Body Over Troubled Waters

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Body Over Troubled Waters Page 25

by Denise Swanson

  “When I came out of my room with the papers, Shamus spotted me in the hallway. He insisted he had to talk to me, and I couldn’t say no.” Colleen’s voice cracked.

  “Why not?” Nanette glared. “You told me you weren’t at all attracted to him.”

  “I wasn’t!” Colleen screamed. “But he didn’t leave me any choice.”

  “What are talking about?” Nanette frowned. “Are you saying he raped you?”

  “No.” Colleen’s lips thinned. “Worse.”

  No one spoke for a few beats and something flickered at the edge of Skye’s subconscious. Betty’s words about a mother wanting to keep her children safe echoed in Skye’s head.

  Could it be?

  “You know,” Skye said casually, “when the police searched the house, the tobacco wasn’t the only interesting thing that we found.”

  “What else was there?” Nanette tilted her head. “I mean Shamus’s toys wouldn’t exactly be a surprise to any of us.”

  Skye shook her head. “That’s not what I meant. We found sexually explicit pictures of Colleen hidden in the false bottom of the guest room nightstand.”

  “Where are they now?” Colleen gasped.

  Wally flipped open the file and slid copies of the photos toward her. “The only prints on these were Dr. Wraige’s.”

  While Colleen tried to grab the pictures, Nanette reared back from the disturbing images as if they were going to attack her. She swallowed loudly and put her hand over her mouth as if she might vomit.

  After taking several deep breaths, Nanette looked at her friend and roared, “Are you crazy? Why would you give those to my husband?”

  “You moron,” Colleen snapped. “I didn’t give them to him. When I turned your precious Shamus down, he hired a private investigator who took these of me during that weekend I went into the city to play.”

  “Oh.” Nanette wavered, her gaze flickering back and forth from Skye to Colleen. “Why did you keep them?”

  “She didn’t,” Skye said slowly as she figured it out. “After Dr. Wraige showed them to her and threatened to give them to her husband’s divorce lawyer if she didn’t sleep with him, he hid them. It must have amused his sadistic personality to hide them in the room that she was staying in.”

  “So you were sleeping with my husband.” Nanette glared.

  “No. He was disgusting,” Colleen sneered. “But I couldn’t hold out much longer. That’s why I encouraged you to slip him the tobacco. I hoped it would make him sick enough to leave me alone.”

  “However”—Skye continued to unravel the puzzle—“when you came back to the house to get that document and the two of you were alone, Dr. Wraige saw his chance and demanded you have sex with him.”

  Wally leaned forward and asked, “Is that when you decided to murder him?”

  Colleen glowered for several seconds, then said, “This isn’t how it looks.”

  “Oh?” Skye glanced at Wally. Where had they heard that before?

  “I didn’t mean to kill him.” Colleen straightened. “I started to go along with his demand for sex, but when he put his clammy hands on me and pulled my face into his crotch, I couldn’t stand it so I pushed him away. He was standing on a throw rug and the shove that I gave him rammed him into that ugly cupid statue.”

  “Did you know he wasn’t dead?” Wally asked conversationally. “If you’d have called 911, they might have been able to save him.”

  “I…I…” Colleen wrinkled her brow, then must have decided to tough it out. “He looked dead to me.”

  “If it was an accident, why didn’t you report it?” Wally leaned back. “And why did you take the coin collection?”

  “I…I wanted it to look like a burglary gone bad,” Colleen pleaded. “You have to understand. My husband would get my child if it came out that I was involved in something like this.”

  “Maybe.” Skye shrugged. “But all you did was make things worse by trying to hide it. That elaborate hoax about your accident and the Good Samaritan just makes you look more guilty.”

  Colleen whispered, “That really happened. But on my second drive to the city, not the first.”

  “Nevertheless”—Wally got to his feet and grabbed his handcuffs—“you’re under arrest.”

  “It was an accident! I was defending myself against being raped!” Colleen screeched. “You can’t do this to me.” She looked at Nanette. “Do something.”

