Going all In (Men of the Ice Book 8)

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Going all In (Men of the Ice Book 8) Page 7

by Michele Shriver

Lauren did, and she couldn’t help but blush. She took a bite of her cashew chicken before changing the subject. “You said we’d talk about you now,” she reminded Tori gently.

  “We did, yeah.” Her friend sighed. “I’m leaning toward yes, as in keeping the baby. I mean, I know I’ll be doing it all on my own. I’m not even sure I want to tell Dave. I mean, our friendship ended the night he drugged my drink and violated me.”

  “I should hope so.” Lauren’s anger toward a guy she’d never met was surpassed only by the anger she felt for Dirk. And that was saying a lot. “Why would you want to consider giving him rights?”

  “I don’t,” Tori said. “and I don’t think he’d want to be involved, anyway. He’s the epitome of selfish.” She let out a dry, humorless laugh. “You know, just take what you want. And in my case, he sure did.” Tori shook her head. “In spite of the circumstances, though, I do think I want this baby. Especially since it may be my only chance to have one. I’m just not sure I’m ready to do it all by myself.”

  “You can. You’re stronger than you think,” Lauren said. “Besides, you wouldn’t be alone. You’ve got lots of friends.” She reached across the table and gave Tori’s hand a squeeze. “You need anything, you ask for it. And I’m sure I speak for Riley and Bethany and the rest of the gang at the hospital, too.”

  “Thanks, Lauren. You’re a good friend. I want so much for you to find your happily ever after.”

  “Me too, and I will. We both will.”


  Trent got the word on shortly before taking the ice in Arizona for warm-ups. For the fourth game in a row, he’d be in the lineup. And more importantly, this was the game he’d been waiting for. Number sixty. He’d been somewhat confident, given the way things went the night before, but he couldn’t be sure. What if Coach got pressure from the higher-ups to pull him from the lineup, keep him from reaching magical number sixty, so the organization had the flexibility to banish him to the desert and call up the potential next big thing for the playoff push?

  When the lineup was kept a secret until after they arrived in Glendale, Trent became even more worried that would be decision. He breathed a big sigh of relief when the lineup was announced.

  “Were you sweating that one?” Colton asked.

  “More than you know,” Trent said. Colton was a number one draft pick, an All-Star, the team captain. His name was in the talk for the Hart Trophy. He’d never experience the fear and uncertainty that came with not knowing if he was good enough to last in the NHL. “I’ve got a calendar at home, and I mark off each game I suit up for, to keep track of the numbers,” he said. “Pathetic, huh?”

  “Not at all,” the captain said. “Congratulations. It’s an accomplishent well earned. Remember what I said to you before the Blue Jackets game?”

  Trent nodded. “Yay. Play loose, and don’t overthink it. That’s easier said than done.”

  “Sure it is, but if you play like you’re afraid of making a mistake, you probably will make one. That’s why you gotta stay loose,” Colton said. “Whatever happens tonight, it’s not all on you. It’s a team game. We win or lose as a team.”

  Trent nodded. “Understood. So let’s go out and win as one.”

  He did his best to follow the advice, and trust in his abilities as well as those of his teammates. The team battled hard, but were weary after playing the night before, and ultimately came up short.

  Trent didn’t get on the scoreboard in the 3-2 loss, but overall, he was pleased with his game. He’d logged good minutes and been solid on the penalty kill. He didn’t make any glaring mistakes that would haunt him. And most importantly, he now had a bit of job security, to the extent that anyone in professional sports ever could. He’d take it. Loss and all.

  His only regret was that a momment this important happened on the road, instead of in front of the home fans, and that Lauren wasn’t there to see it. She still hadn’t seen Trent play in person, and he hoped to change that soon.

  “Want to go out, grab some food and celebrate?” Noah asked as they got ready to leave the visitors’ locker room. They weren’t scheduled to fly back to San Antonio until morning.

  “Celebrate a loss?”

  Noah shook his head. “No. Celebrate number sixty. Come on, you deserve it. I’ll even buy.”

  Trent couldn’t help but laugh. “In that case, offer accepted. Just gotta make a call first.”

