Torn Away (The Torn Series Book 1)

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Torn Away (The Torn Series Book 1) Page 24

by Vincent Morrone

  “What am I doing here?” Drew said. “I suppose I could ask the same question to you. Could I come in? I’d like to talk and not drown.”

  Sam stood there, stunned, unable to come up with a snappy answer or a real reason why not, so she stepped back and swung her arm out as an invitation. He stalked past her, into the living room.

  He was soaked. His shirt was wet and matted to his chest and arms, outlining his build. He was standing on the far side of the room, being as far away from her as possible, while still being close. She wanted to go to him, but she simply refused. She had only seen him a few hours ago, but she had already started to miss him. She hadn’t realized how much until he showed up at her door, and it not only scared her, it pissed her off.

  She had told him to stay away, and he hadn’t listened. So why was she ecstatic he was here? And there was something about the way Drew was staring at her. She wasn’t sure if he was going to yell or rip her clothes off.

  Well, as long as he doesn’t say ‘hot digitty. ’

  “Do you want coffee?” Sam said, trying to get her mind in order. She walked toward the counter. “Or something to drink? I could—”

  “You ditched me,” Drew snapped. “You lied to me about your Nana and you ditched me.”

  Sam sighed. I guess he’s going to yell.

  “You’re right,” Sam said, trying to remain calm. “I shouldn’t have lied, but you should have been honest.”

  “How wasn’t I honest?” Drew said with his chin out.

  Sam looked away, feeling her face burn. “Stephanie,” she mumbled.

  Drew came forward, closing half the distance between them in a single step, drawing her eyes to his. “I never lied about Stephanie. I never lied to you about anything. Stephanie and I are just friends. And yes, I’ve got a past. Did you think I’ve been living like a monk?”

  “No,” Sam said. “But if you’re in a relationship with someone else, you should have told me.”

  “This has nothing to do with my relationship with Stephanie,” Drew said. “It has everything to do with what happened with you and Dylan.”

  Sam’s hands balled into fists as she took a step closer to Drew, refusing to back down. “Dylan has nothing to do with this! Don’t try and bring him into our relationship!”

  “I’m not,” Drew said, pointing a finger down to the ground between them. “You put him right between the two of us when you lied to me instead of talking to me.”

  Shaking her head, Sam took a step back. “No… I didn’t…”

  “Yeah, you did it,” Drew said as he stepped closer, closing the distance even more. “But in a way, I put Molly between us when I got pissed at you and didn’t make you talk to me right away. And it took my eight year old nephew to set me straight.”

  “I don’t understand…” Sam put her hand to her forehead. “What do you mean?”

  Drew sighed. He inched closer, while Sam barely had any more room to retreat. “The last time I told a girl I was falling in love with them, she laughed in my face. I didn’t want to give you the chance to do the same.”

  Suddenly, it seemed like the air had been sucked out of the room. Sam’s eyes grew wide as the thunder rolled. “You… you think you’re falling in love with me?”

  Chapter 14

  Hot Diggity

  For a long few seconds the beating of her heart drowned out the thunder and rain. Had she heard Drew right? Would he say it again or just take it back?

  Sam held her breath.

  Drew nodded. “Yes. And it scares the hell out of me.”

  Questions started to whirl in Sam’s mind, about his relationship with Stephanie, and if either of them were really in the right place to start a relationship, but when Drew took a step towards her, she swept them out of her mind and took what she wanted

  A clap of thunder rattled the house as Sam pulled Drew forward. His mouth crushing down on hers sent electric sparks through her body. She tasted the rainwater on his lips as she slipped her fingers behind his neck. He was surprised, but it took him only a moment before he kissed her back.

  When the kiss ended, she looked into his eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m scared too.”

  “I guess we’re both a pair of scaredy cats,” Drew said with a salacious grin. “What do we do now?”

  Sam bit her lower lip. “Let’s frighten the crap out of each other.”

  Taking that as invitation, Drew was on her in an instant, kissing her intensely, his hands roaming over her body, sending tingles through her body where he touched her.

