tongue harder and she comes. I can hardly breathe while her body is jerking from her orgasm and she’s yelping at the top of her lungs.

  I tuck my cock back in my jeans as she comes down from her climax and I wipe my dripping wet face on her dress. “Pull over here,” I tell the driver as I fix my shirt. From the corner of my eye, I can see Senator Jones fixing her hair.

  “What’s here?” she asks as she adjusts her dress.

  “My exit,” I say as the limousine pulls up to the curb.

  “Wait, sergeant,” she says, “this is not how I planned this night to go. Let me at least take you out to dinner. I still haven’t fed you yet and that was part of our agreement.”

  I open the door and she tugs at my hand as I try to step out so I slide back down.

  “Sergeant, please,” she whines. “I know you’re upset. But this is exactly what I was trying to avoid. When people get involved, no matter what deal they agree to, the relationship will eventually require more effort. Someone always ends up with more expectations while the other ends up doing more work and that’s when things get complicated and ugly.”

  “You’re right,” I say, as I flick Senator Jones’s hand off mine and step out of the limo. I flex my arms on the limo door and peer down to look at her. “And I apologize if you think this is getting ugly, but in my defense, it’s because there’s nothing I want more than to uncomplicate things with you—the most beautiful woman who I think is worth all my effort.”

  She swallows hard and just stares blankly at me. She doesn’t say anything, like she’s lost all her superpowers and doesn’t have a clue how to fight for what I’m hoping she really wants—me.

  “I’m going to make this really simple for you. Don’t call me again,” I say and look to the driver in the front seat. “Take her home,” I tell him, “and you have a nice night ma’am,” I say to Senator Jones with a grin and a nod and then shut the door. I watch as the limo takes off and I realize what a fool I’ve been.

  My father—my adoptive father used to tell me, “The army will never admit they love fools. Only a fool would choose to be a soldier and a husband because it is the ultimate sacrifice. To be both a soldier and a husband is pure bravery—to be able to wreak havoc in the day while continually cultivating amity in the home at night. May Heaven help the enemy who must face the soldier that works endlessly, at every hour of the day and night, to purify his own bravery.”

  Although I still honor the notion I believe Senator Jones is somewhat of a superhero, I need to remind myself she is not a soldier like me. She’s just a girl with a big job dressed occasionally in stretchy underwear looking out for her fellow citizens. She doesn’t want to take charge of the feelings she has for me for the same reason she doesn’t want to take charge of her younger brother. It’s why she needs her thousand-dollar outfits along with her overpaid entourage. She knows how to work Capitol Hill, but she lacks bravery when it comes to working on her own life.

  I look up at the street sign and figure I’ve got a couple of blocks to walk back. As I take a step, I let out a cry; my balls still hurt. I figure that’s what I get for being brave—trying to help a superhero. I should’ve known Senator Jones would eventually have me by the balls, but damn! The woman needed someone brave enough to step up and help her—get her off with no reciprocation. And by God, I should probably get a medal for that kind of bravery.

  Chapter 6

  Finally, some fucking relief. I can’t believe I waited this long. It’s been a month since I’d seen the senator and dropped off her kid brother at camp. Today is the day I need to pick him up and bring him back to her. But I didn’t want to see the senator with my balls still blue and sore.

  I turn my head to see the dark-headed brunette named Verona lying on the pillow next to me; I finally brought her back to my place after she practically stalked me for the last four consecutive Saturdays at the bar on the corner. She’s cute, only a few years younger than me, and she certainly knew how to make me come—twice, in her pussy and in her mouth. Except, I don’t think she was too happy with the heavy load I dropped in the back of her throat last night; she couldn’t swallow all of it and what she spit out looked like a lot.

  Verona opens an eye to peek at me through her hair. I move the strands out of her face hoping to see steel-blue eyes, but I don’t. Instead, I see a light brown with flecks of yellow—pretty, but they’re giddy and I feel bad I’m going to have to kick Verona out soon. I have no doubt she’s a groupie—more interested in marrying into the military than falling in love. She’s dying for the day she can hook up with a soldier, any soldier. So, she and I are not going to work out, but I figure I’d at least be decent and cook her something.

  “Hey,” I say, “you want some breakfast?”

  She smiles and my eyes wander to the corner of her mouth. It’s wide and turned upright. I know I should be happy waking up next to someone who isn’t afraid to smile big like that at the sight of me, but the vision of something so sweet breaks my heart. I don’t even want to know what Verona would think if she knew I imagined she was the senator the whole time I was fucking her.

  “I’d love some breakfast,” Verona says with a giggle so I flip the sheet off my naked body and get up to stretch. “Oh my God, you are so sexy,” she says. “I mean, look at your muscles on your back and your thighs. Turn around,” she encourages.

