Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1)

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Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1) Page 16

by Toya Richardson

  “No, it won’t. You’ve already accepted so much in such a short space of time. Remember how angry you were when we first met? I thought you were never going to accept any of this.”

  She let loose a small laugh. “Well, what do you expect when some guy I’d never met before said I was his.”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t very subtle, was I? You’re amazing and don’t you ever forget it.” He watched while she stood up and headed for the hallway. “Where are you going?” He followed her.

  She giggled and ran up the stairs and into their bedroom. He chased after her and stood in the doorway, watching whilst his sexy temptress stripped out of her clothes. Once naked, she hopped on the bed and stared at him.

  “Don’t you want me, Elias?” Her voice was low, seductive.

  “We have guests.”

  She let loose a throaty chuckle. “Don’t worry, they won’t be back for a long time. Now come on and get out of those clothes. Your mate is in need of satisfaction.”

  Elias didn’t need to be told twice and quickly shed his clothes.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Mila, I don’t want you going to work today.”

  She turned to face Elias, surprised by his words. “Why?”

  He strode up to her and grabbed her almost roughly by the shoulders. “Because it’s not safe. You know that. Something feels off. Couldn’t you at least wait until tomorrow, when I’ll be here?”

  Mila pushed out of his grasp and walked to the other side of the table. She wanted something between them. He was travelling a few miles away to the diner with Mason and a few others to discuss the safety of their race, and the threat from Scott Tech.

  “You cannot keep me cooped up here. I will not stop what I love doing because of Drake. I can’t wait until you get back. These kids are from the inner city and don’t get out much. This is their chance to enjoy time away from their stressful lives for a while.”

  Elias faced her over the table, bringing his fist down with a bang. The noise made her jump. They stared each other down. His face was red with anger, veins bulging in his neck. She understood his rage wasn’t directed at her, but she wasn’t about to let him dictate her movements.

  “Elias.” Her voice was softer now. “Nothing is going to happen to me. I’ll be close to the centre today with the group of schoolkids. Norman will be there, two of the teachers, and Josh will keep a close eye on me.”

  He ran a shaky hand through his hair, eyes closed, with a frown crossing his face. She hated seeing him like that. It was almost as though he was suffering a physical agony. Mila walked up to him, placed his hands around her waist, snaking her hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders.

  “Please don’t worry about me. I…”

  Elias crushed her to him, tremors running throughout his body. “I can’t help worrying about you. I love you, Mila. You’re my mate. My life.”

  “I understand. But Drake won’t get me. He wouldn’t dare try anything that close to the centre. And if he does, I’ll cover him with brambles again. Way too many hikers, rangers, and visitors to the centre around.”

  Mila observed his face. He was warring with himself regarding the right thing to do.

  “If you go, I want you to promise me that if you sense any danger, anything at all, you’ll head back to the visitor centre.”

  Even though he’d given in, she could sense he wasn’t happy.

  She went up on tiptoes and presented his lips with a tender kiss. “I promise.”

  * * *

  Dropping Mila off at the centre tore at Elias’s heart. He hated leaving her there without his protection. Something didn’t feel right. Everything seemed off. As the truck pulled away, it was like he was leaving her to face danger.

  “Mila will be fine, bro. Quit worrying.”

  His brother’s reassuring words did absolutely nothing to make him feel better.

  “If you want to stay, we can deal with this on our own,” Evan offered.

  Elias shook his head. “Thanks, Evan, but I must attend. This meeting is very important. No way could I not attend.”

  Although, as he said the words, and the truck took him further away from Mila, this was the last place he wanted to be. The only upside to this was going in human form. They could get back to the centre quicker in the car if anything happened.

  * * *

  Mila felt nervous when Elias left her. Her hand went to the beautifully carved miniature wooden stag which hung from a silver chain. A gift of love from Elias. They hadn’t been separated since they’d first met. Tears welled up in her eyes. How could she miss him so much when they’d only been apart a few minutes?

  “Morning, Mila. Great day for taking the kids out.”

  She smiled at Norman’s words. The sun was shining, birds were singing. It was going to be a beautiful day. He noted her obvious distress.

  “You okay, love?” Concern shone in his expression.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Elias had to go out today. We had an argument about my safety earlier.”

  “Did you make up before he left?”

  Patting his cheek, she placed a gentle kiss where her hand had been. “Yes, we did. Although he was still unhappy. I must admit, I feel a little uncomfortable today.”

  “It’s the pull of being mated. Ah, this will take your mind off things.” He indicated to the bus full of children which pulled up outside the centre.

  Their excitement was palpable when they left the bus. She smiled; this was the thing she needed to forget missing Elias, and the uneasiness which had settled in the pit of her stomach.

  * * *

  Drake paced up and down his father’s office at the facility. He was restless. Impatient. Today was the day he’d finally get his hands on Mila. One of their soldiers observed Elias heading off in a truck with his brother and three other shifters. Someone would tail them to ensure they were long gone before Mila was abducted.

  “The holding cell is ready for her,” his father informed him when he strode back in to the office.

