Eden One, Episode One

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Eden One, Episode One Page 6

by Raven K. Asher

  I hated not having control.

  I nod remaining quiet as I turn my face to look at him.

  His hand comes up to brush away a stray strand of my hair, and I close my eyes.

  “You should have kept our union, Kenzie.” He whispers.

  “You know why I couldn’t, Killian.” I reply softly.

  “I know, and I’m sorry I left you in the shower room, I scared myself when I admitted my feelings to you. What I said was true though, somewhere along the lines of knowing you I’ve fallen for you, even though you’ve hated me every moment.” Killian confesses.

  “Things wouldn’t be so bad if you could just prove to me that it wasn’t you who killed my mother, Killian.”

  “I will prove it to you.” He promises.

  Grabbing my hand he pulls me away from our spot to an even more secluded spot where no one could see us.

  I don’t move as he places his hands on my hips before leaning in pressing his lips firmly to mine. One hand comes up to cup my cheek and I sigh softly as I lean into him.

  His tongue tangles with mine as I take that plunge into the unknown.

  I wasn’t sure what would become of us, but I was damned if I wasn’t going to at least enjoy this for the moment.

  Moving me back to a wall he continues to caress his tongue over mine as my swords hit the wall, my back suddenly splinters with pain, I gasp in agony.

  Pulling me away from the wall pain continues to slice through my entire body as Killian curses.

  “I’m so sorry, Kenzie.” He whispers as he pulls my face up to look into my eyes. “Tell me what to do.” He pleads helplessly.

  “I need something for the pain.” I pant out. “Go tell Max and Maddox I need them. I can’t leave here like this.”

  He nods watching my tears fall for a moment. Wiping them away quickly he kisses my forehead before walking back out into the dining room to get help.

  Turning around I unbuckle my swords from my back and allow them to fall to the floor I could already feel the blood running down my back.

  I swear I had the worst luck.

  My stitches must have torn again, at least that’s the only reason I could come up for why I was in so much pain. Leaning my head against the cool metal wall I close my eyes as I feel my blood travels down my arm to drip off of my fingertips.

  I was going to be in real trouble if I didn’t get my wounds healed.

  “What’s going on?” Maddox questions as he turns me.

  His boot slips in the small puddle of blood by my side and he curses.

  “It hurts real badly, this time, worse than before.” I answer.

  “We have to fix you up before you bleed anymore.” Maddox answers as Killian and Max squeeze their way into the tight space.

  “Go get your medic kit, Maddox, and I’ll help her remove what she needs to. Max I need you to get her some sort of pain killers from the doctor’s office, tell them I sent you for it.” Killian commands, Max and Maddox.

  Both nod and rush out.

  Slipping off my jacket, Killian curses.

  “It’s a mess isn’t it?” I question softly looking back at him over my shoulder, he nods. “Just cut the straps of my tank top and pull it down to my waist. I don’t think holding my arms up will help.”

  “I need a knife.” He states right before I feel his hand glide down my thigh to where my throwing knives were strapped.

  I shiver, and I swear I can practically feel him smile as he pulls one of the knives from its holster.

  Even while bleeding and in pain I couldn’t help the way my body seemed to want to react to his presence.

  Groaning, I lean against the wall again as he cuts through my straps, and then pulls down my shirt.

  I feel his hands wrap around me as he grabs a hold of the bandage and then slowly unwraps it from around my body.

  Closing my eyes I bite my lip as he pulls the medical tape from my skin before pulling away the larger bandage.

  Glancing back to Killian I watch as his eyes fill with worry. “What’s wrong?”

  “The stitches tore again.” He grounds out and this time I curse.

  Moving to my side he turns my face gently to look at him. “I’m sorry for all of this. I’m sorry for hurting you, I’m sorry for leaving you before, and I’m sorry I kissed you.”

  “It’s not totally your fault, Killian, and for the record I’m not sorry that I let you kiss me.” I answer him softly and he shakes his head roughly.

  “I’m the one who did this to you. I’m the one who whipped you. You shouldn’t even let me near you.” He growls at himself.

  “Yes, but I was out of line for acting the way I did towards an Alpha.” I argue.

  “I still shouldn’t have acted so rashly.” He sighs. “I should have just kissed you then like I wanted to.”

  Laughing softly I nod. “Yeah, you should have, but I still probably would have hit you afterwards.”

  “Yeah, you probably would have, but it would have been worth it.” He grins sadly.

  We laugh together as Max and Maddox return with Grey and Dash. They all glance between Killian and I oddly before Maddox jumps into action to fix my wounds.

  “What did I miss while I was gone?” Max motions between us.

  “Nothing happened that you need to worry about, Max.” I laugh, and then gasp as Maddox hits a tender spot.

  “You didn’t tear the stitches too badly this time, Mac.” He grunts from behind me.

  “Then why does it hurt so much worse?” I inquire.

  “I don’t know. It may be getting infected.” He answers softly as his hands move quickly, but gently over my back.

  Suddenly, I feel a pinch in my side and I glance down to see Killian pulling a needle out of my skin.

