The Judah Black Novels: Boxed Set of books 1-3

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The Judah Black Novels: Boxed Set of books 1-3 Page 29

by E. A. Copen

  “I said get back in line!”

  I ignored Thomas and squeezed Hunter's hand again. This time, Hunter squeezed back. “I've always done the best I could to love my son.”

  “It takes more than love to raise a child right.” Her bottom lip quivered as she looked over at Hunter. “This is a cold, cruel world. A terrible place to grow up. We are saving them from ever knowing that world.”

  “That's not your decision to make.”

  “None of this was my decision.” The tears fell freely down her cheeks for a moment before she wiped them away with the back of her hand and took the wheelbarrow up again. “But you have your son back and a chance at freedom. Take it, Black. Enjoy it while you can.”

  “You two finished?” Thomas took a step toward me. “Because I've had about enough of this emotional bullshit. Let's go.”

  He made the mistake of shoving the gun within arm's reach of me. I sprung on the opportunity because I didn't think I was going to get another. With one hand, I slammed the gun against the cave wall, hard enough that something in his hand cracked. In the same breath, while he was still stunned and off balance, I kicked him in the back of the knee and used my other hand to bash his face into the rock. The first impact bloodied his nose and dazed him but I needed him out so I slammed his head against the rock again... and then again and again, until the bones didn't crunch anymore and my face was covered in wet, warm blood.

  What was left of Thomas' body slid down the cave wall and landed in a pile at my feet. I looked up at Zoe, wiping blood from my face. She was backed up against the opposite wall, breathing fast, eyes glued to me. We stared each other down until I was sure I had communicated to her that I wasn't afraid of her or anyone else in that cave. They'd taken my son. Even though I had him back now, messing with my family was an unforgivable sin. I was going to kill Andre LeDuc and anyone that stood in my way.

  Zoe swallowed, made a small squeaking sound, grimaced and clutched her belly before she sank to the cave floor. I went to her side and tried to help her up. She grabbed onto my hands and gripped them so tight that I thought she might break bones, all the while stifling a scream. It lasted about ten seconds before she looked up at me, panting, her eyes desperate. “Oh God, not here. Not now.”

  “Holy Hell,” I breathed. “You did not go into labor.”

  “Please,” Zoe pleaded without letting me go. “Don't leave me.”

  I pried her fingers away from me and stepped back, ignoring her weeping. Thomas' bloody body lay a few feet away, his hand still clutching the uzi. There was still a labyrinth of tunnels standing between me and freedom. Ed was out and Hunter was barely coherent. It was going to take everything I had to get the three of us out and call in a rescue for the kids without a phone. I didn't have time to stop and worry about the woman who had taken my son to begin with. This whole mess was her fault.

  I bent over and pried the gun free from Thomas' hands. “Please,” sobbed Zoe behind me. “You were right. I can't have this baby in a cave. I never wanted this. He made me. You have to believe me. Please, Black.”

  “You could have stopped it at any time,” I said turning back to Zoe. “You were closer to LeDuc than anyone. If you'd really wanted to stop this, to save people, you would have done it. Give me one damn good reason not to put a bullet in your head right now.”

  “My baby!” Zoe protested, crawling forward on all fours. “Please, she doesn't deserve to die for my crimes. Give me that at least.” She reached up and grabbed the gun, using it as leverage to pull herself up only to collapse back down when another contraction hit her. “Save her.”

  I swung the gun around on my side and squatted down in front of Zoe. “And if your baby is a monster like you and LeDuc?”

  “Monsters,” she gasped, “are taught, not born.”

  I hesitated. Zoe was dangerous. I'd seen her shoot Chanter three times and not bat an eye about it. She was the one responsible for Hunter being there in the first place. Given half the chance, I was sure she'd kill the both of us and still get a good night's sleep if she thought that would be more advantageous than letting us go. But she'd helped me. She shot Ozzie. And the way she looked at LeDuc after he hit her, the anger burning in her eyes... Maybe she was evil but I couldn't fault her for wanting her child to have a chance. Isn't that what every parent wants for their child?

