Saving Grace

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Saving Grace Page 15

by JL Hallow

  Gabe’s hand moved across the space and reached for her, gently keeping his hand on hers. He drove in this weather all the time, his job required it, but he understood the nerves. She had every right to be afraid.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do about the truck.” She said, breaking the silence.

  “We’ll figure it out. Insurance might cover it, but it was pretty rough when the tow truck pulled it back up to the road. Either way, we’ll get things figured out. Don’t worry about that right now. Okay? If you need anything, you can always drop me off at work and take the truck or whatever. It’ll get figured out. Not my biggest worry right now.”

  Grace nodded and flashed a smile before she twisted around in her seat to check on her daughter. Victoria was sound asleep in the backseat. She looked so peaceful, so safe. Grace let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you for bringing me home. For everything, really.”

  “You never have to thank me for that.” His thumb rubbed a gentle circle on her hand while he drove.

  The rest of the drive was silent aside from the soft music playing. It was a country station and Grace found herself singing along in her head. By the time they turned down the road her house was on, she was yawning. Grace was starving and all she wanted was food, a shower, and some sleep.

  Too bad she would only get the food and the shower.

  Gabe pulled into the driveway and parked, turning his truck off. “You go on and get the door unlocked, I’ll grab Victoria.”

  Grace nodded and got out, heading up to the front door. Gabe wasn’t far behind. He stopped to grab Victoria out of her car seat in the back. He adjusted his hold on her, letting her head rest on his shoulder as she stirred slightly.

  “Shh, shh.” He rubbed a gentle circle on her back, hoping to lull her back to sleep.

  Victoria nuzzled against his coat, small hands clutching his jacket as she fell back asleep. Gabe met Grace at the front door and slipped into the house with her daughter. “I’ll put her to bed. Figure out what you want for dinner and I’ll cook in a bit. Let’s get you showered and changed. Get upstairs.” His other hand reached out to nudge Grace toward the stairs.

  She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Fine, fine. I’ll let you help.”

  “Who said you had an option?” He teased with a smirk. “Seriously though, come on.”

  Gabe followed her up the stairs, and when she headed for her bedroom, he kept going until he reached Victoria’s room. He awkwardly shifted his hold on her and struggled to get her puffy jacket off without waking her. Somehow, he managed, and tossed it on the nearby laundry basket. The dog had followed him upstairs and when he laid Victoria down on the bed, Gia jumped up and laid at her feet. Gabe smiled, leaving the two of them be. He closed the door halfway and headed back down the hall to Grace’s bedroom.

  Grace had stripped off her jacket, her shirt, and her bra, and was struggling to get her dress pants off. She let out an annoyed huff and looked up as Gabe entered. “Help?” She asked.

  He nodded and closed the distance between them, slowing when he reached her. His hands moved to the button of her pants and popped it open. He helped her wiggle out of them, panties following as she used him to steady herself. “You want help in the shower?” He asked softly, moving to grab her robe from the back of the door.

  He helped her into it as she nodded. “Yeah, that’d be great.”

  They both headed for the bathroom, Grace turning on the shower as Gabe stripped. “Do you have any plastic bags up here? We’re going to have to wrap the cast.”

  “Yeah, under the sink. Grocery bags to use for the garbage up here. Might have some of that medical tape stuff in the cabinet.”

  “Good.” Both were easy enough to find.

  Gabe carefully wrapped the bag around her cast and taped it into place. When he was finished, he helped her into the shower, sliding in behind her. He reached for the soap and squirted some into his hands.

  What felt like an hour later, he was turning the water off and helping her out of the shower and into a towel. He wrapped it snuggly around her body then grabbed one for himself. “Come on, you’ve had a long day, let’s get you dressed and get some real, warm food into you. Maybe some tea or hot chocolate too?”

  “Actually, tea would be wonderful. Thank you. Or a hot chocolate…I don’t know, both sound warm and delicious. You pick?”

