Awakening (Kiss of the Jaguar Series Book 1)

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Awakening (Kiss of the Jaguar Series Book 1) Page 4

by TJ Black

  “What better way to understand and digest it all than first hand.”

  “Jonah I’m begging you. She just doesn’t grasp the significance of it all. She doesn’t understand.”

  “I’m sorry Ashley, but time for her to understand and come to me on her own, we don’t have. The season is almost here, and you know what happens then.”

  “But we don’t even know if it will happen to her. It hasn’t so far. And besides, you two only had sex, that’s it.”

  Jonah saw the desperation in her eyes and heard it in her voice. This clearly is a mother trying to protect her child no matter what. And he felt for her, he really did, but he also had to do this for himself.

  “Is that what she told you?” She nodded. “Ashley I locked inside her. You know what that means. There’s no going back.”

  Her eyes widen and the color drained from her face.

  “I’m sorry.” Brushing past her, he finished going up the stairs, sniffed and went right to the same door where Ashley had come out of. He tried the knob, found it locked and smiled again as he knocked. “Open up.”

  “Go away!”

  “Easy way or hard way Alesha. Doesn’t matter much to me, but it might to your uncle.”

  “Go to hell you fucking nut!”

  “Okay, the hard way then.” He took a step back and with his shoulder pushed the door open, busting the lock.

  “Are you out of your mind!” Alesha yelled.

  “Without a doubt.” Jonah closed the broken door behind him. Within seconds he closed the distance between them, boxing her to the far wall.

  “What’d you doing?” she asked.

  “What’d you think I’m doing?” he tossed right back at her.

  “I think,” she didn’t finish her statement but he got the point pretty clear when her knee came up and made contact with his groin. “I think you’re an asshole and need to get the fuck out of here right now!”

  Jonah dropped to the ground, freeing her for a few precious moments. She dashed to the door, it flew open and out she went. He took several deep breaths, waiting for the pain to move on so he could finish what he started. This had to be a first for him. Just had to be! Yep, he thought about it while on his knees, no one else had ever racked him before. Most of the females he met tried to get in his pants, not try to crush his manhood.

  Lucky for him it didn’t last. The pain went away quickly and he was able to stand again. One deep breath and he was heading to the door, jerking it open and looking around. Ashley stood there with her eyes wide. Jonah watched her closely. Watching for a small sign as to where her daughter might’ve gone. She didn’t even realize her eyes made a movement towards the second closed door on the floor. When she did notice what she had done, both hands went up to her mouth, shock spread across her face. Keeping his mouth shut and working to keep the anger at being kneed under control, Jonah went right to the door, sniffed then took a step back and kicked it in.

  Alesha jumped. “You’re insane!”

  Jonah charged her and she instantly backed up. With her eyes wide open, she turned and rushed towards another door. She had it opened and he closed it right back with his hand right over her head, body pressing up against hers.

  “That wasn’t nice,” he said in her ear.

  She turned around, facing him. “Look, this is crazy. We had sex, okay, I’ll admit it. But that’s it. Just sex. Get over yourself if you think I’m going to be this little tame pet you all think the women should be like just because we fooled around. And for your information I’m not nice. Ever!”

  “A pet huh? Cute, real cute.”

  She pushed at his chest, and then slapped his hand away when he reached up to touch her face. “I’m serious. I’m not bowing down to anyone around here so you’re wasting your time and might as well leave before you break more shit.”

  “Not going anywhere—alone.”

  “What do you mean you’re not going anywhere alone? Get out.”

  “I mean I’m not leaving here empty handed.” He waited a few seconds for his statement to sink in and when it did he grinned. “Yep, you heard right. You’re going with me.”

  “The hell I am!” she pushed against his chest, but it did little good in making him move away from her. He had a hunch if she was back in the human world her little pushing and kicks would do some damage, but here she pretty much had met her match.

  “Do you know what it means to lock inside you?”

  “I don’t give a shit what it means. I’m not going anywhere with you and that’s final.”

  Jonah sighed, “Well I had a small amount of hope you might be reasonable but I guess being among the humans as long as you have has had its effect on you.”

  “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means easy or hard, you’re being claimed.” Jonah took a step back, grabbed both of her arms and jerked her hard and fast to him where he bent over and picked her right up, slinging her over his shoulder. “Sort of hoped you would be a bit more understanding, but guess not.”

  “Put me down!” she yelled.

  “You had your chance,” Jonah opened the bedroom door and stopped. Right outside of it stood her mother, Ashley.

  “Jonah, don’t do this, not this way,” Ashley begged.

  He opened his mouth, but got cut off by someone running up the stairs fast. Garek’s daughter Chloe came huffing up, stopping with her eyes wide open staring at him.

