Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) Page 5

by Brittany Crowley

  “YES!” He yells and it makes me laugh. Gabe’s so full of life and a much-needed breath of fresh air.

  “We’ll be back and I promise he’s safe with me.”

  “I know. But maybe pick something that doesn’t involve his hand.” She whispers then runs her hand through Gabe’s hair before standing back up and heading for the bench behind us.

  For the next half hour, we play on the jungle gym and go down the slides together. He’s so animated in how he talks just like his mother and he says the funniest shit.

  “You’re stuck with a cast huh?” I rub my hand down his bright orange wrist.

  “Yeah, cool huh! You ever break any bones Dad?” He smiles and it takes my breath away.

  “Yeah but nothing major. I’ve broken my nose a few times.”

  “Wow, did you have a cast too? That must have looked awesome!”

  I laugh. “Let’s get back to Mom. I’m sure she’s missing you.” I slide down the slide and stand at the bottom waiting for him to come down his side.

  “She sees me all the time.” He huffs. “Will I see you again?”

  “Absolutely. You’re going to see me so much you’ll get sick of me!” He bombs down the slide and into my waiting arms. I hold on for a little longer than necessary but when Gabe squeezes me back I know he loves it just as much as I do. I have a huge smile on my face as I hold his hand and walk back to where Sophie’s sitting.

  It’s hard not to notice how beautiful she is. She’s always been sexy as hell and my Mom was right, I’ve had a crush on her since middle school. Her long red hair is up in one of those messy buns and her glasses put off a sexy librarian vibe. Christ, my dick needs to take a time-out right now.

  She stands up and starts walking over towards us. Gabe lets go of my hand and runs towards her like a flash of lightning.

  “Did you have fun with Daddy?”

  “Of course I did Mom! He’s Reckless you know!” He yells in excitement.

  “How silly of me to forget.” She looks up at me and rolls her eyes making me laugh.

  “Mom I have a Dad now and I’m gonna see him so much I’ll get sick of him!”

  Fucking Christ this kid just keeps hitting me in the heart. I know our visits coming to an end and I don’t want to see them go.

  “How about I take you two out for lunch?” I blurt out.

  Sophie looks skeptical but Gabe’s jumping up and down so I have my answer. She won’t tell him no, Sophie’s always been a sucker and it’s working perfectly to my advantage right now.

  “Oh alright, but we have to be quick because then we have to get home for preschool this afternoon.”

  “Do I have to go? Bo-wiener always make me draw stupid triangles.”

  “Excuse me mister, what did we talk about?”

  “Sorry, Mrs. Bonina…” He grumbles.

  “Yes, if I hear you call her Mrs. Bo-wiener you’ll lose your tablet for a week.”

  It takes everything in me not to laugh from the look on his face. I lose the good fight and have to turn my back to them when I burst out laughing. Come on, would you be able to keep a straight face?

  “Well, you’re just gonna have to suck it up and draw your shapes. You get to play with your friends too.”

  “Yeah, Tray said he was going to bring in his bug today.”

  “Ugh, I hope not. Let’s go we don’t have that much time.”

  I gather my composure and turn around and see the laughter Sophie’s trying to subdue.

  “Dad, can you bring me to school today?”

  “As long as it’s okay with your Mom I’ll come for drop off with you two.”

  “Of course, you can! I can’t wait to tell all my friends about my Dad!”

  I can’t wait to tell everyone about my son.


  After dropping Gabe off at preschool Sophie’s driving me back to my car. I’m not set up to have a child in mine yet and that’s going to be changing today.

  “Can I come with you for pick-up?” I probably don’t have to ask but I don’t want to make her think I don’t care about her feelings. She’s been doing this parenting thing for four years and I don’t want to step on her toes.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. You can meet me at the park again if you want? He only has a few weeks of school left before summer break. Then he’ll be in kindergarten next year.”