  “Sorry, I figured it would be best as a surprise.” He answers.

  “Can you hold her tight so she doesn’t move for a minute, Killian?” Maddox questions over my shoulder.

  Killian nods before slipping in front of me. Pinning my arms between us he holds me tightly against his warm body. I sigh softly as I lay my head against his chest and relax my body.

  “I could get use to this.” Killian whispers.

  “Shut it, Wolfe. I will forget our agreement if you even dare say another word like that to her.” Maddox growls as I feel another pinch at my back before a sweet numbness takes over.

  “That is so much better.” I groan as I snuggle farther into Killian.

  “I bet it is.” Maddox chuckles softly as he continues to work.

  “Is she going to be alright?” Grey finally speaks.

  “Yes, she will be fine, but I need you and Dash to stay by her side at the fight. She’s probably going to be a little loopy.” Maddox answers.

  “Oh, that’s going to be fun.” Dash giggles nervously.

  “It’s going to be a nightmare.” Max states and I can’t help but giggle as I look up to Killian.

  “Oh, yeah, it’s going to be interesting.” Grey adds.

  “What the hell is going on back here?”My father’s voice cuts through the small space suddenly. “What are you all doing back here with my daughter?”

  “She tore her stitches again. I’m trying to fix them so she doesn’t bleed too much.” Maddox answers.

  “How did she tear her stitches?” He asks and I feel every eye turn on me and Killian in question.

  “That’s what we would all like to know, Sir. Killian was the only one back here with her and neither of them will explain what they were doing.” Max snarls.

  I fall into a fit of giggles abruptly. “They wouldn’t believe us even if we told them, Killian.” I giggle some more as I smack his chest playfully. “They wouldn’t believe that we were back here kissing.”

  “You were doing what?” Maddox practically yells from behind me as he stops tending to my wounds for a brief moment.

  “I think they do believe it, Kenzie.” Killian smiles sadly.

  “I shouldn’t have ended our union.”
I whisper and he nods.

  “It was my fault again. I brought her back here to have a private conversation, but one thing led to another, and while I was kissing her I didn’t think and backed her into the wall with her swords still strapped to her back.” Killian answers my father.

  “I don’t want her alone with you again. Do you hear me, Killian? After what you’ve done to my family I won’t have you take away my last reason for living.” My father growls barely holding back his anger.

  “Yes, Sir, I’m sorry any of this happened.” Killian apologizes.

  “Yes, I’m sure you are, but I no longer want you around her.” He growls one last time before leaving.

  “Well, that didn’t go well.” Grey laughs nervously.

  “No, that didn’t go well, but we need to finish fixing you up, Mac. Then we have to get you to the fight without causing anymore trouble.” Maddox responds as he gets back to work.

  That was going to be easier said than done.

  I could feel myself falling asleep.

  But I was thankful for it so I wouldn’t have to deal with any of this anymore.

  I couldn’t think straight and the last thing I needed to do was say something else that would cause someone else to be angry with me.

  My father was at least disappointed. I heard it in his voice when he told Killian to stay away.

  I needed to stay away from him just as much as he needed to stay away from me.

  We weren’t good for each other at all.

  Chapter 8

  After a little nap and a stern talking to from my father, and Max, I walk along with Max to the fighting arena.

  I still felt sluggish from the shots that Killian and Maddox had given me and when I fell behind Max would quickly speed me back up.

  I had to appear to be completely fine, even though I was far from it.

  My wounds weren’t really causing much of my problems. It was my heart that was dealing me all sorts of emotions that I wasn’t ready to feel, that was what I had my problems with.

  My father had come into my room to wake me and from the moment my eyes opened he forbade me to see or even speak to Killian unless I absolutely had to.

  He also pushed me into agreeing to a meeting with a potential suitor.

  After that, everything just seemed to go downhill from there.

  Maddox wouldn’t speak to me.

  My heart felt as if it was being torn in two.

  And now I was on my way to watch Killian and Maddox fight.

  None of this was going to end well thanks to the kiss I had shared with Killian.

  Walking into the room Max splits off from me to sit with other military personal while I had to join the group of commanders.

  I wanted to be able to join Dash and Grey like we had planned before, but the way that the council set things up we were going to have to be separated.

  I was going to have to be on my best behavior.

  Thankfully, I wasn’t feeling all giggly like before, I was feeling depressed now, and it was probably for the better that way.

  Sighing, I move towards the group of commanders that were already sitting down in front where the fight would take place.

  The only seat available was between two of the worst commanders, Silas and Clark.

  Both hated me just because of my status as a commander, and the fact that I was female.

  They were always coming up with new ways to make my life a living hell.

  I really didn’t want to bother with them, but I had no choice.

  Making my way down the aisle I sit down between them, ignoring the look they give each other and ignoring the groan Clark gives.

  “What’s up Frost?” Silas questions without his normal snarky attitude, which throws me off.

  “Why do you care what’s up with me?” I question looking at him oddly.

  “I was just wondering how things were going, I know we haven’t been the best of friends but after what Alpha Killian did to you…” He trails off.