  “You'll have to walk,” I told her. “I can't carry you.” She nodded vigorously. “Do you know how to get out of here?”

  She nodded once. “Follow me.”

  Every step was excruciatingly slow. Zoe staggered against the cave walls and twice we had to duck down secondary passages to avoid patrols. Zoe's face grew paler as we went. She led us into dark passageways where there were no lights but the lighter I'd stolen from Robbie. That didn't seem to matter to Zoe. She remained in the lead, at the edge of the light, somehow able to navigate in complete darkness. Hunter squeezed my hand tight and pulled back. “It's alright,” I said and pulled him forward. “We're going to be okay.”

  As I said that, Zoe stumbled and fell. I dropped the wheelbarrow and went forward to help her back up. She screamed. I put my hand over her mouth to muffle it and looked down. The entire lower half of her body was covered in blood. Something was very, very wrong. “How far are we from the exit?”

  “Too far,” Zoe managed panting. Then, she fell over, grabbing at her stomach. “Andre's bedchambers. Thirty yards.”

  I should have left her. I should have taken Ed and Hunter and gone to safety. Maybe a medical team could have reached her in time if I called one in but probably not. Chances were good that, if I left Zoe alone, both she and her baby would die and I would have their blood on my hands, too. It should have at least been something that I considered but my mind gets a little muddled when it comes to saving the lives of children, no matter what kind of blood flows through their veins.

  “Hunter,” I hissed, hoping he was coherent enough to respond. He looked up at me with tired eyes. “Get Ed. Follow me.” To my great relief, Hunter walked slowly over to the wheelbarrow and lifted the handles. I slung Zoe's arm over my shoulder and carried most of her weight. “Which way?”

  Zoe pointed forward.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  We stumbled through the wooden door that marked Andre LeDuc's personal bedchambers. The room was huge with a ceiling at least forty feet high covered in stained glass. I wondered what kind of crazy person puts a big mural of stained glass inside of a cave and then I remembered I was dealing with a wendigo. Anything that eats human flesh and uses babies for medical experiments has to be completely nuts. The bed was one of those California King four poster models of some rich, deep dark wood. Sheets of white silk adorned the mattress itself. Zoe left a big smear of crimson as I helped her scoot into it. At least the bed would be more sterile than some cavern somewhere.

  I peeled Zoe's pants and underwear off and stared at all the blood for a minute before I realized that I wasn't in any way qualified to deliver a baby. Hunter hadn't even been delivered natural. He was a C-section. We needed someone with medical training.

  “Something's wrong,” Zoe moaned.

  “You need a doctor.” I started to rise from the bedside but Zoe grabbed my wrist and jerked me back down. Too tired, sore and maybe too stupid to be afraid for my life, I growled back at her, “If you don't let me go, you're going to die and you might lose your baby, too.”

  She squeezed her hand around mine and held it there for a minute. I didn't have a watch or a clock to time the contractions with but they were irregular and there was nothing but blood coming out of her, lots and lots of blood. “It's not coming,” she said after the contraction had passed. “And you'll never make it back with a doctor in time, especially if you want to save those children.”

  My whole body felt cold. “What?”

  Zoe let me go and nodded weakly. “You've compromised his operation here. He'll back up the data, save what he can. Then, he'll have them fire up the incinerator to destro
y all his research materials so that Han and Marcus can't replicate it.”

  “Marcus Kelley... Wants to replicate this?”

  “No,” she said, her voice a tired whisper. “But he'll use Andre's research to further his own ends. Those children, the two that survived, they'll be haunted the rest of their lives by what Andre has done to them but they don't deserve to die. They deserve a chance. You need to give it to them. Like you'll give my baby a chance.”


  “I've lost a lot of blood. I'm cold, almost too tired to move. I know I can't do this anymore and I don't deserve to survive this, not after everything I've done.” She closed her eyes and drew in a shallow breath, wincing. “There's an emergency surgical kit in the closet.”

  “You're a wendigo,” I protested. “If LeDuc can survive three silver bullets to the head, you can survive a little blood loss.”