  “No. No damn way!” She yelled. “Not her.”

  Jonah didn’t want to hear anymore. For the past year and half, Chloe Sulwen had been doing everything she could think of to get him to breed with her. He knew she had it bad, but the shocked look on her face told him the crush she had on him went deeper than what he’d thought.

  “Mother, make him put me down,” Alesha said.

  “I’ll call you in a couple days Ashley,” Jonah said, moving past her then Chloe. “I’ll send someone over later to get her things.”

  “Mother!” Alesha screamed, kicking her legs, hitting at his back.

  Garek and his wife were at the front door when Jonah got back down. Both had shocked expressions on their faces.

  “Sorry about the door again Garek,” Jonah said. “If what I gave you isn’t enough, please let me know.” Garek nodded. “Ah, will you please get the door for me?”

  “Don’t you dare open that door for him!” Alesha yelled.

  “This isn’t fair!” Chloe yelled while stomping down the stairs.

  Garek opened the front door for Jonah and with a smile on his face, Jonah walked out of the house and towards his car. “Are you going to sit in the front seat like a good girl, or do I need to lock you in the trunk?”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  Jonah put her back down on her feet, grabbed both arms and had her nose to nose with him. “Try me.”

  They had a standoff, or more like a stare off. Alesha stood her ground with him, which he had to admit was refreshing from what he’s been used to around here. Being a Five’s son and next in line, the females all pretty much bowed down to him and gave him anything he wanted. When he was younger it went to his head, which is why he went through so many of them before just stopping and waiting for the right one to come along and make him feel again. The right one now stood in front of him with fire he never thought to experience.

  “Fine, but don’t think I’m going to make any of this easy on you,” she opened the passenger side door with some force and got in, slamming it shut.

  Jonah smiled, “I hope not.”

  He felt like a kid again, rushing around to the other side of the door and getting in. she had her arms crossed over her chest, a foot tapping on the floor, eyes forward and lips so thin they were turning color. Starting up the car, putting it in gear, he spun the car around and floored it out of the drive. The action had her gripping the door.

  “Jesus Christ, are you trying to kill me?” she yelled.

  “Nope,” he chuckled. “Hav
e other things on my mind to do with you.”

  “Could’ve fooled me, and get those thoughts out of your damn head. You’re not touching me ever again.”

  “We’ll see.”

  With both hands on the wheel, Jonah drove as if hell might be on his ass. He wanted to get her back home, back to his own room as fast as he could. The need, the urge just to touch her became so powerful he had to fight it. Fight to not pull over on the side of the road and have his way with her. However, the hostility she was throwing off towards him, did help him stay focused. Fooling around in his car wasn’t a good idea.

  The drive back home didn’t take long since he pretty much floored the car all the way. Skidding to a slide stop in front of the door, Jonah put the car in park and shut it off. He then tried to get the excitement of finally having his true mate under some kind of control. Thankfully, Alesha did it for him in the form of being very cold.

  “I’m not going back in your house,” She said, crossing her arms over her chest once more.

  Jonah fought back his grin. “Really?”

  “Yes really. You’re kidnapping me damn-it!”

  He decided to hold off with more word exchanges and get her up in the house. However, it seemed she has not only other plans but was also a bit quicker in her thinking than what he’s used to. The very moment his door closed after he got out of the car she reached over and locked it. She also locked her own door. A nice move, he had to admit it.

  “You seriously want to play it like this?” He asked, with hands on hips. The butler and his father came out of the house, watching them.

  “I’m not going into that house again. I told you already, and you can’t make me either.”

  “Alesha you really need to watch how you put things and think before you say them.”

  “Okay, then how about this. Fuck you and go to hell.” She finished it with giving him the finger as well. “I’m going nowhere but back to my mother and that’s final.”

  “Yep, you really do need to think before you speak.”

  Jonah thought about his actions for a moment and figured it was worth it. With all his strength, he reached back and put his fist into the passenger side window, shattering it. She screamed and tried to move to the driver’s seat. She didn’t move fast enough. Jonah grabbed the whole door and yanked it off, tossing it behind him. He then reached in, grabbing hold of her by the waist, pulling her out.

  “You’re insane!” she yelled, kicking her legs out in the air.

  “Yep, glad you finally figured that out.” He grunted as he worked to keep hold of her squirming body.

  Jonah gave his father a quick glance when he walked by him into the house. At this point words seemed a bit pointless. His father said what he wanted. Made it very clear he didn’t want Jonah to breed with a half-breed and he really didn’t give a shit at this point what his father thought. What’s done is done and he can’t take it back. Hell, even if he could, he doubted very much he would. There’s something about Alesha. He couldn’t put his finger on what, but knew he wanted her very much. Maybe it’s the boldness in the way she challenged him. He didn’t know and didn’t care. He had his mate and nothing and no one was going to take her from him. If they tried then they would be asking for trouble.

