Never Giving Up (The Never Series Book 2)

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Never Giving Up (The Never Series Book 2) Page 7

by Kristin MacQueen

  “What the hell do you mean you’re not sure if I'm gonna make the team?”

  “I don’t know what you want to happen between us. How do I know this isn't some sort of hate attraction?”

  “Hate attraction? How do you come up with this shit?”

  “It’s like hate fucking. You hate the person so much but you have chemistry. You’ve hated me for so long, Liam.”

  “You’re right, I did. But that’s because I was judging you on my assumptions. I didn’t know the real you.”

  “You still don’t.”

  “You’re right, but I want to. I’ve seen glimpses of the real you over the past few days and I want to see more.”

  “Is it true?”

  “Is what true?”

  “Macy says you told her I'm the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen. Is that true?”

  I reach for her hand, tugging her towards me. She doesn’t fight it like I expected her to, she comes willingly.

  “Yes. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, baby.” I cup her cheek, kissing her like she’s my dying breath.

  Her lips move under mine, she’s an amazing kisser. I'm sure she’s had a ton of boyfriends but I push the thought away. I don’t want to think of her with anyone but me.

  “Aww, you two finally figured out your shit.” Mrs. Valdo’s voice scares both of us, causing us to jump away from each other.

  “Mrs. Valdo, it’s nice to see you.”

  “Liam, I'm glad to see you finally admitted you like her.”

  “Did everyone but me know?” Miranda huffs, her hands on her hips, glaring at me.

  “Bestie, you should’ve seen the look on his face that night you fell asleep watching the movie. He carried you to bed, we thought he was going to climb in bed with you and never leave.”

  “What the hell, Noah?” He shrugs his shoulders, a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Oh! And he was rubbing your back and stroking your hair... I have a video of it!” Frankie pulls her phone out of her back pocket, scrolling through her videos.

  “That’s alright, we don’t need to see it.”

  I try to grab the phone out of her hands but she moves behind Noah, there’s no way he’s going to let me get it. He smirks, crossing his arms over his chest, confirming my suspicion, I better accept Miranda seeing this video. It’s happening whether or not I want it to.

  “Here it is! Come here, bestie.” Frankie calls Miranda over. I stare at her, waiting for her reaction as she watches the video. She keeps her expression masked; I can't catch a single emotion.

  Her eyes dart over to mine before going back to the screen once again. She nibbles on her bottom lip, a crease forming between her brows.

  I want to go to her, pull her into my arms and figure out what’s going through that pretty head of hers. I can't make my feet move, I'm stuck staring at the girl I’ve fallen for in the past few days.

  When the video ends, everyone’s gaze bounces between Miranda and I. It’s so silent, you could hear a pin drop three towns over.

  “Well... that was... cute.” Miranda says slowly, picking her words carefully. She’s... upset, but I'm not sure why. I thought she’d be happy; I never expected this response.

  “Alright, who’s hungry? I'm gonna order some pizza for everyone.”

  “Green peppers and onions!” Noah shouts, Mrs. Valdo rolls her eyes.

  “Yes, Noah, I know what Frankie wants.” She chuckles softly. “What does everyone else want?... Max Carmichael, is that you hiding on my steps?”

  “Hey, Mrs. Valdo. It’s good to see you.”

  “You better march your butt over here and give me a hug. I’ve missed seeing your sweet face in my kitchen. I never thought I’d miss the boy who doubled my food bill for years.”

  Max chuckles, wrapping Mrs. Valdo in a tight hug. I wonder how his relationship is with their parents. I know Miranda’s made comments about him cutting in the past but she hasn’t said much more about him.

  “And who’s this sweet little girl?” She asks, eyes glued on Macy.

  “I'm Macy! I'm Liam’s sister and I'm a cheerleader!”

  “You must be the most perfect cheerleader ever. You look like you know what you’re doing.”

