The Cursed by Blood Saga

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The Cursed by Blood Saga Page 47

by Marianne Morea

  “My ears are ringing, but yeah, I can hear you,” he said, lifting his hand to his forehead. “My head feels a little spongy, though.”

  Lily reached down and hooked her arm under the detective’s armpit. “A little help here?” she said, looking across her shoulder at the others.

  Sean gestured for two of the hunters to help Ryan onto the bed. “I think he’s going to be fine,” he said, his eyes never leaving Lily. “I think we’re all going to be just fine.

  “Yeah,” she nodded, her eyes misting over as her gaze locked with his. “Me too.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  They loaded Parr’s unconscious body into the back of the SUV, his ankles and wrists cuffed for good measure. Turning him over to lie face up on the backseat, Sean’s eyes narrowed at the tiny dart sticking out of the man’s neck. He lifted a questioning gaze toward Mitch on the opposite side of the seat.

  His second-in-command looked up, nearly bashing his head on the open door frame. “What?”

  “That,” Sean replied pointing at the dart.

  Mitch shrugged. “God bless Dr. Volkmann and his toys.” He grinned, pushing his jacket back, revealing the grip of a tranquilizer gun stashed on his hip. “It’s the same make he used on us the day we went ape shit in his lab. If the drug worked on us, I knew it would work on this puss in suits.”

  Sean chuckled. “That’s my line.”

  “Yeah,” Mitch said, slamming the car door shut. “I know, and I plan to use it whenever possible.”

  The alpha snorted. “I always knew you were a poser.”

  Grinning wider, Mitch opened the rear hatch to stow his rifle bag in the floor compartment. “The doc said this sedative has a non-phasing agent that blocks our animal DNA from taking over. If you’re tranqued with this stuff, you won’t be able to phase even if you wake up. The drug is experimental, so Volkmann wasn’t sure how long the effects last, but he promised at least twenty-four hours. The doc’s been working on this in secret, just in case the virus got even more out of control.”

  Sean shook his head. “Scary, these scientist types. Are we going to have to keep an eye on him too?”

  Mitch laughed. “Nah. He’s a good guy. Definitely the king of the geek squad, and believe me he’s happy in his little realm.”

  “Are you two just going to stand there gabbing? Personally I’d like to go home,” Lily interjected with a smirk on her face and her hand on her hip. Ryan stood next to her holding an ice pack to his head.

  “That headache from kissing the window with your skull, or from listening to her sass?” Mitch asked Ryan, with a chuckle.

  Martinez grumbled. “It’s a toss-up.”

  “Hey!” Lily complained, but smirked at Mitch’s answering wink.

  “You okay to travel? It’s a long drive,” Sean asked the detective.

  “I’m good as long as one of you has room for my Harley. There’s no way I’m leaving it here.”

  Lily perked up. “How about I drive it home?” She fluttered her lashes at both Ryan and Sean.

  Sean laughed. “In your dreams, wolf girl. You’ve given me enough grey hair to last a lifetime. You ride with me.”

  Lily walked up to him and rubbed her hand up and down his chest. “What a great idea, as long as I get to ride with you between my legs and my arms wrapped around your waist. It might be fun to have all that horsepower rumbling beneath us.”

  Sean groaned, his groin thickening. “You’re such a tease.”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I’m a promise,” she told him, lifting onto her toes and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

  He cleared his throat. “Hey, Cougar, you have more than one helmet for that death machine of yours?”

  “Yes!” Lily pumped her arm back and forth.

  Ryan chuckled. “Yeah. In the saddle compartment. “Just be careful. I want them both back in one piece, and by both, I mean Lily as well as my bike.”

  Sean smirked. “Watch it, buddy. She’s claimed.”

  Ryan climbed into the passenger seat of the SUV next to Mitch. “I know, but you can’t blame a guy for trying. Hey, remind Miss Leather and Lace she’s got reports that need to be filled out. I may be her partner, but I’m not doing her paperwork for her,” he said with a wave, before closing the car door.”

  Mitch started the engine and rolled down the passenger window. “Meet you at home?”