  Lightning flashed in the night sky and Sam moaned when Drew brought his mouth down to her neck. She ran her hands under his shirt and laughed.

  “You’re laughing?” He said, between nibbles.

  She pushed him away, but continued to smile. “You’re getting me wet.”

  Drew wiggled his eyebrows. “Isn’t that the idea?”

  Sam’s mouth dropped in a combined shock and laugh. “No, you’re all wet from the rain and you’re getting me all wet.” She indicated her grey sweatshirt which was now damp in the front where he’d pressed his body against her. She could only imagine the wet handprints he’d already left on her ass.

  Drew held his hands up in mock surrender. “You want to stop?”

  Sam paused for a moment, smiled and shook her head. “Not a chance, but I do want to get you out of those wet clothes.”

  Drew reached for the bottom of his shirt. “Deal,” he said as he started to pull up.

  “Wait,” Sam said, moving forward and putting her hands over his. “Let me.”

  Seeing his grin, she kissed him again as her hands gripped the bottom of his wet black t-shirt and she slowly started to lift it up. As her hands rose, she felt the firmness of his stomach muscles, the tightness of his ribs. Her hands sensed his well-defined chest, with the small splash of hair.

  Ending the kiss, Sam enjoyed the playful desire in Drew’s eyes before she attempted to pull the shirt up and off, but she wasn’t able to reach high enough to clear his head. Drew’s arms had gone up, but the wet shirt got tangled over his face and hands, trapping him within.

  “You’re too tall,” Sam complained while laughing. “Bend over.”

  “No,” he said, trying to wriggle free, but his hands were trapped on the inside. “I can do this.”

  Sam knew she should help him, but it was just too much fun to stand back and watch as he thrashed left to right, fighting to remove the soaked shirt.

  “C’mon!” Drew exclaimed. After a fierce struggle, he finally escaped from the garment and tossed it to the side where it hit an ugly bird statue, covering its face. The brightly colored figurine tipped over, falling down to the hard wood floor where it cracked into three pieces.

  “Shit,” Drew looked at the orange, blue, green and magenta fragments, its white eyes staring up at him in horror. “Sorry.”

  Sam laughed. “Don’t be, I always hated that thing. It gave me nightmares when I was a kid.”

  “Oh,” Drew said, shrugging. “Well then, you’re welcome.”

  Sam hooked her thumbs into his belt hoops and pulled him close. “Nana will probably pitch a fit.”

  Laughing at the look of horror in his eyes, she took his hand pulled him down the hall to her bedroom. She flicked on the lights and then gasped.

  Her room was a mess, with a pile of dirty laundry in one corner, two bras hanging off the back of a chair, drawers partially open, stuffed past their capacity and plastic cups filled with varying amounts of water, in several spots. Her desk was covered in papers and pens, her lock box with her service weapon, several bobble heads of prominent rock stars and an open box of chocolates where several of the pieces had been sampled and discarded.

  She quickly flipped the lights off again, only to have Drew switch them back on.

  “Oh. My. God.” Drew laughed. “You’re a slob. You’d drive Lilly insane.”

  Sam bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry.”

  Drew grabbed her
, kissed her hard and grinned. “I’m not.”

  Together, they fell on her bed, which although unmade, was covered with stuffed animals. Drew’s head ended up lodged between a goofy, blue dog and a squeaking, giant pig. “This might be an issue.”

  “Sorry,” Sam said, punching a big, pink elephant off the bed. It hit the wall and started to wiggle around and sing, “I’m a hunk a hunk of burnin’ love” over and over again. “Nana always got me a new stuffed animal every time I came and I can’t bear to throw them out. She loves them so much.”

  Drew was smiling as he examined a fuzzy cat that looked somewhat possessed with one of its eyes missing. “Hey, where are you going?”

  Sam slipped to the bottom of the bed and sat up. “I can’t be with you in here,” she said, thinking about how she’d stayed over here when she was a little girl, playing with dolls and eating cookies with milk, the crumbs of which might still be under the mattress. “Nana has a guest room, come on.”