  Macy nods her head eagerly. She loves getting attention from all of these women. I never thought about how much she’s missing since mom left. Not only has she lost a parent but she’s also lost the only female role model in her life.

  “Can you do a round off double back handspring?”


  “How about you come outside and show me? I miss having a little cheerleader in the house.”

  “I'm right here! I'm still a cheerleader!” Frankie protests.

  “Yeah, but she’s cuter than you.”

  “Well... I can't even argue that. She’s adorable.” Frankie’s eyes soften when her gaze falls on Macy. They all love her so much more than I anticipated.

  Noah turns a devilish smirk on me, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “Are we sure you’re related? I mean she’s adorable and you’re... well, you.”

  I glare at him, then turn my attention to Frankie.

  “You sure you want to marry this guy? You could do better.”

  “I offered, she turned me down.” Max smirks from his spot next to Frankie.

  “I dare you to offer again. I’ll kill you.” Noah growls, tightening his hold on Frankie. She stares up at him with a look of adoration.

  Why can't I have someone look at me like that?

  Chapter Fourteen


  WE SPEND THE NIGHT eating, laughing and having a great time. It’s over far too quickly for my liking but Macy needs to get home and go to bed, it’s late enough already.

  “Let me grab my keys and I’ll drive you guys home.” I hop off the couch, searching the kitchen for my purse. I know I threw it down in here... somewhere.

  “You don’t need to drive us home, Mira. Enjoy your time with Max.”

  “Max will be fine with Frankie, Noah and Mrs. Valdo for a little while. Him and Noah are actually really good friends.”

  “Really? I thought this was the first time they’ve met.”

  “In person, yes. I saw Noah’s scars when I went to Bianca’s party the weekend we met. I knew what they were from. I talked to Noah and Max, they both wanted to keep in contact with each other. It helps having someone who understands you in a way no one else can.”

  “I can't believe I never saw them or realized something was going on with him.”

  “It’s not your fault, Liam. Noah was depressed before you even met him. You never knew this happy version of him. To you, depressed Noah was the normal version. And he wore bracelets to hide the scars, you didn’t know because he made sure no one knew. You can't beat yourself up about it. Hind sight is always twenty twenty.”



  “Are we ok?”

  My brows furrow together, should we not be ok? Did something happen and I'm completely oblivious to it?

  “Yes?” I ask more than say.

  “You seemed... quiet after Frankie showed you that video.”

  “I just don’t get it.” I say softly.

  Liam rounds the island, stopping right in front of me. He reaches for my hands, holding them in his own. His eyes search my face.

  “What don’t you get, baby?”

  “Why were you so mean to me if you’ve liked me for this long?”

  He scrubs a hand over his face, glancing away from me. He’s collecting himself, trying to find the words to explain himself. His mouth opens and closes several times before any words are formed.

  “I didn’t like the way you made me feel. I felt this draw to you but I had convinced myself I wanted Frankie. Looking back, my feelings towards Frankie were nothing compared to how I felt when I first met you. I’ve never felt like this about anyone. I didn’t expect to be so consumed by a firecracker who bul
ldozed her way into my life without regret. I’ve never met anyone like you, Mira. You turned my world upside down in an instant and I was fighting to hold onto what was normal. After everything with my parents, I didn’t need more to deal with. The problem was... I wanted you around even though I didn’t think it was a good idea at the time.”

  “And what do you think now?” Hesitation is clear in my voice. My own insecurities float out with my words, visible for the world to see. My parents made me this way, taught me to doubt anyone’s feelings or love towards me.

  “Baby...” He brushes a strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers trailing down my jaw. “I think you might be the only one who can save me from a life of misery. I need you by my side like I need my next breath.”

  “And what about when you change your mind again?”

  “I won't, Mira.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yes, I do. I fought this for far too long. I had to talk myself off the ledge every damn day, all I wanted was to pull you into my arms and kiss those plump lips of yours.”

  I bite my lip, trying to hide the smile fighting its way onto my face, but it doesn’t help. Liam reaches up, his thumb pulls my lip out from between my teeth.