  “Sure thing.” Noah gave him a knowing smile. “Tell Lauren I said hi.”


  It was close to midnight when the phone rang, but Lauren waited up for the call. This time, she’d watched the game by herself, just her and the cat. It was more fun with Riley and Kendall, she decided. It was also more fun when the Generals won.

  Trent sounded upbeat, in spite of the loss.

  “Congratulations on sixty,” she told him. “I know it means a lot. And I thought you played great.”

  “Not as well as last night, but it was the second night of a back-to-back. None of us are too down about things,” Trent said. “We’ve had quite a streak going recently. We were bound to lose again sometime.”

  “What happens now? Will the coach change the lineup since you lost?” Lauren asked, remembering what Kendall had told her about sticking with the same lineup after wins. It would follow, then, that he might make changes after a loss, but she hoped not. She didn’t want Trent to wind up back in the press box eating stale chips smothered in processed cheese, not after he’d worked so hard to reach this point.

  “I don’t know. Could be. I like to think I’ve played well enough to stick in the lineup.”

  “Of course you have,” Lauren was quick to say. “I may be a little biased, though.”

  Laughter sounded over the line. “Perhaps, but it’s nice to have somebody biased for me,” he said. “I love knowing you’re watching, cheering for me. I want you to come to the game on Sunday afternoon, in person. Whether I’m playing or not.”

  “Don’t talk like that, You’ll be playing,” Lauren assured him. “And I’ll be there.” Funny, a few days ago, she’d denied being part of the group of players’ girlfriends. Now she was ready to embrace the role.

  “Good. I miss you, Lauren,” Trent said.

  “I miss you, too. You’re coming home tomorrow, right?”

  “Yep, first thing in the morning. We have a meeting when we get back, then I’m all yours,” he said. “If you want me.”

  She wanted him, all right. “Do you even have to ask? Come over. We’ll celebrate.”

  “We can go out. Maybe someplace fancy,” Trent suggested.

  “Hmm. We could...” Except she had another idea, one she thought Trent would like better. “If it’s okay, I’d rather stay in. I’ll cook.”

  “You know It’s hard for me to resist your cooking, but you don’t always have to,” he said.

  “I know, but I want to. I want to stay in,” she told him. “You’ll bring some wine, right?”

  “Sure. Anything else I can bring?”

  Lauren took a deep breath. “Yes. Some prophylactics.”

  “Prophylactics?” he repeated.

  “Yes, you know, like—”

  Trent cut her off. “I know what they are. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  Lauren didn’t hesitate. “Yes. I’m ready, Trent. I want to be with you. And we’ll keep the lights on.”

  “Damn straight we will.”

  His obvious enthusiasm reassured Lauren that she’d made the right choice. She could do this. No more fear. “I went shopping today,” she said. “I bought something new to wear.”

  “More cat pajamas?” Trent asked, his tone teasing.

  “Um, no. Something else.”

  “Darn. I was hoping to see you in those.”

  “Then I’ll make sure you do sometime,” Lauren promised. “I think you’ll like this, better. Let’s just say there’s less to it.”

  Trent whistled. “No you’re killing me here, baby. Is it tomorr
ow yet?”

  Lauren laughed. “’Fraid not.” She had to agree, though, that it would be a very long night.

  Chapter Ten

  The flight from Phoenix to San Antonio was a short one, at least in terms of NHL travel. Flying to Montreal or New York, for example, took far longer. Still, it might as well have been the longest flight of Trent’s life.

  It was bad enough he hadn’t slept, instead being preoccupied with thoughts of Lauren. It was cruel, he decided, to tempt him like that, with promises of sex and hints of what she might be wearing—or not wearing—the next time he saw her. Definitely cruel, but at least he had something to look forward to.

  The team meeting dragged almost as much as the flight had, but finally, it was over, and he was free. Trent didn’t even stop by his apartment before heading to Lauren’s. Instead, his only detour was to the grocery store to make the essential purchases. Wine, flowers, chocolate, and condoms, in no particular order or importance. Oh, hell, who was he fooling? Not himself, that’s for sure. The condoms were far and away the most important item on the list, and with any luck, he’d get use out of them first. The wine could wait. So could the chocolate. But, okay, Trent would present Lauren with the flowers first, which would hopefully pave the way for the condoms. Yeah, that was it. Good plan.