  “Great. Let’s get moving.” Drake headed for the door.

  “Not so fast, son. We’re going to have to tread warily.”

  His father’s words grated on him. “Dad, we have to act fast. I want her away from the forest as soon as possible and before Elias returns.”

  “Do not let your lust for this woman cloud the real purpose for taking her. Mila is a powerful woman. She is to be used as a breeding tool, as well as a distraction for you, who will hopefully bear female children.”

  Drake held back his frustration. When his father decided on a plan, nothing would get in its way.

  “I’m trying to be patient but…”

  “Never lose sight of our objectives, son. This woman has unimaginable powers. The main reason for allowing you to have sex with her is to see if you can take on her powers. If this doesn’t work, we’ll try giving you the serum to see if that helps.”

  Drake nodded his understanding. But whatever his father said, he was going to fuck the life out of Mila. She’d haunted his dreams and given him so many fantasies that, even now, his cock hardened. By the time he’d finished with her, not only would they have perfect children, but she would be submissive and do whatever he demanded of her.

  * * *

  They’d stopped for lunch in a small clearing with picnic tables. Mila laughed while the children played. The sound of their happy chatter filled the air around her. She caught rustling just outside the clearing. Josh. He was nervous, and his nerves rubbed off on her. For no apparent reason, she clutched at her stomach. A sense of panic ran through her.

  “You okay, Mila?” Norman watched her closely.

  “Just a little jumpy. I don’t know why.”

  A scent wafted around the clearing. Mila shuddered. Drake was close, and he wasn’t alone.

  “Mila, get the kids back to the centre now. We’re all in danger, especially you.”

  Josh’s words heightened her anxiety.

  “How many o
f them, Josh?”

  “At least eight. They have some of their experiments with them too. Dogs of some kind, I think. The only safe place is the centre. I’ve already informed Elias. He’s on his way back. I’ve called other Supernats, but it’ll take them time to get here.”


  Glancing at Norman, she felt sick. She was going to have to make a decision… and fast.

  “Josh says Drake is advancing with others. There will be some of their test subjects with them. I can’t risk the children getting hurt. Take them back to the centre. They’re due to watch a film there soon anyway.”

  “Where are you going to go, Mila?”

  “I have no choice but to draw them away from the kids.”

  Panic rose in Norman’s eyes. “This is what he’s banking on, love. You cannot put yourself in this level of danger.”

  “There’s no other option, Norman. Drake will take the kids, and you, and use them to force me to go with him. That can’t happen. I’ll take off into the forest. Draw them away from everyone.”


  “Please don’t argue, Norman. His scent is getting closer. We must act now. Josh has spoken to Elias and other Supernats. They’ll get to me before Drake,” she assured him.

  “Josh, I want you to stay with the children. Before you argue, this is not up for negotiation. The children must be kept safe.”

  “Mila, Elias left you in my care,” he protested.

  “Drake will kill Norman and the teachers and use the children as a bargaining tool. My only option is to run.”

  “Will you shift?”

  “No. If the worst happens and he does capture me, I don’t want to be left naked and vulnerable.”

  He appeared to be fighting with what was right.

  “I’m going now, Josh. Keep them all safe.”

  She cut off communication and kissed Norman on the cheek. “I have to do this. Drake will follow my scent and leave everyone here alone. Tell Elias I love him.”

  Norman grasped her shoulders. “You can tell him yourself. Go now, love. Stay safe.”

  Not waiting for a response, Mila headed into the forest, going for the relative safety of the deeper parts. She said a silent prayer to keep her and the others safe.

  * * *

  Elias and his party sat in the restaurant with the other Protectors. His uneasiness relating to Mila still clawed at his gut and his animal demanded he return to her.


  His head shot up at his name. Mason watched him with concern.

  “Sorry, I…”

  “Elias, Mila is in danger. She’s had to leave the children and Norman at the clearing close to the centre. Drake is coming, and he has several others with him!”

  “What the fuck? Are you with her?”

  “Sorry, Elias. She made the choice and demanded I stay with the kids. He’d only use them… I really am sorry. I’ve put a call out to the other Supernats to go get her.”

  The anguish in Josh’s voice only panicked him further. In his heart of hearts, he understood Mila had made the right call. Mat gripped his arm when he started to get up.

  “Drake and some of his men are after Mila. She’s going deep into the forest.”

  “Fuck. Is Josh with her, bro?”

  He shook his head as tremors covered his body. “She told him to save the kids. I have to go. I…”

  Morgan clapped him on the shoulder. “We’re coming with you. Safety in numbers.”

  “You don’t have to, Morgan.”

  “We’re all in this together. Your mate has put herself in serious danger here. Let’s go.”

  Elias didn’t need to be told twice. He went to get in the driver’s seat. Mathis pushed him away.

  “Sit in the passenger seat. Communicate with Mila. She’ll need to hear your voice right now.”

  “Mila, talk to me, honey. Are you okay?”

