Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) Page 15

by Brittany Crowley

  Yes, Jack is here for my fight and he’s been at everyone of my training sessions. The guy has some good insight, has the eye for MMA fighting. He helped Zander out a lot during his career and I bet he’d make it big as a coach over here. But he’s Jack Jenks and likes to be included when it suits him and does… well I’m not sure any of us know what he does for a living besides eating babies for breakfast.

  Forty-five minutes later I’m pulling up to the gate outside my house. There’s a few paps today so I give them a wave as they shout questions at me about the fight. On the weekend Sophie likes to stay here with Gabe because its completely private and they don’t have to worry about sharing a pool with a bunch of other people.

  I key in my code and keep my mouth shut not wanting to goad them. I’d like to get back in the house before Sophie and Gabe are awake to make them breakfast. My training started at 5 AM and I could eat a rhino right now.

  I notice that my SUV’s missing and realize Sophie went out with Gabe. Damn, I’ll have to call and catch up with them. As I’m about to whip my phone out I notice a very familiar cherry red sports car sits pretty in my driveway.

  “You gotta be shitting me.” I wipe my hands down my face and cut the engine. My patience for dealing with Preston right now is nonexistent. I exit my car and walk into my house not stopping until I find him in the kitchen.

  “Give me my key back.” I demand after grabbing a water from the fridge.

  He places the key on the island and I snatch it up. “Copies?”


  “Good, what the fuck do you want?”

  “We were friends once. Can’t I stop by to shoot the shit?”

  “Not since you insulted my family and stole pictures from my phone. Now talk… you have 30 seconds.”

  He sighs. “The results for Gabe’s paternity test came back.”

  “The what? I didn’t have a test done!”

  “You didn’t but I did.” He slides an opened letter my way. “Here are the results.”

  “Why would you bring this to me. Get the fuck out!”

  “Just read them.” Preston looks bored and it’s pissing me off.

  I snatch the envelope from the counter and rip the papers out. Man, this all looks gibberish.

  “On the first page.”

  I scan it and my heart sinks. Right there in black and white. Probability of Paternity: 0%

  It’s like a knife’s been twisted in my chest and I can’t breathe.

  “Here, sit down Ky.” Preston rushes over to me and makes me sit on a stool.

  “But, I don’t understand. How is this possible?”

  “The bitch has been playing you from the start.”

  “It can’t be true, he looks like me!”

  “Or did you make yourself see something that wasn’t there? Wishful thinking? I don’t really see it man.”

  I get up and grab the fruit bowl on the counter and slam it against the fridge. It shatters and falls to the floor in a hundred tiny pieces.

  My phone chimes and I see a text from Sophie saying she’ll be home with breakfast in ten minutes.

  “Fuck, she’s almost home.” I wipe my hands down my face and realize they’re shaking and I’m not sure if its from rage or my complete surprise.

  “Why don’t you head out of here? I can take care of this for you and get them out of here before you get back later.”

  “No way, I’m dealing with her. But you need to leave.”

  “Alright man, I’m here if you need me. I’ll see you later.”

  What in the actual fuck? How could Sophie do this to me. She knows what Gabe means to me since he’s come into my life. Why lie? Why not say she jumped into bed with someone else immediately after she lost the baby? I was her one and only… what a complete crock of shit!

  I hear the front door open and Gabe’s little feet running towards me. When he enters the kitchen, I lose it. I can’t help the tears from forming in my eyes.

  “Daddy, what’s the matter?” I revel in the last time I’ll hear those words and pull him to me soaking up our last hug.

  “Nothing buddy. I need to talk to Mommy for a few minutes, is that okay?”

  Sophie enters the room and gets a worried look on her face when she sees me. Bitch better be worried. I can barely stand the sight of her, I don’t know how I’m gonna get through this.

  “Baby, why don’t you go up to your room and play with your toys. I’ll be up in a few minutes to get you for breakfast.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Adult time.” Gabe mumbles as he exits the kitchen. Once he’s out of the room I level Sophie with a glare.

  “What’s the matter Ky, you’re scaring me.”

  “Preston just paid me a visit…” I throw the papers at her. They fall to the ground and she bends to grab them.

  “What is this, what am I looking at?”

  “A paternity test.”

  There’s hurt in her eyes at the realization and I don’t feel the need to justify that Preston did it and not me. It doesn’t matter anymore.

  “You had a paternity test done? I didn’t think you had any questions about it.”

  “I didn’t but I’m glad it got done.”

  She scans the paper and her eyes get wide. “No way, he’s yours Kyle! Preston must have set this up, he’s just jealous because I turned him down when we were teenagers! There’s only been you! I’ve never been with anyone else.” She whispers the last part as tears cascade down her cheeks.

  “Lies!” I roar. “Don’t fucking lie to me anymore. How the hell could Preston forge this and why would he hit on you? You guys hate each other and he’s always known I’ve been in love with you!”

  She gets in my face and pushes my chest. “Because he wanted something you’ve always had! Always, you’ve always had me Kyle. Don’t throw me away over his jealousy. The paternity test… was it open when you got it?”


  “Why wouldn’t he change it so it benefited him? God Kyle, why don’t you believe me?”