  “Wow, Jesus a kindergartener… that’s so insane to me.” I shake my head trying to process it all. “Nah, I’ll meet you at your house. It’ll be easier then I can at least spend some time with Gabe after.”

  “Oh, you wanted to come over after?”

  “Yeah, is that okay? I don’t want to miss out. I told him he would be seeing a lot of me and besides training I don’t have much going on.”

  “Yup, that sounds great. I can make us some dinner… if you planned on staying to eat?”

  “Dinner sounds fantastic. I should warn you, I told my Mom about all of this last night and she’s chomping at the bit to meet her newest grandson.”

  “Invite her over, it’ll be great to see her again. I can make enough food.”

  “Do you remember my family?”

  She laughs. “Okay, invite them all over. But can we do it a night next week or the one after so we can get Gabe used to you first?”

  “Absolutely but are you sure? I know this is all new and I don’t want to overwhelm Gabe.”

  “He’ll be fine. Actually, he’ll be ecstatic he has some cousins to play with. Since we moved to town he’s had a hard time, he was nervous to start school and meet new friends. He’s doing great but having some more family will be awesome for him.”

  I place my hand on Sophie’s thigh after she throws her car in park. She looks over to me after I feel her leg tense beneath my hand and that’s when I realize where I placed it. Pulling it back, I smile then look down at my lap. When did I become such a pussy? I’m usually confident when I’m with a woman. The difference is this is Sophie.

  “Sorry, old habit.”

  “It’s okay. But while the subject is being brought up, I need you to know that ship has sailed.”

  “I didn’t know we were on that subject… what do you mean that ship’s sailed? It barely left the dock four fucking years ago.”

  “I’ve seen the tabloids and all the women you traipse around with. I want to make it perfectly clear that we are co-parenting and can maybe be friends again… but nothing more.”

  Shot down before I tried anything on her. That’s got to be a first. I look into her eyes and it’s hard not to remember all the feelings that were between us. Our relationship was brief but it was passionate and matured too fast. When she said we were having a baby, we were barely talking at that point. She wasn’t happy with my new-found popularity but we made it work… until we thought we lost the baby.

  Plain and simple we were too young and if it happened now I’d like to believe things would be different. The reality of the situation is a lot happened, too much for a couple of college kids to handle.

  I give her my trademark smirk. “We’ll see.”

  A smile lights her face and nearly takes my breath away. “Glad to see you’re the same stubborn guy I knew all those years ago. Maybe you haven’t changed.”

  “Who are you calling stubborn?”

  “You… Baby Cage.”

  I growl as we get out of the car but don’t miss the mischief dancing in her eyes. That nickname is the bane of my existence, I fucking hate when anyone calls me that. I’ll show her.

  She’s already at the front door with keys in hand when I catch up to her. I spin her around and pin her back against the door with my body weight. One hand holds both her wrists above her head and the other starts tracing a line at her thigh. It travels all the way up her hip, to the side of her stomach and stops right below her tits. Her tits that have me salivating at the thought of touching them.

  “I can’t wait to show you how much this baby’s grown.” I lean in and bite the shell of her ea
r as my fingers tease the underside of her breast before I release her wrists and back away. If the dazed look is anything to go off, she wants me just as badly as I want her.

  Sophie looks me over trying to feign indifference but I know her. She’s anything but indifferent.

  “Well… it’s a shame we’ll never find out.” She turns and unlocks the door before stepping inside and slamming it shut.

  That’s twice in a 24-hour period she’s slammed a door in my face. I smile to myself because now I’m determined. I’ll get her back in my bed even if she fights me the whole way.

  I’m stepping onto the walkway when my phone chimes. It’s a text from Sophie.

  Sophie: Be back at two o’clock sharp. If you’re late I’m leaving without you.

  Yup, she still wants me. She can have some time to process because Gabe’s my main priority now. Getting to know him and merging my world with his has to take precedent over everything else. I can already tell he’s a great kid and I’m hoping I can be a good Dad to him.