  * * *

  Mila was thankful she knew the forest well or she’d have been running around in circles. Her plan was to head towards the place where the Supernats kept their vehicles hidden. If she could get that far, she could shift and make for safety, where other shifters would be hopefully making their way to her.

  “Mila, talk to me, honey. Are you okay?”

  Elias’s voice was like a soothing caress in her mind.

  “Has Josh spoken to you?”

  “Yes. We’re on our way back now. Mason and his Protectors are coming too. A shitstorm is going to be heading Scott Tech’s way.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t give Josh a hard time. He didn’t want to do it. What else could I have done?”

  A sigh came from Elias. “Nothing. I love you, Mila. I’m not letting Drake get you.”

  She sent a gentle caress to his mind. “I love you too.”

  She’d been running for around thirty minutes. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, and although she tried to regulate her breathing, it was becoming painful. There was still a way to go until she reached relative safety. A shout rang out behind her, followed by whooping cheers of triumph. The baying of some kind of animals became louder, although it was unlike any other animal call she’d ever heard before.

  “I’m coming for you, Mila!”

  Drake. She couldn’t let him take her.

  “There she is,” someone called out.

  The sound of unnatural growling filled her ears. Pain ripped through her left thigh. She’d been shot with a tranquiliser dart. The sort of dart which gripped the skin on the inside until it was empty. Mila clawed at it, gritting her teeth against the pain as she pulled the offending object from her leg. Blood poured from the wound, along with a searing pain. Some, but not all of the tranquiliser, had entered her system. With any luck, it wouldn’t affect her much.

  “Mila, I sense your pain. What’s happening?”

  “Tranquiliser dart. I pulled it out.”

  Elias swore and roared in her mind. Her body felt as though it was slowing. This couldn’t happen. She couldn’t be captured by Drake. Life would be over for her if he did. Too late, she attempted to utilise her powers. Another stinging pain ripped through the middle of her back. Another dart. This time, it was in a place which she couldn’t reach. She felt the liquid race through her system.

  Tears of anger and frustration descended. He’d won. The bastard had captured her. Now her life with Elias was at an end. She slowed, unable to run any further. The tranquiliser now ran through her veins, dragging her towards oblivion. The dart loosened and fell to the forest floor, the syringe now empty.

  “Too late, Elias. It’s too late. I want you to know how much I love you. Stay safe. I…”

  Her vision swam, and she sank to the ground with her back up against a tree. Two monsters straight from a nightmare stood above her. A bastardisation of man and dog. A scene straight from hell. They howled like wolves, saliva dripping from their distended fangs. And as blackness called out to her, an even more frightening sight met her eyes. Drake knelt in front of her, eyes alive with triumph.

  “Welcome to my world, Mila. You’re mine now. And I’m going to make you fucking pay for what you’ve put me through.”

  With those words echoing through her mind, she allowed the darkness to take her away from her situation… if only for a short while.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Elias roared with anger and frustration at Mila’s words. Drake had her. He attempted to banish all the horrific scenarios from his mind. Antlers tried to break through his skin as he howled with rage and fear.

  “Fuck! Not now, Elias. Not in the truck!” Mat roared.

  Mathis pulled over and Elias heard his brother curse some more. A deep growl came from the backseat. Bear claws tore at the seat. Evan was shifting, too. Elias was aware of Mathis dragging him from the car as Mason and Morgan hurled themselves at Evan.

  “What the fuck is happening?” Mason demanded.

  Elias slowed his breathing, bringing a halt to the change. He turned to see Mason, Morgan,
and two of his shifters holding onto Evan. His claws were now retracting.

  “Drake. He’s got Mila. I can’t hear her, Mat. She’s been hit with tranquiliser darts.” Elias moaned like a wounded animal.

  “Why did you begin to shift, Evan?” Mason asked.

  Evan didn’t respond, sitting on the ground with his head in his hands.

  Elias answered for him. “Mila had a vision a few weeks back. She witnessed her own capture.”

  Mason and the others swore softly.

  “Didn’t you keep her under guard? Your mate is destined to be a powerful seer after bonding with you. This is just the opportunity Scott Tech have been waiting for.” Mason sounded disgusted.

  Elias roared and strode over to Mason, pinning him against the side of the truck. Mat attempted to pull him off, but he was way too angry to budge. There was also a sense of guilt building in his gut. He never should have left her; Mason’s words only confirmed it.

  “Don’t you think we realised that? My mate was under observation all the time. But she still needed her freedom. If not for the kids being in danger today, this wouldn’t have happened.”

  He let go of Mason and stalked around the truck. Mason followed him.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you further. Being unmated, I don’t fully understand the concept of how strong the bond is. You were saying about Evan…”

  Elias looked from Mason to Evan. The huge man sat motionless on the floor, staring into space.

  “Mila also saw another woman in her vision.” He glanced again, with meaning, over to Evan.

  Mason swore loudly. “Jesus. Evan’s mate?”

  “Yep, and for all we know she could be at the facility now, having fuck knows what done to her.”

  Mason gripped him by the shoulders. “Elias, what I do know about our mates is that they are strong. They will find ways to survive until we can get to them.”


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