  “You wormed your way into my life without me realizing it, and now I can't give you up. You’re stuck with me.”

  “Hey, that’s my line.” I whisper, fisting his shirt in my hands. Staring up at him, emotion swirling in his green eyes. I stand on my toes, press my lips against his and moan when electricity courses through my body. He grips my hips tightly, pulling me against his hard body. I get lost in the feelings he brings alive within me.

  A throat clears behind me, I jump away, swiping the back of my hand over my swollen lips. I straighten my shirt and run a hand through my hair, trying to act like I wasn’t just all over Liam in Frankie’s kitchen.

  Liam’s cheeks pinken, he glances around uncomfortably. His hand grips the back of his neck.

  “Cucumber, I'm tired.” Macy’s soft voice breaks the awkward silence.

  “Alright, pickle, let’s get going.”

  “Hey! If you’re cucumber and she’s pickle, what does that make me?” I cross my arms over my chest, pout firmly in place on my lips.

  Liam and Macy glance at each other, a devilish smirk spreading across both of their faces. They look so much alike right now.

  “Zucchini!” They both shout at the same time.

  “Nooooo, that’s a horrible name. Yours are cute!”

  Liam throws an arm around my shoulders, guiding me towards the door.

  “Come on, zucchini, take us home.”

  “I don’t like this at all.” I grumble causing Macy to crack up laughing.

  We get Macy settled in the back of my car, close the door and stare at each other. Liam pulls me into his arms, kissing me like I'm his dying breath.

  “Your sister can see us.” I mutter between kisses.

  “I... don’t... care. She likes... you... a lot.”

  Knocking on the window makes me start giggling. Liam rest his forehead against mine a loud groan filling the air.

  Chapter Fifteen


  MIRANDA PULLS UP IN front of our house and parks the car. We’re all silently staring at the front door, tension filling the air. His car’s in the driveway and all the lights are on. He’s definitely drinking.


  “I know, pickle. You go straight to my room and lock the door.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I won't, I'm gonna protect you. You know I won't let him touch you, Macy.”

  “I don’t want to go in there.”

  “I know you don’t, but we have to. It’s our home.”

  “Can't we stay with Noah or Frankie and Miranda?”

  My eyes find Miranda’s. Tears well in her eyes and her lip starts to quiver. I can't take both of them being upset. Leaning over the center console, I wrap my arms around Miranda, holding her as tightly as I can in this awkward position.

  “She’s going to be ok. You know I’ll protect her.” I whisper into her hair.

  “But who’s gonna protect you?” Her words catch in her throat, making my heart squeeze in an aching pain.

  I’ve never had someone care for me the way Miranda does. I love having her in my life.

  “I’ll protect myself, baby. It’s gonna be ok.”

  “What if it isn't?”

  “I can't think that way. It has to be ok; I’ll make sure of it.”

  I pull back, cupping her cheeks in my hands. I brush away the tears that managed to escape with my thumbs. I kiss her forehead, letting my lips linger much longer than they need to.

  “Pickle, we can't stay with Noah or Miranda and Frankie. We don’t have any of our stuff and if we go in there to get it then try to walk out it won't end well. You gotta trust me.”

  “I do trust you.” Macy whispers.

  “Let’s go before he realizes we’re sitting out here.” I mumble, grabbing my stuff from the back and helping Macy out. I give Miranda another hug and kiss before we head up the front steps.

  We pause in front of the door. I peer down at Macy, she’s nibbling on her bottom lip, tears in her eyes.

  “Straight to our room and lock it. Walk in behind me so he doesn’t see you.”

  She nods her head, fear coating every inch of her body. I can't wait to get her away from him. I'm going to give her a good life, the life she deserves. I don’t care what I have to do to accomplish it.

  Turning the nob, I push the door open, making sure I block any view of Macy.

  “Where the hell have you been, boy? Who dropped you off?” His voice booms from the living room. He only ever calls me boy when he’s completely wasted.