  She shook her head. “I'll never...” she started and then was quiet so long that I thought she might have lost consciousness. “I'll need to feed to heal,” she said at last. “And I don't want to do that anymore. Once you've done it, use your lighter. There's some rubbing alcohol in the bathroom over there. The bed should go up nicely. That's how you kill a wendigo. You have to use fire.”

  “She's dying,” said Hunter quietly from behind me. I turned around to see that he had already retrieved the surgical kit she'd spoken of as well as the rubbing alcohol. He held both out to me. “And so is her baby. But you're going to save it, right?”

  I turned back to Zoe. Her face was pale and her eyes sagging. Her pupils were fixed on something far off. “I loved him,” she whispered. “God help me, I loved him.”

  I closed my eyes. Since I watched her shoot Chanter in the shed, I'd been wondering how she could do it. How could a mother hurt a child, living or dead? I thought Zoe had to be a monster of the highest caliber, more frightening than anything I'd ever encountered. In the end, it came down to love. All the terrible, monstrous things she'd done, she'd done them because she loved someone. Did that make her a monster?

  “Hunter, go and watch the door.” Hunter sighed, backed away a few steps and then walked over to place his nose against the door. I turned back to Zoe. Her breaths were shallow and raspy. It wouldn't be long now.

  Her eyelids fluttered as she fought to keep from losing consciousness. “How did you know? What he was? What... we are.”

  “I didn't,” I said. “Not for sure until I ran into him last night. There aren't many things that eat human flesh, shapeshift and mimic voices perfectly. He's the perfect hunter. The pattern wasn't consistent with anything else.”

  She tried to laugh but choked on the pain. “So cold and calculating. Can it really ever be so simple? Is the world all patterns and puzzles to you?” I turned my head away. Zoe's grip loosened on my hand. “You have to do it now,” she whispered. I turned back around in time to see a tear fall from the corner of her eye. “Promise me you won't tell Sal about me, about this. Let him die hating me. It’s easier.”

  I opened the surgical kit and pulled out a scalpel. There were blades in sterile packaging. I opened one of those and affixed it to the handle as best I could and then I pressed the blade with shaky hands against her swollen belly. I had to make the incision right the first time. Too deep and I could cut the baby and, dammit, I wasn't going to let another child die because of Andre LeDuc. “I promise,” I whispered back to Zoe and pressed in on the blade.

  I like to tell myself that Zoe Mathias died the day she showed up with her dead child on LeDuc's doorstep. Maybe she died before that. It's hard to say when the grief ate the last of her but it took a while for her body to catch up with her spirit. The last breath left her body in that bed but, before she left, she gave the world the finest gift a mother can give: a healthy baby girl. I pulled her free of her mother and turned her bottom side up to rub her back. When she cried, I let out a sigh of relief and reached up to push some hair out of my eyes. Then I started sawing away at the umbilical cord, trying to make sure to keep a good hold on the baby.

  “Holy shit.”

  I turned my head. Ed was sitting up in the wheelbarrow, a horrified look frozen on his face. I must have looked like a monster, blood and gore up to my elbows, a stolen baby in my arms with Zoe's whole abdominal cavity torn open. I tried to ignore the fear in his face and turned my attention to stripping a clean pillowcase off the bed to wrap the baby in. “We're out of time,” I told him. “LeDuc could be incinerating the children as we speak. We've got to hurry.”

  Hunter approached the far side of the bed and surveyed the mess of blood and guts spread out over the white silk sheets with an emotionless stare. He looked at me and then held his hands out. “Give me the baby.”

  Something about him felt off. It had since he'd come out from behind that wall, the very same wall LeDuc had disappeared behind. “I've got her,” I said.

  “You'll need to take care of the body,” he said with a dismissive shrug. “I'll hold the baby. It'll only take a second.” When I didn't move, he barked at me, “Hurry up. We don't have time for you to sit there and think about it!”

  I narrowed my eyes and looked closer at Hunter. He looked awfully good for having been kidnapped and held captive by a bunch of werewolves, vampires and a couple of wendigos for almost two days. In fact, he didn't have a scratch on him. Hunter would have fought. As soon as he was aware, he would have fought his captors tooth and nail to be free. Hell, the kid fights with me almost every time we talk. He certainly would have never offered to hold a blood covered, screaming baby.