  Nanette shook her head, stood, and walked to the door. “You ruined everything. Tavish gets all the money in the trust and I have to start over. You’re on your own.”

  “I…I…” Colleen scrubbed her eyes with her fists. “Maybe I do need an attorney.”

  “Definitely.” Wally handed her his cell phone. “Make your one call.”

  Several hours later, after Colleen’s lawyer had arrived and her case had been turned over to the city attorney, Skye and Wally were finally able to return home. It was nearly four o’clock when they parked in their garage and Frannie and Justin arrived a few second later.

  The two couples chatted while Skye and Wally grabbed a bite to eat. Skye was thrilled to see both of her young friends glowing with happiness, and she would have liked to have longer to talk to them, but she really needed to get ready for the dance.

  Pushing back from the table, Skye cleaned up from their late lunch and then showed Frannie and Justin around. She introduced them to the twins and told them how to take care of the babies.

  Once she was sure they didn’t have any questions, Skye hurried into the master suite. She had already stripped down to her underwear when Wally entered the room.

  As he sat on the bench to untie his shoes, he said, “I thought Colleen would be a tougher nut to crack.”

  “Once she realized she was going to lose the custody battle to her ex, she just didn’t care anymore.” Skye’s expression was grim. “From what she said about the guy, I sure hope Collen’s daughter gets to stay with her grandparents and isn’t forced to live with her father.”

  “Me too.” Wally pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. “Wraige really was an awful excuse for a man. Colleen almost had zero options.”

  “As I’ve said before, I’m sick to death of people saying they didn’t have a choice.” Skye shook her head. “She had options; she just picked the wrong one.”

  “You’re right.” Wally kissed Skye’s temple.

  Skye frowned. She’d been trying to be tougher and less of a pushover, but she couldn’t stop a tiny trace of sympathy breaking through her resolve.

  Clearing her throat, she asked, “What do you think will happen to Colleen?”

  “Because she allowed Wraige to bleed out rather than call for help, the city attorney is charging her with involuntary manslaughter.” Wally pursed his lips. “Sentences run from two to five years, but considering the circumstances and the vic’s actions, her lawyer will argue self-defense.” Wally shrugged. “She’ll probably get the minimum.”

  “Sounds fair.” Skye nodded, then grinned. “Now get out of here so I can make myself beautiful for you. We are going to forget all this and have an awesome time tonight.”

  “We certainly are.” Wally walked into the closet and grabbed the hanger holding his dress uniform and the suitcase they’d packed for their hotel stay. “I’ll use the guest room to get ready.”

  “You’re the best.” Skye smiled at him.

  He winked at her as he wheeled the suitcase out of the room. “I have a few surprises in here for you.”

  “I’ll be ready.” Skye blew him a kiss and disappeared into the bathroom.


  My Forever Valentine

  As Skye and Wally entered the Stanley County Country Club ballroom, she found it hard to believe that only a few hours earlier they had been interrogating a murderer. All the while Skye was getting ready f
or the dance and their overnight stay at the hotel, she’d been thinking about Dr. Wraige’s legacy.

  His son hated him. And although the statute of limitations had long since expired on his unhappy childhood, Skye could understand how tough it was to get over what Tavish had experienced.

  Then there was the superintendent’s much younger wife, who after years of his infidelities, had only hung on to their marriage for the money she’d inherit. She would have been so much better off if she’d just realized that there was a difference between giving up and knowing when it was time to cut her losses and leave.

  And last, but definitely worst, was Dr. Wraige’s sexual blackmail of Colleen. That slimy move had cost him his life.

  Skye’s musings were interrupted by Wally’s warm breath in her ear as he whispered, “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  “You have.” Skye shook off her dark thoughts and kissed him. “But I love hearing it as many times as you feel like saying it.”

  She smoothed the burgundy velvet skirt over her hips and adjusted the off-the-shoulder sweetheart neckline. Glancing around the beautifully decorated ballroom, she smiled at the red and white balloons floating near the ceiling. The trailing ribbons were just low enough that she could reach up and trail her fingers through them.