  Macy whimpers behind me, my body tenses. We both know tonight is going to be bad.

  “Run now.” I urge as gently as I can, pushing Macy away from me. She hesitates for a moment before she runs away, tears streaming down her face.

  “I asked you a question! You answer me!” He roars, standing from his favorite recliner, wobbling slightly as he tries to regain his balance.

  “My girlfriend dropped me off.”

  “Ahh, got a sweet little piece of ass, do ya?”

  “Don’t talk about her. You don’t even know her.” I hiss.

  “I don’t know her but I know that car cost a pretty penny. You trying to marry up?”

  I don’t say a word, just glare at him because even though I don’t care about her money, I do feel like I'm taking advantage of her. Even though I didn’t ask for any of it, Miranda’s been spoiling Macy and I since I let her in.

  “Where were you? At her mansion in the hills?”

  “I was at Noah’s house.”

  “Ahh the Norman Rockwell family. A home full of rainbows and butterflies. Must be fucking nice.” He staggers a few steps towards me.

  It’s so hard for me to stare at him and remember he used to be a great dad. It doesn’t make sense how someone can fall so far so quickly. I looked up to him, he was the man I wanted to be. Now, I hope I'm never anything like him. I hate sharing physical features with him, we look so much alike.

  “You must wish you were born into that family, huh?”

  “No. I wish mom didn’t leave and you didn’t turn into an abusive drunk.”

  Logically I know I shouldn’t provoke him, but he’s going to hit me no matter what I say. I might as well let out some of my anger. He won't remember what I said in the morning anyway.

  The right hook surprises me. Catching my jaw, snapping my head to the side with its force. My hand flies to my face, covering the flesh pain is radiating from. I work my jaw side to side, trying but failing to relieve some of the searing pain.

  “Why do you make me the bad guy, Liam? Why can't you just keep your mouth shut?”

  I narrow my eyes on him, I'm done with this shit. He acts like we’re these horrible kids he needs to beat into submission, but we�
�re not. We’ve never been trouble makers, always followed whatever our parents asked of us.

  “You’d hit me even if I kept my mouth shut!” I roar. “You’ve yelled at Macy when she cowers in the corner, sobbing, completely consumed in fear of her own father!”

  “Ahh, Macy. Where has she been hiding? I haven’t seen her in weeks.”

  “And I'm gonna keep it that way.”

  I take a step towards him, squaring my shoulders, lifting my chin. He hates how he has to look up to make eye contact with me. It kills him that I'm bigger and stronger than him. That’s why he only comes near me when he’s really drunk and has more confidence.

  “You can't keep my daughter from me.” He says through gritted teeth. The muscles in his jaw tightening with his anger.

  “You’ll never touch her again. The day I graduate, I'm taking her and we’re getting the fuck away from you. You’ll never see us again.”

  I know the punch is coming before he moves a muscle. I’ve pissed him off more than ever before. This is the first time I’ve threatened to take away what’s left of his family.

  His fist connects with my nose, an audible crunch filling the air, white hot pain filling all of my senses. I stumble back a few steps, fuck that hurt. I bend over, cupping my nose, blood pouring down my face. I never thought he’d try to break my nose. I'm in trouble and I know it, tonight isn't going to end in my favor.

  Chapter Sixteen


  THE YELLING GETS LOUDER but I don’t hear Liam talking at all. He’s silent. The sound of flesh pounding into flesh gets louder and more frequent.

  I'm worried about Liam but I promised him I’d stay in his room with the door locked.

  I press my ear against the door, close my eyes and focus on the noise.

  A loud groan full of pain meets my ears, followed by more yelling from dad. Liam’s hurt and bad.

  My hands shake as I pick up my phone and click on the one name I know will come.

  “Macy? What’s wrong, sweetie?” Panic fills Miranda’s voice, the sob I’ve been holding back breaks free, my body shaking uncontrollably.


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