  She watched with glee as Drew knocked aside lions, tigers and bears (Oh my!) to get to his feet.

  Taking his hand, she pulled him down the hall to another, small bedroom.

  The guest room was painted a powder blue, and had an off-white ceiling. There was a basic dresser in the corner and a queen size bed in the middle of the room, covered with a blue comforter that matched the walls, with big pillows on top. No stuffed animals seemed to have escaped Sam’s room and made it this far down the hall.

  Drew didn’t seem interested in the décor. Brushing aside Sam’s long, dark hair, he lowered his mouth to her neck while his hands roamed up and down her body. She was still fully clothed, but that didn’t stop Drew from feeling her curves through the bulky sweatshirt.

  Sam started to moan, feeling her knees grow weak as Drew’s tongue danced on her skin, but she wasn’t ready to give herself to him yet.

  With a tremendous amount of effort, she turned around and moved his hands. “I’m not done. I want to get you naked. Come here.” She gripped his arms and steered him towards the bed, pushing him down on his back. “I’m still undressing you.”

  Drew grabbed a pillow and shoved it behind his head, interlocked his fingers and did the same with his hands, all the while smiling at the mischievous look on Sam’s face.

  She went to work on his foot wear next. Picking up his leg, she moaned in frustration. “Why did you have to wear high tops?”

  As Drew laughed, she untied the laces of each, attempting to remove them. His left one came off easily enough, but the right one took more work. Just as she was wondering if he’d cemented it on, it sprang free. Quickly, she pulled his socks off without comment. There simply wasn’t anything sexy about removing a man’s shoes and socks.

  Sam climbed on the bed and straddled Drew, taking a moment to study him. His eyes still lit up in delight, his fingers interwoven with each other and behind his head. She looked closer at his tattoo, a fierce, black, bird on the right side of his chest, flying from a wall of flames. Its wings stretched towards the shoulder, its talons reached to his shoulder and the design of fire stretched down his right arm to the wrist. Sam had never been particularly attracted to men with tattoos before, nor had she ever thought of them as a turnoff. This tattoo however, very much suited Drew. It was dark and bold, fierce and mysterious.

  “Something catch your eye?” Drew said. His smile faltered, and she wondered if he was becoming uncomfortable with her staring.

  Slowly shaking her head, Sam smiled down at him. “Just enjoying the view, and I’d like to enjoy it even more.”

  She reached down to his belt buckle and slowly undid it, all the while holding eye contact. Her mouth parted slightly, with the tip of her tongue planted to the roof of her mouth. Once the belt was undone, she popped open the button at the top, slipped her hand into the top of his jeans and started to push them down, taking his underwear as well. Lowering them just so the top of his pelvic area was exposed, Sam placed her hand just below his hard stomach. Slowly, she let it slide up, tracing the lines in his abs, the indentation of his pecs.

  She lowered herself, her dark hair falling to one side, as she slid her body up and began to kiss him. Her hands found his as he responded to the kiss. He stiffened beneath her and she imagined being in this same position once they both shed their clothing. As she deepened the kiss, exploring the inside of his mouth as he explored hers, she moved her lower body on him. His hardness became more pronounced until he moaned. The sound of him thrilled her and she felt her own body respond.

  Her mouth left his, finding his neck. Alternating between kisses and nibbles, she started to work her way down.

  “God, Samantha,” he said in a low, almost painful voice. “You’re killing me here.”

  It was the first time she recalled hearing him use her full name. She enjoyed how it sounded when filled with such need. “At least you’ll die happy.”

  Her gyrations were also having an effect on her. Dull stabs of pleasure shot through her as she continued to move downward. Her hands slipped from his and slid down to his jeans. Sitting up, she undid the half way open zipper of his jeans and tugged his pants down just a touch more. Low enough where she could see the outline of him, trying to escape, desperate for release.

  Sliding off him, she lay at his side, nuzzling into his neck, while her right hand glided under the jeans. With a small layer of fabric between them, her fingers brushed the top of his erection.

  Drew turned his head towards her, his eyes barley open. “Please, Samantha,” he whispered.