  “Shall we find our table?” Wally brushed his lips over the back of her neck and she was glad she’d worn her hair up to give him easy access. “Or should we just blow this popsicle stand and head to the inn?”

  Skye giggled. “Mom’s already spotted us, so that could be awkward.”

  She pointed to a large table near the rear of the room occupied by May and Jed, Carson and Doris Ann, Loretta and Vince, Trixie and Owen, and Charlie. There were three empty places and Skye’s mother was waving them over.

  “You have a point.” Wally cupped Skye’s elbow and guided her through the crowded space.

  Skye admired the twinkle lights twisted in scarlet netting to form a heart on the wall above their destination. The whole room was gorgeous.

  The extra chair worried Skye. Although she liked Bunny, she sure hoped she wasn’t Charlie’s date. The feisty redhead tended to hold a grudge, and seeing Carson with another woman would certainly trigger some bitterness, if not an all-out brawl.

  Wally and Skye slid into the unoccupied pair of seats between Trixie and Loretta. They exchanged greetings with everyone, and the conversations their appearance had interrupted resumed.

  Skye was asking her brother, Vince, if he’d enjoyed the continuing education class that he’d taken in Chicago on the latest hair-coloring techniques when May leaned around her son and asked, “Did you and Wally get everything straightened out at the station?”

  Nine pairs of eyes, including May’s, stared at them until Wally cleared his throat and said, “Yes. Dr. Wraige’s murderer is in custody.” He held up his hand. “But we can’t disclose any details until the lawyers have had a chance to work on negotiating a deal.”

  Loretta’s dark topaz eyes sparkled as she drawled, “Well, I know it wasn’t his wife because Nanette would have called me to represent her.”

  As Skye had predicted, her sister-in-law outshone every other woman in the room. It had barely been two months since Loretta had had her second baby, and she already was back to her pre-pregnancy lean, muscled figure.

  From her impeccably coifed coal-black braids to her radiant brown complexion, she appeared ready to walk a fashion runway. And her peach T-back beaded bodice gown was certainly worthy of any red-carpet event.

  Skye was still admiring her stunning sister-in-law when Trixie piped up. “It looks as if we can also eliminate Dr. Wraige’s son as the murderer.”

  “Why’s that?” Skye wondered how her friend had figured out the killer wasn’t Tavish.

  “Look behind you.” Trixie jerked her chin to the left.

  While they’d been chatting, the band had started to play “My Funny Valentine” and couples were heading onto the dance floor. Skye discretely turned her head and saw that Tavish and Zelda were gliding to the music.

  “Is that Martinez with Wraige?” Wally half rose from his seat, frowning. “Doesn’t she know his reputation?”

  “Yep.” Skye patted her husband’s arm and leaned to whisper in his ear, “It’ll be fine, dear. Zelda isn’t someone he can play.” When he continued to scowl, she added, “But I’ll have a chat with her soon to make sure.”

  “Good.” Wally nodded, then as a server approached the table, Wally asked, “What would you like to drink?”

  Contemplating her choices, Skye tilted her head, then said, “A strawberry daiquiri, please.”

  Wally placed her order and requested a beer for himself, then turned to Carson and asked him about his business trip.

  While the men were talking, Doris Ann leaned forward and caught Skye’s gaze. “So it wasn’t the wife or the son who killed the superintendent.” She pinched her lip between her fingers and murmured, “Who does that leave?”

  Skye kept her expression neutral. “I really can’t comment.” Then she winked and offered, “But I’m sure the ME can figure it out.”

  Doris Ann got up, stepped over to where Skye sat, and whispered in her ear, “The best friend?”

  Skye nodded but held her fingers to her lips.

  “I won’t say a word.” Doris Ann made a locking motion in front of her mouth.

  Then she returned to her seat and asked Jed how the doghouse he was building was coming. Soon she and Jed were engrossed in a conversation about the pros and cons of an A-frame in comparison to ranch-style structures.

