Mr. Mistake: A Fake Marriage Romance (Mr. Mistake Series Book 1)

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Mr. Mistake: A Fake Marriage Romance (Mr. Mistake Series Book 1) Page 13

by Karice Bolton

  “Not a thing. He said I’m a terrible actor and he needs to keep everything as a surprise or I’ll blow it.”

  Brendan laughed, and Jack nodded his head.

  “He knows you well,” Jack said, grinning.

  I rolled my eyes at my brothers but couldn’t help but chuckle.

  Maddox, Winter, and Arie walked back to the foyer.

  “They’ve already picked their room.” Maddox laughed.

  “Unless you want it,” Winter said, glancing at my parents.

  “But it has bunk beds, so probably not,” Arie added.

  “We’re happy anywhere,” my mom told them both.

  Arie hugged Winter. “This is going to be like old times. There’s room for us all in there,” Arie explained, glancing at me. “You too, but you’re probably sleeping in Maddox’s room.”

  My gaze instinctively landed on my dad, who held back a laugh.

  “Umm. I—” I turned to look at Maddox. “I mean, we haven’t really discussed any of that.”

  “Wherever you’re most comfortable.” Maddox’s expression looked utterly enamored with me as I stood befuddled in the foyer.

  We were acting.

  My parents knew about the plan.

  The challenge was set.

  It had only been a week, but it was probably assumed by everyone that we’d slept together.

  I drew a deep breath and didn’t bother answering as I spun on my heels and started toward the great room.

  Arie and Winter giggled behind me as my brothers walked ahead of me to take in the view.

  “This is some place you’ve got here,” Jack said, folding his arms over his chest.

  “You should see his place in Seattle,” Winter echoed, and I turned to scowl at her. She hadn’t seen it except online, and now it looked as if I’d told her to go look up Maddox.

  Thankfully, he didn’t miss a beat. “It’s a good place to come and decompress. My parents have really been grateful for it.” He laughed. “Especially when my brother decides to stay with them in between staying with other victims.”

  My dad whistled and shook his head. “That’s too bad.” He eyed me and gripped Maddox’s shoulder. “Just grateful Winter and Arie screwed up their bit and contacted Mr….?”

  “Mr. Mistake instead of Mr. Wrong,” I added with a smile.

  “Thanks. I couldn’t remember his nickname.” My dad grimaced. “How are you two doing on your end of the challenge?” He turned his attention to my friends, and Arie shook her head.

  “I was never part of the original pact, so I didn’t sign up for this challenge.”

  Winter laughed. “You’re still part of it, whether you like it or not.”

  Arie chuckled, and we stared at them both.

  “Well?” I asked, and Winter cleared her throat.

  “It’s…going…It’s not that simple to find, you know, the one.” She pressed her lips into a fine line.

  “You expected me to do it by tomorrow,” I reminded her. “Granted, I lucked out, but you’ve got months.”

  She let out a sigh and blushed.

  “Have you found someone?” My hand flipped to my hip, and Arie turned to stare at me.

  “No. Don’t be silly.” She shook her head. “One person at a time. Right now, we’re here to celebrate your birthday.”

  I narrowed my eyes on Winter and realized she was definitely hiding something or someone.

  Maddox wandered off to the kitchen and opened his sizeable stainless fridge.

  “And we have to celebrate your near-perfect boyfriend.” Winter grinned. “Soon to be something more.” She lowered her voice. “I can feel it.”


  So weird not to be correcting her after only a little week of dating him.

  My mom’s gaze darted to mine, and she looked mortified for me.

  If Maddox didn’t know what we were already trying to cure Winter of, I’d be buying him a pair of ear plugs.

  “Not if you keep at it,” I teased, and she let out a grunt.

  “I’ll just keep my mouth shut.”

  Arie laughed. “Might be a good idea.”

  Winter elbowed her and Arie laughed harder.

  I watched my brothers wander into the kitchen, chatting and laughing with Maddox, and I tried not to let myself fall into the scene playing out in front of me. Winter and Arie trundled off toward their bedroom, and I finally felt like I could relax.

