Never Giving Up (The Never Series Book 2)

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Never Giving Up (The Never Series Book 2) Page 15

by Kristin MacQueen

  He stands up, holding out a hand to help me up. He keeps a hand on my lower back, leading me to the car. We make a quick pit stop at the convenience store to grab ginger ale and crackers before we drive to Macy’s school.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  “CAN I HELP YOU?” THE woman behind the desk asks.

  “Yes, I’m here to get Macy Hayes. I’m her brother, Liam. The nurse just called me.”

  “Of course, Liam. Let me get her, poor girl threw up several times.”

  I pace the space in the office. I put my hands on my hips, then in my pockets, then drop them to my sides.

  “Calm down, Liam. She threw up, it isn't the end of the world.”

  “Macy gets really upset when she’s sick. She cries a lot... I hate seeing her cry.”

  “I’ll help you, you’re not alone.” Miranda places a hand on my arm, a calmness sweeps through me with her touch. I close my eyes, letting out a deep breath. When I open them, Miranda’s right there with a beautiful smile on her face.

  “Cucumber.” Macy’s voice has me spinning around. I squat down, catching her when she throws herself in my arms.

  “I gotcha, pickle, it’s gonna be ok.”

  Her small body shakes in my embrace, here comes the tears.

  We thank the woman in the office before we head out to Miranda’s car. I really need to get my own car again.

  “Your keys are in my right pocket.”

  Miranda slips her hand in my back pocket and squeezes my ass.

  “Front pocket.” I chuckle when I spot the cheeky grin on her face. “Try not to grope me this time.”

  “Oh, you know you loved it, but you can lie to yourself if it makes you feel better. Doesn’t make a difference to meeeee.”

  Macy pulls back, she searches my face, a slow smile spreads across her lips.

  “Did you two make up?” The hopefulness in her voice kills me. I didn’t realize how much my relationship with Miranda affected Macy until now.

  “Hey, baby? Macy wants to know if we made up?”

  “Ohhh, you called her baby! That means yes!” She glances over to Miranda for confirmation, she shrugs with a devilish grin.

  “He’s got a nice ass.”

  “So does she.” I mutter under my breath, causing Macy to giggle.

  “I heard that!” She says in a sing song voice. “And you aren’t wrong!”

  Miranda walks ahead of me with an exaggerated sway of her hips. Damn, I love this girl.

  “Do you mind driving?” I ask Miranda when we get to the car.

  “I want Miranda to hold me.” Macy pouts.

  “Well, I guess I’ve been replaced.” I huff out in mock hurt.

  “Sorry, buddy.” Miranda chuckles, patting my chest... which turns into her feeling up my pecs before she slides into the back of her car.

  When we’re about five minutes from home, Macy announces she doesn’t feel so well.

  “We’re almost home, pickle. Just a few more minutes.”

  “I don’t think I'm gonna make it! Pull over! I’m gonna puke.”

  I quickly pull to the side of the road but before the car comes to a complete stop, Macy throws up all over Miranda. I jump out of the car and fling open the back door.

  I expect to find a livid Miranda, but I don’t. She’s holding back Macy’s hair with one hand and rubbing her back in gentle circles with the other. Miranda’s covered in vomit and so is her car, but she doesn’t seem to care at all. She helps Macy climb out of the car without getting anything on her, following her, continuing to hold back her hair when she starts throwing up all over again.

  “I'm sorry, zucchini!” Macy’s eyes fill with tears. Miranda squats down in front of her and brushes them away.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart.”

  “But I just puked all over you and your car.” Miranda shrugs her shoulder like it doesn’t matter at all.

  “That’s ok. My car can be cleaned, so can my clothes and I can take a shower. It’s not a big deal, all that matters is getting you home and making you all better.”

  I pop the trunk, searching through the dozen bags she has stashed back there.

  “What are you doing back there?” Miranda calls.