  By the time they reached the second floor, Jonah put her down on her feet but kept a hand on her arm. She tried to jerk free a couple of times. He kept his mouth shut and continued to head up the second set of stairs leading to the third floor and to his bedroom. Surprisingly she walked with him and stopped the fighting, which had him worried and very curious at the same time. Reaching his bedroom door, Jonah opened it and she walked inside and jerked her arm free. Slowly Jonah closed and locked the door, waiting for the explosion of her temper to hit. Instead she surprised him by remaining almost too calm.

  Alesha turned around, arms crossed over her chest, eyes narrowing right at him. “Okay, now what?”

  And wouldn’t you know it, a damn good question. “The hunting season begins—”

  She cut him off with a wave of her hand and shaking her head. “I don’t give a damn about any hunting season.”

  “Well you should. Males start the hunt for a female to breed with. If they lock inside you, which I was trying to explain, then they have you.”

  “Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to get laid.”

  “Oh, we don’t need any bullshit to get laid Alesha.”

  “I’m not buying this crap. And what happened in the woods is not going to happen again.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, that’s so,” Both hands went to her hips.

  Jonah nodded, “Woman, it’s time for you to learn about challenges first hand.”

  Chapter Four

  Alesha refused to back down. No way in hell was this guy going to get his way with her after busting into her uncle’s home and kidnapping her. They stared at each other and Alesha couldn’t even consider backing down even a little bit. After all, her mother did tell her once pushing one of these guys would mean trouble in the end. She inwardly snorted. How much trouble could this one really give her?

  She got her answer.

  Jonah’s hands went right to the waistline of his dark jeans. He took hold of the crisp white shirt and tugged it out from the jeans. Then one by one, he slipped the buttons free. Alesha could only stand there in shock as he opened his shirt to her, twisted his shoulders out, and let it drop to the floor. His hands went to the belt next.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She demanded, taking a step backwards.

  “Just answering your challenge.”

  Alesha lost her courage. She looked around the room for a place to run. Anywhere. The sound of the belt coming free seemed to echo in the room. She looked back at him just as he tugged at the button of his jeans, the zipper inching down. Panic set in, she dashed for a door she saw, and surprisingly enough he was right behind her.

  She managed to get inside the room, but didn’t get the door closed in time. He was there, pushing back against her, shoving his way in, and all she could do was back up until she hit something. Quick glance—bathroom counter.

  He closed the distance between them. His hands went to her waist and lifted her to the counter. She was sitting with him standing between her legs. Both of his hands moved under her dress. Alesha squirmed and took hold of his wrists, but it didn’t stop him. All the way up to her panties, those hands went and down he began to tug them.

  “I don’t think so,” she huffed, grabbing onto them over her dress.

  One eyebrow went up on his head and with a hard yank; he ripped them away from her body.

  “You are such an—” she didn’t get to finish the insult.

  Jonah kissed her hard, and then it turned deep, his hands up to her rear, scooting her closer to the edge of the counter.

  Instinct had her hands going to his chest to push back, but instead she fisted her hands over his pecs as he kissed her. The first time they did this, he didn’t kiss her on the mouth. Now it seemed he was trying to eat her alive. And boy she had to admit he was a damn good kisser. When she felt the head of his cock touch her, reality broke the spell binding kiss.

  “Not a good idea,” she breathed out.

  “No, it’s a very good idea,” those hands at her ass picked her up just enough to better position her body for his entry.

  A slow descent had her feeling every inch of him. She gasped, dug her nails into his chest and his mouth moved to her throat. Licking, nibbling, and kissing her neck and shoulder, moving back and forth, as he entered her body. She became powerless to everything. All of her nerve endings seemed too focused right between her legs and heightened everything he was doing to her.

  “God you smell good!” Jonah groaned as he thrust hard into her.

  Alesha climaxed right then with that thrust.

  “Yeah baby, just like that.”

  She didn’t get the chance to catch her breath. Jonah began moving steadily, fast
with a grind to his pelvis for her clit. Every time he did this, she’d gasp and dig her nails harder into his chest. He seemed to like the pain and once he figured out why she dug her nails in, he did the grinding more often. She couldn’t figure out what was driving her passion. The way he moved in and out of her or the way he nibbled and kissed on her neck right below her ear.

  She couldn’t think, could only feel and lord help her if she wasn’t feeling everything. The nibbling at her throat and neck had her squirming. She wanted to push back with his thrusts and take even more of him. He stretched her to a point where the pleasure and pain were mixed.


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