  Looking back at the house I smile.

  I’ll get another chance with her, I just need to figure out how to make her drop her guard.



  Why did I agree so easily? I’ve been around the Cage clan for years, I know how they think. What makes them tick. Maybe it’s not too late to call Kyle and put this off for a month… or seven?

  Ding Dong


  “Ohhhhhhhhhh… that’s a bad word Mommy!”

  I turn around and quickly straighten Gabe’s shirt. I chuckle when I see he’s decided to wear his Daddy’s Reckless fighting shirt instead of the navy polo I laid out for him on his bed. He’s obsessed with MMA. I know, I know. Worst mother of the year award goes to me. I figured if he couldn’t have his Dad with him he could at least see him on TV. It ended up taking on a life of its own and I can’t wait to see Kyle’s face when he goes into Gabe’s room tonight. I wonder if he’s ever seen a shrine dedicated to himself?

  He’s been hanging out with Gabe regularly after preschool for the last week. Gabe begged him to let him watch him train. Kyle swore he’d change his schedule around to train in the morning’s now so he can take him. That boys gonna be in his glory when he finally gets to Zander’s gym to watch. I already plan on taking my camera to photograph every second.

  Plus, a sweaty Kyle Cage sparring in the ring. Just what I need right now. It’s hard enough seeing him everyday and falling into the relationship we had before we blew our friendship with sex. Our personalities compliment each other well and we have a lot in common.

  Ding Dong

  “Daddy’s here!” He goes to run out of the kitchen but I manage to stop him at the last minute by grabbing his good arm.

  “There’s going to be a lot of people here baby. Daddy’s family.”

  “Yayyyyy!” He cheers and intricately maneuvers his arm out of my hands.

  “I have to stop letting him watch MMA.” I mumble to myself as I follow him to the front door.

  Nothing could have prepared me for the moment Gabe pulled the door open and I was met with a small army of eyes on me. Then they all shifted to Gabe and all their eyes got soft when he launched himself into Kyle’s arms.

  “Hey little man, I missed you.”

  “I missed you too Daddy but look!” He jumps back out of Kyle’s arms to show him his tee shirt.

  I don’t miss the proud look on Kyle’s face before he tells Gabe how cool his shirt is and turns his awe filled eyes towards me. There’s a silent question I don’t want to touch upon so I just shrug my shoulders and welcome everyone inside.

  As they pass me I get numerous hugs and kisses from familiar faces. People that were like family to me and it’s my fault I let our relationship fall through the cracks.

  I’m a bitch. I’m the world’s biggest asshole for keeping these people away from Gabe. When they all work their way into my cramped living room I step outside and sit on the front steps for a second.

  Who does that? How can a person possibly keep their child away from their father? The fact that Kyle can even look me in the eye is insane. How did one of his sister-in- law’s or hell, his mother, not slap me once they saw me?

  “Hey, is everything okay?”

  I wipe a stray tear I hadn’t realized fell with my hand, take a deep breath and nod my head. Kyle sits next to me on the step and looks over at me.

  “What’s the matter Soph? Did someone say something to you?”

  “No, no one has. And why not? How could they be okay with what I’ve done to you?” I sniffle and look away from him. “How could I have possibly kept Gabe from having all of you in his life? Was I that jaded and selfish?”

  “You never did tell me what happened. Why you never came to me and said you were still pregnant.”

  “Are you sure you want to hear it?”

  “No but I need to. But not now. How about you tell me tonight over a beer after everyone has gone and Gabe falls asleep?”

  “Gabe would love for you to put him to sleep. He idolizes you, you know?”

  “Yeah, I haven’t been much of a role model lately. That’s about to change. That little boy in there…” He hooks his finger towards the house. “I’m never going to let him down. I promise you that. Now I’m not saying I’m gonna be perfect because I’m not quite sure how to be a Dad yet but I’m going to try every damn day to be the best Dad I can be.”

  “That’ll be perfect. I always knew you’d be a good Dad.”