  “Nice, isn’t it?” my dad whispered, noticing the look on my face. “Someday, it will happen, honey. You’ll find that special someone who just fits.”

  I stared at Maddox as he pulled two large trays covered in tinfoil out of the fridge and my brothers surrounded him to see what was underneath.

  “Maybe.” I sighed. “But until then, this is kind of fun, don’t you think?”

  “Maddox told me about the voicemail Winter left,” my mom whispered. “That would have been awful. Totally would have ruined your chances on a normal date.”

  I let out a sigh as my eyes connected with Maddox’s and electricity ran through me. “I know. Believe me.”

  She patted my shoulder, and I laughed. “Onward.”

  I walked over to Maddox, who unveiled manicotti from the oven, and my brothers were salivating.

  “And he made grilled asparagus that he chilled and Brussels sprouts,” Jack smirked.

  My two favorite vegetables prepared exactly like I love. I glanced at my mom, who looked a bit guilty, and she chuckled. “He asked. I told him.”

  “How much are you two talking?” My brows shot up, and Maddox laughed.

  “Enough to get all the embarrassing details about you that I can.” He rubbed my shoulders, and the touch made my world spin into the fantasy I was starting to never want to leave.

  “That shouldn’t be too hard. Between my mom and my best friends…”

  “What are you saying about us?” Winter laughed, coming into the kitchen.

  “How much I love your determination and ability to reveal life’s most intimate details in the most fascinating of ways.”

  “Sounds about right.” Arie nodded, picking up a chilled asparagus. “Ooh, your favorite.”

  I laughed and shook my head.

  “What would everyone like to drink?” Maddox asked. “I’ve got iced tea, lemonade, beer, wine, sparking water…”

  “I’d love a beer,” Jack said.

  “Me too,” my other brother seconded.

  My dad smiled. “Just tea for me sounds great.”

  “Let me help. Are the beverages in here?” I asked Maddox, and he nodded, smiling as I opened the fridge to see a very organized fridge. “I thought you said your other fridge was because of a housekeeper. This one is just as bad—or good, depending on how you look at it.”

  Maddox laughed as he walked out to the covered patio and set the vegetables on the large table.

  I grabbed two beers and handed them to my brothers, poured the tea for my parents and myself, and filled up wine glasses for my friends.

  As we were sitting down to eat, the doorbell chimed, and I hopped up, nearly knocking over my tea. “Sorry. It must be Samantha.”

  “I can get it,” Maddox said, already standing as well. “Enjoy your meal.”

  Our eyes locked, and for a brief second, I let myself wish that this little charade could turn into something more.

  My dad cleared his throat and held up his tea. “This meal is incredible, Maddox. Well done.”

  Maddox turned back from the door and smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad you guys like it. I thought tonight, I’d cook and tomorrow, we could go out for T’s birthday. We actually have an early morning reservation for an activity I set up, so we might want to turn in early.”

  Hearing his nickname for me made my insides all warm and fuzzy.

  Yet another side effect from this challenge.

  “T?” my mom asked, surprised, after he left the patio.

  “Isn’t it cute?” Winter gushed. “I just love everythin
g about this man.”

  I tangled my fingers through my hair and stretched, noticing Samantha and Maddox talking in the foyer before he led her down the hall to where Winter and Arie had picked their room.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” I laughed, and my mom shook her head.

  “Winter, dear. You’re hopeless.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “But, you’ve seen how those two look at each other. It’s the real deal. I bet this time next year, you’ll be a grandma.”

  “Not if I keep you around much longer,” I teased, pretending to scowl at Winter.

  Jack pushed his lips into a frown. “If someone I just started dating had a friend as….” His brows furrowed. “Scary as you, I think I’d actually think twice.”

  Winter straightened in her chair. “What? Why?”

  Brendan looked a bit distractedly in Samantha’s direction, which got me wondering again about who Samantha had slept with as a teenager, but my brother dragged his gaze away and hopped into the conversation.