  Wally finished talking to his father and said to Skye, “Would you like to dance?”

  “Sure.” Skye rose to her feet and, taking his arm, walked with him over to the dance floor.

  Once Skye was in Wally’s arms, they were silent as they danced. Skye enjoyed the feeling of being held by her handsome husband and the little kisses he pressed to her head and cheek as they moved around the floor.

  When the music ended, they found themselves next to Tavish and Zelda. The two couples smiled and nodded at each other.

  Just before they parted, Wally touched Zelda’s arm and asked, “Did you get a chance to patrol over by the Dooziers’ place?”

  “Yes, sir.” Zelda straightened. “I saw your memo and made a point to drive by several times. You’ll never believe whose kisses Earl’s selling.”

  Skye frowned. “Not one of the kids?” Wally had mentioned his concern and she shared it.

  “Nope.” Zelda grinned. “He’s pimping out his hound dog, not his kids.”

  “Thank goodness.” Wally shook his head. “I wonder if he had any takers.”

  “None that I saw.” Zelda shrugged.

  Just then, the band leader announced that dinner was being served and asked everyone to take their seats. Wally and Skye were still chucking about Earl’s smooching hound as they returned to their table.

  As they approached it, Skye noticed that the chair next to her godfather was now occupied, but all she could see was the woman’s back.

  “What?” Wally asked, evidently noticing that Skye had slowed.

  “Who’s that woman with Uncle Charlie?”

  Wally squinted, then smiled. “You know how you were trying to figure out who Dorothy was dating? Look closer.”

  “Oh my gosh.” Skye now recognized the set of the woman’s shoulders and the dress she was wearing. “Why do you think she didn’t want to tell me?”

  “Maybe because he’s twenty years older than her,” Wally suggested.

  “Come on.” Skye swatted his bicep. “I’m the last one to cause a fuss over dating an older man.”

  “Hey.” Wally pretended to be wounded. “I’m not that much older.” He slipped his arm around her. “And I’ll prove it to you later tonight.”

  * * *

  The dinner dance at the country club was still going strong when Wally and Skye said their goodbyes. The food had been fabulous and the music romantic, but by eleven, they were both ready to leave.

  They talked about the party during the twenty-minute drive to the Laurel Inn, but grew quiet as they registered at the hotel’s front desk. Then once they were in their suite, both disappeared into separate bathrooms to change out of their formal attire.

  When Skye entered the little sitting room, Wally was already there and he handed her a crystal flute of champagne, then said, “You look amazing.”

  Skye had put on the lacy nightgown she’d bought at Kohl’s and taken down her hair from its elaborate updo. She’d brushed it out over her shoulders and spritzed her curls with a defining spray to make them shiny.

  “Thank you.” She took a sip from the glass. “You look pretty hot yourself.”

  Wally was wearing a pair of black satin sleep pants and nothing else. The muscles of his chest and abdomen were bronzed and the sprinkling of dark hair arrowed a sexy trail that disappeared into the elastic waist of his pajamas.

  He clinked his flute against Skye’s. “To my lovely wife.”

  She raised her glass. “To the man that I always dreamed of marrying.”

  “To the woman I always wanted.” He slipped his arm around her.

  Skye snuggled back against him. “We really didn’t need a suite for just one night. A regular room would have been fine.”

  “True.” Wally led her from the parlor into the bedroom. “But a regular room wouldn’t have this.” He swung open the door and revealed a huge canopy bed draped in gauzy white netting.

  She’d wondered why he’d steered her into the smaller powder room and taken the master bath for himself. Now she knew that he’d wanted to surprise her.

  A heart made of red rose petals was formed in the center of white satin spread. And facing the bed was a roaring fireplace.

  “Oh my!” She could feel her chest tighten with how much she loved him. “I don’t even have words. It’s…it’s perfect.”

  “Just like you.” Wally murmured as he nuzzled her ear. “I know we said we weren’t going to exchange gifts, but I couldn’t resist.”


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