  I turn around and she kicks her feet like a kid as she bites her lip. “Look at your abs! And your chest! And your—”

  “Calm down,” I say with a chuckle and I walk towards the kitchen and pull out a pan. “Listen, I have to pick up someone shortly.”

  “Another girl?” she interjects. “I should’ve known you’re already attached. A hot military man who loo
ks good in and out of his uniform and cooks must have somebody. Why don’t you dump her? I’ll take care of you.”

  Verona hardly looks like she can take care of herself.

  “No,” I frown and reach into the refrigerator to pull out some eggs. “I’m picking up a...friend.”

  “What friend?” she asks and I look up to see her face is frowning.

  “I guess you could say he’s...like family.”

  She exhales in relief. “So, can I stay here until you get back?” she asks.

  I think about the fact I’m going to have to face Senator Jones after I pick up her brother from camp and drop him off to her. That was part of our deal. I reach for an egg and it breaks in my hand. I look at the mess of clear whites and the broken yellow yolk spilled over the other eggs in the carton and I look down at my naked crotch.

  “You can stay,” I tell Verona despite the fact I wanted last night to be a one-time thing. Truth is, I have no doubt the second I see Senator Gemma Jones again, my dick will swell, my balls will bulge, and I’ll be desperate for some kind, any kind of relief.

  Chapter 7

  I drive into the camp parking lot proud to see the atmosphere has changed. When I came to drop off Graham, there was a feeling of bitterness, anger, and restlessness in the air making worrisome parents feel further unsettled—to leave their angry teens to face what the parents believed would be gruesome, soul-crushing training, and their angry teen’s last chance to change for the better.

  But that’s not what camp is about. It’s about relationships—the one you have with yourself and the ones you make with others. It’s about team building and respect.

  I’m a little peeved I don’t see Graham anywhere. As smiling and newly made young men and women still dressed in their gray shorts and tees greet their parents, who hardly recognize their kids made into adults, I don’t see anyone that remotely resembles Cracker Jack.

  I get out of my truck and make my way through the parking lot, which is beginning to empty. I wander through a few of the front buildings.

  Fuck. If this kid bailed, I’m going to be in deep shit with Senator Jones.

  I cut across the obstacle course, skipping over a few tires with ease, and head towards the sleeping quarters. There’s no one in sight, but I hear someone yelp.

  I head towards the sound coming from one of the smaller buildings with a sign that says: COUNSELOR’S QUARTERS. I hear another yelp; it sounds like someone’s in trouble and I pick up my pace until I get to the door and open it.

  “Ah fuck!” says Graham who’s under the counselor that helped him the first day, and they are both naked. “I’m so sorry, sir!” he says and I immediately shut the door.

  “That’s all right!” I cough and clear my throat. “Uh...take your time. I’ll be in the car whenever you’re...finished.”

  I walk back towards the parking lot and I admit I’m a little jealous of Cracker Jack. There’s no doubt Graham has changed, but he’ll always be a kid to me and that kid got a lot farther in thirty days with the chick he wanted than I did.

  Why did I just let Graham’s sister go?

  I hear footsteps swiftly coming up from behind me. “Sir!” yells Graham catching up. “I’m so sorry, Sergeant; I didn’t mean to make you wait,” he pants.

  “Did you make sure she...you know?”

  “Oh yeah!” he smirks. “I made sure, sir.”

  “Then, it’s okay,” I tell him. “It looks like you’ve changed and for the better.”

  Graham smiles with excitement, “Oh yes, sir. I think I might join the Navy, but I’m not sure how my sister is going to feel about it.”

  My phone rings and I dig in my pocket; the number on the screen belongs to Senator Jones. “It looks like you might have a chance to find out. Your sister clearly can’t wait to make sure you’re still in one piece.” I answer the phone. “I’ve just picked up Graham and I’ll drop him off shortly,” I assure Senator Jones.

  “Sergeant,” she says with a quibble in her voice, “I need you to listen very carefully.”

  “I’m listening,” I say as I look to Graham. I can’t help sense there is something seriously wrong.

  “Sergeant, I’m sending you instructions via text right now and I need you to follow these instructions very carefully,” she says.

  My phone buzzes and I pull it away from my ear to see a text message so I open it. They are instructions on where to meet her assistant and to collect a lump sum of cash totaling three million dollars plus a drop location.

  “What’s the matter?” asks Graham and I tap my finger to my lips to signal to him to be quiet.

  “Where are you?” I ask.

  There’s a pause on the line and I hear a noise as if her phone is being fumbled about. I wait until I hear a male’s voice speak.