  “Because it implies that you two have talked about this kind of stuff behind the scenes before the man has had any chance to evaluate the relationship,” Brendan stated, taking a bite of manicotti. “But this guy can cook.”

  I giggled.

  “Why is talking among friends a problem?” Winter pressed. “I call it like I see it, and if it doesn’t take me ten weeks to figure it out, then yay. It shouldn’t take a guy that long either.”

  “You’re missing the point,” Jack said, sounding aggravated. “You’re leaping over the fun stuff to get down to the nitty-gritty.”

  “Marriage isn’t nitty-gritty.” Her brows sprang up. “It’s just as fun as dating.”

  “How do you know?” my mom asked, her curiosity killing her.

  Winter smiled. “Well, it’s just like dating except—”

  “You’ve legally bound the man so he can’t escape.” Jack laughed.

  “Hey, now.” Winter shook her head, laughing. “I might be the one who wants to escape too.”

  “Which is why maybe you shouldn’t be trying to rush it for poor Tessa.” Brendan smiled.

  Winter waved her hand in the air. “Hogwash. I know love when I see it.”

  I shook my head and laughed as Maddox and Samantha came onto the patio.

  “What did we miss?” Maddox asked.

  Jack grinned. “I was explaining to Winter that she’d—”

  “Scare you away,” Winter interrupted.

  Maddox laughed. “It would take a lot more than a crazy friend to scare me away from T.”

  My heart squeezed hearing that, even though it should have meant nothing.

  “Crazy?” Winter laughed. “Is that what it’s come to?”

  “I’m afraid so,” Arie teased. “We just didn’t know how to tell you.”

  “Hey, Samantha.” I jumped up and gave her a hug, and she squeezed me back.

  “Gorgeous place,” she whispered, and I nodded.

  “So, an early morning, huh, Maddox?” My dad’s eyes twinkled. “What do you have planned for Tessa’s birthday? Any hints?’

  “Dress warmly. You’ll be standing around a bit.” He grinned. “That’s all I’m going to say.”

  My tummy knotted as I racked my brain about what we might be doing for the big event.

  “Any ideas?” My mom looked at me, and I shook my head.

  “Not a one.” I glanced at Maddox, and I felt the familiar wave of longing, which I pushed away. “But I’m sure whatever he plans will be amazing.”

  “Aww.” Winter laughed, and my brothers rolled their eyes.

  “Well, I do not intend to jump the gun here or anything,” my dad said and looked around the table, his gaze coming to rest on mine. “But I do believe I haven’t seen Tessa this happy for a really long time.”

  “If ever,” my mom added, and I laughed.

  “I’ll give you that.” I looked at Maddox, and our eyes locked as the table of friends and family disappeared.

  “I’ve touched more happiness this last week than I’ve ever experienced,” Maddox said, his voice low as my heart squeezed a bit. “Sometimes, when you know, you know.”

  “Know what?’ Winter asked, nearly clawing out of her chair.

  I broke my gaze away from Maddox and drew a breath. “That we’ve got a good thing going.”

  My parents and brothers laughed, knowing Winter wanted to hear the four-letter word so bad she was in pain.

  “How early are we talking?” I asked Maddox.

  “I’d say we should get up around six.”

  I nodded. “Okay. I can handle that, but I might need to head to bed soon.”

  My brothers chuckled, and I scowled.

  “Guys.” I laughed. “Don’t make this weird. We’re all adults.”

  I helped clear the dishes as my friends loaded the dishwasher. My mom came up behind me while I was still outside, grabbing the last platter.

  “Are you handling this okay?” she whispered.

  I turned to face her. “Which part?”

  “The phony part.” Her brows scrunched together.

  “Yeah. I knew what I was getting into when I approached him about it.” I nodded, trying to force myself to believe what I said.

  “Did you really? I just don’t want you getting hurt. It’s not too late to call it off, and your friends will never be the wiser.”

  “Nah. It’s actually kind of fun.” And I enjoyed Maddox’s company.

  My mom’s smile deepened, and she held my hand and gave it a quick squeeze before letting it go. “It is a bit fun, I’ll admit. How’s Maddox coping?”