  Trent rang the bell and rocked back on his heels as he waited for her to answer, and then exhaled sharply when she did. Up until now, he’d seen Lauren only in leggings and tunic tops, or jeans, or the scrubs she wore to work. Today, she wore a short, wrap-style dress in dark purple, complete with a plunging neckline that was the stuff fantasies were made of. As if that weren’t enough, Trent could make out her nipples beneath the fabric, calling into question whether she wore a bra. And if not, how did her ample breasts stay so upright and perky? That was the question of the day, and Trent hoped the dress was easy to take off and that he’d have an answer soon, because the blood already rushed to his groin.

  “Hi,” Lauren greeted him.

  Practically hard before exchanging a word. Trent didn’t know how to explain it, but she had quite the effect on him.

  “Hi,” he replied. “I brought flowers again, and wine and chocolate. And the, um...” what was the word she’d used last night? “Prophylactics.”

  “Oh, good.” Lauren smiled. “We’ll need those.”

  “Yes.” Hopefully soon, and multiple times.

  She led him to the kitchen, and Trent wondered if they were starting there, with Lauren’s kitchen fantasy. Instead, she picked up a vase and took it to the sink, where she filled it with water. “I bought a vase yesterday,” she said. “In case you brought me flowers again. Thank you letting me put it to use.”

  “You’re welcome.” Was that the purchase she’d referred to? No, surely not. That was something to wear. It had to be. “It smells good in here.” Lauren’s apartment always smelled good, whether from the delctable meals she cooked, or candles or something else. “What are you making?” And is it too much to ask that it won’t be ready for a while?

  “It’s a crockpot lasagna,” Lauren said. “Which means we can ignore it for now, but whenever we do decide to eat, I promise it’ll taste delicious.”

  “I’m sure it will,” Trent said. “I’m not that hungry right now, though. At least not for food.” Not subtle, but whatever. May as well get it all out there.

  Lauren let out a single burst of laughter. “I’m always hungry for food, but I can wait, too.” Her beautiful eyes twinkled in amusement. “If you want to grab those prophylactics and follow me to the bedroom...”


  Lauren paused, but only for a second, before flipping on the light switch. It was mid-afternoon, and there was plenty of natural light in the room, but that wasn’t the point. The point was she could do this. She had to be able to do this.

  “That’s right. I want to see you.” Trent tossed the condom box onto the bed. “Stand here, in the light. Let me look at you.” She did, feeling naked and exposed, even thought she was still fully clothed. As Trent’s eyes skimmed her body, Lauren could see the desire in them, and her confidence grew, and when he said, “God, you’re beautiful,” she believed him.

  He walked to her and took her in his arms, kissing her, and Lauren responded with fervor. She wanted this. Needed this, and when Trent’s hands moved to untie her dress, she didn’t even tense as it fell to the floor. When she was left standing before him, wearing only the tiny lace thong underwear and quarter-cup bra that Tori talked her into buying, Lauren didn’t move her arms to try to cover herself. He wanted to see her, so see her he would. If Trent’s dropped jaw and wide eyes were any indication, he was quite happy with what he saw.

  “That solves that mystery, at least,” he said, as he reached out and cupped one of her breasts in his hand.

  “What mystery?” Lauren asked, though she thought she knew.

  “The bra. I could see your nipples through your dress, so I thought maybe you weren’t wearing one, yet everything was so perky,” he said, his hand continuing to caress her. “No sag.”

  Lauren chuckled. “These girls, are you kidding me? If I didn’t harness them somehow, they’d all but flop to the floor. The curse of being big-breasted.”

  “Curse?” Trent repeated. “This is no curse. This is perfection, and I need a taste of it.” He nodded at the bed. “Lay down.”