  “Anytime and I can do that.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six: Battle

  Grace and Aaron, court date

  Grace sat at the table only fifteen feet from the judge. Her lavender blouse had been ironed the night before, not a single wrinkle in her black slacks. She took extra care to make sure her nails were painted a beautiful dark burgundy, having them professionally done at a salon for the first time in years. But she wanted to look her best. Wanted to be her best. The picture perfect image.

  Six feet to her right, Aaron sat with his lawyer, Mark. She could feel those heated eyes on her, pinning her with pure hatred. She did her best to ignore it, keeping her gaze dead ahead on the judge in front of her.

  “Mrs. Gibson-”

  “Ms. Collins – Your honor. We’re officially divorced.”

  The judge offered her a tight smile. “My apologies. Are we waiting for your lawyer?”

  Grace shook her head. “No, Your Honor. I don’t have one. I’m here on my own.”

  He nodded, picking up the stack of papers and tapping them on his desk. One hand left the stack to push his glasses up into the proper place on the bridge of his nose. “So we’re here today to negotiate the custody of one Victoria Gibson, the product of your marriage. Ms. Collins, you’re seeking full custody without visitation, is that right?”

  “I am, Your Honor.”

  Behind them, the heavy oak doors opened and the sound of crutches clanked against the tile floor. “I’m sorry I’m late, Your Honor.”

  “And you are?” The judge asked with a raised brow.

  “Gregory Herricks, Your Honor. And this is my client, Grace Collins. She will be pursuing full custody of her daughter Victoria Gibson.” Greg hobbled several feet closer, pausing when the bailiff opened the wooden gate to allow him access.

  “We have ample proof that Mr. Gibson’s home is not a safe place for the child to be and he has a history of violence. I have spoken to several of his colleagues that will attest to his short temper and Grace has several hospital visits, including the loss of a pregnancy, that will prove the abuse he’s put her through.”

  Aaron’s jaw clenched viciously, his body coiled ready to spring from his seat. Mark’s hand shot out and grabbed him by the upper arm, fingers pinching into his bicep as he held him in place. “Your Honor, this is ridiculous. If we’re going to call character into this, then we have every right to…”

  The judge held up his hand and silenced anything else Mark was going to say. “How long will it take you to produce these hospital records?”

  “As soon as Grace signs the paperwork allowing access to them.”

  The judge paused, chewing the new information over as Greg took a seat next to Grace. Grace, who was still peering up at him wide-eyed, a stutter on those bright red lips of hers. She blinked once, twice. Not once in their conversation had she asked Greg what he did. He was a lawyer? More importantly, her lawyer? There was no way in hell she could ever afford to pay him…

  “Your Honor?” Greg pushed. “Please, I feel as though this is vital information for the court to have to make a fair ruling. Don’t you think?”

  “Do you have any objections to this?” He asked Aaron and his lawyer with a heavy sigh.

  “Do I ha-”

  Mark’s elbow rammed into Aaron’s side in a less than subtle jerk. “No, Your Honor. If Ms. Collins believes she actually has some kind of proof of my client’s alleged abuse, by all means, we would love to see it as well. You’ll probably find it’s circumstantial and there’s nothing to support he was the one that caused anything she may be claiming. To my knowledge, there isn’t a sing
le police report filed against my client, nor are there any arrests on his record.”

  Greg cleared his throat. “As I’ve previously stated…” His eyes shot over to Mark. “I have witnesses that will testify to Mr. Gibson’s extreme and uncontrollable temper.”

  Once again the judge was quiet but finally, he nodded. “One week. You have one week to produce these medical records for the next court date which will be next Wednesday at 10 A.M. – I expect you to have sufficient evidence and not waste my time, Mr. Herricks.”

  “We will, Your Honor.”

  “Court adjourned, then. I’ll see you in a week.”

  Grace stood when Greg did, still reeling from shock. She said nothing when Aaron and Mark left the courtroom. Kept her mouth shut when Greg started to crutch his way down the aisle, but once they were out of earshot, she tapped his shoulder and got him to stop.