  “Hello Sergeant,” he says and I recognize the voice. The low pitch that slurs with each “s” sound belongs to her fat bodyguard that I now know was never a soldier.

  “Hello,” I say and I try to keep a level head, especially with Graham staring at me; I know the senator has been kidnapped. “Where’s the senator?”

  “She’s fine,” he says, “but she won’t be if you don’t bring the money per the instructions to the drop off location by six o’clock tomorrow evening. Did you receive the information?”

  “I got it and I’ll get the money, but I want to be assured the senator will be unharmed and she will be delivered back to me in one piece.”

  “What?” shrieks Graham. I signal to him to keep quiet again.

  “I assure you,” coaxes the caller, “she won’t be harmed. We’ll keep her pretty mouth and long legs sealed tight for you. We know she likes you, but her brother, on the other hand, he owes us and the second we get the money, we’ll let the siblings reunite.”

  I agree to the exchange and hang up the phone. I immediately call my brother, Gunner.

  “Hey bro!” he says with excitement. “Are you coming to my son’s birthday party?”

  “I need help,” I tell him.

  “What’s up?” he asks; his voice says he knows something’s wrong.

  “Remember that time we had to beat the shit out of Ol’ Man Granger so we could find the location of where he buried his daughter’s dog alive in hopes we could rescue the thing?”

  “Yeah,” he says.

  “It’s kind of like that and I need to make the rescue by tomorrow night. Can you make it?”

  “I can make it,” says Gunner. “What about Jet?” Jet is our baby brother who is in the Air Force.

  “Jet’s all the way in the Pacific. He’s not going to make it.”

  “Hmm,” sighs Gunner, “and who are we rescuing, exactly? Because I know it’s not a dog.”

  “A chick.”

  “What chick?”

  “A senator. She’s been kidnapped for ransom.”

  “Holy fuck, Bastion! Why don’t you call the FBI?!”

  “C’mon, you know they’ll fuck it up.”

  Gunner groans before he asks, “Are you bangin’ this senator?”

  I look up at Graham, who is staring back in utter confusion and I hesitate as I whisper to Gunner on the phone. “With my tongue.”

  Gunner chuckles. “So, you’re in love with her then?”

  I look at my surroundings. I look at the kid I’m helping to forge into a man and I consider the possibility it might be true—that I’m “in love” with Senator Jones.

  I didn’t want to come to this camp as a kid. My adoptive father had to drag me. He kept saying it was for my own good and it was because he loved me that he had to leave me to find strength to face my own demons. Looking back at why I fought so hard—kicking and screaming not to come, I know it wasn’t because of demons but because I was afraid. I was afraid to be left without my new parents in reach. I was afraid to be left again as I once was by my biological father, who went to prison and died in there. I came to camp to get over my fears of losing people and, although I haven’t seen Senator Jones in
a month, I’ve never been more afraid to lose someone.

  “I’ll take your silence as a yes, that you’re in love with her,” says Gunner. “So, which gun do you want me to bring? I’m assuming you want me to stop at the storage unit and bring all the gear, but particularly the dart gun.”

  “Yep,” I say. Gunner was always the best shot between the three of us brothers; so that’s what our dad taught him to do best.

  “I’m also assuming you want fast-acting, but quick-to-wear-off tranquilizers?” Gunner assumes.

  My brother knows me too well. “Yep,” I say again.

  “How about the Cannon? Do you want me to bring that out of storage, too?”

  My stomach feels queasy. “Yeah,” I mutter, “I haven’t seen Dick in a while.”

  “I’ll drive up tonight,” says Gunner. “But if Jet isn’t coming, who’s going to be our driver?”

  I look up at Graham who looks anxious—eager to find out what’s going on. “Don’t worry, brother,” I tell Gunner. “I have someone in mind.”

  Chapter 8

  I tap the fat motherfucker in the face with the steel hollow pipe I inherited from my father—my biological but dead father. “Wake the fuck up, asshole,” I tell the guy who Gunner, Graham, and I kidnapped and taped to a heavy wooden chair in the middle of an abandoned warehouse.

  Abducting the guy was rather easy; he didn’t even come with any backup. The second I opened the zipper to the black bag filled with cash I got from Senator Jones’s assistant, Gunner shot the asshole in the neck from atop a building with a dart gun. It only took one tranquillizer dart and a few seconds for the asshole to begin to sway as Graham pulled up in the van and came out to open the side door, which allowed me to simply tip the asshole into the vehicle where he collapsed. I don’t think we could’ve executed the abduction any better, and I’m rather proud of Cracker Jack. After just thirty days at camp, Graham already knows how to take and follow through with orders. I’d like to revel in how proud I am of him and how I knew he was a misfit because he had not yet met glory, except now I need to wake up the asshole.


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