  Sean closed the hard saddlebag and handed Lily the spare helmet. “Yup.”

  “No detours, Sean. We have damage control to do back at the Compound, specifically with council members who backed the asshole passed out on my backseat. What do you think? Meet you in the war room in two hours?”

  Sean glanced at Lily straddling the motorcycle and his cock throbbed, its head ready to burst. “Make it three.”


  Lily stood on the front porch of the manor house, her eyes watching the three-quarter moon at its zenith. She and Sean finally had a proper homecoming, and they would still be at it, if Mitch hadn’t banged on the door for Sean to get his ass out of bed and to the war room. He’d been sequestered with the hunters and the defunct council for hours. The last time she’d caught sight of him was from the window in their bedroom, as he and two hunters carried Jack’s body into the Great Hall.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Ryan asked, his footsteps on the stone pulling her attention before he even spoke.

  She smiled as he came up beside her.

  He stood with his hands in his pockets. Pulling out a pack of Marlboro, he lit a cigarette, then lifting one leg to the railing, blowing smoke into the night air. He hooked his left hand into the front of his jeans and tilted his head her way. “I hope you know I was only kidding, earlier. A blind man could see you and Sean are meant to be together.”

  She smirked. “Guess the moon’s spell really is broken,” she said, sticking a piece of Nicorette in her mouth to squash the urge to ask him for a cigarette.

  He looked at her strangely.

  “The full moon,” she said, gesturing toward the sky. “It’s been the culprit behind all the physical cravings between us this week. Everything you felt, it was just the moon playing its monthly trick on the Weres of this world.”

  He exhaled another lungful of smoke, his shoulders relaxing. “Thank God. I didn’t know what the hell was happening with me. I’ve never been obsessed like that in my life. I wanted you so bad, I couldn’t see straight! Do you know what it feels like to think you’ve lost your marbles? I don’t even want to tell you what I did to myself to get through it.”

  Lily’s cheeks flushed with heat, and she tilted her head, her hair falling in curls along the side of her face. “You don’t say?”

  “No. I don’t say, or won’t, anyway. I’d never be able to look you in the eye again, and forget Sean…he’d kill me.”

  Lily glanced down at her hands on the railing. “No, he wouldn’t. Not when I’m just as guilty,” she looked back up at him, slightly embarrassed. “Though, based on the visual you just painted, I don’t think I took things to quite the same extreme,” she added, holding out her hand toward his. “Care to let me see?” She raised an eyebrow at him.


  She laughed out loud, dropping her hand back to the railing. An awkward silence fell between them. Ryan looked out at the expanse past the circular drive toward the woods and beyond, the only sounds the wind in the trees and an owl hooting in the distance, punctuating the unspoken.

  “Sean tells me you’re leaving. Why?” Lily blurted out finally.

  He inhaled the crisp air, flicking his cigarette to the wet grass past the gravel. He dropped his foot from the railing and stuck his hands in his pockets. “I have to,” he said with a shrug.

  “I don’t understand. You just got here. This is where you belong if you’re ever going to find out who you are,” she argued.

  He shook his head, but this time it was different. “Lily, I already know who I am. Finding out I’m a Were doesn’t change that. What we we
nt through over the last forty-eight hours only proved the point to me even more. I have some things I need to take care of back in the city, but then I’m taking a leave of absence from the squad. I’ll be heading west. I’m going to look for other cougars. Sean says it’s something I need to do in order to phase.”

  She raised her hands in frustration. “Yes, but it’s not something you have to do right away.”

  He grabbed her hands and brought them together in his. “I’m not. It’s going to take some time for me to wrap up the whole vampire bloodbath thing with the department. We can both thank Sean for explaining the situation to Sébastien. The vampire provided more than enough evidence for me to give Shaw the report of his dreams, though I don’t ever want to know how he went about it. Shaw will get a commendation for this for sure. It’s not every day a cop gets to bring down a serial killer cult.”

  Lily’s eyebrows shot up. “A cult? Really? Will they buy it?”