  She kissed him, knowing this would be the last real kiss before she finally stripped him naked, then moved off the bed. She offered him her hand. Taking it, he stood.

  Putting a hand on his chest, she slowly walked behind him. She slipped her free hand down the seat of his jeans, feeling his hard ass while tasting the skin on his shoulder. She noticed there were small areas on his skin, under the tattoo, that were rough, but she didn’t dwell on his imperfections. Instead, she moved both hands to his hips and pushed his remaining clothing down. As they fell down to his ankles, she took a moment to admire the view from behind before moving to face him.

  Drew’s face was almost unreadable to her. No embarrassment at being nude, and yet he seemed vulnerable as he stepped out of and away from his pants. Finally, she allowed her eyes to look at the whole of him. Seeing he was fully ready to take her sent a tingle down her skin.

  She stepped closer, putting one hand on the back of his neck and pulled him into a long, hard kiss, while her other hand wrapped around his hardness. He gave a soft spasm as pleasure shot through his body and she gripped him tightly. His breathing was heavier and she relished touching him, squeezing him, hearing him moan, until she pushed away.

  She kept her eyes on his as she pushed him back onto the bed, where he sat on the edge, waiting… wanting.

  Quickly, she pushed her sweatpants off, letting her panties fall with them. She grinned as his eyes went down, only to find her oversized sweatshirt fell down and covered her like a dress. Slowly and playfully, Sam reached down to the bottom, grinned impishly, and then pulled it down even further.


  Sam wagged a finger at him, as she stepped back.

  Holding the sweatshirt in place, she managed to wiggle out of her thick, wool socks using only her feet and toes. Once she was barefoot, Sam turned away from Drew to take off the sweatshirt, grateful she removed her bra earlier.

  Gripping the bottom of the sweatshirt, Sam slowly pulled it up. She heard a small, muffled grunt of delight as her bottom was exposed, but didn’t pause as she pulled the sweatshirt above her head. She held it in front of her body, letting it drape over her front, while Drew enjoyed her from behind.

  Sam turned around, and Drew was even more excited. His eyes pleaded for her to finish stripping so they could touch. With a seductive half grin, she dropped the sweatshirt.

  Drew sat up as his eyes took in all of her.

  His hungry gaze wandered over her
for a few moments, and then slowly she walked to the bed. Reaching down, she grabbed him again, feeling his erection, the heat that told her he was more than ready.

  She started to move in to kiss him, when he moved his head back.

  “Um…” Drew mumbled. “Do you have… You know…”

  She blinked as she drew back, her hand still wrapped around him. “Wait, don’t you have a condom?”

  Disappointment flooded his face. “No. I was on assignment when I came to Ember Falls, I never expected… And I didn’t think this would happen when I drove over…”

  Sam frowned. “I don’t…” She shook her head in frustration as she sat on the bed, next to Drew. “I haven’t dated since I came to Ember Falls, despite Nana’s complaining that I…” Sam’s eyes lit up. “Nana!”

  She started to get up, but Drew grabbed her hand. “Wait, you’re not going to call her, are you? I could run to the store.”

  Sam laughed. “Good luck getting that into your jeans again,” She pointed down. “Besides, it’s pouring out there. I don’t want you on the road. Stay here.” She leaned down, kissed him hard while stroking him softly for a moment. “Exactly where and how you are.”

  With one last kiss, she ran out of the room, laughing as Drew groaned from down the hall.

  Moments later, she returned, carrying a shoebox.

  “Not that I have anything against stiletto heels,” Drew said, eyeing the box she placed on the dresser next to the bed, “But I don’t think this is anything that’s going to help.”

  Sam grinned, feeling a little silly now that the mood had been broken and she was still standing naked in front of Drew, but she planned on making that as short lived as possible.

  “These are actually Nana’s,” Sam said, winking at Drew. “She told me where they were so if I ever, and these are here words, ‘got my hot little booty out there and decided to get me some’ I’d know where her stash was. She had them in a drawer.”

  Drew looked surprised. “Your nana has a box of condoms? And you’re okay using one?”


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