  I find the bag I'm looking for, reach inside and pull out a towel. I clean up the backseat the best I can.

  “Babe, don’t worry about it. I’m covered, it’s not gonna help.” She chuckles softly.

  “I'm so sorry.”

  “Will you two stop apologizing? I don’t care. Let’s get this girl home.”

  “You can't get back in the car covered in puke.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  Reaching behind my neck, I grip my shirt, pulling it over my head. Miranda’s gaze goes directly to my bare torso, examining every inch. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she finally meets my gaze.

  “You about done?”

  “No, but I can continue this later on. What’s the shirt for?”

  “Take off your shirt and put on mine. It will be long enough for you to take off your pants too.”

  “You want me to just strip on the side of the road?” Her eyebrows raise in surprise.

  “Just do it, I'm sure your bra covers just as much if not more than your bikini covers.” I roll my eyes; Miranda narrows hers on me for a second before she starts giggling.

  “You’re probably right.” She ties her hair up in a messy knot on the top of her head then carefully strips out of her shirt, careful not to get vomit in her hair. She throws the shirt on the ground and unbuttons her pants.

  Her smooth tan skin is gorgeous. Large round breasts peek out of her bra, begging to be touched. Her waist narrows into the perfect hourglass figure. I want to run my hands over each and every inch of her. I want to kiss and nip her skin as I explore it.

  Miranda clears her throat, a knowing smirk on her face. She holds out a hand, I begrudgingly hand over my shirt. She slips into it before sliding her pants down her legs. My shirt reaches mid-thigh, covering every delicious inch of her I'm dying to touch.

  I wait for them to get in but Miranda stops me.

  “Get in the car, Liam.” She laughs. “If I bend over, you’re gonna see a lot more than my bathing suit shows.”

  I smirk, running my hand down her back, squeezing the soft flesh of her ass. She jumps away and laughs before standing on her toes and placing a kiss on my lips.

  “Not in front of your sister.” She whispers against my mouth.

  “Does that mean we can continue this later?”

  She runs a hand up my chest, biting her bottom lip. “Only if you don’t find a shirt between now and then.” She pinches my nipple then pushes me away.

  “Dammit! That hurt!” I rub my chest; I can't help but smile when she throws her head back and laughs. I love her laugh.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  “LET’S GET YOU UP IN my bed. After you get all comfy cozy, I'm gonna take a shower then we can watch some movies.”

  I don’t check to see if Liam’s following me through the house, he will. I twist the knob, kicking open my bedroom door, I place Macy on the bed and run to her room to get her some pajamas.

  “Shouldn’t we put Macy in her own room? What if she throws up in your bed?”

  “Then I’ll wash my sheets, it’s not a big deal. She’s gonna be more comfortable in my bed. We can keep an eye on her and snuggle up while watching movies.”

  “On what? The only tv is in the basement.”

  “I kinda bought a tv for my room after we broke up... I couldn’t handle being around Frankie and Noah all the time. It reminded me of what I didn’t have.”

  He closes the distance between us, his hands settling on my waist. My gaze locks on his, I know he regrets how everything went down in the hospital but it’s in the past. We’ve moved on and found our way back to each other again.

  “I'm so sorry, baby.”

  “Stop apologizing, w
e’ve fixed things.”

  “Yes, we have. But if I wasn’t a total ass, things never would’ve needed fixing.”

  “Hmmm, well that’s true.” I smirk up at him.

  “I’ve missed my little firecracker... but you stink, babe.” His nose scrunches up in the most adorable way. I want to pretend to be mad, but I can't. I really do stink.

  “Then you get Macy’s pajamas and I’ll go shower.” I stand on my tippy toes, placing a kiss on his cheek, then spin on my heels. Liam smacks my butt as soon as my back is turned, I scowl at him over my shoulder, I'm rewarded with a sexy devilish grin.

  As soon as I step under the spray of hot water, my body relaxes. Today isn't the first time I’ve felt anxious in school, but it’s the first time it’s happened in a long time.