  He throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me towards him. I rest my head on his shoulder when I hear the front door open.

  “What the hell, get in here!” Gabe yells from the front door.

  I turn around and point my finger at him. “What did I tell you about your language tonight?”

  “I can only use church words when Daddy’s family’s here. But Mom, we don’t go to church.” He whines.

  I feel shaking and look over to a hysterical Kyle. “It’s not funny! If I don’t warn him he’ll be telling your Mom about his penis or farting on everyone.”

  “Damn I wish you didn’t warn him. He’d fit right in with Jay.” He chuckles as he helps me up from the steps and walks me back into the house with his hand on the small of my back.

  A shiver runs up my spine and I know he feels it because his hand slides over my ass before he removes it and walks towards his family. When Gabe jumps into Judy’s lap a smile lights my face but nowhere near the beamer she’s sporting. She’s a proud grandmother alright. I’m so happy Gabe already feels comfortable with the Cages.

  “It’s like you guys quadrupled!” I laugh looking at all the kids.

  “Our family keeps Huggies in business that’s for sure.” Savvy laughs.

  “Okay you have to explain to me who belongs to who.”

  Judy stands up like the proud grandparent she is and starts with the little girls in front of her. “Everly, Quinn and Addison are all Zander and Savvy’s.”

  The poor guy, Zander would end up with three girls. “Did you buy more guns?” I laugh directing my question towards him.

  “Fuck yes, they already know boys suck and they’re never getting involved with one.”

  Savvy rolls her eyes. “Watch the F-bombs babe, and they’ll date. But it’ll probably be in secret out of fear that Zander will decapitate their dates. Thanks for that, I’ll never meet my daughter’s husbands.” She huffs and sits down next to her husband but starts laughing when he tickles her sides.

  “Alright, this little brute is Jesse and that princess in the corner you already know.”

  “Amelia! I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten! You were still a tiny little thing the last time I saw you. How old are you now?”

  “I’ll be six in a few months.” She smiles and runs up to sit on Josh’s lap.

  I look over to Ash. “I can’t believe how old we are. Damn, when did we get old enough to have kids?”

  “I hear ya sister and
this asshole wants another.” Ash levels Josh with a glare that has him rubbing her leg over her pants.

  “Three’s a good solid number.”

  “That’s what you said after Amelia was born.” She clears her throat and drops her voice. “Two’s a good solid number.”

  “Well it is.” He confirms.

  “Then how can three be a good number? I give up with you.”

  “She’ll be pregnant by the end of the month.” Josh mouths to me making me laugh.

  Judy has a huge smile on her face and I can tell the possibility of another grandchild thrills her.

  “Alright, rounding up the Cage grandchildren we have Silas and that little butterball on Jay’s chest is Luca.”

  “Never thought I’d see the day.”

  “What the hell ever Soph.”

  I roll my eyes. “You have to admit that you with a baby is kind of crazy. Hey Georgie, how’s it going?”

  I don’t know her all that well because I left pretty soon after she was welcomed into the Cage clan and I was also in college most of the time.

  “I’m good, it’s great to see you and Gabe is hilarious.”

  I cover my eyes. “Don’t tell me what he did, I don’t wanna know.”

  Everyone laughs as I exit the room to pull the food out of the oven. I look down at my casserole dish wishing I had made two. I forgot how big the Cage men are and I’m sure Kyle could annihilate this whole thing himself.

  I quickly go to my junk drawer and pull out my takeout menus. There needs to be more food!

  “How’s it going in here?”

  I look up and Judy must sense the panic on my face. “What’s the matter Sophie?”

  “I didn’t make enough food. I knew there were a lot of you but I severely underestimated how much food to make. Chinese or Italian?” I hold two menus up and her eyes go soft.

  “Deep breaths sweetie.” She walks over towards the food and looks at it. “It looks delicious. If we leave this for the adults and make something different for the kids we should be golden.


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