  “How…how did you know?” She asked with wide eyes.

  “You told me when the court date was rescheduled for. I just had to call and figure out the time. Once I did I cleared my schedule to make sure I could be here for you. I thought you might need some backup.”

  “But I can’t afford to pay you…” She eyed his expensive suit and she shook her head. “I definitely can’t afford to pay you.”

  Greg shrugged. “Who said you had to? It’s my law firm…I’m allowed to take pro bono clients when I want to.” He held up his hand. “I won’t hear another word of it, Grace. Not one. Let’s go grab some lunch and discuss how we’re going to attack this next court date. We need to go over your files and everything, talk about what you need to get for me.”

  “The witness you mentioned?”

  “One of the cops from the police department. He served Aaron with the divorce papers and he practically imploded right there on the front porch. He knows all about his temper and said he was willing to speak up when I hunted him down and told him what was going on.”

  Grace said nothing at first but finally relented with a sigh. “Alright but I can’t afford lunch either. Having to get a new vehicle has set me back quite a bit.”

  “Lunch is on me.” He said with a smile. “Just open the door for me.”

  Grace laughed out loud. “Deal.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven: Explosion

  Eight days later

  Just like she had done eight days prior, Grace sat at the table across from the judge; only this time, Greg sat at her right-hand side. She blew out a sigh of relief, body itching to scoot closer and soak in his protective nature. Coming to this second hearing was significantly easier with him there to keep things under control. He knew exactly what to do and what to say.

  Those last eight days hadn’t been filled with just gathering medical files and witness statements, they had also been filled with long lunches and family dinners with Greg and Holly. The relationship forming between the two of them made Grace feel like she had a father again. It was calming and made her feel safe, like she had a real family again. With Greg and Gabe, she felt protected, untouchable. But with Aaron being so close, it shook that feeling of safety. Almost as if he sensed her discomfort, Greg turned to her and offered her a reassuring smile.

  “It’ll be alright.” He murmured under his breath.

  The judge glanced up from his papers and cleared his throat. “Right, glad to see you back with all of the information I requested. I’ve had time to review Grace’s medical records and while there are no police reports to back these injuries, I would still like to have the witness come up and give a statement. Bailiff, please escort Officer Henry McCoy to the stand.”

  Henry stood, heading over to the wooden gate, following the bailiff when he opened it. He took a seat at the stand and awkwardly straightened the deep navy blue silk tie. He had testified in many court cases but never against someone he knew. Not a coworker. Not someone he had considered a friend at one point.

  Henry lifted his right hand. “I solemnly swear that everything I’m about to tell you today is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

  “Thank you. Now, Officer McCoy, can you please tell us about Mr. Gibson?”

  Henry’s eyes flashed across the room and landed on Aaron. He shifted awkwardly and cleared his throat again. “I’ve worked with Aaron, Mr. Gibson, for the last seven years. He wasn’t always like this but a bad call left him with PTSD…”

  “Objection!” Mark barked out.

  “Are you a psychologist?” The judge asked.

  “No, Your Honor.”

  “Then please stick to the facts.”

  “Okay, let me rephrase. I believe it left him with some severe post traumatic stress disorder. Aaron refused to get help and never did. He’s been self-medicating with alcohol and has been for a while. He never used to drink on the job but he has come to work smelling like alcohol. His temper is significantly shorter, and he does have one without alcohol involved. Hell, I served him with the divorce papers and considered a backup patrol car.”

  “And what happens when he’s drunk, Officer?”

  “He gets…violent. He thinks we don’t see but we hear it over the radio. His patience goes out the window, the swearing gets intense even though he thinks we can’t hear it. We’ve seen him explode over the smallest of calls…like ones that shouldn’t spark a reaction, especially not with a seasoned dispatcher. We’ve seen him swing at the wall. Our chief has had to reprimand him a time or two and I know there are official records of that. In my opinion, Your Honor, and I mean this respectfully, Aaron is a dangerous person with an adult when he’s drunk.” The I can’t imagine him responsible for the safety of a child, was silent but heard loud and clear.