  “Or he’s looking out for a friend.” I look at the ground and take a deep breath. “I thought I knew you, I was in love with you…”


  “Was… now I’m gonna head out and I want you guys gone before I get back.” My breath hitches at the thought of never seeing Gabe again but he’s not mine. I need to set that straight in my head no matter how much my guts disagreeing with my actions right now.

  “You’re really gonna let him ruin us and what we have?”

  “He did nothing. You did it by being a lying cunt.”

  With that I leave and walk out of the house and I think I’ll forever hear her gasp from my words. Were they a little over the top? Maybe but I just found out she lied to me and I lost a son in the process. Before I get in my car I scan the windows and find Gabe smiling and waving from his bedroom window. Tears stream down my face as I wave back, trying to place his image in my memory to look back on until the day I die.

  “You’ll always have a special place in my heart.” I whisper before jumping in my car and leaving my heart behind with every mile I drive.



  Gabe finds me crumpled up on the floor of Kyle’s kitchen. I get up because I can see I’m starting to scare him and need to be strong for him. I may have just lost the love of my life but Gabe’s losing the only father he’s ever known. A man he idolizes.

  And Kyle is his Dad no matter what some shoddy DNA test tells me.

  I know Preston’s behind this, he has to be. He hates me something fierce and he’d do anything to get back into Kyle’s good graces and back to receiving a fat paycheck.

  “Mommy… why are you crying?”

  “It’s nothing baby.” I look around and feel like a stranger who doesn’t belong. “We have to go pack our stuff and leave.”

  “What? But Dad fights soon! You promised I could go!”

  “Things change Gabe, I’m sorry but we need to go back home
.” I drag Gabe upstairs as he cries and sit him on the bed so I can pack our stuff as fast as possible. God knows how long Kyle’s giving us and I do not want to be here when he returns. He made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t want us anymore and I can’t handle much more.

  Having my heart ripped out once is enough today.

  Once I pack what I can fit in our suitcases, I call for a taxi. I call the airline and book us two tickets home while we’re waiting for our ride. I can only get one with two layovers but that’s better than staying where we’re clearly not wanted.

  I let myself wallow for a few more minutes as the phone for the front gate rings and I let the taxi in. I load our stuff in the trunk and buckle in Gabe. I look one last time at Kyle’s massive home, a place that once was full of love and is now nothing but painful memories and heartbreak.

  Getting in the taxi I let the tears flow freely again, not that I’d be able to stop them.

  “Mommy, when will Daddy be home?”

  “I don’t know baby. Maybe after his fight.” I can’t tell him yet. I just can’t.

  “Okay, I can cheer him on from home!”

  A few paps get pictures of us in the cab and I try to hide my face so they can’t tell I’m crying but I’m pretty sure at least one got the money shot.

  The shot that will no doubt be plastered all over the media tomorrow.

  A picture calling me a liar when I’m anything but.

  I take a deep breath and pray for guidance. Pray for strength to get me through this.

  Fuck Kyle Cage.

  18 hours and numerous plane rides later we’re touching down in Massachusetts. Thank god, we could not have gotten here at a better time. Between our layovers our story was all over the place.

  I was a cheating whore and Kyle’s the golden boy.

  Thank god they didn’t make any claims at Gabe’s paternity, I couldn’t handle being forced to tell him out of fear he’d hear it from someone else. My Mom called and I sobbed on the phone at the injustice as she tried to console me. I’m afraid nothing will make it better right now… if ever.

  But then on our last leg home I started getting mad. Screw him and his self-righteous attitude! He wouldn’t even listen to my explanation or accept the fact that Preston could have been behind it all. It really shows me his true colors and that he hasn’t changed. He’s still Kyle ‘Reckless’ Cage. Breaking hearts and dropping panties everywhere he turns.

  Gabe’s asked me a million questions throughout the flight and I was able to dodge most of them before he passed out on our last flight.

  I knew I didn’t fit into his world.

  A world full of fake people and assholes. People who are willing to cut anyone down without reservation to get ahead.

  Fuck Preston.

  I hope him and Kyle are happy because they deserve each other.

  “Mommy…” Gabe says groggily.

  “Hey sleepy head. We’re landing now.”

  “Can we go to Daddy’s so I can get my Batman toy?”

  “I’ll buy you another one.” I kiss his forehead and decide to stop on the way home. I’ll buy him five fucking million Batman toys to avoid Kyle’s house in town. A house I never plan on stepping foot in again. I may seem kind of bitchy right now but after being shunned by the man you love and enduring last-minute travel with multiple layovers I dare you to say you wouldn’t be thinking the same things.

  Once off the plane we find my Mom at baggage claim. She’s my godsend right now. Sometimes you just need your Mom.

  “Hey sweetie, how’re you doing?”

  “Not great.” Tears come to my eyes again.

  “Let’s get you guys home. How does that sound Gabe? I made you some cake!”


  Thank god I have this little boy.



  Fuck. This isn’t how things were supposed to happen and I need to get my head in the game. Gabe’s not mine. It keeps rolling around over and over. How could she do this to me?