  Lauren did, and as he moved on top of her, she could feel his erection against her thigh, but Trent didn’t remove his own clothes. He put his mouth to her left breast, first kissing it, then flicking tongue over the nipple, before taking what he could of it in his mouth. He let out a soft moan as he sucked on her nipple, and used his hand to fondle her other breast. Yes, he was a boob man, for sure, but Lauren didn’t mind. Knowing he desired her and that she turned him on made Lauren hot and wet. Out of habit, she moved her hand toward her core, ready to touch herself. She was no stranger to pleasuring herself, having had to get by on it for the past year and a half. She might be overweight and not like her body, but Lauren still had desires she had to take care of. Truthfully, she’d been taking care of her own needs for lar longer, because Dirk was never interested in pleasuring her. As she started to slip her hand inside her underwear, Trent brushed it away. “No way, baby,” he said. “Let me do it. I’m going to make you come.”

  “I want that,” Lauren whispered. “I want you.”

  Trent pulled her underwear off and stood up and Lauren expected he would remove his own clothing and enter her. Instead, Trent positioned his head between her legs and kissed her core. The unexpected sensation caused her to grip the bedding. He said he wanted to taste her and made good on that promise, using his tongue to lap up her juices. It moved in and out of her hungrily, as if he couldn’t get enough of her, and that was fine, because Lauren couldn’t get enough of this ecstasy. She wanted to hold on, to make it last forever, but finally couldn’t, as the pleasure coursed through her body. She arched her hips upward, trying to give him more of her, and her body shook with one intense spasm as she screamed his name.


  “Trent. Oh, God, Trent.” Lauren’s words came out in a breathless cry as she found her release, and Trent moved his tongue over her clit, wanting to make it last for her. He suspected she’d never enjoyed much pleasure at the hands—or mouth—of a man, and that was a damn shame, because she was one hot and passionate woman.

  Finally, her body released one last tremor, and Lauren moaned. “I... wow. That’s never happened to me before. Like that. And I didn’t think it ever would.”

  Now Trent really wanted to slug the SOB who tore down Lauren’s confidence and made her feel unattractive and undesirable. On second thought, no. He wasn’t worth the energy. Trent would rather expend the energy making love to this esquisite woman.

  “Well, hold on baby, because I’m just getting started.” Trent stood, hurriedly unzipping his jeans and tugging them off his body, along with his briefs. He’d been hard since the moment Lauren opened the d
oor and he saw her in that dress, and Trent doubted he could hold out much longer. His cock ached and needed to be inside her.

  Lauren seemed to realize that, as she yanked open the condom package and held one out to him. Trent grabbed it and sheathed himself as she asked, “Is that going to fit all the way?”

  It took a second for him to realize she questioned whether his penis would fit inside her, and not whether the condom would fit over it. Apparently, her ex wasn’t only an asshole, he was a small man, too. Trent wasn’t suprised. “It’ll fit,” he promised. He already knew she was wet and ready for him, because he could still taste her juices on his lips, and sure enough, he entered her with ease, in spite of his girth. “How’s that, baby? Does that feel good?” Trent asked, as he moved inside her.

  Her “yes,” came out as a gasp, and he increased his rythm, enjoying the feel of her soft flesh and curves underneath him. Finally, after fantasizing about her for the past several nights, he was inside her, and it was everything he expected it to be, and more.

  Trent lifted his head as he thrust, watching her breasts as they bounced and bobbed in the throes of her passion. Lauren might think they were too big, but Trent loved them, and as he let out a strangled cry and exploded inside her, he vowed that next time—and hopefully next time would come very soon—he wanted her on top, so he could really enjoy the view.

  He lay there for a few minutes, completely spent and not trusting his legs to carry him, before he finally moved off her to discard the condom in the trash. When he did, Lauren sat up.

  “Are you hungry now? We could eat?”

  “I already did.” Trent grinned mischievously. “I suppose food wouldn’t hurt, though.” The aroma of dinner filled the whole apartment by now, and he knew it would taste delicious. Almost as good as Lauren herself.

  “Great.” She sat up and tugged her thong panties back on, followed by a babydoll in the same color. It barely went past her waist, awarding a nice view of her ass, and the sheer fabric did nothing to conceal her breasts, still firmly supported in the quarter cup bra, while also free for Trent to ogle. And he intended to do lots of ogling.


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