  Finding Liam unconscious on the floor of his living room with his dad over top of him, has brought my anxiety back in full force. I'm not sure how to deal with it but I know exactly who I should turn to.

  After I’ve removed the smell of vomit from my skin, I wrap a towel around my body and realize I didn’t bring any clothes in here.

  “Hey, Liam?” I call out the cracked bathroom door.


  “Can you bring me some clothes? I forgot to grab some.”

  “Yup. Give me a second.”

  I hear him opening and closing drawers several times. A few holy shit’s and hot damn’s are muttered under his breath before a soft knock raps on the door.

  “Come in.”

  I'm sitting on the vanity, wrapped only in a towel, leaning back on my hands. Liam pushes the door open slowly, like he’s scared of what he might find. His gaze sweeps over my body several times before landing on my face.

  “Damn, baby. You’d think I’d be used to how beautiful you are by now, but I'm not. So many times, I look at you and think ‘damn, how did I get a girl like her?’, I'm the luckiest guy in the world.”

  “Yeah, ya kinda are. Most men can't handle all of this.” I motion to myself; a smile pulls on the corners of his lips.

  “After looking in your panty drawer, I'm not sure I can handle you either.” He mutters under his breath.

  “Mr. Hayes, did you look at my unmentionables?” I arch an eyebrow at him.

  “And mentioned it.” He nods eagerly.

  “Did you like what you saw?”

  “Way more than I should. I don’t even know what half of that is... do you wear those all the time?”

  “Yup, it makes me feel pretty.”

  “To school?”


  His throat bobs as he swallows hard. His tongue peeks out to wet his lips before it disappears again. Honey colored eyes fill with desire, they focus on my lips and Liam takes a step towards me.

  “I don’t even know what to say... that’s so hot... I can't believe you wear lingerie to school.” His voice is barely a whisper.

  “It’s a confidence booster. I know what all the boys are missing but they’re clueless. Makes me feel powerful.”

  “But now I know.” Another step towards me.

  “Guess I’ll have to kill you.”

  “If you let me see you in one of those,” he throws a thumb over his shoulder, “I’d die a happy man.”

  I nibble on my bottom lip, trying my hardest not to smile. I’ve never felt as wanted as I do in this second. Liam makes me feel loved, cherished and desired.

  “Mmmm, but I don’t think I’d want to live without you.”

  “Are you saying you like me, Miss. Carmichael?” He takes another step towards me.

  “Nope. I'm saying I love you.”

  I reach out, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards me to close the distance. My hands instantly roam his still bare chest, I love the feel of his hard muscles beneath my palms.

  Liam threads his fingers through my wet hair, his teeth nip my bottom lip and I let out an embarrassing moan.

  “Shhh. We can't let Macy hear us.” Liam’s warm breath fans over my neck, he places several kisses on my sensitive skin before covering my mouth with his.

  I get lost in his embrace, his lips moving against mine, his tongue waring with mine. I can't get enough of this man.

  “Liam?” A weak voice calls from my bedroom.

  We instantly end our kiss, Liam rests his forehead against mine, letting out a small sigh.

  “Yeah, sweetheart?”

  “I feel like I'm gonna puke again.”

  Liam jumps back like he’s been shocked. He frantically searches the bathroom for something. I calmly hop off the counter, pick up the empty trash can and hand it to him.

  “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  He rushes to his sister’s side, holding her hair back as she begins emptying what’s left in her stomach.

  I click the door shut, throw on the clothes Liam brought me and smirk at myself in the mirror. He gave me a pair of booty shorts and another one of his shirts. He must have had one in his bag... yet he’s still shirtless.

  When I exit the bathroom, Macy is snuggled up against Liam’s side. She’s struggling to stay awake as Liam sings to her, stroking her cheek in slow motions. A smile adorns my face as I memorize the image before me. This is why I’m never giving up on him. Liam puts those he loves above everything else in his life... and he loves me.