  As I sat there watching my son, a tiny drop of blood leaked out of the corner of his eye and streamed down the side of his face. “Hunter,” I said cautiously, holding the baby closer. “Your eye is bleeding.”

  He touched his fingers to the blood trail and looked at them. “Must've gotten scraped earlier.” I stood up and took two steps backward, away from the body. Hunter's face twisted in confusion. “Mother? What's wrong?”

  “You're not my son.”

  Hunter's mouth widened into a smile and then another mouth spread out into an even wider, sharper smile underneath. Andre LeDuc had shape shifted to look like my son. How had I not seen it sooner? “Do you want to know a secret about wendigos?” asked LeDuc, still in Hunter's voice. “We can only take on the forms of those we've eaten.”

  I swayed a little on my feet. That meant... Hunter was... No. That couldn't be true.

  LeDuc took a step toward me, wriggling out of my son's skin as if it were a wet suit. “Give me the child.”

  “Or what?” I said in a shaky voice. “You'll kill me?”

  “I was going to do that anyway.” He peeled his long claws out of the little boy's hands and flexed them, pulling away the last bit of skin that still clung to the side of his face with the other hand. “But, if you give me the child, I promise to eat you all in one setting rather than tear you apart bit by bit like I had to do with your priest friend.”

  I backed into the wheelbarrow and had to stop. It was the end of the line for us but, if I was going down, I was going down fighting. I closed my eyes and felt for the massive well of energy I knew was in the room. The baby in my arms jerked and let out a weak cry. Things like birth and death, they leave behind a special kind of power that's only available for a limited amount of time. If tapped into, the results could be unpredictable. I might blow us all to smithereens or it might not do anything at all. It was a gamble, my last if I was wrong.

  A low growl vibrated behind me. Somehow, Ed had managed to shift without any of us noticing and her leapt free of the wheelbarrow before I had the chance to yell at him to wait. Andre moved to bat him down mid leap but Ed's legs were still all messed up so his jump didn't clear the distance Andre expected. Ed came down on the floor between us and bared his teeth. LeDuc laughed. “Two broken legs and you're still up and kicking. Looks like I underestimated you, little wolf.” LeDuc took a step forward.

  Instead of attacking, Ed threw his head back
and let out a shrill, high-pitched howl so loud that I had to close my eyes against it and cover the baby's ears. The sound vibrated through my skull until I couldn't stand it anymore and then went on for another few seconds. Somewhere above us, glass cracked. I chanced a look up in time to see a big crack spread along the face in the mural.

  “You idiot!” LeDuc screamed and stepped forward. He swept a powerful arm out and knocked Ed aside, sending him sprawling all the way across the room to crash into a bookcase. Finally, Ed fell silent but it was too late.

  I put the baby down on the ground, wrapped as best as I could in the sheet. Then, I grabbed the wheelbarrow and turned it over, protecting the baby. As the first bits of colored glass rained down from the ceiling, I turned on LeDuc and unleashed all the power I could gather in a single beam of white energy.

  LeDuc deflected it with nothing but a flick of his hand and then sent another blast of energy back at me. The blast hit me square in the chest and sent me tumbling back through a mix of falling stained glass and rock. I hit the wall and then sailed through to hit another cave wall. Andre climbed through the wreckage. “You people,” he screamed. “You can't even die right!”

  I was barely conscious when he blasted me a second time. Everything below my neck was numb and the only thing my vision registered was a vibrating blue halo of energy coming straight at me. I flew backward again but, this time, I was smart enough to get as low to the ground as I could before it hit me. Instead of sailing through the air, I skidded across the cave floor and bumped up against something fleshy that groaned when I hit it.

  A hand reached out clamped onto my shoulder. “Judah?”

  I coughed up some blood and tried to blink the stars from my eyes. “Reed! You're alive?”

  “For the moment,” he managed.

  How was he even still conscious? I’d watched LeDuc rip an organ out of him and eat it. No normal human being could still be standing, even in the amount of pain he was in. But I didn’t have time to think about it, not now, not with LeDuc breathing down my neck.


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