  Martinez laughed. “Oh hell, yeah! And don’t worry, I’m making sure to include how integral you were in catching all the nuances we missed. You should be up to your eyeballs in business after this.”

  Lily gently pulled her hands from his, her gaze thoughtful. “Thanks, but I’m giving up the lease on my apartment and staying here from now on.”

  It was Ryan’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  She nodded. “I think so, but I haven’t discussed it with Sean, yet.”

  Ryan pulled himself up to sit on the railing, his legs dangling over the side. “I don’t think you’ll get much of an argument from him.”

  Lily laughed, pushing herself up to sit beside him. “Maybe, maybe not. I do tend to bring trouble with me wherever I go. You may have me knocking on your door yet, asking if you need a roommate.”

  He slid his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a side hug. “Anytime partner, anytime, but I wouldn’t bet on it.”

  “When are you planning to head back to the city?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon.”

  Lily thought for a minute. “Us too…for the night. Maybe we could head in together. Sean can take the Ford F-150. We could secure your bike on the back bed. There’s certainly enough room in the cab for all of us, what do you say? We could grab dinner together and talk about California and what you should expect. Maybe Sean and I could even fly out and meet you, you know, for moral support.”

  “Fine with me.” He shrugged. “But why are you heading into the city for one night?” His eyes widened before she could answer, and he nodded slowly.

  The vampires.


  The fire burned in the grate, just as it had three nights ago when they’d last met, only this time the fire seemed inviting and the ambiance in the room welcoming, almost grateful. The vampire adjudicators had been gathered again, and their chairs turned to face forward in tribunal mode. The large hearth rug had been removed, leaving only the grey concrete underneath, and a large copper drain the size of a dinner plate at the center of the space.

  Sébastien poured a glass of cabernet into a wide mouthed wine glass, and handed it to Lily. “How was your drive from Maine, not tedious I hope?”

  “Fine. Luckily there wasn’t too much traffic,” Sean replied, putting a hand over his own glass when Sébastien moved to top it off. One glass was enough, considering. The task at hand was still distasteful, regardless of its justification, and the last thing Sean wanted was to participate in the party atmosphere the vampires had already set into motion. To them it was a celebration.

  Rémy walked over. This time, his attire mimicked Sébastien’s, having forgone his customary period clothing for a more GQ, Wall Street look.

  “And how are you my little witch?” he asked, tongue in cheek, his eyes dancing as he waited for daggers. Only this time, his nickname for her was greeted with a beautiful smile.

  Lily slipped one arm through his and raised her glass. “Rémy, I have decided from now until forever, I will be ‘little witch’ to you and you alone. Anyone else calls me by that name, and I promise their nether regions will get a visit from my boot.”

  At the look on Sébastien’s face, they both burst out laughing. Lily inclined her head, mostly out of respect, but also to stop the wine from snorting out of her nose from laughing so hard. “Present company excepted, Sébastien, of course,” she added quickly, wiping her mouth.

  The master vampire flashed a dazzling, fang filled smile. “Only you, my lady. Only you…”

  Across the room, Etienne motioned to Rémy that it was time. Lily dipped her chin once, acknowledging the vampire psychic, as Rémy took her hand to say goodbye.

  “When this is all over, please come back and visit. What I see in your eyes makes me forget the monster I see in everyone else’s.” Then the vampire with the ruined face leaned over and gave Lily’s cheek a sweet kiss.

  He walked to his seat, as the others took their places as well. When they were settled, Sébastien motioned for everyone else to sit, except Sean.

  “It has come to our attention that you have within your midst, a traitor responsible for acts of cruelty, injustice and treachery against the vampire community. How do you plead, Sean Leighton, Alpha of the Brethren?”

  “Guilty,” he answered. “But only in that a Were of my clan has caused said pain and suffering to the Vampires of New York, and to you, Sébastien, in particular. In retribution, I have brought the guilty party as promised. Do with him what you will. He has been abnegated by his own, and is Were no longer.”