  “Hey, how’s she doing?”

  “She’ll be asleep in a minute. I hate seeing her sick.”

  “I know, me too. You’re taking good care of her though.”

  “I'm trying... you look pretty damn cute in my clothes.”

  “I noticed you’re still missing a shirt though.”

  “Well, one has puke on it and my other one is being worn by my beautiful girlfriend. I don’t have any more.”

  “You can wear this one, I can get another shirt.”

  “Don’t you dare. You look sexy as hell in my stuff.”

  “Is it ok if I go call my brother really quick?”

  “Of course, babe.”

  I blow Liam a kiss before I step out on the balcony so I don’t wake Macy.

  “Hey, baby girl!”

  “Hey, Maxy. How’s things at college?”

  “Pretty good. I can't wait until you’re here with me next year.”

  “Me either.”

  “What’s wrong? You sound strange.”

  I let out a humorless laugh. Leave it to Max to notice something’s wrong from miles away.

  “I’ve started getting panic attacks again... high anxiety too.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry. Do you know why?”

  I shrug before I realize he can't see me. I explain how I think about us not getting to Liam in time, and how my thoughts then change to not getting to Max in time. I explain every single fear and thought I’ve had since that day. Max listens without interrupting me, I knew I could count on him to listen and help me.

  “I think you should find a therapist to go to. I know you hated going before but it helped you a lot.”

  “I hate it so much. It makes me feel weak.”

  “Learning to deal with panic attacks or anxiety isn't a weakness. It’s having the strength to admit you need help. It took me a long time to realize my depression and self-harm tendencies weren’t a weakness but rather my way of dealing with stress and anxiety I didn’t understand. People make mental health taboo, but they shouldn’t. No one is broken, Miranda. They’re not weak, they just need to learn how to handle their thoughts and actions in the best way for them. If people would stop acting like mental health issues meant you belong on meds or in a psych hospital, more people would seek help and admit they can't deal with things on their own. So many more people would be able to live a happy and healthy life.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Your panic attacks are your bodies way of dealing with a traumatic event... sadly you’ve had several in your life. Going back to therapy can help you deal with your triggers and work through it again, like you did after you saved my life.”

e balcony door opens and closes, warm hands snake around me, tugging me against a hard chest. I lean my head back against Liam’s chest, enjoying being in his embrace.

  “I’ll call a therapist on Monday. Thanks, Max. I knew I could count on you.”

  “I'm never more than a phone call away, don’t ever forget that. I'm always here for you.”

  “You’re the best brother. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Tell Liam to take care of you.”

  I chuckle and we end our call. Dropping my phone on the patio furniture, I grip Liam’s forearms that are around my shoulders.

  He doesn’t say a word as he holds me. We both stare out at the backyard, enjoying the peace and quiet the night is providing.

  “Is she asleep?” I whisper into the cool air after a while.

  “Yeah, I gave her some Tylenol to get rid of the fever too.”

  “Good. Do you want to stay in my room tonight? I can stay in Macy’s bed.”

  “Can't we both stay in your bed with Macy?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll ask Mrs. Valdo.”

  “You doing ok, baby?” He kisses the side of my neck, a shiver rolls through my body causing Liam to tighten his hold on me.

  “I’ll be ok eventually.”

  “Anything I can do for you?”

  “Just keep holding me.”

  “I can do that... Do you want me to go to therapy with you?”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Mira, I’d do anything for you, don’t you get that?... I think it would be good for Macy to see a therapist after having our mom leave and our dad abuse us. It’s got to be hard for her to process.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. I think you would benefit from it too.”

  “Probably... will you go with me?”

  “I’ll go anywhere with you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “LIAM, YOU CAN STAY, but only if you find yourself a shirt. It’s a little concerning that Miranda’s wearing your spare shirt instead of her own, while you’re walking around half naked.”


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