  “Yeah, you are a goddess to all of us commanders now. You not only took ten lashes, you stood up to an Alpha.” Clark adds with a little less of his attitude, also.

  I watch both of them in shock.

  They couldn’t be serious.

  This had to be some sort of joke on their parts.

  Any minute everyone was going be standing up and pointing their fingers at me while they laughed.

  They had to be pulling something, they just had to be.

  If not, then hell might just have frozen over.

  “I’m not falling for this, you two have never been nice to me and if you don’t mind I would like to keep it that way.” I finally spit out turning my attention to the ring.

  “We’re not trying to trick you, Mac. We’re just proud to have you commanding by our side. You won’t be tormented by any of us anymore.” Silas states before turning his attention forward, leaving me alone.

  After a few moments of peace Silas turns to face me again. “Is it true what we heard? Are you no longer in a union with Killian?”

  “It is true, but the council has requested me to find a suitor, soon.” I answer absently before wanting to bite my tongue off.

  Leaning in closer he smiles. “So, is that why your father wanted us to meet later on?”

  My eyes go wide before I answer with a sigh. “It figures he would choose you.”

  Silas was a good man when he wanted to be and he was an exceptional young leader like me. So, I could see why my father would choose him, but he didn’t realize all the trouble that Silas and Clark had caused for me over the years.

  “So, are we still going to meet up later? I would like to get a chance to actually talk to you for once. I don’t think we’ve ever had a regular conversation.”

  “It’s your own fault that we’ve never talked. You and Clark have never liked me.” I answer before the lights dim ending our conversation.

  The fight was about to start.

  I watch tensely as Killian and Maddox step out into the bright light of the ring with Markus standing between them.

  It was so strange to see them there together, shirtless, and only wearing loose shorts.

  Their hands and feet were both taped up since this was going to be closely related to a mixed martial arts fight.

  I had to admit they both looked good without shirts on.

  Both men were so different yet the same in many ways. They were both built strong and agile, they carried themselves with a certain kind of confidence that leaders possessed, and they were both wearing cocky grins as they looked out into the crowd.

  When Maddox’s eyes scan over me he gives a quick wink.

  Markus raises his hand and instantly the room quiets.

  “We are here today to watch Alpha Killian Wolfe, and Maddox Weaver, fight out a withstanding issue that they both posses, which will hopefully be resolved with this fight.”

  “Continuing on, As Commander Mackenzie Frost suggested this will also release them from their punishments for causing a public disturbance last night.” Markus continues.

  “Now, let’s give it up for these two fighters, and may the best man win.” Markus ends exiting the ring, leaving Killian and Maddox alone.

  As Killian takes the first punch the crowd around me goes crazy. Everyone stands to their feet yelling out for who they wanted to win.

  It was barbaric, and with every hit I flinched as I sit still in my seat.

  Silas glances down at me as Maddox falls to his knees after a particularly hard hit from Killian.

  My eyes were glued to the scene and I couldn’t take my eyes away even if I wanted to.

  I let out a quick sigh of relief as he stands back to his feet wiping away blood with the back of his hand, smiling joyfully, before going back at Killian.

  “They are enjoying themselves, Mac.” Silas states as I notice the large grin on Killian’s face.

  Standing to my feet, I watch as they take turns hitting each other, and as I continu
e to watch I could see clearly that they were both holding back from hurting each other.

  This must have been their plan all along.

  “They could have at least warned me.” I mutter as Silas continues to watch me instead of the fight.

  “So, which one do you want to win?” He questions.

  “It doesn’t matter to me who wins.” I reply.

  “It should, they are fighting over you, are they not?” He asks surprising me.

  “How do you…” I trail off.

  “They have both been in love with you for a long time, Mac. It wasn’t all that hard to see, and Maddox never kept it hidden from any of us guys.” He cuts me off.

  “I didn’t see it.” I admit as Killian gets another good kick in.

  “Why did you think none of us other guys every tried to be with you, Mac? It was pretty hard to even get close with those two around, especially Maddox.”

  “I can’t believe I never saw it, but it does make sense now.” I laugh out.

  “It’s the main reason Clark and I gave you such a hard time. They didn’t see us as competition and we were able to get closer to you than most.” Silas admits and I turn my face to look at him curiously as he rubs the back of his neck nervously.

  “Just spit it out, Silas.” I command and he smiles.

  “I actually like being around you, Mac.” He sighs bowing his head before looking up at me through his lashes.

  I was taken aback by his confession.

  Everyone around me had seemed to have been keeping secrets from me.

  I had a feeling that things were only going to get weirder if I didn’t put a stop to this now.

  The last thing I needed was a bunch of the guys trying to win me over once they found out that Killian and Maddox weren’t actually fighting to win me.

  Having enough of it, I push my way past Silas.

  I needed to talk to Markus, I had an idea that he and the council would more than likely approve.

  At least I hoped they would.

  My father on the other hand would probably be mad at me and want to strangle me, but if everyone felt like Silas did then I was in a bit of danger considering I was one of only a few females that lived on our ship.

  The others were claimed, but I was not which would cause fights if they all found out they could possibly win me over.


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