  Sébastien rose from his seat and walked toward Sean. The two clasped arms and the master vampire put his hand on the alpha’s shoulder. “We accept your offering of justice, and let it be known here and throughout my territory that no vengeance shall be harbored against the Alpha of the Brethren or any of his ilk. The matter will be settled tonight. Blood calls for blood, and blood shall have blood.”

  The other adjudicators nodded in agreement, as the master returned to his seat.

  Sean remained standing and raised one finger, earning the floor once more. “If I may, Sébastien…” he said, and then paused to turn toward Lily who handed him a beautifully engraved wooden box. “May I approach?”

  Sébastien waved him forward, and all eyes were riveted on Sean, their regard curious as he approached the master.

  Sean placed the box in the vampire’s hands. “You said blood calls to blood, and blood shall have blood. However, I promised you a heart for a heart, as well.”

  The master’s eyes widened, and he ran his hands over the box’s carved wooden edge. “Is this what I think it is?”

  Sean nodded once, his face somber. “Yes. Jack Cochran was the puppet of the one responsible for this mayhem. He was the one accountable for Chen’s death. His heart is inside the box.”

  A new appreciation for the Weres was evident in every face, and an air of respect filled the room. Even Abigail grudgingly nodded her approval.

  “Perhaps the time has come for our species to have more than just a treaty of remoteness. Perhaps it’s time for us to form a true pact. An alliance for all supernatural beings.”

  Sean looked thoughtful. “It would certainly be something for the ages,” he replied. “And in the spirit of that notion, I vow that over the next week, a contingent of my hunters will be at your disposal to scour your shadow houses for others infected.” He fixed Sébastien with a look of severity. “I expect their safety will be guaranteed, yes?”

  The vampire spread his hands, as if the matter was au fait accomplie. “I will personally see to it myself.” A shadow passed over Sébastien’s face. “I am beside myself that so many of mine must be destroyed. Such a waste.”

  Sean exchanged glances with Lily, and Etienne nodded vigorously, catching Rémy’s eye. “You have more information for us, Sean?” The older vampire asked, curious as to what made their own seer so animated.

  “Yes, Rémy. The cure that may help save those whom you are loath to destroy lies in the blo
od.” The Alpha’s face was grim, as he gestured to the door and what lay waiting behind it.

  The misshapen vampire smiled, the intact side of his mouth curving up as understanding dawned. “Thank you again, my friend. We will make sure not to waste a drop.”

  Curious whispers vibrated throughout the room, and Sébastien raised his hand. “It is time. Again, we are indebted to the Weres for bringing us the one who has wrought such heartache.” With a wave of the vampire’s hand, Sean stepped back, and the master shifted his regard toward Lily. “My dear, you have suffered the most of any of us. Would you like Abigail to cleanse your memory and give you peace?”

  Lily’s eyes moistened at the considerate gesture, but she shook her head. “Thank you Sébastien. Your offer is kind and generous, but this is my world now, for better or worse. I accept it as it is, and I hope it accepts me for who I am in return. A friend once said, ‘If this is my world, then I have to see if there’s a place for me…as me.’ And he was right.”

  A warm gaze and an even warmer smile beamed from Sébastien’s face. “Clever girl. Oh, how you would make me smile every day if you would only share our blood.” He sighed, “Ah, c’est la vie,” and with a lighthearted chuckle, drew himself up from his chair. “Perhaps one day we will be lucky enough to see you change your mind…” He stepped forward, kissing Lily on both cheeks. “Until then, you are always welcome.”

  He then clasped arms with Sean once more, before returning to his seat. It was time.

  Sean turned, motioning toward the steel reinforced door at the entrance. It swung open, and he gestured for his hunters. The men carried Edward between them, bound and gagged. He struggled, his feet scrapping across the concrete floor as they dragged him forward. The hunters dropped him in front of the adjudicators, as instructed, and then immediately turned to go. Not a word was spoken.

  Lily hooked her arm in Sean’s, and with a final nod, they were escorted out. She glanced over her shoulder once, and what she saw would haunt her for the rest of her life. It was the true face of the vampire, and it wasn’t the polished, romantic image romance books love to paint. It was evil incarnate.


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