  “He seems to have really delved into his role. Sometimes, I can’t figure out which part he’s playing.”

  “I bet.”

  Maddox stepped onto the patio, and his eyes connected with mine. An intense urge to run over and kiss him filled me, but I resisted.

  “Anything I can help with?” he asked, and I shook my head.

  “Just bringing the last dish inside.” I reached for the platter as my mom chuckled behind me, and I made my way toward Maddox.

  My friends had already turned on the dishwasher, but Arie took the platter from me. As I turned away, Maddox slid his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, and it took everything I had not to slither around and touch my lips to his.

  “I think we’re headed to bed,” Maddox said, and my friends’ eyes turned as wide as saucers while I hid a smile.

  “Your brothers already turned in,” my mom informed me, “and dad is bringing in the last bag I left in the car, so might as well. Tomorrow is early.”

  I nodded as Maddox loosened his embrace, and I gave my mom a quick hug, along with my friends, before following Maddox to his master bedroom.

  With each step toward his closed door, my pulse jumped higher and higher.

  I wouldn’t dare let myself imagine what sleeping in the same bed as him could do to me, so I just didn’t go there.

  It wasn’t until he opened the door and I stepped inside that I finally let out the breath I’d been holding. I nearly gasped for air, and he laughed.

  “You doing okay?” He grinned, and I gave him a dirty look.

  “Don’t pretend this isn’t a little awkward.” I scanned the bedroom and instantly fell in love. The décor was utterly different from my house. All the furniture was created from logs, and the red and black buffalo-plaid accent pillows placed on the bed and chaise tied everything together.

  “This is so different from your other place,” I said, running my hand over a grey throw lying on the corner of his bed.

  “Oh, the apartment?” He shook his head. “Yeah, honestly, I think the décor is as cold as a dead fish, but it’s close to my office, and it came furnished, for the most part.”

  I nodded and noticed my bag on a chaise near the dressing room.

  “So, how do you want to do this?” I asked, sliding my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “The bed.”

  He laughed and rocked back on his heels. “We’re both adults. I assumed we’d just sleep—”

  I shook my head. “No, you’re totally right. I can handle this.” I crossed my fingers behind me and smiled. “It’ll be like camping.”

  “I can sleep in the chair if you want,” he offered.

  “No, don’t be silly. You’ve already done so much for me. I won’t ever know how to repay you.”

  “If you’re sure.” He took a step closer and brushed his hand along my cheek, turning every platonic thought I had into something too hot to think about.

  His eyes fell to my lips, and I pushed down a swallow. To spend a night with this man would be incredible, and it would also complicate my life in ways I couldn’t even imagine.

  “I have a question.” My breath was shaky as his gaze darkened with the same desire I felt running through me. “If kissing me and acting as if we’re together is only part of this charade, why do you only kiss me in private?”

  “To keep you wanting more until the next time.”

  “So, it’s all about the game?”

  His lip curled slightly, and he nodded. “All about the game.”

  “And nothing more?” I whispered, curling my arms around his neck.

  His gaze darkened and fell to my mouth. “Nothing more.”

  Maddox’s mouth crashed to mine, and his hands slid down my back, cupping my ass as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his tongue tangled with mine and a potent need ran through my veins.

  He tasted so good, and nothing else mattered. I wanted more. I wanted more Maddox. Whether it was for only a night or thirty days, I didn’t care about the complication.

  My heart was beating wildly as my fingers moved through his hair and our kisses deepened.

  He let out a low growl as his kisses slowed to almost nothing. My legs slid from his waist, and I pulled back.

  “What?” I asked.

  “We’ve got an early morning.”


  “You need to be alert tomorrow.”

  “I can be alert,” I nearly panted. “I can stay focused early in the morning.”

  A smirk rested on his beautiful face. “When we make love, Tessa Berry, our worlds will never be the same, and I guarantee that we’ll still be up in the morning and you will not be rested.”

  My pulse raced as he kissed me once more and I fell into the hazy fantasy that had become my reality.


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