  Aaron could feel his hands shaking, anger pulsing through his body. Next to him, Mark’s fingers literally pinched his thigh. It was a subtle hint for him to keep that anger in check but he ignored him entirely. Aaron shot up out of his seat, knocking over his glass of water in the process. “That’s fucking BULLSHIT! You know it McCoy! I never come to work drunk! I’m not a bad person.”

  His hand darted out, snatching the knocked-over cup. The moment it was in his grasp, he whipped it across the space, aiming for McCoy. The glass shattered against the front of the witness stand and Grace ducked, cowering at Greg’s side.

  “If you’re the reason my daughter is taken away, I’ll fucking kill you!” Aaron was screaming, the judge’s gavel slamming into the base of his stand, and before Aaron knew it, the bailiff moved in on him.

  The bailiff was an easy six feet tall and pushing at least three hundred pounds. He was massive. Bald and big, but the full sleeve tattoos denoted he was not one to be fucked with. As he reached Aaron, Aaron took a swing at him. The bailiff snagged him by the wrist and promptly twisted it behind his back before slamming him down on the table. He was quick to grab the other wrist and cuff it behind Aaron’s back.

  “Your Honor, is this really necessary?” Mark asked.

  “Necessary?” The judge nearly hollered. “Your client not only assaulted an officer of the law just now but openly made a death threat against the same officer. I think it’s pretty safe to say keeping him restrained is a safe bet for all of us.”

  “Fuck you!” Aaron spat, struggling against the cuffs.

  “That’s enough. One more word and you’re done.” The judge’s cheeks turned a soft pink as his fury rose.

  One look at the shaking woman on the other side of the room was the final straw. Grace was cowering beside Greg, using his body as a shield. “I’ve made my decision. As of now, I am awarding sole custody to Ms. Collins. I will not terminate Mr. Gibson’s rights; however, I am requiring he not only pay child support but takes a twelve month anger management course and seeks counseling. If he cannot adhere to these conditions, we will discuss the termination of parental rights. If he can meet them, we will discuss supervised visits once a week. I expect Mr. Gibson to check in with a court-appointed officer monthly with proof of his therapy visits.” He paused, glaring at Aaron before continuing on. “Furthermor
e, I will be issuing a protective order as well. Mr. Gibson is not to come within one hundred yards of Ms. Collins.”

  Before Aaron could say anything, Mark shot to his feet and nodded. “Understood your Honor, I’ll see to it myself that he attends these courses and checks in with whoever he is assigned.”

  The judge gave a sharp nod. “Bailiff, please escort Mr. Gibson out of the courthouse and come back to retrieve Ms. Collins when he is off the property.”

  The bailiff nodded, hauling Aaron upright. He guided him through the aisle and out the door, leaving a shaken Grace behind.

  She didn’t realize she had been clinging to Greg’s sleeve until he reached out and touched her. “Grace, you’re safe. If you’d rather, I will drive you home and arrange a way to get your car back later tonight with Gabe. But it’s over. We’ll push for him to sign the papers giving up his rights. I will. Would you like to leave now?”

  Grace nodded. “Yeah, please. I’d rather you drove me home, please.”

  What if Aaron followed her? What if Gabe wasn’t home from work yet? “Please.” She said again.

  “Alright, come on. We’ll get you home. “Your Honor, thank you. I apologize for the disruption in your courtroom.”

  He met Greg’s words with a tight nod. “I did the best I could for now. Officer McCoy, Ms. Collins, you’re both free to leave.”

  “Thank you.” It was Grace that murmured those words as she stood to leave.

  She was ready to flee the building, ready to return to her home where it was safe. At least the hardest part was over for the time being. His outburst had bought her twelve months of sole custody and pure relief.

  Grace let out a heavy sigh, the weight of the world lifting from her shoulders as she stepped into the aisle and waited for Greg to join her.


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