  I’ve had over a day to figure this all out and I feel like I’m right where I started.



  Utterly devastated.

  I’m looking at the ground when I sense someone in front of me.

  “Ky, check yourself. I know this is a shitty situation to be going through but you have to Zen yourself out and fucking do this. You can get yourself hurt going in there distracted.”

  “I know that!” I yell. “Don’t you think I’m trying? Fuck, you don’t know what it’s like!”

  “I don’t?” Josh gives me a knowing look. “I may not have met the kid my ex claimed to be knocked up with but I grew attached to the idea. Don’t say I don’t know how you’re feeling.”

  I’m the worst kind of asshole. I completely forgot about his ex who lied about being pregnant ripping him and Ashlyn apart when they first got together. “I’m sorry, I forgot.”

  “I’d also check out the paternity situation on your own before you jump to conclusions about Sophie. We know her, she’d never do something like that. For Christ sake, she didn’t seek you out! It was a coincidence you ran into her and met Gabe.”

  “Was it?”

  “Fuck, Preston’s back for two seconds and he has you completely brainwashed. Think about the source bro. You fired him, he supposedly did it while no one was around.”

  I’ve been thinking about that. He’s right, I’ll look into it more when I’m done with this fight but the proof is there. How much more do I need? How much can my heart be ripped out of my fucking chest?

  “That’s quite enough, all you assholes can get out.” Preston walks in the room with his designer suit looking like a mob boss.

  “The fuck you say?” Zander gets up and gets in Preston’s face.

  “My client needs to get his head in the game and you guys need to leave. It’s always been me and Kyle, not you guys. I’ve got it from here.”

  They all start arguing pissing me the hell off. This is definitely not helping me get my head in the game. “I never said you were my manager again.”

  “What? After I found out what that whore did you should be begging me to come back.”

  “I’m not. You leave and my brothers stay. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you. You’ve changed Pres and I don’t need that in my life.”

  “I’ve changed?” He laughs. “That’s funny considering you’ve become a pussy. This isn’t over.” He glares at me before storming from the room.

  “Kyle, seriously. I know there’s a shit ton going on with Sophie and now Preston apparently. You need to listen to music, do something otherwise you’re just giving Gibson the upper hand.”

  I take Jay’s advice and place an ear bud that’s hanging around my neck in one ear, then do the same to the other. As I’m rolling my head on my shoulders my phone starts pumping beats through my ears. I try and soak it all in. Let Future, Migos and Post Malone seep into my bones, wash all the shit that’s happened from me. I feel the stress drain from my shoulders, my back and my neck.

  Gibson’s fucking mine.

  A short while later I’m being tapped on the shoulder. I look up at a smiling Jayden who pulls the buds from my ears and pats me on the back.

  “It’s time sunshine! Let’s go kick some ass.”

  “Fuck yeah.” When I stand up and face my brothers it hits me. How the hell did I do this all these years without them?

  “Listen guys, it means a lot to me that you’ve pushed all the years I treated you like shit to the side. Having you here is the advantage Gibson doesn’t have, I love you guys.”

  “Fuck, you’re supposed to be like a raging bull going into the ring, not Dr. Phil. Were you listening to the Jackson 5?” Jack asks.

  “Ha ha. I just had to get that outta the way. Let’s go.”

  I exit the room behind my brothers as they lead me with the rest of my team down the hall. This hall, I remember what it felt like walking through on my first
fight. I was about ready to shit my pants and my nerves completely consumed me. It was a miracle I pulled out a W for that one.

  “You know I die a little inside every time I have to hear this fucking song.” I hear Josh mumble to Z.

  “You got your song this is mine asshole.” I laugh. “It’s a good fucking song.”

  “For a gangster.”

  “Shit, I forgot my rosary!” I go to turn around but Jayden stops me.

  “I’ll grab it bro, be right back.”

  You may think I’m crazy but my Dad’s rosary beads are always ringside with me for every fight. Athletes are superstitious, what can I say?

  We’re just shy of Gibson’s dressing room when him and his team vacate in all their showboating glory. That doesn’t bother me, let him get his five seconds of fame. No, what bothers me is Preston coming out with them and shaking hands with Gibson. What the fuck is going on?

  “He’s so fucking gullible, that kid’s his clone. Thanks man, I have this thing in the bag because of you.” Gibson smiles and laughs with Preston.

  Then I’m flying down the hall seeing red. “You motherfucker!”

  Preston actually has the sense to look terrified as I barrel towards him. “Kyle, it’s not what you think…” I’m about to lay into him when I’m pulled back by two sets of strong arms.

  “Save it for the octagon and let us take care of Preston. You don’t want to lose this way.” Z says in my ear.

  He’s right but I’ll get my fucking go at him after. What the fuck? He lied about everything! Sophie went back home thinking I don’t love her and Gabe. That I could just believe something Preston said and toss her to the side. She tried to explain to me and I wouldn’t listen. FUCK!

  Some yelling pulls me from my thoughts and Preston’s body lays limp on the floor with a heaving Josh standing over him.

  “Come at my family again motherfucker. Consider your career ruined, I’ll make damn sure of it. You made enemies of the wrong family dick head.”


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